提交 9cb548e1 编写于 作者: 水滴come's avatar 水滴come


上级 922529c9
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ public class ExpressRunner {
private AppendingClassFieldManager appendingClassFieldManager;
private final ThreadLocal<IOperateDataCache> operateDataCacheThreadLocal = ThreadLocal.withInitial(
() -> new OperateDataCacheImpl(30));
() -> new OperateDataCacheImpl(30));
public IOperateDataCache getOperateDataCache() {
return this.operateDataCacheThreadLocal.get();
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ public class ExpressRunner {
* @param iExpressResourceLoader 表达式的资源装载器
public ExpressRunner(boolean isPrecise, boolean isTrace, IExpressResourceLoader iExpressResourceLoader,
NodeTypeManager nodeTypeManager) {
NodeTypeManager nodeTypeManager) {
this.isTrace = isTrace;
this.isPrecise = isPrecise;
this.expressResourceLoader = iExpressResourceLoader;
......@@ -313,9 +313,9 @@ public class ExpressRunner {
* @throws Exception
public void addFunctionOfClassMethod(String name, String className, String functionName,
Class<?>[] parameterClassTypes, String errorInfo) throws Exception {
Class<?>[] parameterClassTypes, String errorInfo) throws Exception {
OperatorSelfDefineClassFunction operatorSelfDefineClassFunction = new OperatorSelfDefineClassFunction(name,
className, functionName, parameterClassTypes, null, null, errorInfo);
className, functionName, parameterClassTypes, null, null, errorInfo);
this.addFunction(name, operatorSelfDefineClassFunction);
......@@ -330,9 +330,9 @@ public class ExpressRunner {
* @throws Exception
public void addFunctionOfClassMethod(String name, Class<?> clazz, String functionName,
Class<?>[] parameterClassTypes, String errorInfo) throws Exception {
Class<?>[] parameterClassTypes, String errorInfo) throws Exception {
OperatorSelfDefineClassFunction operatorSelfDefineClassFunction = new OperatorSelfDefineClassFunction(name,
clazz, functionName, parameterClassTypes, null, null, errorInfo);
clazz, functionName, parameterClassTypes, null, null, errorInfo);
this.addFunction(name, operatorSelfDefineClassFunction);
......@@ -349,10 +349,10 @@ public class ExpressRunner {
* @throws Exception
public void addFunctionOfClassMethod(String name, String className, String functionName,
Class<?>[] parameterClassTypes, String[] parameterDesc, String[] parameterAnnotation, String errorInfo)
throws Exception {
Class<?>[] parameterClassTypes, String[] parameterDesc, String[] parameterAnnotation, String errorInfo)
throws Exception {
OperatorSelfDefineClassFunction operatorSelfDefineClassFunction = new OperatorSelfDefineClassFunction(name,
className, functionName, parameterClassTypes, parameterDesc, parameterAnnotation, errorInfo);
className, functionName, parameterClassTypes, parameterDesc, parameterAnnotation, errorInfo);
this.addFunction(name, operatorSelfDefineClassFunction);
......@@ -367,9 +367,9 @@ public class ExpressRunner {
* @throws Exception
public void addFunctionOfClassMethod(String name, String className, String functionName, String[] parameterTypes,
String errorInfo) throws Exception {
String errorInfo) throws Exception {
OperatorSelfDefineClassFunction operatorSelfDefineClassFunction = new OperatorSelfDefineClassFunction(name,
className, functionName, parameterTypes, null, null, errorInfo);
className, functionName, parameterTypes, null, null, errorInfo);
this.addFunction(name, operatorSelfDefineClassFunction);
......@@ -386,9 +386,9 @@ public class ExpressRunner {
* @throws Exception
public void addFunctionOfClassMethod(String name, String className, String functionName, String[] parameterTypes,
String[] parameterDesc, String[] parameterAnnotation, String errorInfo) throws Exception {
String[] parameterDesc, String[] parameterAnnotation, String errorInfo) throws Exception {
OperatorSelfDefineClassFunction operatorSelfDefineClassFunction = new OperatorSelfDefineClassFunction(name,
className, functionName, parameterTypes, parameterDesc, parameterAnnotation, errorInfo);
className, functionName, parameterTypes, parameterDesc, parameterAnnotation, errorInfo);
this.addFunction(name, operatorSelfDefineClassFunction);
......@@ -403,9 +403,9 @@ public class ExpressRunner {
* @throws Exception
