function updateRangeInput(elem) { jQuery(elem).next().val(jQuery(elem).val()); } function updateInputRange(elem) { jQuery(elem).prev().val(jQuery(elem).val()); } if (typeof throttle !== "function") { // Source: function throttle(callback, limit, callingEvent) { var wait = false; return function () { if (wait && jQuery(window).scrollTop() > 0) { return; }, callingEvent); wait = true; setTimeout(function () { wait = false; }, limit); }; } } // jQuery.fn.findExclude = function (selector, mask, result) { result = typeof result !== 'undefined' ? result : new jQuery(); this.children().each(function () { var thisObject = jQuery(this); if ( result.push(this); if (! thisObject.findExclude(selector, mask, result); }); return result; } /** * Get url parameter in jQuery * @link */ ; (function ($, window, document, undefined) { $.urlParam = function (name) { var results = new RegExp('[\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)').exec(window.location.href); if (results == null) { return null; } else { return decodeURI(results[1]) || 0; } }; })(jQuery, window, document); /** * Plugin to handle dependencies * * @link * * CodeStar Framework * The code for process dependencies from data attribute * * @link */ ; (function ($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; /** * Dependency System * * Codestar Framework */ $.fn.exopiteSofManageDependencies = function (param) { return this.each(function () { var base = this, $this = $(this); base.init = function () { base.ruleset = $.deps.createRuleset(); base.param = (param !== undefined) ? base.param = param + '-' : ''; var cfg = { show: function (el) { el.removeClass('hidden'); }, hide: function (el) { el.addClass('hidden'); }, log: false, checkTargets: false }; base.dep(); $.deps.enable($this, base.ruleset, cfg); }; base.dep = function () { $this.each(function () { $(this).find('[data-' + base.param + 'controller]').each(function () { var $this = $(this), _controller = $ + 'controller').split('|'), _condition = $ + 'condition').split('|'), _value = $ + 'value').toString().split('|'), _rules = base.ruleset; $.each(_controller, function (index, element) { var value = _value[index] || '', condition = _condition[index] || _condition[0]; _rules = _rules.createRule('[data-' + base.param + 'depend-id="' + element + '"]', condition, value); _rules.include($this); }); }); }); }; base.init(); }); }; })(jQuery, window, document); /** * Exopite SOF Save Options with AJAX */ ; (function ($, window, document, undefined) { var pluginName = "exopiteSaveOptionsAJAX"; // The actual plugin constructor function Plugin(element, options) { this.element = element; this._name = pluginName; this.$element = $(element); this.init(); } Plugin.prototype = { init: function () { this.bindEvents(); }, // Bind events that trigger methods bindEvents: function () { var plugin = this; plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-form-js').on('submit' + '.' + plugin._name, function (event) {, event); }); /** * Save on CRTL+S * @link */ $(window).on('keydown' + '.' + plugin._name, function (event) { if (plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-form-js').length) { if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) { switch (String.fromCharCode(event.which).toLowerCase()) { case 's': event.preventDefault(); var $form = plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-form-js');$form, event); break; } } } }); $(window).on('scroll' + '.' + plugin._name, throttle(plugin.checkFixed, 100, '')); }, // Unbind events that trigger methods unbindEvents: function () { this.$'.' + this._name); }, checkFixed: function () { var footerWidth = $('.exopite-sof-form-js').outerWidth(); var bottom = 0; if (($(window).scrollTop() > ($('.exopite-sof-header-js').position().top + $('.exopite-sof-header-js').outerHeight(true))) && ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() < $(document).height() - 100)) { bottom = '0'; } else { bottom = '-' + $('.exopite-sof-footer-js').outerHeight() + 'px'; } $('.exopite-sof-footer-js').outerWidth(footerWidth); $('.exopite-sof-footer-js').css({ bottom: bottom, }); }, /** * * * * * * */ submitOptions: function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var saveButtonString = $(this).data('save'); var savedButtonString = $(this).data('saved'); var $submitButtons = $(this).find('.exopite-sof-submit-button-js'); var currentButtonString = $submitButtons.val(); var $ajaxMessage = $(this).find('.exopite-sof-ajax-message'); $submitButtons.val(saveButtonString).attr('disabled', true); if (typeof tinyMCE != 'undefined') { tinyMCE.triggerSave(); } var formElement = $(this)[0]; var formData = new FormData(formElement); var formName = $('.exopite-sof-form-js').attr('name'); /** * 2.) Via ajaxSubmit */ var $that = $(this); $(this).ajaxSubmit({ beforeSubmit: function(arr, $form, options) { // The array of form data takes the following form: // [ { name: 'username', value: 'jresig' }, { name: 'password', value: 'secret' } ] // $that.find('[name]').not(':disabled').each(function (index, el) { if ($(el).prop('nodeName') == 'INPUT' && $(el).attr('type') == 'checkbox' && !$(el).is(":checked") && !$(el).attr('name').endsWith('[]')) { // not checked checkbox var element = { "name": $(el).attr('name'), "value": "no", "type": "checkbox", // "required":false }; arr.push(element); } if ($(el).prop('nodeName') == 'SELECT' && $(el).val() == null) { // multiselect is empty var element = { "name": $(el).attr('name'), "value": "", "type": "select", // "required":false }; arr.push(element); } }); // return false to cancel submit }, success: function () { $submitButtons.val(currentButtonString).attr('disabled', false); $ajaxMessage.html(savedButtonString).addClass('success show'); $submitButtons.blur(); setTimeout(function () { // $ajaxMessage.fadeOut( 400 ); $ajaxMessage.removeClass('show'); }, 3000); }, error: function (data) { $submitButtons.val(currentButtonString).attr('disabled', false); $ajaxMessage.html('Error! See console!').addClass('error show'); }, }); return false; } }; $.fn[pluginName] = function (options) { return this.each(function () { if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName)) { $.