/* * Copyright (c) 2023-2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "los_user_container_pri.h" #include "errno.h" #include "ctype.h" #include "los_config.h" #include "los_memory.h" #include "proc_fs.h" #include "user_copy.h" #include "los_seq_buf.h" #include "capability_type.h" #include "capability_api.h" #include "internal.h" #define DEFAULT_OVERFLOWUID 65534 #define DEFAULT_OVERFLOWGID 65534 #define LEVEL_MAX 3 #define HEX 16 #define OCT 8 #define DEC 10 #ifdef LOSCFG_USER_CONTAINER UINT32 g_currentUserContainerNum = 1; UINT32 OsCreateUserContainer(Credentials *newCredentials, UserContainer *parentUserContainer) { if ((parentUserContainer != NULL) && (parentUserContainer->level >= LEVEL_MAX)) { return EINVAL; } if ((newCredentials->euid < 0) || (newCredentials->egid < 0)) { return EINVAL; } UserContainer *userContainer = LOS_MemAlloc(m_aucSysMem1, sizeof(UserContainer)); if (userContainer == NULL) { return ENOMEM; } (VOID)memset_s(userContainer, sizeof(UserContainer), 0, sizeof(UserContainer)); g_currentUserContainerNum++; userContainer->containerID = OsAllocContainerID(); userContainer->parent = parentUserContainer; newCredentials->userContainer = userContainer; if (parentUserContainer != NULL) { LOS_AtomicInc(&parentUserContainer->rc); LOS_AtomicSet(&userContainer->rc, 1); userContainer->level = parentUserContainer->level + 1; userContainer->owner = newCredentials->euid; userContainer->group = newCredentials->egid; } else { LOS_AtomicSet(&userContainer->rc, 3); /* 3: Three system processes */ userContainer->uidMap.extentCount = 1; userContainer->uidMap.extent[0].count = 4294967295U; userContainer->gidMap.extentCount = 1; userContainer->gidMap.extent[0].count = 4294967295U; } return LOS_OK; } VOID FreeUserContainer(UserContainer *userContainer) { UserContainer *parent = NULL; do { parent = userContainer->parent; (VOID)LOS_MemFree(m_aucSysMem1, userContainer); userContainer->parent = NULL; userContainer = parent; g_currentUserContainerNum--; } while ((userContainer != NULL) && (LOS_AtomicRead(&userContainer->rc) <= 0)); } STATIC UidGidExtent *MapIdUpBase(UINT32 extents, UidGidMap *map, UINT32 id) { UINT32 idx; UINT32 first; UINT32 last; for (idx = 0; idx < extents; idx++) { first = map->extent[idx].lowerFirst; last = first + map->extent[idx].count - 1; if ((id >= first) && (id <= last)) { return &map->extent[idx]; } } return NULL; } STATIC UINT32 MapIdUp(UidGidMap *map, UINT32 id) { UINT32 extents = map->extentCount; if (extents > UID_GID_MAP_MAX_EXTENTS) { return (UINT32)-1; } UidGidExtent *extent = MapIdUpBase(extents, map, id); if (extent != NULL) { return ((id - extent->lowerFirst) + extent->first); } return (UINT32)-1; } UINT32 FromKuid(UserContainer *userContainer, UINT32 kuid) { return MapIdUp(&userContainer->uidMap, kuid); } UINT32 FromKgid(UserContainer *userContainer, UINT32 kgid) { return MapIdUp(&userContainer->gidMap, kgid); } UINT32 OsFromKuidMunged(UserContainer *userContainer, UINT32 kuid) { UINT32 uid = FromKuid(userContainer, kuid); if (uid == (UINT32)-1) { uid = DEFAULT_OVERFLOWUID; } return uid; } UINT32 OsFromKgidMunged(UserContainer *userContainer, UINT32 kgid) { UINT32 gid = FromKgid(userContainer, kgid); if (gid == (UINT32)-1) { gid = DEFAULT_OVERFLOWGID; } return gid; } STATIC UidGidExtent *MapIdRangeDownBase(UINT32 extents, UidGidMap *map, UINT32 id, UINT32 count) { UINT32 idx; UINT32 first; UINT32 last; UINT32 id2; id2 = id + count - 1; for (idx = 0; idx < extents; idx++) { first = map->extent[idx].first; last = first + map->extent[idx].count - 1; if ((id >= first && id <= last) && (id2 >= first && id2 <= last)) { return &map->extent[idx]; } } return NULL; } STATIC UINT32 MapIdRangeDown(UidGidMap *map, UINT32 id, UINT32 count) { UINT32 extents = map->extentCount; if (extents > UID_GID_MAP_MAX_EXTENTS) { return (UINT32)-1; } UidGidExtent *extent = MapIdRangeDownBase(extents, map, id, count); if (extent != NULL) { return ((id - extent->first) + extent->lowerFirst); } return (UINT32)-1; } STATIC UINT32 MapIdDown(UidGidMap *map, UINT32 id) { return MapIdRangeDown(map, id, 1); } UINT32 OsMakeKuid(UserContainer *userContainer, UINT32 uid) { return MapIdDown(&userContainer->uidMap, uid); } UINT32 OsMakeKgid(UserContainer *userContainer, UINT32 gid) { return