# Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """ Testing the random resize with bounding boxes op in DE """ import numpy as np import mindspore.dataset as ds import mindspore.dataset.transforms.vision.c_transforms as c_vision from mindspore import log as logger from util import visualize_with_bounding_boxes, InvalidBBoxType, check_bad_bbox, \ config_get_set_seed, config_get_set_num_parallel_workers, save_and_check_md5 GENERATE_GOLDEN = False DATA_DIR = "../data/dataset/testVOC2012_2" def fix_annotate(bboxes): """ Fix annotations to format followed by mindspore. :param bboxes: in [label, x_min, y_min, w, h, truncate, difficult] format :return: annotation in [x_min, y_min, w, h, label, truncate, difficult] format """ for (i, box) in enumerate(bboxes): if box.size == 7: bboxes[i] = np.roll(box, -1) else: print("ERROR: Invalid Bounding Box size provided") break return bboxes def test_random_resize_with_bbox_op_rand_c(plot_vis=False): """ Prints images and bboxes side by side with and without RandomResizeWithBBox Op applied, tests with MD5 check, expected to pass """ logger.info("test_random_resize_with_bbox_rand_c") original_seed = config_get_set_seed(1) original_num_parallel_workers = config_get_set_num_parallel_workers(1) # Load dataset dataVoc1 = ds.VOCDataset(DATA_DIR, task="Detection", mode="train", decode=True, shuffle=False) dataVoc2 = ds.VOCDataset(DATA_DIR, task="Detection", mode="train", decode=True, shuffle=False) test_op = c_vision.RandomResizeWithBBox(200) dataVoc1 = dataVoc1.map(input_columns=["annotation"], output_columns=["annotation"], operations=fix_annotate) dataVoc2 = dataVoc2.map(input_columns=["annotation"], output_columns=["annotation"], operations=fix_annotate) # map to apply ops dataVoc2 = dataVoc2.map(input_columns=["image", "annotation"], output_columns=["image", "annotation"], columns_order=["image", "annotation"], operations=[test_op]) filename = "random_resize_with_bbox_op_01_c_result.npz" save_and_check_md5(dataVoc2, filename, generate_golden=GENERATE_GOLDEN) unaugSamp, augSamp = [], [] for unAug, Aug in zip(dataVoc1.create_dict_iterator(), dataVoc2.create_dict_iterator()): unaugSamp.append(unAug) augSamp.append(Aug) if plot_vis: visualize_with_bounding_boxes(unaugSamp, augSamp) # Restore config setting ds.config.set_seed(original_seed) ds.config.set_num_parallel_workers(original_num_parallel_workers) def test_random_resize_with_bbox_op_edge_c(plot_vis=False): """ Prints images and bboxes side by side with and without RandomresizeWithBBox Op applied, applied on dynamically generated edge case, expected to pass. edge case is when bounding box has dimensions as the image itself. """ logger.info("test_random_resize_with_bbox_op_edge_c") dataVoc1 = ds.VOCDataset(DATA_DIR, task="Detection", mode="train", decode=True, shuffle=False) dataVoc2 = ds.VOCDataset(DATA_DIR, task="Detection", mode="train", decode=True, shuffle=False) test_op = c_vision.RandomResizeWithBBox(500) dataVoc1 = dataVoc1.map(input_columns=["annotation"], output_columns=["annotation"], operations=fix_annotate) dataVoc2 = dataVoc2.map(input_columns=["annotation"], output_columns=["annotation"], operations=fix_annotate) # maps to convert data into valid edge case data dataVoc1 = dataVoc1.map(input_columns=["image", "annotation"], output_columns=["image", "annotation"], columns_order=["image", "annotation"], operations=[lambda img, bboxes: ( img, np.array([[0, 0, img.shape[1], img.shape[0]]]).astype(bboxes.dtype))]) dataVoc2 = dataVoc2.map(input_columns=["image", "annotation"], output_columns=["image", "annotation"], columns_order=["image", "annotation"], operations=[lambda img, bboxes: ( img, np.array([[0, 0, img.shape[1], img.shape[0]]]).astype(bboxes.dtype)), test_op]) unaugSamp, augSamp = [], [] for unAug, Aug in zip(dataVoc1.create_dict_iterator(), dataVoc2.create_dict_iterator()): unaugSamp.append(unAug) augSamp.append(Aug) if plot_vis: visualize_with_bounding_boxes(unaugSamp, augSamp) def test_random_resize_with_bbox_op_invalid_c(): """ Test RandomResizeWithBBox Op on invalid constructor parameters, expected to raise ValueError """ logger.info("test_random_resize_with_bbox_op_invalid_c") try: # zero value for resize c_vision.RandomResizeWithBBox(0) except ValueError as err: logger.info("Got an exception in DE: {}".format(str(err))) assert "Input is not" in str(err) try: # one of the size values is zero c_vision.RandomResizeWithBBox((0, 100)) except ValueError as err: logger.info("Got an exception in DE: {}".format(str(err))) assert "Input is not" in str(err) try: # negative value for resize c_vision.RandomResizeWithBBox(-10) except ValueError as err: logger.info("Got an exception in DE: {}".format(str(err))) assert "Input is not" in str(err) try: # invalid input shape c_vision.RandomResizeWithBBox((100, 100, 100)) except TypeError as err: logger.info("Got an exception in DE: {}".format(str(err))) assert "Size should be" in str(err) def test_random_resize_with_bbox_op_bad_c(): """ Tests RandomResizeWithBBox Op with invalid bounding boxes, expected to catch multiple errors """ logger.info("test_random_resize_with_bbox_op_bad_c") test_op = c_vision.RandomResizeWithBBox((400, 300)) data_voc2 = ds.VOCDataset(DATA_DIR, task="Detection", mode="train", decode=True, shuffle=False) check_bad_bbox(data_voc2, test_op, InvalidBBoxType.WidthOverflow, "bounding boxes is out of bounds of the image") data_voc2 = ds.VOCDataset(DATA_DIR, task="Detection", mode="train", decode=True, shuffle=False) check_bad_bbox(data_voc2, test_op, InvalidBBoxType.HeightOverflow, "bounding boxes is out of bounds of the image") data_voc2 = ds.VOCDataset(DATA_DIR, task="Detection", mode="train", decode=True, shuffle=False) check_bad_bbox(data_voc2, test_op, InvalidBBoxType.NegativeXY, "min_x") data_voc2 = ds.VOCDataset(DATA_DIR, task="Detection", mode="train", decode=True, shuffle=False) check_bad_bbox(data_voc2, test_op, InvalidBBoxType.WrongShape, "4 features") if __name__ == "__main__": test_random_resize_with_bbox_op_rand_c(plot_vis=False) test_random_resize_with_bbox_op_edge_c(plot_vis=False) test_random_resize_with_bbox_op_invalid_c() test_random_resize_with_bbox_op_bad_c()