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new Plugin(this, options)); } }); }; })(jQuery, window, document); /** * Exopite SOF Media Uploader */ ; (function ($, window, document, undefined) { var pluginName = "exopiteMediaUploader"; // The actual plugin constructor function Plugin(element, options) { this.element = element; this._name = pluginName; this.$element = $(element); this._defaults = $.fn.exopiteMediaUploader.defaults; this.options = $.extend({}, this._defaults, options); this.init(); } Plugin.prototype = { init: function () { this.bindEvents(); }, // Bind events that trigger methods bindEvents: function () { var plugin = this; plugin.$element.find('.button').on('click' + '.' + plugin._name, function (event) { // this refer to the "[plugin-selector] .button" element, event, plugin); }); if (plugin.options.remove !== undefined && plugin.options.input !== undefined && plugin.options.preview !== undefined) { plugin.$element.find(plugin.options.remove).on('click' + '.' + plugin._name, function (event) { // this refer to the "[plugin-selector] .button" element, event, plugin); }); } }, openMediaUploader: function (event, plugin) { event.preventDefault(); /* * Open WordPress Media Uploader * * @link */ var button = $(this), parent = button.closest('.exopite-sof-media'), isVideo = parent.hasClass('exopite-sof-video'), mediaType = (isVideo) ? 'video' : 'image', custom_uploader ={ title: 'Insert image', library: { // uncomment the next line if you want to attach image to the current post // uploadedTo :, type: mediaType }, button: { text: 'Use this image' // button label text }, multiple: false // for multiple image selection set to true }).on('select', function () { // it also has "open" and "close" events var attachment = custom_uploader.state().get('selection').first().toJSON(); if (plugin.options.input !== undefined) { parent.find(plugin.options.input).val(attachment.url); } if (!isVideo && plugin.options.preview !== undefined) { parent.find(plugin.options.preview).removeClass('hidden'); parent.find('img').attr({ 'src': attachment.url }); } if (isVideo) { parent.find('video').attr({ 'src': attachment.url }); } // $(button).removeClass('button').html('').next().val(; /* if you sen multiple to true, here is some code for getting the image IDs var attachments = frame.state().get('selection'), attachment_ids = new Array(), i = 0; attachments.each(function(attachment) { attachment_ids[i] = attachment['id']; console.log( attachment ); i++; }); */ }) .open(); }, removePreview: function (event, plugin) { var parent = plugin.$element; var previewWrapper = parent.find(plugin.options.preview); var previewImg = parent.find('img'); if (previewWrapper.css('display') !== 'none' && previewImg.css('display') !== 'none' ) { previewWrapper.addClass('hidden'); previewImg.attr({ 'src': '' }); } parent.find(plugin.options.input).val(''); } }; $.fn[pluginName] = function (options) { return this.each(function () { if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName)) { $.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new Plugin(this, options)); } }); }; })(jQuery, window, document); /** * Exopite SOF Options Navigation */ ; (function ($, window, document, undefined) { /** * A jQuery Plugin Boilerplate * * * */ var pluginName = "exopiteOptionsNavigation"; // The actual plugin constructor function Plugin(element, options) { this.element = element; this._name = pluginName; this.$element = $(element); this.init(); } Plugin.prototype = { init: function () { this.bindEvents(); }, // Bind events that trigger methods bindEvents: function () { var plugin = this;; plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-nav-list-item').on('click' + '.' + plugin._name, function () {, $(this)); }); plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-nav-list-parent-item > .exopite-sof-nav-list-item-title').on('click' + '.' + plugin._name, function () {, $(this)); }); }, // Unbind events that trigger methods unbindEvents: function () { this.$'.' + this._name); }, toggleSubMenu: function (button) { // var $parent = button; var $parent = button.parents('.exopite-sof-nav-list-parent-item'); $parent.toggleClass('active').find('ul').slideToggle(200); }, changeTab: function (button) { if (!button.hasClass('active')) { var section = '.exopite-sof-section-' +'section'); this.$element.find('').removeClass('active'); button.addClass('active'); this.$element.find('.exopite-sof-section').addClass('hide'); this.$element.find(section).removeClass('hide'); } }, onLoad: function () { var plugin = this; /** * "Sanitize" URL * @link */ var URLSection = encodeURIComponent($.urlParam('section')); // If section not exist, then return if (!plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-section-' + URLSection).length) return false; var navList = plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-nav-list-item'); plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-section').addClass('hide'); plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-section-' + URLSection).removeClass('hide'); navList.removeClass('active'); navList.each(function (index, el) { var section = $(el).data('section'); if (section == URLSection) { $(el).addClass('active'); } }); }, }; $.fn[pluginName] = function (options) { return this.each(function () { if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName)) { $.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new Plugin(this, options)); } }); }; })(jQuery, window, document); /** * Exopite SOF Handle TinyMCE */ ; (function ($, window, document, undefined) { var pluginName = "exopiteSOFTinyMCE"; // The actual plugin constructor function Plugin(element, options) { if (typeof tinyMCE == 'undefined') return; this.element = element; this._name = pluginName; this.