define(function (require) { var zrUtil = require('zrender/core/util'); var symbolCreator = require('../../util/symbol'); var graphic = require('../../util/graphic'); var listComponentHelper = require('../helper/listComponent'); var curry = zrUtil.curry; var LEGEND_DISABLE_COLOR = '#ccc'; function dispatchSelectAction(name, api) { api.dispatchAction({ type: 'legendToggleSelect', name: name }); } function dispatchHighlightAction(seriesName, dataName, api) { api.dispatchAction({ type: 'highlight', seriesName: seriesName, name: dataName }); } function dispatchDownplayAction(seriesName, dataName, api) { api.dispatchAction({ type: 'downplay', seriesName: seriesName, name: dataName }); } return require('../../echarts').extendComponentView({ type: 'legend', init: function () { this._symbolTypeStore = {}; }, render: function (legendModel, ecModel, api) { var selectMode = legendModel.get('selectedMode'); var itemWidth = legendModel.get('itemWidth'); var itemHeight = legendModel.get('itemHeight'); var itemAlign = legendModel.get('align'); var group =; group.removeAll(); if (itemAlign === 'auto') { itemAlign = (legendModel.get('x') === 'right' && legendModel.get('orient') === 'vertical') ? 'right' : 'left'; } var legendDataMap = {}; var legendDrawedMap = {}; zrUtil.each(legendModel.getData(), function (itemModel) { var seriesName = itemModel.get('name'); // Use empty string or \n as a newline string if (seriesName === '' || seriesName === '\n') { group.add(new graphic.Group({ newline: true })); } var seriesModel = ecModel.getSeriesByName(seriesName)[0]; legendDataMap[seriesName] = itemModel; if (!seriesModel || legendDrawedMap[seriesName]) { // Series not exists return; } var data = seriesModel.getData(); var color = data.getVisual('color'); if (!legendModel.isSelected(seriesName)) { color = LEGEND_DISABLE_COLOR; } // If color is a callback function if (typeof color === 'function') { // Use the first data color = color(seriesModel.getDataParams(0)); } // Using rect symbol defaultly var legendSymbolType = data.getVisual('legendSymbol') || 'roundRect'; var symbolType = data.getVisual('symbol'); var itemGroup = this._createItem( seriesName, itemModel, legendSymbolType, symbolType, itemWidth, itemHeight, itemAlign, color, selectMode ); itemGroup.on('click', curry(dispatchSelectAction, seriesName, api)) .on('mouseover', curry(dispatchHighlightAction, seriesName, '', api)) .on('mouseout', curry(dispatchDownplayAction, seriesName, '', api)); legendDrawedMap[seriesName] = true; }, this); ecModel.eachRawSeries(function (seriesModel) { if (seriesModel.legendDataProvider) { var data = seriesModel.legendDataProvider(); data.each(function (idx) { var name = data.getName(idx); // Avoid mutiple series use the same data name if (!legendDataMap[name] || legendDrawedMap[name]) { return; } var color = data.getItemVisual(idx, 'color'); if (!legendModel.isSelected(name)) { color = LEGEND_DISABLE_COLOR; } var legendSymbolType = 'roundRect'; var itemGroup = this._createItem( name, legendDataMap[name], legendSymbolType, null, itemWidth, itemHeight, itemAlign, color, selectMode ); itemGroup.on('click', curry(dispatchSelectAction, name, api)) // FIXME Should not specify the series name .on('mouseover', curry(dispatchHighlightAction,, name, api)) .on('mouseout', curry(dispatchDownplayAction,, name, api)); legendDrawedMap[name] = true; }, false, this); } }, this); listComponentHelper.layout(group, legendModel, api); // Render background after group is layout // FIXME listComponentHelper.addBackground(group, legendModel); }, _createItem: function ( name, itemModel, legendSymbolType, symbolType, itemWidth, itemHeight, itemAlign, color, selectMode ) { var itemGroup = new graphic.Group(); var textStyleModel = itemModel.getModel('textStyle'); legendSymbolType = legendSymbolType; itemGroup.add(symbolCreator.createSymbol( legendSymbolType, 0, 0, itemWidth, itemHeight, color )); // Compose symbols if (symbolType && symbolType !== legendSymbolType && symbolType != 'none') { var size = itemHeight * 0.8; // Put symbol in the center itemGroup.add(symbolCreator.createSymbol( symbolType, (itemWidth - size) / 2, (itemHeight - size) / 2, size, size, color )); } // Text var textX = itemAlign === 'left' ? itemWidth + 5 : -5; var textAlign = itemAlign; var text = new graphic.Text({ style: { text: name, x: textX, y: itemHeight / 2, fill: textStyleModel.getTextColor(), textFont: textStyleModel.getFont(), textAlign: textAlign, textBaseline: 'middle' } }); itemGroup.add(text); // Add a invisible rect to increase the area of mouse hover itemGroup.add(new graphic.Rect({ shape: itemGroup.getBoundingRect(), invisible: true })); itemGroup.eachChild(function (child) { child.silent = !selectMode; });; return itemGroup; } }); });