package excelize // Source relationship and namespace. const ( SourceRelationship = "" SourceRelationshipChart = "" SourceRelationshipImage = "" SourceRelationshipTable = "" SourceRelationshipDrawingML = "" SourceRelationshipHyperLink = "" SourceRelationshipWorkSheet = "" SourceRelationshipChart201506 = "" SourceRelationshipChart20070802 = "" SourceRelationshipChart2014 = "" SourceRelationshipCompatibility = "" NameSpaceDrawingML = "" NameSpaceDrawingMLChart = "" NameSpaceDrawingMLSpreadSheet = "" NameSpaceSpreadSheet = "" NameSpaceXML = "" ) var supportImageTypes = map[string]string{".gif": ".gif", ".jpg": ".jpeg", ".jpeg": ".jpeg", ".png": ".png"} // xlsxCNvPr directly maps the cNvPr (Non-Visual Drawing Properties). This // element specifies non-visual canvas properties. This allows for additional // information that does not affect the appearance of the picture to be stored. type xlsxCNvPr struct { ID int `xml:"id,attr"` Name string `xml:"name,attr"` Descr string `xml:"descr,attr"` Title string `xml:"title,attr,omitempty"` } // xlsxPicLocks directly maps the picLocks (Picture Locks). This element // specifies all locking properties for a graphic frame. These properties inform // the generating application about specific properties that have been // previously locked and thus should not be changed. type xlsxPicLocks struct { NoAdjustHandles bool `xml:"noAdjustHandles,attr,omitempty"` NoChangeArrowheads bool `xml:"noChangeArrowheads,attr,omitempty"` NoChangeAspect bool `xml:"noChangeAspect,attr"` NoChangeShapeType bool `xml:"noChangeShapeType,attr,omitempty"` NoCrop bool `xml:"noCrop,attr,omitempty"` NoEditPoints bool `xml:"noEditPoints,attr,omitempty"` NoGrp bool `xml:"noGrp,attr,omitempty"` NoMove bool `xml:"noMove,attr,omitempty"` NoResize bool `xml:"noResize,attr,omitempty"` NoRot bool `xml:"noRot,attr,omitempty"` NoSelect bool `xml:"noSelect,attr,omitempty"` } // xlsxBlip directly maps the blip element in the namespace // ument/relationships - This element // specifies the existence of an image (binary large image or picture) and // contains a reference to the image data. type xlsxBlip struct { Embed string `xml:"r:embed,attr"` Cstate string `xml:"cstate,attr,omitempty"` R string `xml:"xmlns:r,attr"` } // xlsxStretch directly maps the stretch element. This element specifies that a // BLIP should be stretched to fill the target rectangle. The other option is a // tile where a BLIP is tiled to fill the available area. type xlsxStretch struct { FillRect string `xml:"a:fillRect"` } // xlsxOff directly maps the colOff and rowOff element. This element is used to // specify the column offset within a cell. type xlsxOff struct { X int `xml:"x,attr"` Y int `xml:"y,attr"` } // xlsxExt directly maps the ext element. type xlsxExt struct { Cx int `xml:"cx,attr"` Cy int `xml:"cy,attr"` } // xlsxPrstGeom directly maps the prstGeom (Preset geometry). This element // specifies when a preset geometric shape should be used instead of a custom // geometric shape. The generating application should be able to render all // preset geometries enumerated in the ST_ShapeType list. type xlsxPrstGeom struct { Prst string `xml:"prst,attr"` } // xlsxXfrm directly maps the xfrm (2D Transform for Graphic Frame). This // element specifies the transform to be applied to the corresponding graphic // frame. This transformation is applied to the graphic frame just as it would // be for a shape or group shape. type xlsxXfrm struct { Off xlsxOff `xml:"a:off"` Ext xlsxExt `xml:"a:ext"` } // xlsxCNvPicPr directly maps the cNvPicPr (Non-Visual Picture Drawing // Properties). This element specifies the non-visual properties for the picture // canvas. These properties are to be used by the generating application to // determine how certain properties are to be changed for the picture object in // question. type xlsxCNvPicPr struct { PicLocks xlsxPicLocks `xml:"a:picLocks"` } // directly maps the nvPicPr (Non-Visual Properties for a Picture). This element // specifies all non-visual properties for a picture. This element is a // container for the non-visual identification properties, shape properties and // application properties that are to be associated with a picture. This allows // for additional information that does not affect the appearance of the picture // to be stored. type xlsxNvPicPr struct { CNvPr xlsxCNvPr `xml:"xdr:cNvPr"` CNvPicPr xlsxCNvPicPr `xml:"xdr:cNvPicPr"` } // xlsxBlipFill directly maps the blipFill (Picture Fill). This element // specifies the kind of picture fill that the picture object has. Because a // picture has a picture fill already by default, it is possible to have two // fills specified for a picture object. type xlsxBlipFill struct { Blip xlsxBlip `xml:"a:blip"` Stretch xlsxStretch `xml:"a:stretch"` } // xlsxSpPr directly maps the spPr (Shape Properties). This element specifies // the visual shape properties that can be applied to a picture. These are the // same properties that are allowed to describe the visual properties of a shape // but are used here to describe