# Copyright 2020 The MACE Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import math import torch import sys import re import numpy as np import six from torch._C import _propagate_and_assign_input_shapes # extract node attribute such as node['value'] from torch.onnx.utils import _node_getitem from py_proto import mace_pb2 from transform import base_converter from transform.transformer import Transformer from transform.base_converter import ActivationType from transform.base_converter import EltwiseType from transform.base_converter import FrameworkType from transform.base_converter import ConverterUtil from transform.base_converter import DataFormat from transform.base_converter import MaceKeyword from transform.base_converter import MaceOp from transform.base_converter import PoolingType from transform.base_converter import RoundMode from utils.util import mace_check def _model_to_graph(model, args): propagate = False if isinstance(args, torch.Tensor): args = (args, ) graph = model.forward.graph method_graph, params = torch._C._jit_pass_lower_graph(graph, model._c) in_vars, in_desc = torch.jit._flatten(tuple(args) + tuple(params)) graph = _propagate_and_assign_input_shapes( method_graph, tuple(in_vars), False, propagate) input_and_param_names = [val.debugName() for val in graph.inputs()] param_names = input_and_param_names[-len(params):] params = [elem.detach() for elem in params] params_dict = dict(zip(param_names, params)) return graph, params_dict class ValueType(object): BoolType = torch._C.BoolType FloatType = torch._C.FloatType IntType = torch._C.IntType ListType = torch._C.ListType NoneType = torch._C.NoneType TensorType = torch._C.TensorType TupleType = torch._C.TupleType class NodeKind(object): AdaptiveAvgPool2D = 'aten::adaptive_avg_pool2d' Add_ = 'aten::add_' Add = 'aten::add' Addmm = 'aten::addmm' AvgPool2D = 'aten::avg_pool2d' BatchNorm = 'aten::batch_norm' Cat = 'aten::cat' Constant = 'prim::Constant' Convolution = 'aten::_convolution' Dropout = 'aten::dropout' Flatten = 'aten::flatten' HardTanh_ = 'aten::hardtanh_' # ReLU6(inplace=True) HardTanh = 'aten::hardtanh' # ReLU6(inplace=False) Int = 'aten::Int' List = 'prim::ListConstruct' Matmul = 'aten::matmul' MaxPool2D = 'aten::max_pool2d' NumToTensor = 'prim::NumToTensor' Param = 'prim::Param' Relu_ = 'aten::relu_' Relu = 'aten::relu' Reshape = 'aten::reshape' Size = 'aten::size' # pytorch can get Tensor size dynamically T = 'aten::t' Tuple = 'prim::TupleConstruct' class ConvParamIdx(object): input_tensor_idx = 0 weight_idx = 1 bias_idx = 2 stride_idx = 3 pad_idx = 4 dilation_idx = 5 transposed_idx = 6 output_pad_idx = 7 groups_idx = 8 benchmark_idx = 9 determinstic_idx = 10 cudnn_enabled_idx = 11 class AvgPool2DParamIdx(object): input_tensor_idx = 0 kernel_size_idx = 1 stride_idx = 2 pad_idx = 3 ceil_mode_idx = 4 count_include_pad_idx = 5 divisor_override_idx = 6 class MaxPool2DParamIdx(object): input_tensor_idx = 0 kernel_size_idx = 1 stride_idx = 2 pad_idx = 3 dilation_idx = 4 ceil_mode_idx = 5 class BNParamIdx(object): input_tensor_idx = 0 weight_idx = 1 bias_idx = 2 running_mean_idx = 3 running_var_idx = 4 training_idx = 5 momentum_idx = 6 eps_idx = 7 cudnn_enabled_idx = 8 class AddmmParamIdx(object): bias_idx = 0 input_idx = 1 weight_idx = 2 beta_idx = 3 alpha_idx = 4 class PytorchConverter(base_converter.ConverterInterface): '''A class for convert pytorch model to MACE model.''' activation_type = { 'ReLU': ActivationType.RELU, 'ReLU6': ActivationType.RELUX, } pooling_type_mode = { NodeKind.AvgPool2D: PoolingType.AVG, NodeKind.AdaptiveAvgPool2D: PoolingType.AVG, NodeKind.MaxPool2D: PoolingType.MAX, } eltwise_type = { NodeKind.Add: EltwiseType.SUM, NodeKind.Add_: EltwiseType.SUM, } def model_to_graph(self): dummy_input = () for in_node in self._option.input_nodes.values(): if len(in_node.shape) == 4: in_data_format = in_node.data_format if in_data_format == DataFormat.NHWC: N, H, W, C = in_node.shape elif in_data_format == DataFormat.NCHW: N, C, H, W = in_node.shape dummy_input = dummy_input + (torch.randn([N, C, H, W]),) else: dummy_input = dummy_input + (torch.randn(in_node.shape),) graph, params_dict = _model_to_graph(self._loaded_model, dummy_input) return graph, params_dict def init_output_shape_cache(self): self._output_shape_cache = {} for input_node in self._option.input_nodes.values(): # input_shape is assigned in .yml file input_shape = input_node.shape[:] # transpose input from NHWC to NCHW if len(input_shape) == 4 and \ input_node.data_format == DataFormat.NHWC: Transformer.transpose_shape(input_shape, [0, 3, 1, 2]) self._output_shape_cache[input_node.name] = input_shape def __init__(self, option, src_model_file): torch._C.Node.