MapIdDown(&userContainer->gidMap, gid); } STATIC INT32 InsertExtent(UidGidMap *idMap, UidGidExtent *extent) { if (idMap->extentCount > UID_GID_MAP_MAX_EXTENTS) { return -EINVAL; } UidGidExtent *dest = &idMap->extent[idMap->extentCount]; *dest = *extent; idMap->extentCount++; return 0; } STATIC BOOL MappingsOverlap(UidGidMap *idMap, UidGidExtent *extent) { UINT32 upperFirst = extent->first; UINT32 lowerFirst = extent->lowerFirst; UINT32 upperLast = upperFirst + extent->count - 1; UINT32 lowerLast = lowerFirst + extent->count - 1; INT32 idx; for (idx = 0; idx < idMap->extentCount; idx++) { if (idMap->extentCount > UID_GID_MAP_MAX_EXTENTS) { return TRUE; } UidGidExtent *prev = &idMap->extent[idx]; UINT32 prevUpperFirst = prev->first; UINT32 prevLowerFirst = prev->lowerFirst; UINT32 prevUpperLast = prevUpperFirst + prev->count - 1; UINT32 prevLowerLast = prevLowerFirst + prev->count - 1; if ((prevUpperFirst <= upperLast) && (prevUpperLast >= upperFirst)) { return TRUE; } if ((prevLowerFirst <= lowerLast) && (prevLowerLast >= lowerFirst)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } STATIC CHAR *SkipSpaces(const CHAR *str) { while (isspace(*str)) { ++str; } return (CHAR *)str; } STATIC UINTPTR StrToUInt(const CHAR *str, CHAR **endp, UINT32 base) { unsigned long result = 0; unsigned long value; if (*str == '0') { str++; if ((*str == 'x') && isxdigit(str[1])) { base = HEX; str++; } if (!base) { base = OCT; } } if (!base) { base = DEC; } while (isxdigit(*str) && (value = isdigit(*str) ? *str - '0' : (islower(*str) ? toupper(*str) : *str) - 'A' + DEC) < base) { result = result * base + value; str++; } if (endp != NULL) { *endp = (CHAR *)str; } return result; } STATIC INT32 ParsePosData(CHAR *pos, UidGidExtent *extent) { INT32 ret = -EINVAL; pos = SkipSpaces(pos); extent->first = StrToUInt(pos, &pos, DEC); if (!isspace(*pos)) { return ret; } pos = SkipSpaces(pos); extent->lowerFirst = StrToUInt(pos, &pos, DEC); if (!isspace(*pos)) { return ret; } pos = SkipSpaces(pos); extent->count = StrToUInt(pos, &pos, DEC); if (*pos && !isspace(*pos)) { return ret; } pos = SkipSpaces(pos); if (*pos != '\0') { return ret; } return LOS_OK; } STATIC INT32 ParseUserData(CHAR *kbuf, UidGidExtent *extent, UidGidMap *newMap) { INT32 ret = -EINVAL; CHAR *pos = NULL; CHAR *nextLine = NULL; for (pos = kbuf; pos != NULL; pos = nextLine) { nextLine = strchr(pos, '\n'); if (nextLine != NULL) { *nextLine = '\0'; nextLine++; if (*nextLine == '\0') { nextLine = NULL; } } if (ParsePosData(pos, extent) != LOS_OK) { return ret; } if ((extent->first == (UINT32)-1) || (extent->lowerFirst == (UINT32)-1)) { return ret; } if ((extent->first + extent->count) <= extent->first) { return ret; } if ((extent->lowerFirst + extent->count) <= extent->lowerFirst) { return ret; } if (MappingsOverlap(newMap, extent)) { return ret; } if ((newMap->extentCount + 1) == UID_GID_MAP_MAX_EXTENTS && (nextLine != NULL)) { return ret; } ret = InsertExtent(newMap, extent); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } ret = 0; } if (newMap->extentCount == 0) { return -EINVAL; } return ret; } STATIC INT32 ParentMapIdRange(UidGidMap *newMap, UidGidMap *parentMap) { UINT32 idx; INT32 ret = -EPERM; for (idx = 0; idx < newMap->extentCount; idx++) { if (newMap->extentCount > UID_GID_MAP_MAX_EXTENTS) { return ret; } UidGidExtent *extent = &newMap->extent[idx]; UINT32 lowerFirst = MapIdRangeDown(parentMap, extent->lowerFirst, extent->count); if (lowerFirst == (UINT32) -1) { return ret; } extent->lowerFirst = lowerFirst; } return 0; } INT32 OsUserContainerMapWrite(struct ProcFile *fp, CHAR *kbuf, size_t count, INT32 capSetid, UidGidMap *map, UidGidMap *parentMap) { UidGidMap newMap = {0}; UidGidExtent extent; INT32 ret; if (map->extentCount != 0) { return -EPERM; } if (!IsCapPermit(capSetid)) { return -EPERM; } ret = ParseUserData(kbuf, &extent, &newMap); if (ret < 0) { return -EPERM; } ret = ParentMapIdRange(&newMap, parentMap); if (ret < 0) { return -EPERM; } if (newMap.extentCount <= UID_GID_MAP_MAX_EXTENTS) { size_t mapSize = newMap.extentCount * sizeof(newMap.extent[0]); ret = memcpy_s(map->extent, sizeof(map->extent), newMap.extent, mapSize); if (ret != EOK) { return -EPERM; } } map->extentCount = newMap.extentCount; return count; } #endif