public void addFunctionOfServiceMethod(String name, Object serviceObject, String functionName,
Class<?>[] parameterClassTypes, String errorInfo) throws Exception {
Class<?>[] parameterClassTypes, String errorInfo) throws Exception {
OperatorSelfDefineServiceFunction operatorSelfDefineServiceFunction = new OperatorSelfDefineServiceFunction(
name, serviceObject, functionName, parameterClassTypes, null, null, errorInfo);
name, serviceObject, functionName, parameterClassTypes, null, null, errorInfo);
this.addFunction(name, operatorSelfDefineServiceFunction);
......@@ -422,10 +422,10 @@ public class ExpressRunner {
* @throws Exception
public void addFunctionOfServiceMethod(String name, Object serviceObject, String functionName,
Class<?>[] parameterClassTypes, String[] parameterDesc, String[] parameterAnnotation, String errorInfo)
throws Exception {
Class<?>[] parameterClassTypes, String[] parameterDesc, String[] parameterAnnotation, String errorInfo)
throws Exception {
OperatorSelfDefineServiceFunction operatorSelfDefineServiceFunction = new OperatorSelfDefineServiceFunction(
name, serviceObject, functionName, parameterClassTypes, parameterDesc, parameterAnnotation, errorInfo);
name, serviceObject, functionName, parameterClassTypes, parameterDesc, parameterAnnotation, errorInfo);
this.addFunction(name, operatorSelfDefineServiceFunction);
......@@ -440,17 +440,17 @@ public class ExpressRunner {
* @throws Exception
public void addFunctionOfServiceMethod(String name, Object serviceObject, String functionName,
String[] parameterTypes, String errorInfo) throws Exception {
String[] parameterTypes, String errorInfo) throws Exception {
OperatorSelfDefineServiceFunction operatorSelfDefineServiceFunction = new OperatorSelfDefineServiceFunction(
name, serviceObject, functionName, parameterTypes, null, null, errorInfo);
name, serviceObject, functionName, parameterTypes, null, null, errorInfo);
this.addFunction(name, operatorSelfDefineServiceFunction);
public void addFunctionOfServiceMethod(String name, Object serviceObject, String functionName,
String[] parameterTypes, String[] parameterDesc, String[] parameterAnnotation, String errorInfo)
throws Exception {
String[] parameterTypes, String[] parameterDesc, String[] parameterAnnotation, String errorInfo)
throws Exception {
OperatorSelfDefineServiceFunction operatorSelfDefineServiceFunction = new OperatorSelfDefineServiceFunction(
name, serviceObject, functionName, parameterTypes, parameterDesc, parameterAnnotation, errorInfo);
name, serviceObject, functionName, parameterTypes, parameterDesc, parameterAnnotation, errorInfo);
this.addFunction(name, operatorSelfDefineServiceFunction);
......@@ -549,9 +549,9 @@ public class ExpressRunner {
* @throws Exception
public Object executeByExpressName(String name, IExpressContext<String, Object> context, List<String> errorList,
boolean isTrace, boolean isCatchException, Log log) throws Exception {
boolean isTrace, boolean isCatchException, Log log) throws Exception {
return InstructionSetRunner.executeOuter(this, this.loader.getInstructionSet(name), this.loader, context,
errorList, isTrace, isCatchException, log, false);
errorList, isTrace, isCatchException, log, false);
......@@ -588,9 +588,9 @@ public class ExpressRunner {
* @throws Exception
public Object execute(InstructionSet instructionSet, IExpressContext<String, Object> context,
List<String> errorList, boolean isTrace, boolean isCatchException, Log log) throws Exception {
List<String> errorList, boolean isTrace, boolean isCatchException, Log log) throws Exception {
return InstructionSetRunner.executeOuter(this, instructionSet, this.loader, context, errorList,
isTrace, isCatchException, log, false);
isTrace, isCatchException, log, false);
......@@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ public class ExpressRunner {
* @throws Exception
public Object execute(String expressString, IExpressContext<String, Object> context, List<String> errorList,
boolean isCache, boolean isTrace, long timeoutMillis) throws Exception {
boolean isCache, boolean isTrace, long timeoutMillis) throws Exception {
try {
......@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ public class ExpressRunner {
* @throws Exception