$element = $(element); this.init(); } Plugin.prototype = { init: function () { var plugin = this; tinyMCE.init({ theme: 'modern', plugins: "charmap,colorpicker,hr,lists,media,paste,tabfocus,textcolor,fullscreen,wordpress,wpautoresize,wpeditimage,wpemoji,wpgallery,wplink,wpdialogs,wptextpattern,wpview", quicktags: true, tinymce: true, branding: false, media_buttons: true, }); plugin.initTinyMCE(); plugin.$element.on('exopite-sof-accordion-sortstart', function (event, $sortable) { $sortable.find('.tinymce-js').not(':disabled').each(function () { tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveEditor', false, $(this).attr('id')); }); }); plugin.$element.on('exopite-sof-accordion-sortstop', function (event, $sortable) { $sortable.find('.tinymce-js').not(':disabled').each(function () { tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddEditor', true, $(this).attr('id')); }); }); var $group = plugin.$element.parents('.exopite-sof-field-group'); plugin.$element.on('exopite-sof-field-group-item-inserted-after', function (event, $cloned) { $cloned.find('.tinymce-js').each(function (index, el) { var nextEditorID = plugin.musterID + (parseInt($group.find('.tinymce-js').not(':disabled').length) - 1); $(el).attr('id', nextEditorID); tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddEditor', true, nextEditorID); }); }); plugin.$element.on('exopite-sof-field-group-item-cloned-after', function (event, $cloned) { $cloned.find('.tinymce-js').each(function (index, el) { var nextEditorID = plugin.musterID + (parseInt($group.find('.tinymce-js').not(':disabled').length) - 1); $(el).attr('id', nextEditorID); $(el).show(); $(el).prev('.mce-tinymce').remove(); tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddEditor', true, nextEditorID); }); }); }, initTinyMCE: function () { var plugin = this; plugin.musterID = plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-cloneable__muster .tinymce-js').first().attr('id') + '-'; plugin.$element.find('.tinymce-js').not(':disabled').each(function (index, el) { $(this).attr('id', plugin.musterID + index); var fullId = $(this).attr('id'); tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddEditor', true, fullId); }); }, }; $.fn[pluginName] = function (options) { return this.each(function () { if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName)) { $.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new Plugin(this, options)); } }); }; })(jQuery, window, document); /** * Exopite SOF Font Field Preview */ ; (function ($, window, document, undefined) { var pluginName = "exopiteFontPreview"; // The actual plugin constructor function Plugin(element, options) { this.element = element; this._name = pluginName; this.$element = $(element); this.$nav = this.$element.find('.exopite-sof-nav'); this.init(); } Plugin.prototype = { init: function () { var plugin = this; var $sizeHeightWrapper = this.$element.children('.exopite-sof-typography-size-height'); var $colorWrapper = this.$element.children('.exopite-sof-typography-color'); plugin.preview = this.$element.children('.exopite-sof-font-preview'); plugin.fontColor = $colorWrapper.find('.font-color-js').first(); plugin.fontSize = $sizeHeightWrapper.children('span').children('.font-size-js'); plugin.lineHeight = $sizeHeightWrapper.children('span').children('.line-height-js'); // plugin.lineHeight = this.$element.find( '.line-height-js' ); plugin.fontFamily = this.$element.children('.exopite-sof-typography-family').children('.exopite-sof-typo-family'); plugin.fontWeight = this.$element.children('.exopite-sof-typography-variant').children('.exopite-sof-typo-variant'); // Set current values to preview this.loadGoogleFont(); this.updatePreview(); this.setColorOnStart(); this.bindEvents(); }, // Bind events that trigger methods bindEvents: function () { var plugin = this; plugin.$element.on('change' + '.' + plugin._name, '.font-size-js, .line-height-js, .font-color-js, .exopite-sof-typo-variant', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); plugin.updatePreview(); }); plugin.$element.on('change' + '.' + plugin._name, '.exopite-sof-typo-family', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); plugin.loadGoogleFont(); }); }, // Unbind events that trigger methods unbindEvents: function () { this.$'.' + this._name); }, // Remove plugin instance completely destroy: function() { this.unbindEvents(); this.$element.removeData('plugin_' + this._name); // this.element.removeData(); this.element = null; this.$element = null; }, setColorOnStart: function() { var plugin = this; var color = plugin.fontColor.val(); plugin.preview.css({ 'color': color }); }, updatePreview: function () { var plugin = this; var fontWeightStyle = plugin.calculateFontWeight(plugin.fontWeight.find(':selected').text()); // Update preiew plugin.preview.css({ 'font-size': plugin.fontSize.val() + 'px', 'line-height': plugin.lineHeight.val() + 'px', 'font-weight': fontWeightStyle.fontWeightValue, 'font-style': fontWeightStyle.fontStyleValue }); }, updateVariants: function (variants) { var plugin = this; var variantsArray = variants.split('|'); var selected = plugin.fontWeight.children('option:selected').val(); plugin.fontWeight.empty(); $.each(variantsArray, function (key, value) { var $option = $("").attr("value", value).text(value); plugin.fontWeight.append($option); if (value == selected) { $option.attr('selected', 'selected'); } }); plugin.fontWeight.trigger("chosen:updated"); }, loadGoogleFont: function () { var plugin = this; var variants = plugin.fontFamily.find(":selected").data('variants'); plugin.updateVariants(variants); var font = plugin.fontFamily.val(); if (!font) return; var href = '//' + font + ':' + variants.replace(/\|/g, ','); var parentName = plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-font-field-js').data('id'); var html = ''; if ($('.cs-font-preview-' + parentName).length > 0) { $('.cs-font-preview-' + parentName).attr('href', href).load(); } else { $('head').append(html).load(); } // Update preiew plugin.preview.css('font-family', font).css('font-weight', '400'); }, calculateFontWeight: function (fontWeight) { var fontWeightValue = '400'; var fontStyleValue = 'normal'; switch (fontWeight) { case '100': fontWeightValue = '100'; break; case '100italic': fontWeightValue = '100'; fontStyleValue = 'italic'; break; case '300': fontWeightValue = '300'; break; case '300italic': fontWeightValue = '300'; fontStyleValue = 'italic'; break; case '500': fontWeightValue = '500'; break; case '500italic': fontWeightValue = '500'; fontStyleValue = 'italic'; break; case '700': fontWeightValue = '700'; break; case '700italic': fontWeightValue = '700'; fontStyleValue = 'italic'; break; case '900': fontWeightValue = '900'; break; case '900italic': fontWeightValue = '900'; fontStyleValue = 'italic'; break; case 'italic': fontStyleValue = 'italic'; break; } return { fontWeightValue, fontStyleValue }; }, }; $.fn[pluginName] = function (options) { return this.each(function () { if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName)) { $.