Outer-most tag for a normal (non-AJAX) HTML rendering. This is used with nested <header>, <side-panel>, and <main-panel> to form Jenkins's basic HTML layout. Title of the HTML page. Rendered into <title> tag. Deprecated: Used to disable auto refresh for a page. The feature has been removed. specify path that starts from "/" for loading additional CSS stylesheet. path is interpreted as relative to the context root. e.g., {noformat}<l:layout css="/plugin/mysuperplugin/css/myneatstyle.css">{noformat} This was originally added to allow plugins to load their stylesheets, but *the use of the attribute is discouraged now.* plugins should now do so by inserting <style> elements and/or <script> elements in <l:header/> tag. If given, this page is only made available to users who have the specified permission. (The permission will be checked against the "it" object.) If given, this page is made available to users who have one or more of the specified permissions. (The permissions will be checked against the "it" object.) Available values: two-column (by default), one-column (full-width size) or full-screen (since 2.53). ${h.advertiseHeaders(response)} ${h.checkPermission(it,permission)} ${h.checkAnyPermission(it, permissions)} ${h.appendIfNotNull(title, ' [Jenkins]', 'Jenkins')}