/* * Copyright 2018 Xiaomi, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package database import ( "fmt" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "github.com/XiaoMi/soar/common" ) // SHOW TABLE STATUS Syntax // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-table-status.html // TableStatInfo 用以保存 show table status 之后获取的table信息 type TableStatInfo struct { Name string Rows []tableStatusRow } // tableStatusRow 用于 show table status value // use []byte instead of string, because []byte allow to be null, string not type tableStatusRow struct { Name string // 表名 Engine []byte // 该表使用的存储引擎 Version []byte // 该表的 .frm 文件版本号 RowFormat []byte // 该表使用的行存储格式 Rows int64 // 表行数, InnoDB 引擎中为预估值,甚至可能会有40%~50%的数值偏差 AvgRowLength int // 平均行长度 // MyISAM: Data_length 为数据文件的大小,单位为 bytes // InnoDB: Data_length 为聚簇索引分配的近似内存量,单位为 bytes, 计算方式为聚簇索引数量乘以 InnoDB 页面大小 // 其他不同的存储引擎中该值的意义可能不尽相同 DataLength int // MyISAM: Max_data_length 为数据文件长度的最大值。这是在给定使用的数据指针大小的情况下,可以存储在表中的数据的最大字节数 // InnoDB: 未使用 // 其他不同的存储引擎中该值的意义可能不尽相同 MaxDataLength int // MyISAM: Index_length 为 index 文件的大小,单位为 bytes // InnoDB: Index_length 为非聚簇索引分配的近似内存量,单位为 bytes,计算方式为非聚簇索引数量乘以 InnoDB 页面大小 // 其他不同的存储引擎中该值的意义可能不尽相同 IndexLength int DataFree int // 已分配但未使用的字节数 AutoIncrement []byte // 下一个自增值 CreateTime []byte // 创建时间 UpdateTime []byte // 最近一次更新时间,该值不准确 CheckTime []byte // 上次检查时间 Collation []byte // 字符集及排序规则信息 Checksum []byte // 校验和 CreateOptions []byte // 创建表的时候的时候一切其他属性 Comment []byte // 注释 } // newTableStat 构造 table Stat 对象 func newTableStat(tableName string) *TableStatInfo { return &TableStatInfo{ Name: tableName, Rows: make([]tableStatusRow, 0), } } // ShowTables 执行 show tables func (db *Connector) ShowTables() ([]string, error) { defer func() { err := recover() if err != nil { common.Log.Error("recover ShowTables()", err) } }() // 执行 show table status res, err := db.Query("show tables") if err != nil { return []string{}, err } // 获取值 var tables []string for res.Rows.Next() { var table string err = res.Rows.Scan(&table) if err != nil { break } tables = append(tables, table) } res.Rows.Close() return tables, err } // ShowTableStatus 执行 show table status func (db *Connector) ShowTableStatus(tableName string) (*TableStatInfo, error) { // 初始化struct tbStatus := newTableStat(tableName) // 执行 show table status res, err := db.Query(fmt.Sprintf("show table status where name = '%s'", StringEscape(tbStatus.Name))) if err != nil { return tbStatus, err } // columns info ts := tableStatusRow{} statusFields := make([]interface{}, 0) fields := map[string]interface{}{ "Name": &ts.Name, "Engine": &ts.Engine, "Version": &ts.Version, "Row_format": &ts.RowFormat, "Rows": &ts.Rows, "Avg_row_length": &ts.AvgRowLength, "Data_length": &ts.DataLength, "Max_data_length": &ts.MaxDataLength, "Index_length": &ts.IndexLength, "Data_free": &ts.DataFree, "Auto_increment": &ts.AutoIncrement, "Create_time": &ts.CreateTime, "Update_time": &ts.UpdateTime, "Check_time": &ts.CheckTime, "Collation": &ts.Collation, "Checksum": &ts.Checksum, "Create_options": &ts.CreateOptions, "Comment": &ts.Comment, } cols, err := res.Rows.Columns() common.LogIfError(err, "") var colByPass []byte for _, col := range cols { if _, ok := fields[col]; ok { statusFields = append(statusFields, fields[col]) } else { common.Log.Debug("ShowTableStatus by pass column %s", col) statusFields = append(statusFields, &colByPass) } } // 获取值 for res.Rows.Next() { err := res.Rows.Scan(statusFields...) if err != nil { common.Log.Debug(err.Error()) } tbStatus.Rows = append(tbStatus.Rows, ts) } res.Rows.Close() return tbStatus, err } // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-index.html // TableIndexInfo 用以保存 show index 之后获取的 index 信息 type TableIndexInfo struct { TableName string Rows []TableIndexRow } // TableIndexRow 用以存放show index 之后获取的每一条 index 信息 type TableIndexRow struct { Table string // 表名 NonUnique int // 0:unique key,1:not unique KeyName string // index的名称,如果是主键则为 "PRIMARY" SeqInIndex int // 该列在索引中的位置。