define(function(require) { var zrUtil = require('zrender/core/util'); var modelUtil = require('../../util/model'); var each = zrUtil.each; var curry = zrUtil.curry; var get = modelUtil.makeGetter(); /** * @param {Object} coordSysAxesInfo * @param {string} currTrigger 'click' | 'mousemove' | 'handle' | 'leave' * @param {Object} finder {x, y, xAxisId: ...[], yAxisName: ...[], angleAxisIndex: ...[]} * x and y, which are mandatory, specify a point to tigger axisPointer and tooltip. * other properties, which are optional, restrict target axes. * @param {Function} dispatchAction * @param {module:echarts/ExtensionAPI} api * @param {Object} tooltipOption */ function axisTrigger(coordSysAxesInfo, currTrigger, finder, dispatchAction, api, tooltipOption) { var point = [finder.x, finder.y]; var shouldHide = currTrigger === 'leave' || illegalPoint(point); var tooltipInfo = {axesInfo: []}; var doDispatchTooltip = curry(dispatchTooltip, point, tooltipInfo, tooltipOption); // highDownInfo.batch array should not be initialized util it is used, because in // dispatchHighDownActually, null highDownInfo.batch represents no high/down should // be performe, while empty highDownInfo.batch represents dowplay all existent high items. var highDownInfo = {}; var doDispatchHighDown = curry(dispatchHighDown, highDownInfo); var linksNewValueMap = {}; // Process for triggered axes. each(coordSysAxesInfo.coordSysMap, function (coordSys, coordSysKey) { var coordSysContainsPoint = coordSys.containPoint(point); var shouldHideInCoord = shouldHide || !coordSysContainsPoint; each(coordSysAxesInfo.coordSysAxesInfo[coordSysKey], function (axisInfo, key) { var axis = axisInfo.axis; var axisPointerModel = axisInfo.axisPointerModel; if (notTargetAxis(finder, axis)) { return; } var triggerOn = axisPointerModel.get('triggerOn'); var shouldHideAxis = triggerOn !== 'handle' && shouldHideInCoord; var newValue = coordSysContainsPoint ? axis.pointToData(point) : null; if (!currTrigger || triggerOn === currTrigger || shouldHideAxis) { linksNewValueMap[key] = processOnAxis( axisInfo, currTrigger, newValue, shouldHideAxis, doDispatchTooltip, doDispatchHighDown ); } }); }); // Process for linked axes. each(coordSysAxesInfo.linkGroups, function (linkGroup) { each(linkGroup, function (axisInfo, key) { var baseOption = linksNewValueMap[key]; !axisInfo.processed && processOnAxis( axisInfo, currTrigger, baseOption.value, baseOption.status === 'hide', zrUtil.noop, doDispatchHighDown, true ); }); }); // Perform dispatch actions. dispatchTooltipActually(tooltipInfo, dispatchAction); dispatchHighDownActually(highDownInfo, dispatchAction, api); } // return: newValue indicates whether axis triggered. function processOnAxis( axisInfo, currTrigger, newValue, shouldHide, doDispatchTooltip, doDispatchHighDown, dontSnap ) { axisInfo.processed = true; var axis = axisInfo.axis; var seriesModels = axisInfo.seriesModels; var alwaysShow = axisInfo.alwaysShow; var axisPointerModel = axisInfo.axisPointerModel; var axisPointerOption = axisPointerModel.option; var currStatus = axisPointerModel.get('status'); if (axis.scale.isBlank()) { updateAxisPointerModel('hide'); if (currStatus !== 'hide') { doDispatchTooltip('hideTip', axisInfo); } return; } var contains = axis.containData(newValue); if (shouldHide || !contains) { // If hide, value still need to be set, consider click legend to toggle axis blank. updateAxisPointerModel(!alwaysShow ? 'hide' : null, contains ? newValue : null); if (currStatus !== 'hide') { doDispatchTooltip('hideTip', axisInfo); } return; } if (!axisInfo.involveSeries) { updateAxisPointerModel('show', newValue); return; } // Heavy calculation. So put it after axis.containData checking. var payloadInfo = buildPayloadsByNearest(newValue, axisInfo, seriesModels); var payloadBatch = payloadInfo.payloadBatch; if (!dontSnap && axisInfo.snap) { var snapToValue = payloadInfo.snapToValue; if (axis.containData(snapToValue) && snapToValue != null) { newValue = snapToValue; } } doDispatchHighDown('highlight', payloadBatch); updateAxisPointerModel('show', newValue); payloadInfo.payloadBatch.length ? doDispatchTooltip('showTip', axisInfo, payloadInfo, newValue) : doDispatchTooltip('hideTip', axisInfo); return {value: axisPointerOption.value, status: axisPointerOption.status}; function updateAxisPointerModel(status, value) { status != null && (axisPointerOption.status = status); value != null && (axisPointerOption.value = value); } } function buildPayloadsByNearest(value, axisInfo, seriesModels) { var axis = axisInfo.axis; var dim = axis.dim; // Compatibale with legend action payload definition, remain them. // FIXME // remove? var sampleSeries; var sampleDataIndex; var minDist = Infinity; var snapToValue = value; var payloadBatch = []; each(seriesModels, function (series, idx) { var dataIndex = series.getAxisTooltipDataIndex ? series.getAxisTooltipDataIndex( series.coordDimToDataDim(dim), value, axis ) : series.getData().indexOfNearest( series.coordDimToDataDim(dim)[0], value, // Add a threshold to avoid find the wrong dataIndex // when data length is not same. false, axis.type === 'category' ? 