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new Plugin(this, options)); } }); }; })(jQuery, window, document); /** * Exopite SOF Repeater */ ; (function ($, window, document, undefined) { /** * A jQuery Plugin Boilerplate * * * */ var pluginName = "exopiteSOFRepeater"; // The actual plugin constructor function Plugin(element, options) { this.element = element; this._name = pluginName; this.$element = $(element); this.$sortableWrapper = this.$element.children('.exopite-sof-cloneable__wrapper'); this.$container = $(element).children('.exopite-sof-accordion__wrapper').first(); this.sortable = null; this.init(); } Plugin.prototype = { init: function () { this.isSortable = (this.$'is-sortable')); this.bindEvents(); this.updateTitle(); this.setMusterDisabled(); this.sortableInit(); /** * Access other plugin functions and variables */ // this.$'plugin_exopiteSOFAccordion').showYorself('test') // console.log('options: ' + JSON.stringify(this.$'plugin_exopiteSOFAccordion').sortableOptions)); }, sortableInit: function() { if (this.isSortable) { // sortable('.exopite-sof-cloneable__wrapper', { handle: '.exopite-sof-cloneable__title', }); } }, // Bind events that trigger methods bindEvents: function () { var plugin = this; // Predefinied plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-cloneable--add').off().on('click' + '.' + plugin._name, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if ($(this).is(":disabled")) return;, $(this)); }); // Dynamically added plugin.$element.on('click' + '.' + plugin._name, '.exopite-sof-cloneable--remove:not(.disabled)', function (e) { if ( != this) return false; e.preventDefault(); plugin.remove($(this)); }); plugin.$element.on('click' + '.' + plugin._name, '.exopite-sof-cloneable--clone:not(.disabled)', function (e) { // Match only on clicked element if ( != this) return false; e.preventDefault(); // Stop event bubbling e.stopPropagation(); plugin.addNew($(this)); }); plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-cloneable__item').on('input change blur', '[data-title=title]', function (event) { plugin.updateTitleElement($(this)); }); /** * Need to "reorder" name elements for metabox, * so it is saved in the order of displayed. */ // Call function if sorting is stopped plugin.$container.on('sortstart' + '.' + plugin._name, function () { plugin.$element.trigger('exopite-sof-accordion-sortstart', [plugin.$container]); }); plugin.$container.on('sortstop' + '.' + plugin._name, function (event, ui) { event.stopPropagation(); plugin.updateName($(this)); }); }, // Unbind events that trigger methods unbindEvents: function () { this.$'.' + this._name); }, updateName: function( $element ) { var plugin = this; var text = $element.closest('.exopite-sof-group').children('.exopite-sof-cloneable--add').text(); var $wrapper = $element.closest('.exopite-sof-cloneable__wrapper'); var wrapperName = $wrapper.attr('data-name'); var baseName = wrapperName.replace(/\[REPLACEME\]$/, ''); var baseNameRegex = plugin.escapeRegExp(baseName); var regexGroupName = new RegExp(baseNameRegex + "\\[(.*?)\\]", "i"); $wrapper.findExclude('.exopite-sof-cloneable__item', '.exopite-sof-group').each(function(index, el){ /** * Update data-name for muster element (set parent indexes for cloning) */ $(el).find('[data-name^="' + baseName + '"]').each(function(indexName, elDataName){ var elementName = $(elDataName).attr('data-name'); var relpacedName = elementName.replace(regexGroupName, function ($0, $1) { // options[en][group][0][field][] return baseName + '[' + index + ']'; }); $(elDataName).attr('data-name', relpacedName); }); /** * Update element names (only this parent index) from current level to the last level */ $(el).find('[name^="' + baseName + '"]').each(function(indexName, elName){ var elementName = $(elName).attr('name'); var relpacedName = elementName.replace(regexGroupName, function ($0, $1) { // options[en][group][0][field][] return baseName + '[' + index + ']'; }); $(elName).attr('name', relpacedName); }); }); }, remove: function ($button) { $wrapper = $button.closest('.exopite-sof-cloneable__wrapper'); $button.closest('.exopite-sof-cloneable__item').remove(); this.updateName($wrapper); this.checkAmount($wrapper); $button.trigger('exopite-sof-field-group-item-removed'); }, checkAmount: function ($wrapper) { var numItems = $wrapper.children('.exopite-sof-cloneable__item').length; var maxItems = $'limit'); if (typeof maxItems !== 'undefined') { return numItems; } /** * Fixme: * - This apply to all child, wrong! */ if (maxItems <= numItems) { this.$element.find('.exopite-sof-cloneable--add').attr("disabled", true); return false; } else { this.$element.find('.exopite-sof-cloneable--add').attr("disabled", false); return numItems; } }, setMusterDisabled: function () { /** * Mainly for nested elements (in our case: tab) * This will prevent dinamically added muster elements to save. */ this.$element.find('.exopite-sof-cloneable__muster').find('[name]').prop('disabled', true).addClass('disabled'); }, updateTitleElement: function ($element) { var $item = $element.closest('.exopite-sof-cloneable__item'); var title = $item.find('[data-title=title]').first().val(); $item.children('.exopite-sof-cloneable__title').children('.exopite-sof-cloneable__text').text(title); $item.trigger('exopite-sof-field-group-item-title-updated'); }, updateTitle: function () { this.