[toc] ## release note - for convenient,I tag the version of the project (mainly on the client ) with data time - the time(version) was create by powershell : - ```powershell Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd@HH:mm:ss" ``` - copy to clipbord automatically ```bash Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd@HH:mm:ss"|scb ``` ### versions with time - 2023-04-25@21:35:50 - new: - update the layout of the client - use the table element to show "test_score","train_score" and "predict_proba" if it is usable - update the file viwer part function and operation logic with more flexibility. - kwon problems: - with the display or not display the predict_proba layout,the left column may need to resize the window to make the last part of view to visible! - 2023-04-27@22:04:52 - "update the client layout with more available parameters cross-validation(`kfold`/`shufflesplit`/`StratifiedShuffleSplit`) - support the `n_splits` as a slider element for use to adjust th - update the `confusion matrix table`show button - 2023-04-28@11:27:17 - "update the make_window function in the ccser_client main file with more clear modular extraction" - 2023