define(function(require) { var zrUtil = require('zrender/core/util'); var graphic = require('../../util/graphic'); var layout = require('../../util/layout'); var DataDiffer = require('../../data/DataDiffer'); var modelUtil = require('../../util/model'); var helper = require('./helper'); var Breadcrumb = require('./Breadcrumb'); var RoamController = require('../../component/helper/RoamController'); var BoundingRect = require('zrender/core/BoundingRect'); var matrix = require('zrender/core/matrix'); var bind = zrUtil.bind; var Group = graphic.Group; var Rect = graphic.Rect; var ANIMATION_DURATION = 700; var EASING = 'cubicOut'; var DRAG_THRESHOLD = 3; return require('../../echarts').extendChartView({ type: 'treemap', /** * @override */ init: function (o, api) { /** * @private * @type {module:zrender/container/Group} */ this._containerGroup; /** * @private * @type {Object.>} */ this._storage; /** * @private * @type {Object.>} */ this._lastShapes; /** * @private * @type {module:echarts/data/Tree} */ this._oldTree; /** * @private * @type {module:echarts/chart/treemap/Breadcrumb} */ this._breadcrumb; /** * @private * @type {module:echarts/component/helper/RoamController} */ this._controller; /** * 'ready', 'dragging', 'animating' * @private */ this._state = 'ready'; }, /** * @override */ render: function (seriesModel, ecModel, api, payload) { if (helper.irrelevant(payload, seriesModel)) { return; } this.seriesModel = seriesModel; this.api = api; this.ecModel = ecModel; var thisTree = seriesModel.getData().tree; var containerGroup = this._containerGroup; var lastContainerPosition; var containerSize = seriesModel.containerSize; if (!containerGroup) { containerGroup = this._containerGroup = new Group(); this._initEvents(containerGroup);; } else { // First rendering do not animate. lastContainerPosition = containerGroup.position.slice(); } var positionInfo = layout.parsePositionInfo( { x: seriesModel.get('x'), y: seriesModel.get('y'), x2: seriesModel.get('x2'), y2: seriesModel.get('y2'), width: containerSize[0], height: containerSize[1] }, { width: api.getWidth(), height: api.getHeight() } ); containerGroup.position = [positionInfo.x, positionInfo.y]; this._doRender(thisTree, containerGroup, seriesModel); var targetInfo = helper.retrieveTargetNodeInfo(payload, seriesModel); var viewRect = payload && payload.type === 'treemapRender' && payload.viewRect; this._positionRoot(containerGroup, positionInfo, thisTree.root, viewRect, targetInfo); this._doAnimation(payload, containerGroup, lastContainerPosition); this._initController(positionInfo, thisTree.root, seriesModel, api); this._renderBreadcrumb(seriesModel, api, targetInfo); }, /** * @private */ _doRender: function (thisTree, containerGroup, seriesModel) { var oldTree = this._oldTree; // Clear last shape records. this._lastShapes = {nodeGroup: [], background: [], content: []}; var thisStorage = {nodeGroup: [], background: [], content: []}; var oldStorage = this._storage; var renderNode = bind(this._renderNode, this); var viewRoot = seriesModel.getViewRoot(); dualTravel( thisTree.root ? [thisTree.root] : [], (oldTree && oldTree.root) ? [oldTree.root] : [], containerGroup, thisTree === oldTree || !oldTree, viewRoot === thisTree.root ); // Process all removing. clearStorage(oldStorage); this._oldTree = thisTree; this._storage = thisStorage; function dualTravel(thisViewChildren, oldViewChildren, parentGroup, sameTree, inView) { // When 'render' is triggered by action, // 'this' and 'old' may be the same tree, // we use rawIndex in that case. if (sameTree) { oldViewChildren = thisViewChildren; zrUtil.each(thisViewChildren, function (child, index) { !child.isRemoved() && processNode(index, index); }); } // Diff hierarchically (diff only in each subtree, but not whole). // because, consistency of view is important. else { (new DataDiffer(oldViewChildren, thisViewChildren, getKey)) .add(processNode) .update(processNode) .remove(zrUtil.curry(processNode, null)); } function getKey(node) { // Identify by name or raw index. return != null ? : node.getRawIndex(); } function processNode(newIndex, oldIndex) { var thisNode = newIndex != null ? thisViewChildren[newIndex] : null; var oldNode = oldIndex != null ? oldViewChildren[oldIndex] : null; // Whether under viewRoot. var subInView = inView || thisNode === viewRoot; // If not under