计数从 1 开始 ColumnName string // 列名 Collation string // A or Null Cardinality int // 索引中唯一值的数量,"ANALYZE TABLE" 可更新该值 SubPart int // 索引前缀字节数 Packed int Null string // 表示该列是否可以为空,如果可以为 'YES',反之'' IndexType string // BTREE, FULLTEXT, HASH, RTREE Comment string IndexComment string Visible string Expression []byte } // NewTableIndexInfo 构造 TableIndexInfo func NewTableIndexInfo(tableName string) *TableIndexInfo { return &TableIndexInfo{ TableName: tableName, Rows: make([]TableIndexRow, 0), } } // ShowIndex show Index func (db *Connector) ShowIndex(tableName string) (*TableIndexInfo, error) { tbIndex := NewTableIndexInfo(tableName) if db.Database == "" || tableName == "" { return nil, fmt.Errorf("database('%s') or table('%s') name should not empty", db.Database, tableName) } // 执行 show create table res, err := db.Query(fmt.Sprintf("show index from `%s`.`%s`", StringEscape(db.Database), StringEscape(tableName))) if err != nil { return nil, err } // columns info ti := TableIndexRow{} indexFields := make([]interface{}, 0) fields := map[string]interface{}{ "Table": &ti.Table, "Non_unique": &ti.NonUnique, "Key_name": &ti.KeyName, "Seq_in_index": &ti.SeqInIndex, "Column_name": &ti.ColumnName, "Collation": &ti.Collation, "Cardinality": &ti.Cardinality, "Sub_part": &ti.SubPart, "Packed": &ti.Packed, "Null": &ti.Null, "Index_type": &ti.IndexType, "Comment": &ti.Comment, "Index_comment": &ti.IndexComment, "Visible": &ti.Visible, "Expression": &ti.Expression, } cols, err := res.Rows.Columns() common.LogIfError(err, "") var colByPass []byte for _, col := range cols { if _, ok := fields[col]; ok { indexFields = append(indexFields, fields[col]) } else { common.Log.Debug("ShowIndex by pass column %s", col) indexFields = append(indexFields, &colByPass) } } // 获取值 for res.Rows.Next() { err := res.Rows.Scan(indexFields...) if err != nil { common.Log.Debug(err.Error()) } tbIndex.Rows = append(tbIndex.Rows, ti) } res.Rows.Close() return tbIndex, err } // IndexSelectKey 用以对 TableIndexInfo 进行查询 type IndexSelectKey string // 索引相关 const ( IndexKeyName = IndexSelectKey("KeyName") // 索引名称 IndexColumnName = IndexSelectKey("ColumnName") // 索引列名称 IndexIndexType = IndexSelectKey("IndexType") // 索引类型 IndexNonUnique = IndexSelectKey("NonUnique") // 唯一索引 ) // FindIndex 获取 TableIndexInfo 中需要的索引 func (tbIndex *TableIndexInfo) FindIndex(arg IndexSelectKey, value string) []TableIndexRow { var result []TableIndexRow if tbIndex == nil { return result } value = strings.ToLower(value) switch arg { case IndexKeyName: for _, index := range tbIndex.Rows { if strings.ToLower(index.KeyName) == value { result = append(result, index) } } case IndexColumnName: for _, index := range tbIndex.Rows { if strings.ToLower(index.ColumnName) == value { result = append(result, index) } } case IndexIndexType: for _, index := range tbIndex.Rows { if strings.ToLower(index.IndexType) == value { result = append(result, index) } } case IndexNonUnique: for _, index := range tbIndex.Rows { unique := strconv.Itoa(index.NonUnique) if unique == value { result = append(result, index) } } default: common.Log.Error("no such args: TableIndexRow") } return result } // desc table // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/show-columns.html // TableDesc show columns from rental; type TableDesc struct { Name string DescValues []TableDescValue } // TableDescValue 含有每一列的属性 type TableDescValue struct { Field string // 列名 Type string // 数据类型 Collation []byte // 字符集 Null string // 是否有NULL(NO、YES) Key string // 键类型 Default []byte // 默认值 Extra string // 其他 Privileges string // 权限 Comment string // 备注 } // NewTableDesc 初始化一个*TableDesc func NewTableDesc(tableName string) *TableDesc { return &TableDesc{ Name: tableName, DescValues: make([]TableDescValue, 0), } } // ShowColumns 获取 DB 中所有的 columns func (db *Connector) ShowColumns(tableName string) (*TableDesc, error) { tbDesc := NewTableDesc(tableName) // 执行 show create table res, err := db.Query(fmt.Sprintf("show full columns from `%s`.