the visual appearance of a picture within a // document. type xlsxSpPr struct { Xfrm xlsxXfrm `xml:"a:xfrm"` PrstGeom xlsxPrstGeom `xml:"a:prstGeom"` } // xlsxPic elements encompass the definition of pictures within the DrawingML // framework. While pictures are in many ways very similar to shapes they have // specific properties that are unique in order to optimize for picture- // specific scenarios. type xlsxPic struct { NvPicPr xlsxNvPicPr `xml:"xdr:nvPicPr"` BlipFill xlsxBlipFill `xml:"xdr:blipFill"` SpPr xlsxSpPr `xml:"xdr:spPr"` } // xlsxFrom specifies the starting anchor. type xlsxFrom struct { Col int `xml:"xdr:col"` ColOff int `xml:"xdr:colOff"` Row int `xml:"xdr:row"` RowOff int `xml:"xdr:rowOff"` } // xlsxTo directly specifies the ending anchor. type xlsxTo struct { Col int `xml:"xdr:col"` ColOff int `xml:"xdr:colOff"` Row int `xml:"xdr:row"` RowOff int `xml:"xdr:rowOff"` } // xlsxClientData directly maps the clientData element. An empty element which // specifies (via attributes) certain properties related to printing and // selection of the drawing object. The fLocksWithSheet attribute (either true // or false) determines whether to disable selection when the sheet is // protected, and fPrintsWithSheet attribute (either true or false) determines // whether the object is printed when the sheet is printed. type xlsxClientData struct { FLocksWithSheet bool `xml:"fLocksWithSheet,attr"` FPrintsWithSheet bool `xml:"fPrintsWithSheet,attr"` } // xlsxCellAnchor directly maps the oneCellAnchor (One Cell Anchor Shape Size) // and twoCellAnchor (Two Cell Anchor Shape Size). This element specifies a two // cell anchor placeholder for a group, a shape, or a drawing element. It moves // with cells and its extents are in EMU units. type xlsxCellAnchor struct { EditAs string `xml:"editAs,attr,omitempty"` From *xlsxFrom `xml:"xdr:from"` To *xlsxTo `xml:"xdr:to"` Pic *xlsxPic `xml:"xdr:pic,omitempty"` GraphicFrame string `xml:",innerxml"` ClientData *xlsxClientData `xml:"xdr:clientData"` } // xlsxWsDr directly maps the root element for a part of this content type shall // wsDr. type xlsxWsDr struct { OneCellAnchor []*xlsxCellAnchor `xml:"xdr:oneCellAnchor"` TwoCellAnchor []*xlsxCellAnchor `xml:"xdr:twoCellAnchor"` Xdr string `xml:"xmlns:xdr,attr"` A string `xml:"xmlns:a,attr"` } // graphicFrame (Graphic Frame) directly maps the graphicFrame element. type graphicFrame struct { GraphicFrame *xlsxGraphicFrame `xml:"xdr:graphicFrame"` } // xlsxGraphicFrame (Graphic Frame) directly maps the xdr:graphicFrame element. // This element specifies the existence of a graphics frame. This frame contains // a graphic that was generated by an external source and needs a container in // which to be displayed on the slide surface. type xlsxGraphicFrame struct { Macro string `xml:"macro,attr"` NvGraphicFramePr xlsxNvGraphicFramePr `xml:"xdr:nvGraphicFramePr"` Xfrm xlsxXfrm `xml:"xdr:xfrm"` Graphic *xlsxGraphic `xml:"a:graphic"` } // xlsxNvGraphicFramePr (Non-Visual Properties for a Graphic Frame) directly // maps the xdr:nvGraphicFramePr element. This element specifies all non-visual // properties for a graphic frame. This element is a container for the non- // visual identification properties, shape properties and application properties // that are to be associated with a graphic frame. This allows for additional // information that does not affect the appearance of the graphic frame to be // stored. type xlsxNvGraphicFramePr struct { CNvPr *xlsxCNvPr `xml:"xdr:cNvPr"` ChicNvGraphicFramePr string `xml:"xdr:cNvGraphicFramePr"` } // xlsxGraphic (Graphic Object) directly maps the a:graphic element. This // element specifies the existence of a single graphic object. Document authors // should refer to this element when they wish to persist a graphical object of // some kind. The specification for this graphical object is provided entirely // by the document author and referenced within the graphicData child element. type xlsxGraphic struct { GraphicData *xlsxGraphicData `xml:"a:graphicData"` } // xlsxGraphicData (Graphic Object Data) directly maps the a:graphicData // element. This element specifies the reference to a graphic object within the // document. This graphic object is provided entirely by the document authors // who choose to persist this data within the document. type xlsxGraphicData struct { URI string `xml:"uri,attr"` Chart *xlsxChart `xml:"c:chart,omitempty"` } // xlsxChart (Chart) directly maps the c:chart element. type xlsxChart struct { C string `xml:"xmlns:c,attr"` RID string `xml:"r:id,attr"` R string `xml:"xmlns:r,attr"` } // encodeWsDr directly maps the element xdr:wsDr. type encodeWsDr struct { WsDr xlsxWsDr `xml:"xdr:wsDr"` } // formatPicture directly maps the format settings of the picture. type formatPicture struct { FPrintsWithSheet bool `json:"print_obj"` FLocksWithSheet bool `json:"locked"` NoChangeAspect bool `json:"lock_aspect_ratio"` OffsetX int `json:"x_offset"` OffsetY int `json:"y_offset"` XScale float64 `json:"x_scale"` YScale float64 `json:"y_scale"` }