viewRoot, only remove. if (!subInView) { thisNode = null; } var group = renderNode( thisNode, oldNode, parentGroup, thisStorage, oldStorage ); dualTravel( thisNode && thisNode.viewChildren || [], oldNode && oldNode.viewChildren || [], group, sameTree, subInView ); } } function clearStorage(storage) { storage && zrUtil.each(storage, function (store) { zrUtil.each(store, function (shape) { shape && shape.parent && shape.parent.remove(shape); }); }); } }, /** * @private */ _renderNode: function (thisNode, oldNode, parentGroup, thisStorage, oldStorage) { var thisRawIndex = thisNode && thisNode.getRawIndex(); var oldRawIndex = oldNode && oldNode.getRawIndex(); var lastShapes = this._lastShapes; if (!thisNode) { return; } var layout = thisNode.getLayout(); var thisWidth = layout.width; var thisHeight = layout.height; // Node group var group = giveGraphic('nodeGroup', Group, 'position'); parentGroup.add(group); group.position = [layout.x, layout.y]; var itemStyleModel = thisNode.getModel('itemStyle.normal'); var borderColor = itemStyleModel.get('borderColor') || itemStyleModel.get('gapColor'); // Background var bg = giveGraphic('background', Rect, 'shape'); bg.setShape({x: 0, y: 0, width: thisWidth, height: thisHeight}); bg.setStyle({fill: borderColor}); group.add(bg); var thisViewChildren = thisNode.viewChildren; // No children, render content. if (!thisViewChildren || !thisViewChildren.length) { var borderWidth = layout.borderWidth; var content = giveGraphic('content', Rect, 'shape'); var contentWidth = Math.max(thisWidth - 2 * borderWidth, 0); var contentHeight = Math.max(thisHeight - 2 * borderWidth, 0); var textStyleModel = thisNode.getModel('label.normal.textStyle'); var text = thisNode.getModel().get('name'); var textRect = textStyleModel.getTextRect(text); if (textRect.width > contentWidth || textRect.height > contentHeight) { text = ''; } content.culling = true; content.setShape({ x: borderWidth, y: borderWidth, width: contentWidth, height: contentHeight }); content.setStyle({ fill: thisNode.getVisual('color', true), text: text, textFill: textStyleModel.get('color'), textAlign: textStyleModel.get('align'), textFont: textStyleModel.getFont() }); group.add(content); } return group; function giveGraphic(storage, Ctor, type) { var shape = oldRawIndex != null && oldStorage && oldStorage[storage][oldRawIndex]; if (shape) { // Remove from oldStorage oldStorage && (oldStorage[storage][oldRawIndex] = null); var lastCfg = lastShapes[storage][thisRawIndex] = {}; lastCfg[type] = type === 'position' ? shape.position.slice() : zrUtil.extend({}, shape.shape); } else { // FIXME // 太多函数? shape = new Ctor(); } // Set to thisStorage return thisStorage[storage][thisRawIndex] = shape; } }, /** * @private */ _doAnimation: function (payload, containerGroup, lastContainerPosition) { if (!this.ecModel.get('animation') || (payload && payload.type === 'treemapRender') ) { return; } var lastShapes = this._lastShapes; var animationCount = 0; var that = this; zrUtil.each(this._storage, function (shapes, key) { zrUtil.each(shapes, function (shape, index) { var last = lastShapes[key][index]; if (!last) { return; } if (last.position) { var target = shape.position.slice(); shape.position = last.position; shape.animateTo({position: target}, ANIMATION_DURATION, EASING, done); animationCount++; } else if (last.shape) { var target = zrUtil.extend({}, shape.shape); shape.setShape(last.shape); shape.animateTo({shape: target}, ANIMATION_DURATION, EASING, done); animationCount++; } }); }); if (lastContainerPosition) { var target = containerGroup.position.slice(); containerGroup.position = lastContainerPosition; containerGroup.animateTo({position: target}, ANIMATION_DURATION, EASING, done); animationCount++; } if (animationCount) { this._state = 'animating'; } function done() { animationCount--; if (!animationCount) { that._state = 'ready'; } } }, /** * @private */ _initController: function (positionInfo, root, seriesModel, api) { var controller = this._controller; var nodeGroups = this._storage.nodeGroup; var rootGroup = nodeGroups[root.getRawIndex()]; var containerGroup = this._containerGroup; // Init controller. if (!controller) { controller = this._controller = new RoamController(api.getZr()); controller.on('pan', bind(onPan, this)); controller.on('zoom', bind(onZoom, this)); controller.rect = new BoundingRect(0, 0, api.getWidth(), api.getHeight()); } if (!seriesModel.get('roam')) {'pan').off('zoom'); this._controller = null; return; } function onPan(dx, dy) { if (this._state !