# Copyright 2018 The MACE Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import sys from enum import Enum import six from py_proto import mace_pb2 from transform import base_converter from transform.base_converter import PoolingType from transform.base_converter import PaddingMode from transform.base_converter import ActivationType from transform.base_converter import EltwiseType from transform.base_converter import ReduceType from transform.base_converter import FrameworkType from transform.base_converter import RoundMode from transform.base_converter import DataFormat from transform.base_converter import MaceOp from transform.base_converter import MaceKeyword from transform.base_converter import ConverterUtil from utils.util import mace_check import numpy as np import onnx import onnx.utils from onnx import mapping, numpy_helper, TensorProto from numbers import Number IS_PYTHON3 = sys.version_info > (3,) class AttributeType(Enum): INT = 100 FLOAT = 101 INTS = 102 FLOATS = 103 BOOL = 104 OnnxSupportedOps = [ 'Abs', # 'Acos', # 'Acosh', 'Add', 'Affine', # 'And', 'Append', 'ArgMax', 'ArgMin', # 'Asin', # 'Asinh', # 'Atan', # 'Atanh', 'AveragePool', 'BatchNormalization', 'BatchNorm', 'Cast', # 'Ceil', 'Clip', # 'Compress', 'Concat', 'Constant', # 'ConstantLike', 'Conv', 'ConvTranspose', # 'Cos', # 'Cosh', 'DepthToSpace', 'DimRange', 'Div', 'Dropout', 'DynamicLSTM', # 'Elu', 'Equal', # 'Exp', # 'Expand', 'ExtractPooling', # 'EyeLike', 'Flatten', # 'Floor', # 'GRU', 'Gather', 'Gemm', 'GlobalAveragePool', # 'GlobalLpPool', 'GlobalMaxPool', # 'Greater', # 'HardSigmoid', # 'Hardmax', 'Identity', # 'If', 'IfDefined', 'ImageScaler', # 'InstanceNormalization', # 'LRN', 'LSTM', 'LstmNonlinear', 'LeakyRelu', # 'Less', # 'Log', 'LogSoftmax', # 'Loop', 'LpNormalization', # 'LpPool', 'MatMul', 'Max', 'MaxPool', # 'MaxRoiPool', # 'MaxUnpool', # 'Mean', 'Min', 'Mul', # 'Multinomial', 'Neg', 'Normalize', # 'Not', 'Offset', # 'OneHot', # 'Or', 'PRelu', 'Pad', 'PadContext', 'PNorm', 'Pow', # 'RNN', # 'RandomNormal', # 'RandonNormalLike', # 'RandonUniform', # 'RandonUniformLike', 'Reciprocal', # 'ReduceL1', # 'ReduceL2', # 'ReduceLogSum', # 'ReduceLogSumExp', 'ReduceMax', 'ReduceMean', 'ReduceMin', 'ReduceProd', # 'ReduceSum', # 'ReduceSumSquare', 'Relu', 'ReplaceIndex', 'Reshape', 'Round', 'Scale', # 'Scan', # 'Selu', 'Shape', 'Sigmoid', # 'Sin', # 'Sinh', # 'Size', 'Slice', 'Softmax', # 'Softplus', # 'Softsign', 'SpaceToDepth', 'Splice', 'Split', 'Sqrt', 'Squeeze', 'Sub', 'Subsample', 'Sum', 'SumGroup', # 'Tan', 'Tanh', 'TargetRMSNorm', # 'Tile', # 'TopK', 'Transpose', 'Unsqueeze', 'Upsample', # 'Xor', ] OnnxOpType = Enum('OnnxOpType', [(op, op) for op in OnnxSupportedOps], type=str) onnx_attr_translator = { "axis": lambda x: int(x), "axes": lambda x: [int(a) for a in x], "dtype": lambda x: onnx_dtype(x), "keepdims": lambda x: bool(x), "to": lambda x: onnx_dtype(x), } def translate_onnx(key, val): return onnx_attr_translator.get(key, lambda x: x)(val) def convert_onnx(attr): return convert_onnx_attribute_proto(attr) def convert_onnx_attribute_proto(attr_proto): if attr_proto.HasField('f'): return attr_proto.f elif attr_proto.HasField('i'): return attr_proto.i elif attr_proto.HasField('s'): return str(attr_proto.s, 'utf-8')\ if IS_PYTHON3 else attr_proto.s elif attr_proto.HasField('t'): return attr_proto.t # this is a proto! elif attr_proto.floats: return list(attr_proto.floats) elif attr_proto.ints: return list(attr_proto.ints) elif attr_proto.strings: str_list = list(attr_proto.strings) if