$element.find('.exopite-sof-cloneable__wrapper').find('.exopite-sof-cloneable__item').find('[data-title=title]').each(function (index, el) { var title = $(el).val(); if (title) { $(el).closest('.exopite-sof-cloneable__item').children('.exopite-sof-cloneable__title').children('.exopite-sof-cloneable__text').text(title); } $(el).trigger('exopite-sof-field-group-item-title-updated'); }); }, escapeRegExp: function (stringToGoIntoTheRegex) { // return stringToGoIntoTheRegex.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'); }, removeIfNested: function(index) { // this is the corrent DOM element var $this = $(this), return_value = false; $.each($this.attr('class').split(/\s+/), function(index) { if ($this.parents("." + this).length > 0) { return_value = default_value || true; } }); return return_value; }, addNew: function ($element) { var plugin = this; var $group = $element.closest('.exopite-sof-group'); if ($.fn.chosen) $group.find("select.chosen").chosen("destroy"); var is_cloned = false; var $cloned = null; // Decide which element need to clone: the clicked or the muster? if ($element.hasClass('exopite-sof-cloneable--clone')) { $cloned = $element.parent().parent().parent('.exopite-sof-cloneable__item').clone(true); is_cloned = true; } else { var $muster = $element.parent().children('.exopite-sof-cloneable__muster'); $cloned = $muster.clone(true); } /** * Get hidden "muster" element and clone it. Remove hidden muster classes. * Add trigger before and after (for various programs, like TinyMCE, Trumbowyg, etc...) * Finaly append to group. */ $cloned.find('.exopite-sof-cloneable--remove').removeClass('disabled'); $cloned.find('.exopite-sof-cloneable--clone').removeClass('disabled'); $cloned.removeClass('exopite-sof-cloneable__muster'); $cloned.removeClass('exopite-sof-cloneable__muster--hidden'); $cloned.removeClass('exopite-sof-accordion--hidden'); $cloned.findExclude('[disabled]', '.exopite-sof-cloneable__muster').attr('disabled', false).removeClass('disabled');; plugin.$element.trigger('exopite-sof-field-group-item-added-before', [$cloned, $group]); if (is_cloned) { // Remove font preview plugin $cloned.find('.exopite-sof-font-field').unbind().removeData('plugin_exopiteFontPreview'); if ($.fn.chosen) $cloned.find('select.chosen').unbind().removeData().next().remove(); // Insert after clicked element $cloned.insertAfter($element.closest('.exopite-sof-cloneable__item')); $wrapper = $element.closest('.exopite-sof-cloneable__wrapper'); } else { // Insert after all elements $group.children('.exopite-sof-cloneable__wrapper').first().append($cloned); $wrapper = $element.closest('.exopite-sof-group').children('.exopite-sof-cloneable__wrapper'); } var numItem = plugin.checkAmount($wrapper); if (! numItem) { return; } plugin.setMusterDisabled(); plugin.updateName($wrapper); if ($.fn.chosen) $group.find("select.chosen").chosen({ width: "375px" }); // If has date picker, initilize it. $cloned.find('.datepicker').each(function (index, el) { var dateFormat = $(el).data('format'); $(el).removeClass('hasDatepicker').datepicker({ 'dateFormat': dateFormat }); }); plugin.sortableInit(); // Handle dependencies. $cloned.exopiteSofManageDependencies('sub'); $cloned.find('.exopite-sof-cloneable__content').removeAttr("style").show(); $cloned.find('.exopite-sof-font-field').each(function(index,el){ if (!$(el).children('label').children('select').is(":disabled")) { $(el).exopiteFontPreview(); } }); sortable('.exopite-sof-gallery', { forcePlaceholderSize: true, }); plugin.$element.trigger('exopite-sof-field-group-item-added-after', [$cloned, $group]); if (is_cloned) { plugin.$element.trigger('exopite-sof-field-group-item-cloned-after', [$cloned, $group]); } else { plugin.$element.trigger('exopite-sof-field-group-item-inserted-after', [$cloned, $group]); } }, }; $.fn[pluginName] = function (options) { return this.each(function () { if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName)) { $.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new Plugin(this, options)); } }); }; })(jQuery, window, document); /** * Exopite SOF Accordion */ ; (function ($, window, document, undefined) { var pluginName = "exopiteSOFAccordion"; // The actual plugin constructor function Plugin(element, options) { this.element = element; this._name = pluginName; this.$element = $(element); this.$container = $(element).children('.exopite-sof-accordion__wrapper').first(); this.allOpen = (this.$'all-open') || typeof this.$'all-open') == 'undefined'); this.init(); } Plugin.prototype = { init: function () { this.bindEvents(); }, // showYorself: function(somevar){ // console.log('Yeah baby it is me: ' + somevar); // }, // Bind events that trigger methods bindEvents: function () { var plugin = this; plugin.$'click' + '.' + plugin._name, '.exopite-sof-accordion__title', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!$('exopite-sof-cloneable--clone') && !$(this).closest('.exopite-sof-accordion__wrapper').hasClass('exopite-sof-group-compact')) {, $(this)); } }); }, // Unbind events that trigger methods unbindEvents: function () { this.$'.' + this._name); }, slideUp: function ($element) { $element.children('.exopite-sof-accordion__content').slideUp(350, function () { $element.addClass('exopite-sof-accordion--hidden'); }); }, slideDown: function ($element) { $element.children('.exopite-sof-accordion__content').slideDown(350, function () { $element.removeClass('exopite-sof-accordion--hidden'); }); }, toggleAccordion: function ($header) { var plugin = this; var $this = $header.parent('.exopite-sof-accordion__item'); /** * This is for the accordion field. */ if (!this.allOpen) { this.$container.findExclude('.exopite-sof-accordion__item', '.exopite-sof-accordion').each(function (index, el) { if ($(el).is($this)) { plugin.slideDown($this); } else { plugin.slideUp($(el)); } }); } else { if ($this.hasClass('exopite-sof-accordion--hidden')) { plugin.slideDown($this); } else { plugin.slideUp($this); } } }, }; $.fn[pluginName] = function (options) { return this.each(function () { if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName)) { $.