package excelize import ( "fmt" "path/filepath" "strconv" "testing" "time" "" ) func TestCheckCellInArea(t *testing.T) { f := NewFile() expectedTrueCellInAreaList := [][2]string{ {"c2", "A1:AAZ32"}, {"B9", "A1:B9"}, {"C2", "C2:C2"}, } for _, expectedTrueCellInArea := range expectedTrueCellInAreaList { cell := expectedTrueCellInArea[0] area := expectedTrueCellInArea[1] ok, err := f.checkCellInArea(cell, area) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Truef(t, ok, "Expected cell %v to be in area %v, got false\n", cell, area) } expectedFalseCellInAreaList := [][2]string{ {"c2", "A4:AAZ32"}, {"C4", "D6:A1"}, // weird case, but you never know {"AEF42", "BZ40:AEF41"}, } for _, expectedFalseCellInArea := range expectedFalseCellInAreaList { cell := expectedFalseCellInArea[0] area := expectedFalseCellInArea[1] ok, err := f.checkCellInArea(cell, area) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Falsef(t, ok, "Expected cell %v not to be inside of area %v, but got true\n", cell, area) } ok, err := f.checkCellInArea("A1", "A:B") assert.EqualError(t, err, `cannot convert cell "A" to coordinates: invalid cell name "A"`) assert.False(t, ok) ok, err = f.checkCellInArea("AA0", "Z0:AB1") assert.EqualError(t, err, `cannot convert cell "AA0" to coordinates: invalid cell name "AA0"`) assert.False(t, ok) } func TestSetCellFloat(t *testing.T) { sheet := "Sheet1" t.Run("with no decimal", func(t *testing.T) { f := NewFile() assert.NoError(t, f.SetCellFloat(sheet, "A1", 123.0, -1, 64)) assert.NoError(t, f.SetCellFloat(sheet, "A2", 123.0, 1, 64)) val, err := f.GetCellValue(sheet, "A1") assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, "123", val, "A1 should be 123") val, err = f.GetCellValue(sheet, "A2") assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, "123.0", val, "A2 should be 123.0") }) t.Run("with a decimal and precision limit", func(t *testing.T) { f := NewFile() assert.NoError(t, f.SetCellFloat(sheet, "A1", 123.42, 1, 64)) val, err := f.GetCellValue(sheet, "A1") assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, "123.4", val, "A1 should be 123.4") }) t.Run("with a decimal and no limit", func(t *testing.T) { f := NewFile() assert.NoError(t, f.SetCellFloat(sheet, "A1", 123.42, -1, 64)) val, err := f.GetCellValue(sheet, "A1") assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, "123.42", val, "A1 should be 123.42") }) f := NewFile() assert.EqualError(t, f.SetCellFloat(sheet, "A", 123.42, -1, 64), `cannot convert cell "A" to coordinates: invalid cell name "A"`) } func TestSetCellValue(t *testing.T) { f := NewFile() assert.EqualError(t, f.SetCellValue("Sheet1", "A", time.Now().UTC()), `cannot convert cell "A" to coordinates: invalid cell name "A"`) assert.EqualError(t, f.SetCellValue("Sheet1", "A", time.Duration(1e13)), `cannot convert cell "A" to coordinates: invalid cell name "A"`) } func TestSetCellBool(t *testing.T) { f := NewFile() assert.EqualError(t, f.SetCellBool("Sheet1", "A", true), `cannot convert cell "A" to coordinates: invalid cell name "A"`) } func TestGetCellValue(t *testing.T) { // Test get cell value without r attribute of the row. f := NewFile() delete(f.Sheet, "xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml") f.XLSX["xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml"] = []byte(`A3A4B4A7B7A8B8`) f.checked = nil cells := []string{"A3", "A4", "B4", "A7", "B7"} rows, err := f.GetRows("Sheet1") assert.Equal(t, [][]string{nil, nil, {"A3"}, {"A4", "B4"}, nil, nil, {"A7", "B7"}, {"A8", "B8"}}, rows) assert.NoError(t, err) for _, cell := range cells { value, err := f.GetCellValue("Sheet1", cell) assert.Equal(t, cell, value) assert.NoError(t, err) } } func TestGetCellFormula(t *testing.T) { // Test get cell formula on not exist worksheet. f := NewFile() _, err := f.GetCellFormula("SheetN", "A1") assert.EqualError(t, err, "sheet SheetN is not exist") // Test get cell formula on no formula cell. assert.NoError(t, f.SetCellValue("Sheet1", "A1", true)) _, err = f.GetCellFormula("Sheet1", "A1") assert.NoError(t, err) } func ExampleFile_SetCellFloat() { f := NewFile() var x = 3.14159265 if err := f.SetCellFloat("Sheet1", "A1", x, 2, 64); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } val, _ := f.GetCellValue("Sheet1", "A1") fmt.Println(val) // Output: 3.14 } func BenchmarkSetCellValue(b *testing.B) { values := []string{"First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth", "Fifth", "Sixth"} cols := []string{"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"} f := NewFile() b.ResetTimer() for i := 1; i <= b.N; i++ { for j := 0; j < len(values); j++ { if err := f.SetCellValue("Sheet1", cols[j]+strconv.Itoa(i), values[j]); err != nil { b.Error(err) } } } } func TestOverflowNumericCell(t *testing.T) { f, err := OpenFile(filepath.Join("test", "OverflowNumericCell.xlsx")) if !assert.NoError(t, err) { t.FailNow() } val, err := f.GetCellValue("Sheet1", "A1") assert.NoError(t, err) // GOARCH=amd64 - all ok; GOARCH=386 - actual: "-2147483648" assert.Equal(t, "8595602512225", val, "A1 should be 8595602512225") } func TestSetCellRichText(t *testing.T) { f := NewFile() assert.NoError(t, f.SetRowHeight("Sheet1", 1, 35)) assert.NoError(t, f.SetColWidth("Sheet1", "A", "A", 44)) richTextRun := []RichTextRun{ { Text: "blod", Font: &Font{ Bold: true, Color: "2354e8", Family: "Times New Roman", }, }, { Text: " and ", Font: &Font{ Family: "Times New Roman", }, }, { Text: "italic ", Font: &Font{ Bold: true, Color: "e83723", Italic: true, Family: "Times New Roman", }, }, { Text: "text with color and font-family,", Font: &Font{ Bold: true, Color: "2354e8", Family: "Times New Roman", }, }, { Text: "\r\nlarge text with ", Font: &Font{ Size: 14, Color: "ad23e8", }, }, { Text: "strike", Font: &Font{ Color: "e89923", Strike: true, }, }, { Text: " and ", Font: &Font{ Size: 14, Color: "ad23e8", }, }, { Text: "underline.", Font: &Font{ Color: "23e833", Underline: "single", }, }, } assert.NoError(t, f.SetCellRichText("Sheet1", "A1", richTextRun)) assert.NoError(t, f.SetCellRichText("Sheet1", "A2", richTextRun)) style, err := f.NewStyle(&Style{ Alignment: &Alignment{ WrapText: true, }, }) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.NoError(t, f.SetCellStyle("Sheet1", "A1", "A1", style)) assert.NoError(t, f.SaveAs(filepath.Join("test", "TestSetCellRichText.xlsx"))) // Test set cell rich text on not exists worksheet assert.EqualError(t, f.SetCellRichText("SheetN", "A1", richTextRun), "sheet SheetN is not exist") // Test set cell rich text with illegal cell coordinates assert.EqualError(t, f.SetCellRichText("Sheet1", "A", richTextRun), `cannot convert cell "A" to coordinates: invalid cell name "A"`) }