import * as echarts from '../../echarts'; import {createHashMap, each} from 'zrender/src/core/util'; echarts.registerProcessor({ getTargetSeries: function (ecModel) { var seriesModelMap = createHashMap(); ecModel.eachComponent('dataZoom', function (dataZoomModel) { dataZoomModel.eachTargetAxis(function (dimNames, axisIndex, dataZoomModel) { var axisProxy = dataZoomModel.getAxisProxy(, axisIndex); each(axisProxy.getTargetSeriesModels(), function (seriesModel) { seriesModelMap.set(seriesModel.uid, seriesModel); }); }); }); return seriesModelMap; }, isOverallFilter: true, // Consider appendData, where filter should be performed. Because data process is // in block mode currently, it is not need to worry about that the overallProgress // execute every frame. overallReset: function (ecModel, api) { ecModel.eachComponent('dataZoom', function (dataZoomModel) { // We calculate window and reset axis here but not in model // init stage and not after action dispatch handler, because // reset should be called after seriesData.restoreData. dataZoomModel.eachTargetAxis(function (dimNames, axisIndex, dataZoomModel) { dataZoomModel.getAxisProxy(, axisIndex).reset(dataZoomModel, api); }); // Caution: data zoom filtering is order sensitive when using // percent range and no min/max/scale set on axis. // For example, we have dataZoom definition: // [ // {xAxisIndex: 0, start: 30, end: 70}, // {yAxisIndex: 0, start: 20, end: 80} // ] // In this case, [20, 80] of y-dataZoom should be based on data // that have filtered by x-dataZoom using range of [30, 70], // but should not be based on full raw data. Thus sliding // x-dataZoom will change both ranges of xAxis and yAxis, // while sliding y-dataZoom will only change the range of yAxis. // So we should filter x-axis after reset x-axis immediately, // and then reset y-axis and filter y-axis. dataZoomModel.eachTargetAxis(function (dimNames, axisIndex, dataZoomModel) { dataZoomModel.getAxisProxy(, axisIndex).filterData(dataZoomModel, api); }); }); ecModel.eachComponent('dataZoom', function (dataZoomModel) { // Fullfill all of the range props so that user // is able to get them from chart.getOption(). var axisProxy = dataZoomModel.findRepresentativeAxisProxy(); var percentRange = axisProxy.getDataPercentWindow(); var valueRange = axisProxy.getDataValueWindow(); dataZoomModel.setRawRange({ start: percentRange[0], end: percentRange[1], startValue: valueRange[0], endValue: valueRange[1] }, true); }); } });