define(function (require) { var config = require('./config'); var OptionModel = require('./model/Option'); var Model = require('./model/Model'); var zrUtil = require('zrender/core/util'); var Chart = require('./chart/Chart'); var Component = require('./component/Component'); var zrender = require('zrender'); var startupProcessorClasses = []; /** * @module echarts~ECharts */ var ECharts = function (dom, theme) { this.zr = zrender.init(dom); theme = zrUtil.clone(theme || {}); zrUtil.merge(theme, config); this._theme = theme; this._chartsList = []; this._chartsMap = {}; this._componentsList = []; this._componentsMap = {}; this._originalOption = null; }; ECharts.prototype = { setOption: function (rawOption, merge) { rawOption = zrUtil.clone(rawOption); zrUtil.merge(rawOption, this._theme); var option = new OptionModel(rawOption); // Add series index option.eachSeries(function (series, seriesIndex) { series.seriesIndex = seriesIndex; }); // Pending // optionModel as parent ? var globalState = new Model({}, option); // Create processors this._processors =, function (Processor) { var processor = new Processor(); processor.init(option, globalState); }); this._originalOption = option; this.updateImmediate(); }, addProcessor: function (processor, oneForEachType) { var processors = this._processors; if (zrUtil.indexOf(processors, processor) >= 0) { return; }; if (oneForEachType) { if (zrUtil.filter(processors, function (exist) { return exist.type === processor.type; }).length) { return; } } processors.push(processor); }, update: function () { }, updateImmediate: function () { // TODO Performance var option = this._originalOption.clone(); this._processOption(option); this._prepareComponents(option); this._prepareCharts(option); this._dispatchOption(option); }, _prepareCharts: function (option) { var chartUsedMap = {}; zrUtil.each(option.get('series'), function (series, idx) { var id = series.type + '_' + ( || idx); chartUsedMap[id] = true; var chart = this._chartsMap[id]; if (! chart) { chart = Chart.create(series); if (chart) { chart.init(); this._chartsMap[series.type] = chart; this._chartsList.push(chart); } else { // Error } } chart.__id__ = id; }, this); for (var i = 0; i < this._chartsList.length;) { var chart = this._chartsList[i]; if (! chartUsedMap[chart.__id__]) { chart.dispose(); this._chartsList.splice(i, 1); delete this._chartsMap[chart.__id__]; } else { i++; } }; }, _prepareComponents: function (option) { Component.eachAvailableComponent(function (componentType) { var componentsMap = this._componentsMap; var componentsList = this._componentsList; var componentOption = option.get(componentType); var component = componentsMap[componentType]; if (componentOption) { if (! component) { // Create and add component component = Component.create(componentType, componentOption); componentsMap[componentType] = component; componentsList.push(component); } } else { if (component) { // Remove and dispose component component.dispose(); delete componentsMap[componentType]; componentsList.splice(zrUtil.indexOf(componentsList, component)); } } }, this); }, _processOption: function (option) { zrUtil.each(this._processors, function (processor) { processor.process(option); }); }, _dispatchOption: function (option) { // Render all components zrUtil.each(this._components, function (component) { component.render(option); }); // Render all charts zrUtil.each(this._charts, function (chart) { chart.render(option); }); }, dispose: function () { zrUtil.each(this._components, function (component) { component.dispose(); }); zrUtil.each(this._charts, function (chart) { chart.dispose(); }); this.zr.dispose(); } }; /** * @module echarts */ var echarts = { init: function (dom, theme) { return new ECharts(dom, theme); }, registerStartupProcessor: function (processorFactory) {} }; echarts.registerProcessor(require('./processor/SeriesFilter')); return echarts; });