__getitem__ = _node_getitem self._param_converts = ( NodeKind.Constant, NodeKind.List, NodeKind.Size, NodeKind.NumToTensor, NodeKind.Int, ) self._option = option self._mace_net_def = mace_pb2.NetDef() ConverterUtil.set_filter_format(self._mace_net_def, DataFormat.OIHW) ConverterUtil.add_data_format_arg(self._mace_net_def, DataFormat.NCHW) self._op_converters = { NodeKind.AdaptiveAvgPool2D: self.convert_pool, NodeKind.Add: self.convert_add, NodeKind.Add_: self.convert_add, NodeKind.Addmm: self.convert_addmm, NodeKind.AvgPool2D: self.convert_pool, NodeKind.BatchNorm: self.convert_batch_norm, NodeKind.Cat: self.convert_cat, NodeKind.Convolution: self.convert_conv2d, NodeKind.Dropout: self.convert_dropout, NodeKind.Flatten: self.convert_flatten, NodeKind.HardTanh_: self.convert_hardtanh, NodeKind.HardTanh: self.convert_hardtanh, NodeKind.Matmul: self.convert_matmul, NodeKind.MaxPool2D: self.convert_pool, NodeKind.Relu: self.convert_relu, NodeKind.Relu_: self.convert_relu, NodeKind.Reshape: self.convert_reshape, NodeKind.T: self.convert_t, } self._loaded_model = torch.jit.load(src_model_file) self._loaded_model.eval() self._graph, self._params_dict = self.model_to_graph() self._output_node_name = list(self._graph.outputs())[0].debugName() self._output_value_type = list(self._graph.outputs())[0].type() mace_check(isinstance(self._output_value_type, (ValueType.TensorType, ValueType.ListType, ValueType.TupleType)), 'return type {} not supported'.format( self._output_value_type)) self._node_map = {} self.init_output_shape_cache() def run(self): self.convert_ops() return self._mace_net_def def init_ignore_t(self, all_nodes): # ignore_t saves aten::t() which is ignored self.ignore_t = set() for node in all_nodes: node_kind = node.kind() if node_kind == NodeKind.T and self.is_trans_fc_w(node): self.ignore_t.add(node.output().debugName()) def convert_ops(self): all_nodes = list(self._graph.nodes()) self.init_ignore_t(all_nodes) for node in all_nodes: if isinstance( self._output_value_type, (ValueType.TupleType, ValueType.ListType)) and \ node.output().debugName() == self._output_node_name: print('pytorch return type is {},' ' skipping adding it into MACE graph'.format( self._output_value_type)) continue inputs_vals = list(node.inputs()) # list of Value outputs_vals = list(node.outputs()) mace_check(len(outputs_vals) == 1, 'pytorch converter supports nodes with single output,' ' {} outputs found'.format(len(outputs_vals))) node_kind = node.kind() # This means this node is parameter for Ops if node_kind in self._param_converts: continue self._node_map[outputs_vals[0].debugName()] = node mace_check(node_kind in self._op_converters, 'MACE does not support pytorch node {} yet'.format( node_kind)) self._op_converters[node_kind](node, inputs_vals, outputs_vals) def convert_general_op(self, outputs_vals): op = self._mace_net_def.op.add() op.name = outputs_vals[0].debugName() data_type_arg = op.arg.add() data_type_arg.name = 'T' data_type_arg.i = self._option.data_type framework_type_arg = op.arg.add() framework_type_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_framework_type_str framework_type_arg.i = FrameworkType.PYTORCH.value ConverterUtil.add_data_format_arg(op, DataFormat.NCHW) return op def add_output_shape(self, op, shapes): mace_check(len(op.output) == len(shapes), 'Op {} ({}) output count is different from output shape count'.format( # noqa op.name, op.type)) for i in range(len(shapes)): output_name = op.output[i] output_shape = op.output_shape.add() output_shape.dims.extend(shapes[i]) self._output_shape_cache[output_name] = shapes[i] def infer_shape_general(self, op): if len(op.input) > 0: mace_check(op.input[0] in self._output_shape_cache, "Op {} input {} does not exist".format( op.name, op.input[0])) # initial values of _output_shape_cache come from: # 1: input_shape in .yml file(may be transposed to NCHW) # 2: tensor.dims. tensor is added by add_tensor_and_shape input_shape = self._output_shape_cache[op.input[0]] # pytorch BatchNorm 1/2/3D version use same function, the only way # to check dimension of BatchNorm is to checkout input dimension if op.type == MaceOp.BatchNorm.name: mace_check(len(input_shape) == 4, 'only 2D BatchNorm is supported,' ' but {}D input found'.format(len(input_shape))) self.add_output_shape(op, [input_shape]) def infer_shape_conv2d_pool(self, op): input_shape = self._output_shape_cache[op.input[0]] output_shape = np.zeros_like(input_shape) if not op.type == MaceOp.Pooling: filter_shape = self._output_shape_cache[op.input[1]] paddings = ConverterUtil.get_arg(op, MaceKeyword.mace_padding_values_str).ints # noqa strides = ConverterUtil.get_arg(op, MaceKeyword.mace_strides_str).ints dilations_arg = ConverterUtil.get_arg(op, MaceKeyword.mace_dilations_str) if dilations_arg is not None: dilations = dilations_arg.ints else: dilations = [1, 1] # MACE pooling has no dilation if op.type == MaceOp.Pooling.name: kernels = ConverterUtil.get_arg( op, MaceKeyword.mace_kernel_str).ints if ConverterUtil.get_arg( op, MaceKeyword.mace_global_pooling_str) is not None: kernels[0] = input_shape[2] kernels[1] = input_shape[3] round_func = math.floor round_mode_arg = ConverterUtil.get_arg( op, MaceKeyword.mace_round_mode_str) if round_mode_arg is not None and \ round_mode_arg.i == RoundMode.CEIL.value: round_func = math.ceil # N_o = N_i output_shape[0] = input_shape[0] mace_check(ConverterUtil.data_format(op) == DataFormat.NCHW and ConverterUtil.filter_format(self._mace_net_def) == DataFormat.OIHW, "MACE can only infer shape for NCHW input and OIHW filter") # noqa # get C_{out} if op.type == MaceOp.DepthwiseConv2d.name: # 1CHW for depthwise, here C=C_{out} output_shape[1] = filter_shape[1] elif op.type == MaceOp.Conv2D.name: # filter format: OIHW output_shape[1] = filter_shape[0] else: output_shape[1] = input_shape[1] # H_{out} p, d, s = paddings[0], dilations[0], strides[0] k = kernels[0] if op.type == MaceOp.Pooling.name \ else filter_shape[2] # https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.nn.Conv2d.html output_shape[2] = int( round_func(float(input_shape[2] + p - d * (k - 1) - 1) / float(s) + 1)) # W_{out} p, d, s = paddings[1], dilations[1], strides[1] k = kernels[1] if op.type == MaceOp.Pooling.name \ else filter_shape[3] output_shape[3] = int( round_func(float(input_shape[3] + p - d * (k - 1) - 1) / float(s) + 1)) self.add_output_shape(op, [output_shape]) def convert_conv2d(self, node, inputs_vals, outputs_vals): op = self.convert_general_op(outputs_vals) op.input.extend([inputs_vals[i].debugName() for i in range(2)]) op.output.extend([outputs_vals[0].debugName()]) # OIHW key = inputs_vals[1].debugName() filter_shape = self._params_dict[key].shape filter_shape = [int(elem) for elem in filter_shape] # Size -> list mace_check(len(filter_shape) == 4, 'MACE only supports 2D Conv, current Conv is {}D'.format( len(filter_shape)-2)) filter_cin = filter_shape[1] filter_cout = filter_shape[0] group_node = inputs_vals[ConvParamIdx.groups_idx].node() ngroups = group_node['value'] mace_check(ngroups == 1 or ngroups == filter_cout, 'MACE only support conv without group or depthwise conv,' ' but group number of {} found'.format(ngroups)) is_depthwise = (ngroups != 1 and ngroups == filter_cout and filter_cin == 1) if is_depthwise: op.type = MaceOp.DepthwiseConv2d.name else: op.type = MaceOp.Conv2D.name strides_node = inputs_vals[ConvParamIdx.stride_idx].node() strides_vals = list(strides_node.inputs()) mace_strides = [strides_vals[i].node()['value'] for i in range(2)] strides_arg = op.arg.add() strides_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_strides_str