IS_PYTHON3: str_list = map(lambda x: str(x, 'utf-8'), str_list) return str_list else: raise ValueError("Unsupported ONNX attribute: {}".format(attr_proto)) def onnx_dtype(dtype): if isinstance(dtype, Number): onnx_dtype = dtype elif isinstance(dtype, str): onnx_dtype = TensorProto.DataType.Value(dtype) else: raise RuntimeError("dtype should be number or str.") return mapping.TENSOR_TYPE_TO_NP_TYPE[onnx_dtype] class OnnxNode(object): def __init__(self, node): self.name = str(node.name) if self.name == '': self.name = str(node.output) self.op_type = str(node.op_type) self.domain = str(node.domain) self.attrs = dict([(attr.name, translate_onnx(attr.name, convert_onnx(attr))) for attr in node.attribute]) self.inputs = list(node.input) self.outputs = list(node.output) self.node_proto = node def print_info(self): print("node: ", self.name) print(" type: ", self.op_type) print(" domain: ", self.domain) print(" inputs: ", self.inputs) print(" outputs: ", self.outputs) print(" attrs:") for arg in self.attrs: print(" %s: %s" % (arg, self.attrs[arg])) class OnnxTensor(object): def __init__(self, name, value, shape, dtype): self._name = name self._tensor_data = value self._shape = shape self._dtype = dtype class OnnxConverter(base_converter.ConverterInterface): pooling_type_mode = { OnnxOpType.AveragePool.name: PoolingType.AVG, OnnxOpType.MaxPool.name: PoolingType.MAX } auto_pad_mode = { 'NOTSET': PaddingMode.NA, 'SAME_UPPER': PaddingMode.SAME, 'SAME_LOWER': PaddingMode.SAME, 'VALID': PaddingMode.VALID, } auto_pad_mode = {six.b(k): v for k, v in six.iteritems(auto_pad_mode)} eltwise_type = { OnnxOpType.Mul.name: EltwiseType.PROD, OnnxOpType.Add.name: EltwiseType.SUM, OnnxOpType.Max.name: EltwiseType.MAX, OnnxOpType.Min.name: EltwiseType.MIN, OnnxOpType.Abs.name: EltwiseType.ABS, OnnxOpType.Pow.name: EltwiseType.POW, OnnxOpType.Sub.name: EltwiseType.SUB, OnnxOpType.Div.name: EltwiseType.DIV, OnnxOpType.Neg.name: EltwiseType.NEG, OnnxOpType.Sum.name: EltwiseType.SUM, OnnxOpType.Equal.name: EltwiseType.EQUAL, OnnxOpType.Sqrt.name: EltwiseType.POW, OnnxOpType.Reciprocal.name: EltwiseType.POW, OnnxOpType.Scale.name: EltwiseType.PROD, OnnxOpType.Clip.name: EltwiseType.CLIP, } reduce_type = { OnnxOpType.GlobalAveragePool.name: ReduceType.MEAN, OnnxOpType.GlobalMaxPool.name: ReduceType.MAX, OnnxOpType.ReduceMax.name: ReduceType.MAX, OnnxOpType.ReduceMean.name: ReduceType.MEAN, OnnxOpType.ReduceMin.name: ReduceType.MIN, OnnxOpType.ReduceProd.name: ReduceType.PROD, } activation_type = { OnnxOpType.Relu.name: ActivationType.RELU, OnnxOpType.LeakyRelu.name: ActivationType.LEAKYRELU, OnnxOpType.PRelu.name: ActivationType.PRELU, OnnxOpType.Tanh.name: ActivationType.TANH, OnnxOpType.Sigmoid.name: ActivationType.SIGMOID, } def __init__(self, option, src_model_file): self._op_converters = { OnnxOpType.Abs.name: self.convert_eltwise, OnnxOpType.Add.name: self.convert_eltwise, OnnxOpType.Affine.name: self.convert_affine, OnnxOpType.Append.name: self.convert_concat, OnnxOpType.ArgMax.name: self.convert_argmax, OnnxOpType.ArgMin.name: self.convert_argmax, OnnxOpType.AveragePool.name: self.convert_pooling, OnnxOpType.BatchNormalization.name: self.convert_fused_batchnorm, OnnxOpType.BatchNorm.name: self.convert_fused_batchnorm, OnnxOpType.Cast.name: self.convert_cast, OnnxOpType.Clip.name: self.convert_clip, OnnxOpType.Concat.name: self.convert_concat, OnnxOpType.Conv.name: self.convert_conv2d, OnnxOpType.ConvTranspose.name: self.convert_deconv, OnnxOpType.Constant.name: self.convert_constant, OnnxOpType.DepthToSpace.name: self.convert_depth_space, OnnxOpType.Dropout.name: self.convert_dropout, OnnxOpType.DimRange.name: self.convert_dim_range, OnnxOpType.Div.name: self.convert_eltwise, OnnxOpType.Equal.name: self.convert_eltwise, OnnxOpType.ExtractPooling.name: self.convert_extract_pooling, OnnxOpType.Flatten.name: self.convert_flatten, OnnxOpType.Gather.name: self.convert_gather, OnnxOpType.Gemm.name: self.convert_gemm, OnnxOpType.GlobalAveragePool.name: self.convert_reduce, OnnxOpType.GlobalMaxPool.name: self.convert_reduce, OnnxOpType.Identity.name: self.convert_identity, OnnxOpType.IfDefined.name: self.convert_ifdefined, OnnxOpType.ImageScaler.name: self.convert_imagescaler, OnnxOpType.LeakyRelu.name: self.convert_activation, OnnxOpType.LogSoftmax.name: self.convert_softmax, OnnxOpType.LpNormalization: self.convert_lpnormalization, OnnxOpType.LstmNonlinear.name: self.convert_lstm_nonlinear, OnnxOpType.DynamicLSTM.name: self.convert_dynamic_lstm, OnnxOpType.Max.name: self.convert_eltwise, OnnxOpType.MaxPool.name: self.convert_pooling, OnnxOpType.MatMul.name: self.convert_matmul, OnnxOpType.Min.name: self.convert_eltwise, OnnxOpType.Mul.name: self.convert_eltwise, OnnxOpType.Neg.name: self.convert_eltwise, OnnxOpType.Normalize: self.convert_normalize, OnnxOpType.Offset.name: self.convert_subsample, OnnxOpType.Pad.name: self.convert_pad, OnnxOpType.PadContext.name: self.convert_pad_context, OnnxOpType.PNorm.name: self.convert_pnorm, OnnxOpType.Pow.name: self.convert_eltwise, OnnxOpType.PRelu.name: self.convert_activation, OnnxOpType.Relu.name: self.convert_activation, OnnxOpType.Reshape.name: self.convert_reshape, OnnxOpType.Reciprocal.name: self.convert_eltwise, OnnxOpType.ReduceMax.name: self.convert_reduce, OnnxOpType.ReduceMean.name: self.convert_reduce, OnnxOpType.ReduceMin.name: self.convert_reduce, OnnxOpType.ReduceProd.name: self.convert_reduce, OnnxOpType.ReplaceIndex.name: self.convert_replaceindex, OnnxOpType.Round.name: self.convert_replaceindex, OnnxOpType.Scale.name: self.convert_eltwise, OnnxOpType.Shape.name: self.convert_shape, OnnxOpType.Sigmoid.name: self.convert_activation, OnnxOpType.Slice.name: self.convert_slice, OnnxOpType.Softmax.name: self.convert_softmax, OnnxOpType.SpaceToDepth.name: self.convert_depth_space, OnnxOpType.Splice.name: self.convert_splice, OnnxOpType.Split.name: self.convert_split, OnnxOpType.Sqrt.name: self.convert_eltwise, OnnxOpType.Squeeze.name: self.convert_squeeze, OnnxOpType.Sub.name: self.convert_eltwise, OnnxOpType.Subsample.name: self.convert_subsample, OnnxOpType.Sum.name: self.convert_eltwise, OnnxOpType.SumGroup.name: self.convert_sum_group, OnnxOpType.Tanh.name: self.convert_activation, OnnxOpType.TargetRMSNorm: self.convert_target_rms_norm, OnnxOpType.Transpose.name: self.convert_transpose, OnnxOpType.Unsqueeze.name: self.convert_unsqueeze, OnnxOpType.Upsample.name: self.convert_upsample } self._option = option self._mace_net_def = mace_pb2.NetDef() self._data_format = DataFormat.NCHW ConverterUtil.set_filter_format(self._mace_net_def, DataFormat.OIHW) ConverterUtil.add_data_format_arg(self._mace_net_def, self._data_format) onnx_model = onnx.load(src_model_file) ir_version = onnx_model.ir_version opset_imp = onnx_model.opset_import onnx.checker.check_model(onnx_model) self._isKaldi = False polish_available = True print("onnx model IR version: ", ir_version) for imp in opset_imp: domain = imp.domain version = imp.version print("constains ops domain: ", domain, "version:", version) if 'kaldi' in domain: polish_available = False self._data_format = DataFormat.NONE self._isKaldi = True if polish_available: onnx_model = onnx.utils.polish_model(onnx_model) self._onnx_model = onnx_model self._graph_shapes_dict = {} self._consts = {} self._replace_tensors = {} @staticmethod def print_graph_info(graph): for value_info in graph.value_info: print("value info:", value_info) for value_info in graph.input: print("inputs info:", value_info) for value_info in graph.output: print("outputs info:", value_info) def extract_shape_info(self, graph): def extract_value_info(shape_dict, value_info): t = tuple([int(dim.dim_value) for dim in value_info.type.tensor_type.shape.dim]) if t: shape_dict[value_info.name] = t for vi in graph.value_info: extract_value_info(self._graph_shapes_dict, vi) for vi in graph.input: extract_value_info(self._graph_shapes_dict, vi) for vi in graph.output: extract_value_info(self._graph_shapes_dict, vi) def add_tensor(self, name, shape, data_type, value): tensor = self._mace_net_def.tensors.add() tensor.name = name tensor.dims.extend(list(shape)) tensor.data_type = data_type if tensor.data_type == mace_pb2.DT_INT32: tensor.int32_data.extend(value.astype(np.int32).flat) elif tensor.data_type == mace_pb2.DT_FLOAT: tensor.float_data.extend(value.astype(np.float32).flat) else: mace_check(False, "Not supported tensor type: %s" % name) def run(self): graph_def = self._onnx_model.graph self.extract_shape_info(graph_def) self.convert_tensors(graph_def) self.convert_ops(graph_def) return self._mace_net_def def add_stride_pad_kernel_arg(self, attrs, op_def): if 'strides' in attrs: strides = attrs['strides'] mace_check(len(strides) == 2, "strides should has 2 values.") stride = [strides[0], strides[1]] else: stride = [1, 1] strides_arg = op_def.arg.add() strides_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_strides_str strides_arg.ints.extend(stride) if 'kernel_shape' in attrs: kernel_shape = attrs['kernel_shape'] mace_check(len(kernel_shape) == 2, "kernel shape should has 2 values.") kernel = [kernel_shape[0], kernel_shape[1]] kernels_arg = op_def.arg.add() kernels_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_kernel_str kernels_arg.ints.extend(kernel) # TODO: Does not support AutoPad yet. if 'pads' in attrs: pads = attrs['pads'] if len(pads) == 4: pad = [pads[0] + pads[2], pads[1] + pads[3]] else: pad = [0, 0] padding_arg = op_def.arg.add() padding_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_padding_values_str padding_arg.ints.extend(pad) elif 'auto_pad' in attrs: auto_pad_arg = op_def.arg.add() auto_pad_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_padding_str auto_pad_arg.i = self.auto_pad_mode[attrs['auto_pad']].value else: pad = [0, 0] padding_arg = op_def.arg.add() padding_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_padding_values_str padding_arg.ints.extend(pad) def remove_node(self, node): input_name = node.inputs[0] output_name = node.outputs[0] self._replace_tensors[output_name] = input_name @staticmethod def squeeze_shape(shape, axis): new_shape = [] if len(axis) > 0: for i in range(len(shape)): if i not in axis: new_shape.append(shape[i]) else: new_shape = shape return new_shape @staticmethod def unsqueeze_shape(shape, axis): new_shape = [n for n in shape] for n in axis: new_shape.insert(n, 1) return new_shape @staticmethod def transpose_const(tensor): shape = tensor.dims mace_check(len(shape) == 2, "gemm only supports 2-dim input.") tensor_data = np.array(tensor.float_data).reshape( shape[0], shape[1]) tensor_data = tensor_data.transpose(1, 