== 'animating' && (Math.abs(dx) > DRAG_THRESHOLD || Math.abs(dy) > DRAG_THRESHOLD) ) { // FIXME // 找个好点的方法? this._state = 'dragging'; var pos = rootGroup.position; pos[0] += dx; pos[1] += dy; rootGroup.dirty(); // Update breadcrumb when drag move. this._renderBreadcrumb(seriesModel, api); } } function onZoom(scale, mouseX, mouseY) { if (this._state !== 'animating' && this._state !== 'dragging') { // var rect =[containerGroup]); var rect = containerGroup.getBoundingRect(); mouseX -= positionInfo.x; mouseY -= positionInfo.y; // Recalculate bounding rect. var m = matrix.create(); matrix.translate(m, m, [-mouseX, -mouseY]); matrix.scale(m, m, [scale, scale]); matrix.translate(m, m, [mouseX, mouseY]); rect.applyTransform(m); this.api.dispatch({ type: 'treemapRender', from: this.uid, seriesId: this.seriesModel.uid, viewRect: { x: rect.x, y: rect.y, width: rect.width, height: rect.height } }); } } }, /** * @private */ _initEvents: function (containerGroup, clickCallback) { // FIXME // 不用click以及silent的原因是,animate时视图设置silent true来避免click生效, // 但是animate中,按下鼠标,animate结束后(silent设回为false)松开鼠标, // 还是会触发click,期望是不触发。 var maybeClick = false; var that = this; containerGroup.on('mousedown', function (e) { if (that._state === 'ready') { maybeClick = true; } }); containerGroup.on('mouseup', function (e) { if (that._state !== 'ready') { that._state === 'dragging' && (that._state = 'ready'); return; } if (maybeClick) { maybeClick = false; onClick(e); } }); function onClick(e) { var targetInfo = that.findTarget(e.offsetX, e.offsetY); if (targetInfo) { that._zoomToNode(targetInfo); } } }, /** * @private */ _renderBreadcrumb: function (seriesModel, api, targetInfo) { if (!targetInfo) { // Find breadcrumb tail on center of containerGroup. targetInfo = this.findTarget(api.getWidth() / 2, api.getHeight() / 2); if (!targetInfo) { targetInfo = {node: seriesModel.getData().tree.root}; } } (this._breadcrumb || (this._breadcrumb = new Breadcrumb(, onSelect))) .render(seriesModel, api, targetInfo.node); var that = this; function onSelect(node) { that._zoomToNode({node: node}); } }, /** * @override */ remove: function () {; this._containerGroup = null; this._storage = null; this._oldTree = null; this._breadcrumb && this._breadcrumb.remove(); }, /** * @private */ _zoomToNode: function (targetInfo) { this.api.dispatch({ type: 'treemapZoomToNode', from: this.uid, seriesId: this.seriesModel.uid, targetInfo: targetInfo }); }, /** * @public * @param {number} x Global coord x. * @param {number} y Global coord y. * @return {Object} info If not found, return undefined; * @return {number} info.node Target node. * @return {number} info.offsetX x refer to target node. * @return {number} info.offsetY y refer to target node. */ findTarget: function (x, y) { var targetInfo; var viewRoot = this.seriesModel.getViewRoot(); viewRoot.eachNode({attr: 'viewChildren', order: 'preorder'}, function (node) { var nodeGroup = this._storage.nodeGroup[node.getRawIndex()]; var point = nodeGroup.transformCoordToLocal(x, y); if (nodeGroup.getBoundingRect().contain(point[0], point[1])) { targetInfo = {node: node, offsetX: point[0], offsetY: point[1]}; } else { return false; // Suppress visit subtree. } }, this); return targetInfo; }, /** * @private */ _positionRoot: function(containerGroup, positionInfo, root, viewRect, targetInfo) { var nodeGroups = this._storage.nodeGroup; var rootGroup = nodeGroups[root.getRawIndex()]; if (viewRect) { rootGroup.position = [viewRect.x, viewRect.y]; return; } if (!targetInfo) { rootGroup.position = [0, 0]; return; } // If targetInfo is fetched by 'retrieveTargetNodeInfo', // old tree and new tree are the same tree, // so we can use raw index of targetInfo.node to find shape from storage. var targetNode = targetInfo.node; var targetGroup = nodeGroups[targetNode.getRawIndex()]; if (!targetGroup) { rootGroup.position = [0, 0]; return; } var targetRect = targetGroup.getBoundingRect(); var targetCenter = modelUtil.transformCoordToAncestor( [targetRect.width / 2, targetRect.height / 2], targetGroup, containerGroup ); rootGroup.position = [ positionInfo.width / 2 - targetCenter[0], positionInfo.height / 2 - targetCenter[1] ]; } }); });