define(function (require) { var Group = require('zrender/container/Group'); var componentUtil = require('../util/component'); var clazzUtil = require('../util/clazz'); function Chart() { /** * @type {module:zrender/container/Group} * @readOnly */ = new Group(); /** * @type {string} * @readOnly */ this.uid = componentUtil.getUID('viewChart'); } Chart.prototype = { type: 'chart', /** * Init the chart * @param {module:echarts/model/Global} ecModel * @param {module:echarts/ExtensionAPI} api */ init: function (ecModel, api) {}, /** * Render the chart * @param {module:echarts/model/Series} seriesModel * @param {module:echarts/model/Global} ecModel * @param {module:echarts/ExtensionAPI} api * @param {Object} payload */ render: function (seriesModel, ecModel, api, payload) {}, /** * Highlight series or specified data item * @param {module:echarts/model/Series} seriesModel * @param {module:echarts/model/Global} ecModel * @param {module:echarts/ExtensionAPI} api * @param {Object} payload */ highlight: function (seriesModel, ecModel, api, payload) { toggleHighlight(seriesModel.getData(), payload, 'emphasis'); }, /** * Downplay series or specified data item * @param {module:echarts/model/Series} seriesModel * @param {module:echarts/model/Global} ecModel * @param {module:echarts/ExtensionAPI} api * @param {Object} payload */ downplay: function (seriesModel, ecModel, api, payload) { toggleHighlight(seriesModel.getData(), payload, 'normal'); }, /** * Remove self * @param {module:echarts/model/Global} ecModel * @param {module:echarts/ExtensionAPI} api */ remove: function (ecModel, api) {; }, /** * Dispose self * @param {module:echarts/model/Global} ecModel * @param {module:echarts/ExtensionAPI} api */ dispose: function () {} }; var chartProto = Chart.prototype; chartProto.updateView = chartProto.updateLayout = chartProto.updateVisual = function (seriesModel, ecModel, api, payload) { this.render(seriesModel, ecModel, api, payload); }; /** * Set state of single element * @param {module:zrender/Element} el * @param {string} state */ function elSetState(el, state) { if (el) { el.trigger(state); if (el.type === 'group') { for (var i = 0; i < el.childCount(); i++) { elSetState(el.childAt(i), state); } } } } /** * @param {module:echarts/data/List} data * @param {Object} payload * @param {string} state 'normal'|'emphasis' * @inner */ function toggleHighlight(data, payload, state) { if (payload.dataIndex != null) { var el = data.getItemGraphicEl(payload.dataIndex); elSetState(el, state); } else if ( { var dataIndex = data.indexOfName(; var el = data.getItemGraphicEl(dataIndex); elSetState(el, state); } else { data.eachItemGraphicEl(function (el) { elSetState(el, state); }); } } // Enable Chart.extend. clazzUtil.enableClassExtend(Chart); // Add capability of registerClass, getClass, hasClass, registerSubTypeDefaulter and so on. clazzUtil.enableClassManagement(Chart, {registerWhenExtend: true}); return Chart; });