#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import division from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import numpy as np import struct from propeller.service import interface_pb2 def slot_to_numpy(slot): if slot.type == interface_pb2.Slot.FP32: dtype = np.float32 type_str = 'f' elif slot.type == interface_pb2.Slot.INT32: type_str = 'i' dtype = np.int32 elif slot.type == interface_pb2.Slot.INT64: dtype = np.int64 type_str = 'q' else: raise RuntimeError('know type %s' % slot.type) num = len(slot.data) // struct.calcsize(type_str) arr = struct.unpack('%d%s' % (num, type_str), slot.data) shape = slot.dims ret = np.array(arr, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape) return ret def numpy_to_slot(arr): if arr.dtype == np.float32: dtype = interface_pb2.Slot.FP32 elif arr.dtype == np.int32: dtype = interface_pb2.Slot.INT32 elif arr.dtype == np.int64: dtype = interface_pb2.Slot.INT64 else: raise RuntimeError('know type %s' % arr.dtype) pb = interface_pb2.Slot( type=dtype, dims=list(arr.shape), data=arr.tobytes()) return pb def slot_to_paddlearray(slot): import paddle.fluid.core as core if slot.type == interface_pb2.Slot.FP32: type_str = 'f' dtype = core.PaddleDType.FLOAT32 elif slot.type == interface_pb2.Slot.INT32: type_str = 'i' dtype = core.PaddleDType.INT32 elif slot.type == interface_pb2.Slot.INT64: type_str = 'q' dtype = core.PaddleDType.INT64 else: raise RuntimeError('know type %s' % slot.type) ret = core.PaddleTensor() ret.shape = slot.dims ret.dtype = dtype num = len(slot.data) // struct.calcsize(type_str) arr = struct.unpack('%d%s' % (num, type_str), slot.data) ret.data = core.PaddleBuf(arr) return ret def paddlearray_to_slot(arr): import paddle.fluid.core as core if arr.dtype == core.PaddleDType.FLOAT32: dtype = interface_pb2.Slot.FP32 type_str = 'f' arr_data = arr.data.float_data() elif arr.dtype == core.PaddleDType.INT32: dtype = interface_pb2.Slot.INT32 type_str = 'i' arr_data = arr.data.int32_data() elif arr.dtype == core.PaddleDType.INT64: dtype = interface_pb2.Slot.INT64 type_str = 'q' arr_data = arr.data.int64_data() else: raise RuntimeError('know type %s' % arr.dtype) data = struct.pack('%d%s' % (len(arr_data), type_str), *arr_data) pb = interface_pb2.Slot(type=dtype, dims=list(arr.shape), data=data) return pb def nparray_list_serialize(arr_list): slot_list = [numpy_to_slot(arr) for arr in arr_list] slots = interface_pb2.Slots(slots=slot_list) return slots.SerializeToString() def nparray_list_deserialize(string): slots = interface_pb2.Slots() slots.ParseFromString(string) return [slot_to_numpy(slot) for slot in slots.slots]