strides_arg.ints.extend(mace_strides) pads_node = inputs_vals[ConvParamIdx.pad_idx].node() pads_vals = list(pads_node.inputs()) mace_pads = [2 * pads_vals[i].node()['value'] for i in range(2)] pads_arg = op.arg.add() pads_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_padding_values_str pads_arg.ints.extend(mace_pads) dilations_node = inputs_vals[ConvParamIdx.dilation_idx].node() dilations_vals = list(dilations_node.inputs()) mace_dilations = [dilations_vals[i].node()['value'] for i in range(2)] dilation_arg = op.arg.add() dilation_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_dilations_str dilation_arg.ints.extend(mace_dilations) filter_tensor_name = inputs_vals[ConvParamIdx.weight_idx].debugName() filter_data = self._params_dict[filter_tensor_name] if is_depthwise: # C1HW => 1CHW filter_data = filter_data.permute((1, 0, 2, 3)) filter_data = filter_data.numpy() self.add_tensor_and_shape(filter_tensor_name, filter_data.shape, mace_pb2.DT_FLOAT, filter_data) bias_val = inputs_vals[ConvParamIdx.bias_idx] has_bias = (not isinstance(bias_val.type(), ValueType.NoneType)) if has_bias: bias_tensor_name = inputs_vals[ConvParamIdx.bias_idx].debugName() bias_data = self._params_dict[bias_tensor_name] bias_data = bias_data.numpy() self.add_tensor_and_shape(bias_tensor_name, bias_data.shape, mace_pb2.DT_FLOAT, bias_data) op.input.extend([bias_tensor_name]) self.infer_shape_conv2d_pool(op) def convert_batch_norm(self, node, inputs_vals, outputs_vals): op = self.convert_general_op(outputs_vals) op.input.extend([inputs_vals[0].debugName()]) op.output.extend([outputs_vals[0].debugName()]) op.type = MaceOp.BatchNorm.name is_training = int(inputs_vals[BNParamIdx.training_idx].node()['value']) mace_check(is_training == 0, "Only support batch normalization with is_training = 0," " but got {}".format(is_training)) state_dict = self._params_dict gamma_key = inputs_vals[BNParamIdx.weight_idx].debugName() gamma_value = state_dict[gamma_key].numpy().astype(np.float32) beta_key = inputs_vals[BNParamIdx.bias_idx].debugName() beta_value = state_dict[beta_key].numpy().astype(np.float32) mean_name = inputs_vals[BNParamIdx.running_mean_idx].debugName() mean_value = state_dict[mean_name].numpy().astype(np.float32) var_name = inputs_vals[BNParamIdx.running_var_idx].debugName() var_value = state_dict[var_name].numpy().astype(np.float32) epsilon_value = inputs_vals[BNParamIdx.eps_idx].node()['value'] scale_name = gamma_key + '_scale' offset_name = beta_key + '_offset' scale_value = ( (1.0 / np.vectorize(math.sqrt)( var_value + epsilon_value)) * gamma_value) offset_value = (-mean_value * scale_value) + beta_value self.add_tensor_and_shape(scale_name, scale_value.shape, mace_pb2.DT_FLOAT, scale_value) self.add_tensor_and_shape(offset_name, offset_value.shape, mace_pb2.DT_FLOAT, offset_value) op.input.extend([scale_name, offset_name]) self.infer_shape_general(op) def convert_hardtanh(self, node, inputs_vals, outputs_vals): op = self.convert_general_op(outputs_vals) op.type = MaceOp.Activation.name min_val = inputs_vals[1].node()['value'] max_val = inputs_vals[2].node()['value'] mace_check(abs(min_val) < 1e-8, "MACE only supports min == 0 Clip op") op.input.extend([inputs_vals[0].debugName()]) op.output.extend([outputs_vals[0].debugName()]) type_arg = op.arg.add() type_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_activation_type_str mace_check(abs(max_val - 6.) < 1e-8, 'only support converting hardtanh_ to ReLU6 yet') type_arg.s = six.b(self.activation_type['ReLU6'].name) limit_arg = op.arg.add() limit_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_activation_max_limit_str limit_arg.f = 6.0 self.infer_shape_general(op) def convert_add(self, node, inputs_vals, outputs_vals): op = self.convert_general_op(outputs_vals) op.type = MaceOp.Eltwise.name type_arg = op.arg.add() type_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_element_type_str node_kind = node.kind() type_arg.i = self.eltwise_type[node_kind].value alpha = inputs_vals[2].node()['value'] mace_check(alpha == 1, 'MACE