define(function (require) { 'use strict'; var layout = require('../../util/layout'); var numberUtil = require('../../util/number'); var zrUtil = require('zrender/core/util'); // (24*60*60*1000) var ONE_DAY = 86400000; /** * Calendar * * @constructor * * @param {Object} calendarModel calendarModel * @param {Object} ecModel ecModel * @param {Object} api api */ function Calendar(calendarModel, ecModel, api) { this._model = calendarModel; } Calendar.prototype = { constructor: Calendar, type: 'calendar', dimensions: ['time', 'value'], // Required in createListFromData getDimensionsInfo: function () { return [{name: 'time', type: 'time'}]; }, getRangeInfo: function () { return this._rangeInfo; }, getModel: function () { return this._model; }, getRect: function () { return this._rect; }, getCellWidth: function () { return this._sw; }, getCellHeight: function () { return this._sh; }, getOrient: function () { return this._orient; }, /** * getFirstDayOfWeek * * @example * 0 : start at Sunday * 1 : start at Monday * * @return {number} */ getFirstDayOfWeek: function () { return this._firstDayOfWeek; }, /** * get date info * * @param {string|number} date date * @return {Object} info */ getDateInfo: function (date) { date = numberUtil.parseDate(date); var y = date.getFullYear(); var m = date.getMonth() + 1; m = m < 10 ? '0' + m : m; var d = date.getDate(); d = d < 10 ? '0' + d : d; var day = date.getDay(); day = Math.abs((day + 7 - this.getFirstDayOfWeek()) % 7); return { y: y, m: m, d: d, day: day, time: date.getTime(), formatedDate: y + '-' + m + '-' + d, date: date }; }, getNextNDay: function (date, n) { n = n || 0; if (n === 0) { return this.getDateInfo(date); } var time = this.getDateInfo(date).time; return this.getDateInfo(time + ONE_DAY * n); }, update: function (ecModel, api) { this._firstDayOfWeek = this._model.getModel('dayLabel').get('firstDay'); this._orient = this._model.get('orient'); this._lineWidth = this._model.getModel('itemStyle.normal').getItemStyle().lineWidth || 0; this._rangeInfo = this._getRangeInfo(this._initRangeOption()); var weeks = this._rangeInfo.weeks || 1; var whNames = ['width', 'height']; var cellSize = this._model.get('cellSize').slice(); var layoutParams = this._model.getBoxLayoutParams(); var cellNumbers = this._orient === 'horizontal' ? [weeks, 7] : [7, weeks]; zrUtil.each([0, 1], function (idx) { if (cellSizeSpecified(cellSize, idx)) { layoutParams[whNames[idx]] = cellSize[idx] * cellNumbers[idx]; } }); var whGlobal = { width: api.getWidth(), height: api.getHeight() }; var calendarRect = this._rect = layout.getLayoutRect(layoutParams, whGlobal); zrUtil.each([0, 1], function (idx) { if (!cellSizeSpecified(cellSize, idx)) { cellSize[idx] = calendarRect[whNames[idx]] / cellNumbers[idx]; } }); function cellSizeSpecified(cellSize, idx) { return cellSize[idx] != null && cellSize[idx] !== 'auto'; } this._sw = cellSize[0]; this._sh = cellSize[1]; }, /** * Convert a time data(time, value) item to (x, y) point. * * @override * @param {Array|number} data data * @param {boolean} [clamp=true] out of range * @return {Array} point */ dataToPoint: function (data, clamp) { zrUtil.isArray(data) && (data = data[0]); clamp == null && (clamp = true); var dayInfo = this.getDateInfo(data); var range = this._rangeInfo; var date = dayInfo.formatedDate; // if not in range return [NaN, NaN] if (clamp && !(dayInfo.time >= range.start.time && dayInfo.time <= range.end.time)) { return [NaN, NaN]; } var week =; var nthWeek = this._getRangeInfo([range.start.time, date]).weeks; if (this._orient === 'vertical') { return [ this._rect.x + week * this._sw + this._sw / 2, this._rect.y + (nthWeek - 1) * this._sh + this._sh / 2 ]; } return [ this._rect.x + (nthWeek - 1) * this._sw + this._sw / 2, this._rect.y + week * this._sh + this._sh / 2 ]; }, /** * Convert a (x, y) point to time data * * @override * @param {string} point point * @return {string} data */ pointToData: function (point) { var date = this.pointToDate(point); return date && date.time; }, /** * Convert a time date item to (x, y) four point. * * @param {Array} data date[0] is date * @param {boolean} [clamp=true] out of range * @return {Object} point */ dataToRect: function (data, clamp) { var point = this.dataToPoint(data, clamp); return { contentShape: { x: point[0] - (this._sw - this._lineWidth) / 2, y: point[1] - (this._sh - this._lineWidth) / 2, width: this._sw - this._lineWidth, height: this._sh - this._lineWidth }, center: point, tl: [ point[0] - this._sw / 2, point[1] - this._sh / 2 ], tr: [ point[0] + this._sw / 2, point[1] - this._sh / 2 ], br: [ point[0] + this._sw / 2, point[1] + this._sh / 2 ], bl: [ point[0] - this._sw / 2, point[1] + this._sh / 2 ] }; }, /** * Convert a (x, y) point to time date * * @param {Array} point point * @return {Object} date */ pointToDate: function (point) { var nthX = Math.floor((point[0] - this._rect.x) / this._sw) + 1; var nthY = Math.floor((point[1] - this._rect.y) / this._sh) + 1; var range = this._rangeInfo.range; if (this._orient === 'vertical') { return this._getDateByWeeksAndDay(nthY, nthX - 1, range); } return this._getDateByWeeksAndDay(nthX, nthY - 1, range); }, /** * @inheritDoc */ convertToPixel: zrUtil.curry(doConvert, 'dataToPoint'), /** * @inheritDoc */ convertFromPixel: zrUtil.curry(doConvert, 'pointToData'), /** * initRange * * @private * @return {Array} [start, end] */ _initRangeOption: function () { var range = this._model.get('range'); var rg = range; if (zrUtil.isArray(rg) && rg.length === 1) { rg = rg[0]; } if (/^\d{4}$/.test(rg)) { range = [rg + '-01-01', rg + '-12-31']; } if (/^\d{4}[\/|-]\d{1,2}$/.test(rg)) { var start = this.getDateInfo(rg); var firstDay =; firstDay.setMonth(firstDay.getMonth() + 1); var end = this.getNextNDay(firstDay, -1); range = [start.formatedDate, end.formatedDate]; } if (/^\d{4}[\/|-]\d{1,2}[\/|-]\d{1,2}$/.test(rg)) { range = [rg, rg]; } var tmp = this._getRangeInfo(range); if (tmp.start.time > tmp.end.time) { range.reverse(); } return range; }, /** * range info * * @private * @param {Array} range range ['2017-01-01', '2017-07-08'] * @return {Object} obj */ _getRangeInfo: function (range) { var start = this.getDateInfo(range[0]); var end = this.getDateInfo(range[1]); var allDay = Math.floor(end.time / ONE_DAY) - Math.floor(start.time / ONE_DAY) + 1; var weeks = Math.floor((allDay + + 6) / 7); return { range: [start.formatedDate, end.formatedDate], start: start, end: end, allDay: allDay, weeks: weeks, fweek:, lweek: }; }, /** * get date by nthWeeks and week day in range * * @private * @param {number} nthWeek the week * @param {number} day the week day * @param {Array} range [d1, d2] * @return {Object} */ _getDateByWeeksAndDay: function (nthWeek, day, range) { var rangeInfo = this._getRangeInfo(range); if (nthWeek > rangeInfo.weeks || (nthWeek === 0 && day < rangeInfo.fweek) || (nthWeek === rangeInfo.weeks && day > rangeInfo.lweek) ) { return false; } var nthDay = (nthWeek - 1) * 7 - rangeInfo.fweek + day; var time = rangeInfo.start.time + nthDay * ONE_DAY; return this.getDateInfo(time); } }; Calendar.dimensions = Calendar.prototype.dimensions; Calendar.getDimensionsInfo = Calendar.prototype.getDimensionsInfo; Calendar.create = function (ecModel, api) { var calendarList = []; ecModel.eachComponent('calendar', function (calendarModel) { var calendar = new Calendar(calendarModel, ecModel, api); calendarList.push(calendar); calendarModel.coordinateSystem = calendar; }); ecModel.eachSeries(function (calendarSeries) { if (calendarSeries.get('coordinateSystem') === 'calendar') { // Inject coordinate system calendarSeries.coordinateSystem = calendarList[calendarSeries.get('calendarIndex') || 0]; } }); return calendarList; }; function doConvert(methodName, ecModel, finder, value) { var calendarModel = finder.calendarModel; var seriesModel = finder.seriesModel; var coordSys = calendarModel ? calendarModel.coordinateSystem : seriesModel ? seriesModel.coordinateSystem : null; return coordSys === this ? coordSys[methodName](value) : null; } require('../../CoordinateSystem').register('calendar', Calendar); return Calendar; });