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new Plugin(this, options)); } }); }; })(jQuery, window, document); /** * Exopite SOF Search In Options */ ; (function ($, window, document, undefined) { var pluginName = "exopiteSofSearch"; // The actual plugin constructor function Plugin(element, options) { this.element = element; this._name = pluginName; this.$element = $(element); this.$nav = this.$element.find('.exopite-sof-nav'); this.init(); } Plugin.prototype = { init: function () { $.expr[':'].containsIgnoreCase = function (n, i, m) { return jQuery(n).text().toUpperCase().indexOf(m[3].toUpperCase()) >= 0; }; this.bindEvents(); }, // Bind events that trigger methods bindEvents: function () { var plugin = this; plugin.$element.on('keyup' + '.' + plugin._name, '.exopite-sof-search', function (e) { e.preventDefault();, $(this)); }); plugin.$element.on('click' + '.' + plugin._name, '.exopite-sof-section-header', function (e) { e.preventDefault();, $(this)); }); plugin.$element.on('click' + '.' + plugin._name, '', function (e) { e.preventDefault();, $(this)); }); }, // Unbind events that trigger methods unbindEvents: function () { this.$'.' + this._name); }, clearSearch: function ($clickedElement) { var plugin = this; plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-search').val('').blur(); plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-nav').removeClass('search'); plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-section-header').hide(); plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-field h4').closest('.exopite-sof-field').not('.hidden').removeAttr('style'); plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-field-card').removeAttr('style'); var activeElement = plugin.$nav.find("ul").data('section'); plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-sections .exopite-sof-section-' + activeElement).removeClass('hide'); }, activateSection: function (activeElement) { var plugin = this; if (plugin.$nav.length > 0) { plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-section-header').hide(); var $activeElement = plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-nav li[data-section="' + activeElement + '"]'); $activeElement.addClass('active'); if ( $activeElement.parents('.exopite-sof-nav-list-parent-item').length > 0 && ! $activeElement.parents('.exopite-sof-nav-list-parent-item').hasClass('active') ) { $activeElement.parents('.exopite-sof-nav-list-parent-item').addClass('active').find('ul').slideToggle(200);; } plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-nav').removeClass('search'); } plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-sections .exopite-sof-section').addClass('hide'); plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-sections .exopite-sof-section-' + activeElement).removeClass('hide'); plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-field h4').closest('.exopite-sof-field').not('.hidden').removeAttr('style'); plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-field-card').removeAttr('style'); }, selectSection: function ($sectionHeader) { var plugin = this; plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-search').val('').blur(); var activeElement = $'section'); plugin.activateSection(activeElement); }, doSearch: function ($searchField) { var plugin = this; var searchValue = $searchField.val(); var activeElement = this.$nav.find("ul").data('section'); if (typeof this.$'section') === 'undefined') { this.$'section', activeElement); } if (searchValue) { if (this.$nav.length > 0) { this.$element.find('.exopite-sof-nav-list-item').removeClass('active'); this.$element.find('.exopite-sof-nav').addClass('search'); } this.$element.find('.exopite-sof-section-header').show(); this.$element.find('.exopite-sof-section').removeClass('hide'); this.$element.find('.exopite-sof-field h4').closest('.exopite-sof-field').not('.hidden').hide(); this.$element.find('.exopite-sof-field-card').hide(); this.$element.find('.exopite-sof-field h4:containsIgnoreCase(' + searchValue + ')').closest('.exopite-sof-field').not('.hidden').show(); } else { activeElement = this.$'section'); this.$element.removeData('section'); plugin.activateSection(activeElement); } }, }; $.fn[pluginName] = function (options) { return this.each(function () { if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName)) { $.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new Plugin(this, options)); } }); }; })(jQuery, window, document); /** * Exopite SOF Import/Export Options with AJAX */ ; (function ($, window, document, undefined) { var pluginName = "exopiteImportExportAJAX"; // The actual plugin constructor function Plugin(element, options) { this.element = element; this._name = pluginName; this.$element = $(element); this.init(); } Plugin.prototype = { init: function () { this.bindEvents(); }, // Bind events that trigger methods bindEvents: function () { var plugin = this; plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-import-js').off().on('click' + '.' + plugin._name, function (event) { event.preventDefault(); if ($(this).hasClass('loading')) return; swal({ // title: "Are you sure?", text: $(this).data('confirm'), icon: "warning", buttons: true, dangerMode: true, }).then((willImport) => { if (willImport) { $(this).addClass('loading'); $(this).prop("disabled", true); this.disabled = true;, event, plugin); } }); // if ( confirm( $( this ).data( 'confirm' ) ) ) { // this, event, plugin ); // } }); plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof-reset-js').off().on('click' + '.' + plugin._name, function (event) { event.preventDefault(); swal({ // title: "Are you sure?", text: $(this).data('confirm'), icon: "warning", buttons: true, dangerMode: true, }).then((willDelete) => { if (willDelete) { $(this).addClass('loading'); $(this).prop("disabled", true);, event, plugin); } }); }); }, // Unbind events that trigger methods unbindEvents: function () { this.