only support alpha value of 1 for Add Op,' ' {} found'.format(alpha)) op.input.extend([inputs_vals[i].debugName() for i in range(2)]) op.output.extend([outputs_vals[0].debugName()]) lhs_kind = inputs_vals[0].node().kind() rhs_kind = inputs_vals[1].node().kind() if lhs_kind != NodeKind.Constant and rhs_kind == NodeKind.Constant: const_value = inputs_vals[1].node()['value'] value_arg = op.arg.add() value_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_scalar_input_str value_arg.f = float(const_value) value_index_arg = op.arg.add() value_index_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_scalar_input_index_str value_index_arg.i = 1 del op.input[1] elif lhs_kind == NodeKind.Constant and rhs_kind != NodeKind.Constant: const_value = inputs_vals[0].node()['value'] value_arg = op.arg.add() value_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_scalar_input_str value_arg.f = float(const_value) value_index_arg = op.arg.add() value_index_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_scalar_input_index_str value_index_arg.i = 0 del op.input[0] self.infer_shape_general(op) def convert_relu(self, node, inputs_vals, outputs_vals): op = self.convert_general_op(outputs_vals) op.type = MaceOp.Activation.name op.input.extend([inputs_vals[0].debugName()]) op.output.extend([outputs_vals[0].debugName()]) type_arg = op.arg.add() type_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_activation_type_str type_arg.s = six.b(self.activation_type['ReLU'].name) self.infer_shape_general(op) def infer_shape_cat(self, op): output_shape = list(self._output_shape_cache[op.input[0]]) axis = ConverterUtil.get_arg(op, MaceKeyword.mace_axis_str).i if axis < 0: axis = len(output_shape) + axis output_shape[axis] = 0 for input_node in op.input: input_shape = list(self._output_shape_cache[input_node]) output_shape[axis] = output_shape[axis] + input_shape[axis] self.add_output_shape(op, [output_shape]) def convert_cat(self, node, inputs_vals, outputs_vals): op = self.convert_general_op(outputs_vals) op.type = MaceOp.Concat.name in_vals = list(inputs_vals[0].node().inputs()) in_names = [in_vals[i].debugName() for i in range(len(in_vals))] op.input.extend(in_names) op.output.extend([outputs_vals[0].debugName()]) axis_int = inputs_vals[1].node()['value'] axis_arg = op.arg.add() axis_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_axis_str axis_arg.i = axis_int self.infer_shape_cat(op) def convert_flatten(self, node, inputs_vals, outputs_vals): op = self.convert_general_op(outputs_vals) op.type = MaceOp.Reshape.name op.input.extend([inputs_vals[0].debugName()]) op.output.extend([outputs_vals[0].debugName()]) input_shape = list(self._output_shape_cache[op.input[0]]) ndim = len(input_shape) start_dim = inputs_vals[1].node()['value'] if start_dim < 0: start_dim += ndim end_dim = inputs_vals[2].node()['value'] if end_dim < 0: end_dim += ndim reshape_dims = [] for i in range(0, start_dim): reshape_dims.append(input_shape[i]) mid_shape = 1 for i in range(start_dim, end_dim+1): mid_shape *= input_shape[i] reshape_dims.append(mid_shape) for i in range(end_dim + 1, ndim): reshape_dims.append(input_shape[i]) dim_arg = op.arg.add() dim_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_dim_str dim_arg.ints.extend(reshape_dims) self.infer_shape_reshape(op) def get_weight_from_node(self, node): input_list = list(node.inputs()) key = input_list[0].debugName() return self._params_dict[key] def is_trans_fc_w(self, node): in_vals = list(node.inputs()) mace_check(len(in_vals) == 1, 't() must have 1 input') in_name = in_vals[0].debugName() if in_name in self._params_dict and \ len(self._params_dict[in_name].shape) == 2: return True return False def infer_shape_fully_connected(self, op): input_shape = self._output_shape_cache[op.input[0]] weight_shape = self._output_shape_cache[op.input[1]] data_format = ConverterUtil.data_format(op) mace_check(data_format == DataFormat.NCHW, "format {} is not supported".format(data_format)) output_shape = [input_shape[0], weight_shape[0], 1, 1] self.add_output_shape(op, [output_shape]) def