0) tensor.float_data[:] = tensor_data.flat tensor.dims[:] = tensor_data.shape def convert_ops(self, graph_def): for n in graph_def.node: node = OnnxNode(n) mace_check(node.op_type in self._op_converters, "Mace does not support onnx op type %s yet" % node.op_type) self._op_converters[node.op_type](node) def convert_tensors(self, graph_def): initializer = graph_def.initializer if initializer: for init in initializer: tensor = self._mace_net_def.tensors.add() tensor.name = init.name onnx_tensor = numpy_helper.to_array(init) tensor.dims.extend(list(init.dims)) data_type = onnx_dtype(init.data_type) if data_type == np.float32 or data_type == np.float64: tensor.data_type = mace_pb2.DT_FLOAT tensor.float_data.extend( onnx_tensor.astype(np.float32).flat) elif data_type == np.int64 or data_type == np.int32: tensor.data_type = mace_pb2.DT_INT32 tensor.int32_data.extend( onnx_tensor.astype(np.int32).flat) else: mace_check(False, "Not supported tensor type: %s" % data_type) self._consts[tensor.name] = tensor def convert_general_op(self, node, with_shape=True): op = self._mace_net_def.op.add() op.name = node.name for input in node.inputs: if input in self._replace_tensors: input = self._replace_tensors[input] op.input.append(input) for output in node.outputs: op.output.append(output) if with_shape: if output in self._graph_shapes_dict: output_shape = op.output_shape.add() shape_info = self._graph_shapes_dict[output] output_shape.dims.extend(shape_info) data_type_arg = op.arg.add() data_type_arg.name = 'T' data_type_arg.i = self._option.data_type framework_type_arg = op.arg.add() framework_type_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_framework_type_str framework_type_arg.i = FrameworkType.ONNX.value ConverterUtil.add_data_format_arg(op, self._data_format) return op def convert_activation(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.Activation.name type_arg = op.arg.add() type_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_activation_type_str type_arg.s = six.b(self.activation_type[node.op_type].name) if "alpha" in node.attrs: alpha_value = node.attrs["alpha"] else: if node.op_type == OnnxOpType.LeakyRelu.name: alpha_value = 0.01 else: alpha_value = 0 alpha_arg = op.arg.add() alpha_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_activation_max_limit_str alpha_arg.f = alpha_value def convert_affine(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.MatMul.name transpose_b_arg = op.arg.add() transpose_b_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_transpose_b_str transpose_b_arg.i = 1 def convert_argmax(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.ArgMax.name if 'axis' in node.attrs: axis_value = node.attrs['axis'] else: axis_value = 0 axis_arg = op.arg.add() axis_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_axis_str axis_arg.i = axis_value if 'keepdims' in node.attrs: keepdims = node.attrs['keepdims'] else: keepdims = 1 keep_dims_arg = op.arg.add() keep_dims_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_keepdims_str keep_dims_arg.i = keepdims if node.op_type == OnnxOpType.ArgMin.name: min_arg = op.arg.add() min_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_argmin_str min_arg.i = 1 def convert_biasadd(self, node): self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.BiasAdd.name def convert_cast(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.Cast.name if 'to' in node.attrs: dtype = node.attrs['to'] if dtype == np.float32 or dtype == np.float64: op.output_type.extend([self._option.data_type]) elif dtype == np.int64 or dtype == np.int32: op.output_type.extend([mace_pb2.DT_INT32]) else: mace_check(False, "data type %s not supported" % dtype) else: op.output_type.extend([self._option.data_type]) def convert_concat(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.Concat.name if self._isKaldi is False: mace_check('axis' in node.attrs, 'Concat op should have axis attribute.') axis_value = node.attrs['axis'] else: axis_value = -1 axis_arg = op.arg.add() axis_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_axis_str axis_arg.i = axis_value def convert_constant(self, node): output_name = node.outputs[0] tensor = self._mace_net_def.tensors.add() tensor.name = output_name onnx_tensor = node.attrs['value'] tensor_value = numpy_helper.to_array(onnx_tensor) tensor.dims.extend(list(onnx_tensor.dims)) data_type = onnx_dtype(onnx_tensor.data_type) if data_type == np.float32 or data_type == np.float64: tensor.data_type = mace_pb2.DT_FLOAT tensor.float_data.extend( tensor_value.astype(np.float32).flat) elif data_type == np.int32 or data_type == np.int64: tensor.data_type = mace_pb2.DT_INT32 tensor.int32_data.extend( tensor_value.astype(np.int32).flat) else: mace_check(False, "Not supported tensor type: %s" % data_type) self._consts[tensor.name] = tensor def convert_conv2d(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) self.add_stride_pad_kernel_arg(node.attrs, op) group_arg = op.arg.add() group_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_group_str if 'group' in node.attrs: group_val = node.attrs["group"] else: group_val = 1 group_arg.i = group_val is_depthwise = False if group_val > 1: filter_shape = self._graph_shapes_dict[node.inputs[1]] mace_check(group_val == filter_shape[0] and filter_shape[1] == 1, "Mace does not support group convolution yet") filter_tensor = self._consts[node.inputs[1]] new_shape = [filter_shape[1], filter_shape[0], filter_shape[2], filter_shape[3]] del filter_tensor.dims[:] filter_tensor.dims.extend(new_shape) is_depthwise = True if is_depthwise: op.type = MaceOp.DepthwiseConv2d.name else: op.type = MaceOp.Conv2D.name mace_check(op.input[1] in self._consts, "Mace does not support non-const filter convolution.") dilation_arg = op.arg.add() dilation_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_dilations_str if 'dilations' in node.attrs: dilation_val = node.attrs["dilations"] else: dilation_val = [1, 1] dilation_arg.ints.extend(dilation_val) def convert_deconv(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) self.add_stride_pad_kernel_arg(node.attrs, op) if 'group' in node.attrs: group_val = node.attrs["group"] else: group_val = 1 if group_val > 1: op.type = MaceOp.DepthwiseDeconv2d.name filter_shape = self._graph_shapes_dict[node.inputs[1]] filter_tensor = self._consts[node.inputs[1]] new_shape = [filter_shape[1], filter_shape[0], filter_shape[2], filter_shape[3]] del filter_tensor.dims[:] filter_tensor.dims.extend(new_shape) else: op.type = MaceOp.Deconv2D.name group_arg = op.arg.add() group_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_group_str group_arg.i = group_val dilation_arg = op.arg.add() dilation_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_dilations_str if 'dilations' in node.attrs: dilation_val = node.attrs["dilations"] else: dilation_val = [1, 1] dilation_arg.ints.extend(dilation_val) mace_check(dilation_val == [1, 1], "not support convtranspose with dilation != 1 yet.") mace_check('output_padding' not in node.attrs, "not support convtranspose with output_padding yet.") mace_check('output_shape' not in node.attrs, "not support