$'.' + this._name); }, importOptions: function (event, plugin) { var AJAXData = plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof--data'); $.ajax({ url:'admin'), type: 'post', data: { action: 'exopite-sof-import-options', unique:'unique'), value: plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof__import').val(), wpnonce:'wpnonce') }, success: function (response) { if (response == 'success') { plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof__import').val(''); swal({ icon: "success", }); location.reload(); } }, error: function (xhr, status, error) { console.log('Status: ' + xhr.status); console.log('Error: ' + xhr.responseText); swal("Error!", "Check console for more info!", "error"); } }); return false; }, resetOptions: function (event, plugin) { var AJAXData = plugin.$element.find('.exopite-sof--data'); $.ajax({ url:'admin'), type: 'post', data: { action: 'exopite-sof-reset-options', unique:'unique'), wpnonce:'wpnonce') }, success: function (response) { if (response == 'success') { swal({ icon: "success", }); location.reload(); } }, error: function (xhr, status, error) { console.log('Status: ' + xhr.status); console.log('Error: ' + xhr.responseText); swal("Error!", "Check console for more info!", "error"); } }); return false; }, }; $.fn[pluginName] = function (options) { return this.each(function () { if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName)) { $.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new Plugin(this, options)); } }); }; })(jQuery, window, document); /** * Exopite SOF Tab Navigation */ ; (function ($, window, document, undefined) { var pluginName = "exopiteTabs"; // The actual plugin constructor function Plugin(element, options) { this.element = element; this._name = pluginName; this.$element = $(element); this.init(); } Plugin.prototype = { init: function () { this.bindEvents(); }, /** * Looks a little bit strange, but some readon this is the only way * what I find, to make this work in group field. */ // Bind events that trigger methods bindEvents: function () { var plugin = this; plugin.$tabLinks = plugin.$element.children('.exopite-sof-tab-header').children('.exopite-sof-tab-link'); plugin.$tabContents = plugin.$element.children('.exopite-sof-tab-content'); plugin.mobileHeader = plugin.$tabContents.children('.exopite-sof-tab-mobile-header'); plugin.$'click' + '.' + plugin._name, function (event) { plugin.changeTabs(event, this); });'click' + '.' + plugin._name, function (event) { var index = $(this).parent().index() - 1; var that = this; // tabLinks var $tabLinks = $(that).parent().parent().children('.exopite-sof-tab-header').children('.exopite-sof-tab-link'); var $tabContents = $(that).parent().parent().children('.exopite-sof-tab-content'); $tabLinks.removeClass('active'); $tabLinks.eq(index).addClass('active'); $tabContents.removeClass('active'); $(that).parent().addClass('active'); }); }, // Unbind events that trigger methods unbindEvents: function () { this.$'.' + this._name); }, changeTabs: function (event, that, index) { var plugin = this; var index = $(that).index(); $(that).parent().children('.exopite-sof-tab-link').removeClass('active'); $(that).parent().parent().children('.exopite-sof-tab-content').removeClass('active'); $(that).addClass('active'); $(that).parent().parent().children('.exopite-sof-tab-content').eq(index).addClass('active'); }, }; $.fn[pluginName] = function (options) { return this.each(function () { if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName)) { $.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new Plugin(this, options)); } }); }; })(jQuery, window, document); ; (function ($, window, document, undefined) { "use strict"; var pluginName = "exopiteSOFGallery"; function Plugin(element, options) { this.element = element; this._name = pluginName; this.meta_gallery_frame = null; this.$container = $(element).children('.exopite-sof-gallery').first(); this.buildCache(); this.init(); } $.extend(Plugin.prototype, { init: function () { var plugin = this; plugin.bindEvents(); plugin.sortableInit(); }, sortableInit: function () { var plugin = this; sortable('.exopite-sof-gallery', { forcePlaceholderSize: true, }); // From documentation, not working with dinamically added elements. // sortable('.exopite-sof-gallery', { // forcePlaceholderSize: true, // })[0].addEventListener('sortstop', function(e) { // console.log('gallery sortstop 0'); // }); /** * html5sortable - sortupdate event is not triggered on dynamic elements * @link */ // if( sortable('.exopite-sof-gallery').length > 0) { // sortable('.exopite-sof-gallery')[sortable('.exopite-sof-gallery').length-1].addEventListener('sortstop', function (e) { // plugin.updateIDs( $(this) ); // console.log('gallery sortstop 1'); // }); // } // plugin.$galleryList.sortable({ // tolerance: "pointer", // cursor: "grabbing", // stop: function( event, ui ) { // console.log('test stop'); // let imageIDs = []; // plugin.$galleryList.children('li').each(function( index, el ){ // imageIDs.push( $(el).children('img').attr('id') ); // }); // plugin.$imageIDs.val( imageIDs.join(',') ); // } // }); }, bindEvents: function () { var plugin = this; plugin.$element.on('click' + '.' + plugin._name, '> .exopite-sof-gallery-add', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); plugin, $(this) ); }); plugin.$element.on('click' + '.' + plugin._name, '.exopite-sof-image-delete', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); plugin, $(this) ); }); plugin.$container.on('sortstop' + '.' + plugin._name, function (event, ui) { // console.log('gallery sortstop 2'); plugin.updateIDs( $(this) ); }); }, updateIDs: function ( $element ) { let imageIDs = []; $element.children('span').each(function( index, el ){ imageIDs.push( $(el).children('img').attr('id') ); }); $element.closest('.exopite-sof-gallery').prev().val( imageIDs.join(',') ); }, deleteImage: function ($button) { var plugin = this; if (confirm('Are you sure you want to remove this image?')) { let $imageIDs = $button.closest('.exopite-sof-gallery').prev(); var removedImage = $'id'); var galleryIds = $imageIDs.val().split(","); galleryIds = $( galleryIds ).not([removedImage]).get(); $imageIDs.val( galleryIds ); $button.parent().remove(); plugin.sortableInit(); } }, manageMediaFrame: function ( $button ) { var plugin = this; let $imageIDs = $button.prev().prev(); let $galleryWrapper = $button.prev(); // If the frame already exists, re-open it. plugin.meta_gallery_frame = null; let title = plugin.