0.5 : null ); if (dataIndex == null || dataIndex < 0) { return; } var seriesNestestValue = series.getData().get(dim, dataIndex); if (seriesNestestValue != null && isFinite(seriesNestestValue)) { var dist = Math.abs(value - seriesNestestValue); // Consider category case if (dist <= minDist) { if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; snapToValue = seriesNestestValue; payloadBatch.length = 0; sampleSeries = series; sampleDataIndex = dataIndex; } payloadBatch.push({ seriesIndex: series.seriesIndex, dataIndexInside: dataIndex }); } } }); return { payloadBatch: payloadBatch, sampleSeries: sampleSeries, sampleDataIndex: sampleDataIndex, snapToValue: snapToValue }; } function dispatchTooltip(point, tooltipInfo, tooltipOption, actionType, axisInfo, payloadInfo, value) { if (!axisInfo.triggerTooltip) { return; } if (actionType === 'hideTip' || illegalPoint(point)) { tooltipInfo.hideTip = {type: 'hideTip'}; return; } // Otherwise, showTip. var payloadBatch = payloadInfo.payloadBatch; // Compatible with previous version, remain samplexxx. var sampleSeries = payloadInfo.sampleSeries; var sampleDataIndex = payloadBatch.sampleDataIndex; var seriesDataByAxis = (tooltipInfo.showTip || {}).seriesDataByAxis || []; var axis = axisInfo.axis; var axisPointerModel = axisInfo.axisPointerModel; seriesDataByAxis.push({ axisDim: axis.dim, axisIndex: axis.model.componentIndex, axisId:, value: value, valueLabel: axis.scale.getLabel( value, {precision: axisPointerModel.get('label.precision'), pad: true} ), seriesDataIndices: payloadBatch.slice() }); // Currently, only one tooltip is supported. tooltipInfo.showTip = { type: 'showTip', x: point[0], y: point[1], dataIndexInside: sampleDataIndex, // expose to user. dataIndex: sampleSeries ? sampleSeries.getData().getRawIndex(sampleDataIndex) : null, seriesIndex: sampleSeries ? sampleSeries.seriesIndex : null, seriesDataByAxis: seriesDataByAxis, tooltipOption: tooltipOption }; } function dispatchTooltipActually(tooltipInfo, dispatchAction) { if (tooltipInfo.showTip) { dispatchAction(tooltipInfo.showTip); } // If showTip exists, hideTip will not be performed. else if (tooltipInfo.hideTip) { dispatchAction(tooltipInfo.hideTip); } } function dispatchHighDown(highDownInfo, actionType, batch) { highDownInfo.batch = (highDownInfo.batch || []).concat(batch); } function dispatchHighDownActually(highDownInfo, dispatchAction, api) { if (!highDownInfo.batch) { return; } // FIXME // (1) highlight status shoule be managemented in series.getData()? // (2) If axisPointer A triggerOn 'handle' and axisPointer B triggerOn // 'mousemove', items highlighted by A will be downplayed by B. // It will not be fixed until someone requires this scenario. var zr = api.getZr(); var lastHighlights = get(zr).lastHighlights || {list: [], map: {}}; var newHighlights = get(zr).lastHighlights = {list: [], map: {}}; zrUtil.each(highDownInfo.batch, function (batchItem) { // FIXME vulnerable code var key = batchItem.seriesIndex + '||' + batchItem.dataIndexInside; if (![key]) {[key] = batchItem; newHighlights.list.push(batchItem); } }); // diff var toHighlight = []; var toDownplay = []; zrUtil.each(, function (batchItem, key) { ![key] && toDownplay.push(batchItem); }); zrUtil.each(, function (batchItem, key) { ![key] && toHighlight.push(batchItem); }); toDownplay.length && api.dispatchAction({type: 'downplay', batch: toDownplay}); toHighlight.length && api.dispatchAction({type: 'highlight', batch: toHighlight}); } function notTargetAxis(finder, axis) { var isTarget = 1; // If none of xxxAxisId and xxxAxisName and xxxAxisIndex exists in finder, // no axis is not target axis. each(finder, function (value, propName) { isTarget &= !(/^.+(AxisId|AxisName|AxisIndex)$/.test(propName)); }); !isTarget && each( [['AxisId', 'id'], ['AxisIndex', 'componentIndex'], ['AxisName', 'name']], function (prop) { var vals = modelUtil.normalizeToArray(finder[axis.dim + prop[0]]); isTarget |= zrUtil.indexOf(vals, axis.model[prop[1]]) >= 0; } ); return !isTarget; } function illegalPoint(point) { return point[0] == null || isNaN(point[0]) || point[1] == null || isNaN(point[1]); } return axisTrigger; });