convert_addmm(self, node, inputs_vals, outputs_vals): op = self.convert_general_op(outputs_vals) weight_in_node = inputs_vals[AddmmParamIdx.weight_idx].node() is_mat2_w = weight_in_node.kind() == NodeKind.T and self.is_trans_fc_w( weight_in_node) alpha = inputs_vals[AddmmParamIdx.alpha_idx].node()['value'] alpha_type = inputs_vals[AddmmParamIdx.alpha_idx].type() is_alpha_fc = isinstance(alpha_type, ValueType.IntType) and alpha == 1 is_bias_w = inputs_vals[AddmmParamIdx.bias_idx].debugName() in \ self._params_dict beta = inputs_vals[AddmmParamIdx.beta_idx].node()['value'] beta_type = inputs_vals[AddmmParamIdx.beta_idx].type() is_beta_fc = isinstance(beta_type, ValueType.IntType) and beta == 1 # when mat2 is from state_dict and alpha=1 and bias is from state_dict # and beta =1, it is fc is_fc = is_mat2_w and is_alpha_fc and is_bias_w and is_beta_fc mace_check(is_fc, 'addmm can only be converted into FC yet') # pytorch usually prepend a reshape/flatten before fc, convert fc # into matmul followed by biasadd, thus reshape/flatten and matmul # will be merged. see transform_matmul_to_fc for detail. name_back = op.name matmul_op_name = op.name + '_matmul' op.name = matmul_op_name op.type = MaceOp.MatMul.name fc_upstream_name = inputs_vals[AddmmParamIdx.input_idx].debugName() op.input.extend([fc_upstream_name]) op.output.extend([matmul_op_name]) weight_tensor_name = op.name + '_weight' weight_tensor = self.get_weight_from_node(weight_in_node) weight_data = weight_tensor.numpy() self.add_tensor_and_shape(weight_tensor_name, weight_data.shape, mace_pb2.DT_FLOAT, weight_data) op.input.extend([weight_tensor_name]) transpose_a_arg = op.arg.add() transpose_a_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_transpose_a_str transpose_a_arg.i = 0 transpose_b_arg = op.arg.add() transpose_b_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_transpose_b_str transpose_b_arg.i = 1 # OxI, trans_b needed self.infer_shape_matmul(op) opb = self.convert_general_op(outputs_vals) opb.type = MaceOp.BiasAdd.name bias_tensor_name = opb.name + '_bias' key = inputs_vals[AddmmParamIdx.bias_idx].debugName() bias_data = self._params_dict[key] bias_data = bias_data.numpy() self.add_tensor_and_shape(bias_tensor_name, bias_data.reshape( -1).shape, mace_pb2.DT_FLOAT, bias_data) opb.input.extend([matmul_op_name, bias_tensor_name]) opb.output.extend([name_back]) self.infer_shape_general(opb) def infer_shape_matmul(self, op): lhs_shape = self._output_shape_cache[op.input[0]] lhs_rank = len(lhs_shape) lhs_rows = lhs_shape[-2] lhs_cols = lhs_shape[-1] rhs_shape = self._output_shape_cache[op.input[1]] rhs_rank = len(rhs_shape) rhs_rows = rhs_shape[-2] rhs_cols = rhs_shape[-1] transpose_a_ = ConverterUtil.get_arg( op, MaceKeyword.mace_transpose_a_str).i transpose_b_ = ConverterUtil.get_arg( op, MaceKeyword.mace_transpose_b_str).i rows = lhs_cols if transpose_a_ else lhs_rows cols = rhs_rows if transpose_b_ else rhs_cols if lhs_rank >= rhs_rank: if lhs_rank > rhs_rank: mace_check(rhs_rank == 2, 'The rhs rank of non-batched MatMul must be 2') # noqa output_shape = lhs_shape.copy() output_shape[lhs_rank - 2] = rows output_shape[lhs_rank - 1] = cols else: output_shape = rhs_shape.copy() output_shape[rhs_rank - 2] = rows output_shape[rhs_rank - 1] = cols self.add_output_shape(op, [output_shape]) def convert_matmul(self, node, inputs_vals, outputs_vals): op = self.convert_general_op(outputs_vals) weight_in_node = inputs_vals[1].node() is_weight = weight_in_node.kind() == NodeKind.T and self.is_trans_fc_w( weight_in_node) op.type = MaceOp.MatMul.name op.input.extend([inputs_vals[i].debugName() for i in range(2)]) op.output.extend([outputs_vals[0].debugName()]) if is_weight: weight_tensor_name = op.input[1] weight_val = inputs_vals[1] weight_tensor = self.get_weight_from_node(weight_in_node) weight_data = weight_tensor.numpy() self.add_tensor_and_shape(weight_tensor_name, weight_data.shape, mace_pb2.DT_FLOAT, weight_data) lhs_shape = self._output_shape_cache[op.input[0]] rhs_shape = self._output_shape_cache[op.input[1]] lhs_rank = len(lhs_shape) rhs_rank = len(rhs_shape) mace_check(lhs_rank >= 2 and rhs_rank >= 2, "The rank of MatMul must be >= 2," " but lhs_rank = {} and rhs_rank = {} found".format( lhs_rank, rhs_rank)) transpose_a_arg = op.arg.add() transpose_a_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_transpose_a_str transpose_a_arg.i = 0 transpose_b_arg = op.arg.add() transpose_b_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_transpose_b_str if is_weight: transpose_b_arg.i = 1 else: transpose_b_arg.i = 0 self.infer_shape_matmul(op) def convert_pool(self, node, inputs_vals, outputs_vals): op = self.convert_general_op(outputs_vals) op.type = MaceOp.Pooling.name op.input.extend([inputs_vals[0].debugName()]) op.output.extend([outputs_vals[0].debugName()]) node_kind = node.kind() idx_map = {NodeKind.AvgPool2D: AvgPool2DParamIdx, NodeKind.MaxPool2D: MaxPool2DParamIdx} if node_kind == NodeKind.AdaptiveAvgPool2D: output_shape_node = inputs_vals[1].node() output_shape_vals = list(output_shape_node.inputs()) target_output_shape = [ output_shape_vals[i].node()['value'] for i in range(2)] mace_check(target_output_shape[0] == 1 and target_output_shape[1] == 1, 'only support output shape of [1, 1] for AdaptiveAvgPool2D') # noqa strides_arg = op.arg.add() strides_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_strides_str strides_arg.ints.extend([1, 1]) pads_arg = op.arg.add() pads_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_padding_values_str pads_arg.ints.extend([0, 0]) kernels_arg = op.arg.add() kernels_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_kernel_str kernels_arg.ints.extend([0, 0]) global_pooling_arg = op.arg.add() global_pooling_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_global_pooling_str global_pooling_arg.i = 1 else: pad_node = inputs_vals[idx_map[node_kind].pad_idx].node() pad_vals = list(pad_node.inputs()) mace_check(len(pad_vals) == 2, "only support 2D pooling," " but {}D padding value found".format(len(pad_vals))) # MACE pads include both sides, pytorch pads include single side pads = [2 * pad_vals[i].node()['value'] for i in range(2)] pads_arg = op.arg.add() pads_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_padding_values_str pads_arg.ints.extend(pads) if node_kind == NodeKind.MaxPool2D: dilation_node = inputs_vals[ idx_map[node_kind].dilation_idx].node() dilation_vals = list(dilation_node.inputs()) dilations = [dilation_vals[i].node()['value'] for i in range(2)] mace_check(dilations[0] == 1 and dilations[1] == 1, "MACE pooling does not support dilation") kernel_node = inputs_vals[ idx_map[node_kind].kernel_size_idx].node() kernel_vals = list(kernel_node.inputs()) kernels = [kernel_vals[i].node()['value'] for i in range(2)] kernels_arg = op.arg.add() kernels_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_kernel_str kernels_arg.ints.extend(kernels) stride_node = inputs_vals[idx_map[node_kind].stride_idx].node() stride_vals = list(stride_node.inputs()) strides = [stride_vals[i].node()['value'] for i in range(2)] strides_arg = op.arg.add() strides_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_strides_str strides_arg.ints.extend(strides) ceil_node = inputs_vals[idx_map[node_kind].ceil_mode_idx].node() ceil_mode = bool(ceil_node['value']) round_mode_arg = op.arg.add() round_mode_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_round_mode_str round_mode_arg.i = RoundMode.FLOOR.value if ceil_mode: round_mode_arg.i = RoundMode.CEIL.value if node_kind == NodeKind.AvgPool2D: count_include_pad_node = inputs_vals[ AvgPool2DParamIdx.count_include_pad_idx].node() count_include_pad = bool(count_include_pad_node['value']) # if there is no padding, count_include_pad has no effect; # otherwise, MACE does not support count_include_pad. if count_include_pad: mace_check(pads[0] == 0 and pads[1] == 0, "if count_include_pad is set, pad must be zero." " pad values ({},{}) found.".format( pads[0], pads[1])) # divisor divisor_override_node = inputs_vals[ AvgPool2DParamIdx.divisor_override_idx].node() mace_check(isinstance(divisor_override_node.output().type(), ValueType.NoneType), "MACE does not support divisor_override parameter