$'media-frame-title') || 'Select Images'; let button = plugin.$'media-frame-button') || 'Add'; let image = plugin.$'media-frame-type') || 'image'; // Sets up the media library frame plugin.meta_gallery_frame = ={ title: title, button: { text: button }, library: { type: image }, multiple: true }); // Create Featured Gallery state. This is essentially the Gallery state, but selection behavior is altered. plugin.meta_gallery_frame.states.add([ new{ title: title, priority: 20, toolbar: 'main-gallery', filterable: 'uploaded', library:, multiple: plugin.meta_gallery_frame.options.multiple ? 'reset' : false, editable: true, allowLocalEdits: true, displaySettings: true, displayUserSettings: true }), ]); plugin.meta_gallery_frame.on('open', function () { var selection = plugin.meta_gallery_frame.state().get('selection'); var library = plugin.meta_gallery_frame.state('gallery-edit').get('library'); var ids = $imageIDs.val(); if (ids) { let idsArray = ids.split(','); idsArray.forEach(function (id) { let attachment =; attachment.fetch(); selection.add(attachment ? [attachment] : []); }); } }); // When an image is selected, run a callback. plugin.meta_gallery_frame.on('select', function () { var imageIDArray = []; var imageHTML = ''; var metadataString = ''; var images; images = plugin.meta_gallery_frame.state().get('selection'); images.each(function (attachment) { imageIDArray.push(; imageHTML += ''; }); metadataString = imageIDArray.join(","); if (metadataString) { $imageIDs.val( metadataString ); $galleryWrapper.html( imageHTML ); plugin.sortableInit(); } }); // Finally, open the modal; }, destroy: function () { this.unbindEvents(); this.$element.removeData(); }, unbindEvents: function () { this.$'.' + this._name); }, buildCache: function () { this.$element = $(this.element); this.$imageIDs = this.$element.children('[data-control="gallery-ids"]'); this.$galleryList = this.$element.children('.exopite-sof-gallery'); }, }); $.fn[pluginName] = function (options) { return this.each(function () { if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName)) { $.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new Plugin(this, options)); } }); }; })(jQuery, window, document); /** * Exopite SOF - Manage empty checkboxes and selects (multiple) * * When checkbox is not checked or select with attribute multiple is empty, * they are not sent in POST so create a hidden input before the element for that. * * This is only relevant for metabox, because in the options the POST can be * check and add them before being sent. */ ; (function ($, window, document, undefined) { var pluginName = "exopitePrepareForm"; // The actual plugin constructor function Plugin(element, options) { this.element = element; this._name = pluginName; this.$element = $(element); this.init(); } Plugin.prototype = { init: function () { this.bindEvents(); }, // Bind events that trigger methods bindEvents: function () { var plugin = this; plugin.$element.find('select[multiple]').not(':disabled').each(function (index, element) { var $this = $(this), selected_value = $this.val(); if (!selected_value) { plugin.addHidden($this.attr('name'), $this); } }); plugin.$element.find('select[multiple]').on('change', function () { var $this = $(this), selected_value = $this.val(); if (selected_value) { plugin.removeHidden($this); } else { plugin.addHidden($this.attr('name'), $this); } }); plugin.$element.find('input:checkbox:not(:checked):not([disabled])').each(function (index, element) { var $this = $(this); plugin.addHidden($this.attr('name'), $this); }); plugin.$element.find('input[type="checkbox"]').on('change', function () { var $this = $(this), checked = $this.prop('checked'); if (checked) { plugin.removeHidden($this); } else { plugin.addHidden($this.attr('name'), $this); } }); }, // Unbind events that trigger methods unbindEvents: function () { this.$'.' + this._name); }, addHidden: function ( name, $element ) { $('').attr({ 'type': 'hidden', 'name': name, 'value': 'no' }).insertBefore($element); }, removeHidden: function ( $element ) { $element.prev('input[type="hidden"]').remove(); }, }; $.fn[pluginName] = function (options) { return this.each(function () { if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName)) { $.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new Plugin(this, options)); } }); }; })(jQuery, window, document); /** * ToDos: * - sortable only if data-is-sortable is 1 || true * - maybe move sortable to a separate plugin? * - clean up * - fix name generation (if added or cloned) <- drag&drop is working az expected * - replace color picker ( * * * * )? */ ; (function ($) { "use strict"; $(document).ready(function () { $('.exopite-sof-wrapper').exopiteSofManageDependencies(); $('.exopite-sof-wrapper').exopiteSofSearch(); $('.exopite-sof-sub-dependencies').exopiteSofManageDependencies('sub'); $('.exopite-sof-wrapper-menu').exopiteSaveOptionsAJAX(); $('.exopite-sof-media').exopiteMediaUploader({ input: 'input', preview: '.exopite-sof-image-preview', remove: '.exopite-sof-image-remove' }); $('.exopite-sof-content-js').exopiteOptionsNavigation(); $('.exopite-sof-wrapper').find('.exopite-sof-font-field').each(function(index,el){ if (!$(el).children('label').children('select').is(":disabled")) { $(el).exopiteFontPreview(); } }); $('.exopite-sof-group').exopiteSOFTinyMCE(); $('.exopite-sof-accordion').exopiteSOFAccordion(); $('.exopite-sof-group').exopiteSOFRepeater(); $('.exopite-sof-field-backup').exopiteImportExportAJAX(); $('.exopite-sof-tabs').exopiteTabs(); $('.exopite-sof-gallery-field').exopiteSOFGallery(); $('.exopite-sof-wrapper-metabox').exopitePrepareForm(); }); }(jQuery));