`%s`", StringEscape(db.Database), StringEscape(tableName))) if err != nil { return nil, err } // columns info tc := TableDescValue{} columnFields := make([]interface{}, 0) fields := map[string]interface{}{ "Field": &tc.Field, "Type": &tc.Type, "Collation": &tc.Collation, "Null": &tc.Null, "Key": &tc.Key, "Default": &tc.Default, "Extra": &tc.Extra, "Privileges": &tc.Privileges, "Comment": &tc.Comment, } cols, err := res.Rows.Columns() common.LogIfError(err, "") var colByPass []byte for _, col := range cols { if _, ok := fields[col]; ok { columnFields = append(columnFields, fields[col]) } else { common.Log.Debug("ShowColumns by pass column %s", col) columnFields = append(columnFields, &colByPass) } } // 获取值 for res.Rows.Next() { err := res.Rows.Scan(columnFields...) if err != nil { common.Log.Debug(err.Error()) } tbDesc.DescValues = append(tbDesc.DescValues, tc) } res.Rows.Close() return tbDesc, err } // Columns 用于获取TableDesc中所有列的名称 func (td TableDesc) Columns() []string { var cols []string for _, col := range td.DescValues { cols = append(cols, col.Field) } return cols } // showCreate show create func (db *Connector) showCreate(createType, name string) (string, error) { // SHOW CREATE DATABASE db_name // SHOW CREATE EVENT event_name // SHOW CREATE FUNCTION func_name // SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE proc_name // SHOW CREATE TABLE tbl_name // SHOW CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name // SHOW CREATE VIEW view_name res, err := db.Query(fmt.Sprintf("SHOW CREATE %s `%s`", StringEscape(createType), StringEscape(name))) if err != nil { return "", err } // columns info var create string createFields := make([]interface{}, 0) fields := map[string]interface{}{ "Create View": &create, "Create Table": &create, "Create Database": &create, "Create Event": &create, "Statement": &create, // show create trigger "Create Function": &create, "Create Procedure": &create, } cols, err := res.Rows.Columns() common.LogIfError(err, "") var colByPass []byte for _, col := range cols { if _, ok := fields[col]; ok { createFields = append(createFields, fields[col]) } else { common.Log.Debug("showCreate Type: %s, Name: %s, by pass column `%s`", createType, name, col) createFields = append(createFields, &colByPass) } } // 获取 CREATE 语句 for res.Rows.Next() { err := res.Rows.Scan(createFields...) if err != nil { common.Log.Debug(err.Error()) } } res.Rows.Close() return create, err } // ShowCreateDatabase show create database func (db *Connector) ShowCreateDatabase(dbName string) (string, error) { defer func() { err := recover() if err != nil { common.Log.Error("recover ShowCreateDatabase()", err) } }() return db.showCreate("database", dbName) } // ShowCreateTable show create table func (db *Connector) ShowCreateTable(tableName string) (string, error) { defer func() { err := recover() if err != nil { common.Log.Error("recover ShowCreateTable()", err) } }() ddl, err := db.showCreate("TABLE", tableName) // 去除外键关联条件 lines := strings.Split(ddl, "\n") // CREATE VIEW ONLY 1 LINE if len(lines) > 2 { var noConstraint []string relationReg, _ := regexp.Compile("CONSTRAINT") for _, line := range lines[1 : len(lines)-1] { if relationReg.Match([]byte(line)) { continue } line = strings.TrimSuffix(line, ",") noConstraint = append(noConstraint, line) } // 去除外键语句会使DDL中多一个','导致语法错误,要把多余的逗号去除 ddl = fmt.Sprint( lines[0], "\n", strings.Join(noConstraint, ",\n"), "\n", lines[len(lines)-1], ) } return ddl, err } // FindColumn find column func (db *Connector) FindColumn(name, dbName string, tables ...string) ([]*common.Column, error) { // 执行 show create table var columns []*common.Column sql := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT "+ "c.TABLE_NAME,c.TABLE_SCHEMA,c.COLUMN_TYPE,c.CHARACTER_SET_NAME, c.COLLATION_NAME "+ "FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`COLUMNS` as c where c.COLUMN_NAME = '%s' ", StringEscape(name)) if dbName != "" { sql += fmt.Sprintf(" and c.table_schema = '%s'", StringEscape(dbName)) } if len(tables) > 0 { var tmp []string for _, table := range tables { tmp = append(tmp, "'"+table+"'") } sql += fmt.Sprintf(" and c.table_name in (%s)", StringEscape(strings.Join(tmp, ","))) } common.Log.Debug("FindColumn, execute SQL: %s", sql) res, err := db.Query(sql) if err != nil { common.Log.Error("(db *Connector) FindColumn Error : ", err) return columns, err } var col common.Column for res.Rows.Next() { var character, collation []byte err = res.Rows.Scan(&col.Table, &col.DB, &col.DataType, &character, &collation) if err != nil { break } col.Name = name col.Character = string(character) col.Collation = string(collation) // 填充字符集和排序规则 if col.Character == "" { // 当从 `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`COLUMNS` 表中查询不到相关列的 character 和 collation 的信息时 // 认为该列使用的 character 和 collation 与其所处的表一致 // 由于 `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`TABLES` 表中未找到表的 character,所以从按照 MySQL 中 collation 的规则从中截取 character sql = fmt.Sprintf("SELECT `t`.`TABLE_COLLATION` FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`TABLES` AS `t` "+ "WHERE `t`.`TABLE_NAME`='%s' AND `t`.`TABLE_SCHEMA` = '%s'", StringEscape(col.Table), StringEscape(col.DB)) common.Log.Debug("FindColumn, execute SQL: %s", sql) var newRes QueryResult newRes, err = db.Query(sql) if err != nil { common.Log.Error("(db *Connector) FindColumn Error : ", err) return columns, err } var tbCollation []byte if newRes.Rows.Next() { err = newRes.Rows.Scan(&tbCollation) if err != nil { break } } newRes.Rows.Close() if string(tbCollation) != "" { col.Character = strings.Split(string(tbCollation), "_")[0] col.Collation = string(tbCollation) } } columns = append(columns, &col) } res.Rows.Close() return columns, err } // IsForeignKey 判断列是否是外键 func (db *Connector) IsForeignKey(dbName, tbName, column string) bool { sql := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE C "+ "WHERE REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA <> 'NULL' AND"+ " TABLE_NAME='%s' AND"+ " TABLE_SCHEMA='%s' AND"+ " COLUMN_NAME='%s'", StringEscape(tbName), StringEscape(dbName), StringEscape(column)) common.Log.Debug("IsForeignKey, execute SQL: %s", sql) res, err := db.Query(sql) if err != nil { common.Log.Error("IsForeignKey, Error: %s", err.Error()) return false } if res.Rows.Next() { return true } return false } // Reference 用于存储关系 type Reference map[string][]ReferenceValue // ReferenceValue 用于处理表之间的关系 type ReferenceValue struct { ReferencedTableSchema string // 夫表所属数据库 ReferencedTableName string // 父表 TableSchema string // 子表所属数据库 TableName string // 子表 ConstraintName string // 关系名称 } // ShowReference 查找所有的外键信息 func (db *Connector) ShowReference(dbName string, tbName ...string) ([]ReferenceValue, error) { var referenceValues []ReferenceValue sql := `SELECT DISTINCT C.REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA,C.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME,C.TABLE_SCHEMA,C.TABLE_NAME,C.CONSTRAINT_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE C JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA. TABLES T ON T.TABLE_NAME = C.TABLE_NAME WHERE C.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME IS NOT NULL` sql = sql + fmt.Sprintf(` AND C.TABLE_SCHEMA = "%s"`, StringEscape(dbName)) if len(tbName) > 0 { extra := fmt.Sprintf(` AND C.TABLE_NAME IN ("%s")`, StringEscape(strings.Join(tbName, `","`))) sql = sql + extra } common.Log.Debug("ShowReference, execute SQL: %s", sql) // 执行SQL查找外键关联关系 res, err := db.Query(sql) if err != nil { return referenceValues, err } // 获取值 for res.Rows.Next() { var rv ReferenceValue err = res.Rows.Scan(&rv.ReferencedTableSchema, &rv.ReferencedTableName, &rv.TableSchema, &rv.TableName, &rv.ConstraintName) if err != nil { break } referenceValues = append(referenceValues, rv) } res.Rows.Close() return referenceValues, err }