/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import * as zrUtil from 'zrender/src/core/util'; // import Group from 'zrender/src/container/Group'; import Text from 'zrender/src/graphic/Text'; /** * @alias module:echarts/component/tooltip/TooltipRichContent * @constructor */ function TooltipRichContent(api) { this._zr = api.getZr(); this._show = false; /** * @private */ this._hideTimeout; } TooltipRichContent.prototype = { constructor: TooltipRichContent, /** * @private * @type {boolean} */ _enterable: true, /** * Update when tooltip is rendered */ update: function () { // noop }, show: function (tooltipModel) { if (this._hideTimeout) { clearTimeout(this._hideTimeout); } this.el.attr('show', true); this._show = true; }, /** * Set tooltip content * * @param {string} content rich text string of content * @param {Object} markerRich rich text style * @param {Object} tooltipModel tooltip model */ setContent: function (content, markerRich, tooltipModel) { if (this.el) { this._zr.remove(this.el); } var markers = {}; var text = content; var prefix = '{marker'; var suffix = '|}'; var startId = text.indexOf(prefix); while (startId >= 0) { var endId = text.indexOf(suffix); var name = text.substr(startId + prefix.length, endId - startId - prefix.length); if (name.indexOf('sub') > -1) { markers['marker' + name] = { textWidth: 4, textHeight: 4, textBorderRadius: 2, textBackgroundColor: markerRich[name], // TODO: textOffset is not implemented for rich text textOffset: [3, 0] }; } else { markers['marker' + name] = { textWidth: 10, textHeight: 10, textBorderRadius: 5, textBackgroundColor: markerRich[name] }; } text = text.substr(endId + 1); startId = text.indexOf('{marker'); } this.el = new Text({ style: { rich: markers, text: content, textLineHeight: 20, textBackgroundColor: tooltipModel.get('backgroundColor'), textBorderRadius: tooltipModel.get('borderRadius'), textFill: tooltipModel.get('textStyle.color'), textPadding: tooltipModel.get('padding') }, z: tooltipModel.get('z') }); this._zr.add(this.el); var self = this; this.el.on('mouseover', function () { // clear the timeout in hideLater and keep showing tooltip if (self._enterable) { clearTimeout(self._hideTimeout); self._show = true; } self._inContent = true; }); this.el.on('mouseout', function () { if (self._enterable) { if (self._show) { self.hideLater(self._hideDelay); } } self._inContent = false; }); }, setEnterable: function (enterable) { this._enterable = enterable; }, getSize: function () { var bounding = this.el.getBoundingRect(); return [bounding.width, bounding.height]; }, moveTo: function (x, y) { if (this.el) { this.el.attr('position', [x, y]); } }, hide: function () { if (this.el) { this.el.hide(); } this._show = false; }, hideLater: function (time) { if (this._show && !(this._inContent && this._enterable)) { if (time) { this._hideDelay = time; // Set show false to avoid invoke hideLater mutiple times this._show = false; this._hideTimeout = setTimeout(zrUtil.bind(this.hide, this), time); } else { this.hide(); } } }, isShow: function () { return this._show; }, getOuterSize: function () { var size = this.getSize(); return { width: size[0], height: size[1] }; } }; export default TooltipRichContent;