public Object execute(String expressString, IExpressContext<String, Object> context, List<String> errorList,
boolean isCache, boolean isTrace) throws Exception {
boolean isCache, boolean isTrace) throws Exception {
return this.execute(expressString, context, errorList, isCache, isTrace, null);
......@@ -644,9 +644,9 @@ public class ExpressRunner {
* @return
* @throws Exception
public Object execute(String expressString, IExpressContext<String, Object> context, List<String> errorList,
boolean isCache, boolean isTrace, Log log) throws Exception {
public Object execute(String expressString, IExpressContext<String, Object> context, List<String> errorList, boolean isCache, boolean isTrace, Log log) throws Exception {
InstructionSet parseResult;
expressString = FilterExpressString.filterAllUseless(expressString);
if (isCache) {
parseResult = expressInstructionSetCache.get(expressString);
if (parseResult == null) {
......@@ -665,17 +665,17 @@ public class ExpressRunner {
private Object executeReentrant(InstructionSet sets, IExpressContext<String, Object> iExpressContext,
List<String> errorList, boolean isTrace, Log log) throws Exception {
List<String> errorList, boolean isTrace, Log log) throws Exception {
try {
int reentrantCount = threadReentrantCount.get() + 1;
return reentrantCount > 1 ?
// 线程重入
InstructionSetRunner.execute(this, sets, this.loader, iExpressContext, errorList, isTrace, false, true,
log, false) :
InstructionSetRunner.executeOuter(this, sets, this.loader, iExpressContext, errorList, isTrace, false,
log, false);
// 线程重入
InstructionSetRunner.execute(this, sets, this.loader, iExpressContext, errorList, isTrace, false, true,
log, false) :
InstructionSetRunner.executeOuter(this, sets, this.loader, iExpressContext, errorList, isTrace, false,
log, false);
} finally {
threadReentrantCount.set(threadReentrantCount.get() - 1);
......@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ public class ExpressRunner {
public boolean createInstructionSetPrivate(InstructionSet result, Stack<ForRelBreakContinue> forStack,
ExpressNode node, boolean isRoot) throws Exception {
ExpressNode node, boolean isRoot) throws Exception {
InstructionFactory factory = InstructionFactory.getInstructionFactory(node.getInstructionFactory());
return factory.createInstruction(this, result, forStack, node, isRoot);
......@@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ public class ExpressRunner {
Word[] words = this.parse.splitWords(text, isTrace, selfDefineClass);
ExpressNode root = this.parse.parse(this.rootExpressPackage, words, text, isTrace, selfDefineClass,
InstructionSet result = createInstructionSet(root, "main");
if (this.isTrace && log.isDebugEnabled()) {
......@@ -837,4 +837,8 @@ public class ExpressRunner {
return false;
package com.ql.util.express;
* @description: 过滤 程序文本 无用参数
* @author: xingyipeng
* @create: 22/4/20
public class FilterExpressString {
* 过滤无用代码执行段
* @param expressString
* @return
* @author xingyipeng
* @email 1103914483@qq.com
public static String filterAllUseless(String expressString) {
expressString = filterNotes(expressString);
expressString = filterLF(expressString);
return expressString;
* <p>
* 过滤笔记注释块
* <ul>
* 过滤:
* <li>/** ... ** /</li>
* <li>//...</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @param expressString 程序文本
* @return
* @author xingyipeng
* @email 1103914483@qq.com
public static String filterNotes(String expressString) {
return expressString.replaceAll("\\/\\*\\*{1,2}[\\s\\S]*?\\*{1,2}\\/|\\/\\/[\\s\\S]*?\\n|\\/\\/[\\s\\S]*?$", "");
* 过滤多余换行
* @param expressString 程序文本
* @return
* @author xingyipeng
* @email 1103914483@qq.com
public static String filterLF(String expressString) {
return expressString.replaceAll("\n+", "\n");
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import org.junit.Test;
public class DateTest {
public void testDateCompare() throws Exception {
String express = "a = new Date(); b = a; a == b;";
String express = "a = new Date();/**:::**/ b = a; a == b; // 22323323";
DefaultContext<String, Object> context = new DefaultContext<>();
ExpressRunner runner = new ExpressRunner();
Object r = runner.execute(express, context, null, false, false);
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