for AvgPool2D") # noqa pooling_type_arg = op.arg.add() pooling_type_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_pooling_type_str pooling_type_arg.i = self.pooling_type_mode[node_kind].value self.infer_shape_conv2d_pool(op) def node_to_int(self, shape_node): if shape_node.kind() == NodeKind.Constant: return shape_node['value'] elif shape_node.kind() == NodeKind.Size: input_node = list(shape_node.inputs())[0].node() axis_node = list(shape_node.inputs())[1].node() axis_int = self.node_to_int(axis_node) input_tensor_shape = self._output_shape_cache[ input_node.output().debugName()] return input_tensor_shape[axis_int] else: input_node = list(shape_node.inputs())[0].node() return self.node_to_int(input_node) def infer_shape_reshape(self, op): input_shape = self._output_shape_cache[op.input[0]] dim_arg = ConverterUtil.get_arg(op, MaceKeyword.mace_dim_str) output_shape = list(dim_arg.ints) # reshape_dims product = input_size = 1 idx = -1 num_minus1 = 0 for dim in input_shape: input_size *= dim reshape_dims = list(dim_arg.ints) for i in range(len(reshape_dims)): if reshape_dims[i] == -1: idx = i output_shape[i] = 1 num_minus1 += 1 else: output_shape[i] = reshape_dims[i] product *= reshape_dims[i] mace_check(num_minus1 <= 1, 'only 0 or 1 negative shape supported') if idx != -1: output_shape[idx] = int(input_size / product) self.add_output_shape(op, [output_shape]) def convert_reshape(self, node, inputs_vals, outputs_vals): op = self.convert_general_op(outputs_vals) op.type = MaceOp.Reshape.name op.input.extend([inputs_vals[0].debugName()]) op.output.extend([outputs_vals[0].debugName()]) # sometimes pytorch's reshape parameter is infered from input Tensor, # e.g. y = y.reshape(x.size(0), -1) # so static parameter may be unable to get here. dim_arg = op.arg.add() dim_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_dim_str shape_list_node = list(node.inputs())[1].node() reshape_dims = [] for shape_val in shape_list_node.inputs(): shape_node = shape_val.node() _kind = shape_node.kind() if _kind == NodeKind.Constant: reshape_dims.append(shape_node['value']) elif _kind == NodeKind.Int: _dim = int(self.node_to_int(shape_node)) reshape_dims.append(_dim) else: print('unsupported shape node kind {}'.format(_kind)) dim_arg.ints.extend(reshape_dims) self.infer_shape_reshape(op) def infer_shape_identity(self, op): input_shape = self._output_shape_cache[op.input[0]] output_shape = input_shape self.add_output_shape(op, [output_shape]) def convert_dropout(self, node, inputs_vals, outputs_vals): op = self.convert_general_op(outputs_vals) training = int(inputs_vals[2].node()['value']) mace_check(training == 0, 'for inference, dropout must be disabled') op.type = MaceOp.Identity.name op.input.extend([inputs_vals[0].debugName()]) op.output.extend([outputs_vals[0].debugName()]) self.infer_shape_identity(op) def infer_shape_transpose(self, op): input_shape = self._output_shape_cache[op.input[0]] output_shape = np.zeros(len(input_shape), dtype=np.int32) dims_arg = ConverterUtil.get_arg(op, MaceKeyword.mace_dims_str) dims_ints = dims_arg.ints for idx in range(len(dims_ints)): output_shape[idx] = input_shape[dims_ints[idx]] self.add_output_shape(op, [output_shape]) def convert_t(self, node, inputs_vals, outputs_vals): if node.output().debugName() in self.ignore_t: return op = self.convert_general_op(outputs_vals) op.input.extend([inputs_vals[0].debugName()]) op.output.extend([outputs_vals[0].debugName()]) # MACE only supports transpose 2/3/4D tensor. input_shape = self._output_shape_cache[op.input[0]] if len(input_shape) <= 1: op.type = MaceOp.Identity.name self.infer_shape_general(op) else: op.type = MaceOp.Transpose.name dims_arg = op.arg.add() dims_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_dims_str dims_arg.ints.extend([1, 0]) self.infer_shape_transpose(op) def add_tensor_and_shape(self, name, shape, data_type, value): tensor = self._mace_net_def.tensors.add() tensor.name = name tensor.dims.extend(list(shape)) tensor.data_type = data_type tensor.float_data.extend(value.flat) self._output_shape_cache[name] = np.array(shape)