convtranspose with output_shape yet.") # TODO: if output shape specified, calculate padding value # if 'output_padding' in node.attrs: # output_padding = node.attrs['output_padding'] # output_padding_arg = op.arg.add() # output_padding_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_output_padding_str # output_padding_arg.ints.extend(output_padding) # if 'output_shape' in node.attrs: # output_shape = node.attrs['output_shape'] # output_shape_arg = op.arg.add() # output_shape_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_output_shape_str # output_shape_arg.ints.extend(output_shape) def convert_depth_space(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) if op.type == OnnxOpType.DepthToSpace.name: op.type = MaceOp.DepthToSpace.name else: op.type = MaceOp.SpaceToDepth.name mace_check(('block_size' in node.attrs), "depth to space op should have block size attribute.") block_size = node.attrs['block_size'] size_arg = op.arg.add() size_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_space_depth_block_size_str size_arg.i = block_size def convert_dim_range(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.Slice.name mace_check('offset' in node.attrs, "Attribute dim required!") mace_check('output_dim' in node.attrs, "Attribute output_dim required!") offset = node.attrs['offset'] starts_arg = op.arg.add() starts_arg.name = 'starts' starts_arg.ints.extend([offset]) output_dim = node.attrs['output_dim'] ends_arg = op.arg.add() ends_arg.name = 'ends' ends_arg.ints.extend([output_dim + offset]) axes_arg = op.arg.add() axes_arg.name = 'axes' axes_arg.ints.extend([-1]) def convert_dropout(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.Identity.name del op.output[1:] del op.output_shape[1:] def convert_dynamic_lstm(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.DynamicLSTM.name self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'prev_out_delay', AttributeType.INT) self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'prev_cell_delay', AttributeType.INT) self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'prev_out_offset', AttributeType.INT) self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'prev_out_dim', AttributeType.INT) self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'prev_cell_dim', AttributeType.INT) self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'bias_a', AttributeType.INT) self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'bias_b', AttributeType.INT) self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'scale', AttributeType.FLOAT) self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'subsample_factor', AttributeType.INT, default=1) self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'cell_cache_indexes', AttributeType.INTS, default=[]) self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'out_cache_indexes', AttributeType.INTS, default=[]) self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'forward_indexes', AttributeType.INTS) def convert_clip(self, node): # If clip's min value is zero, # convert clip to activation(ReLU or ReLUX) # so it can be fused into convolution. is_relux = False if 'min' in node.attrs: min_value = node.attrs['min'] if min_value == 0: is_relux = True if is_relux: op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.Activation.name type_arg = op.arg.add() type_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_activation_type_str if "max" in node.attrs: max_value = node.attrs["max"] type_arg.s = six.b(ActivationType.RELUX.name) alpha_arg = op.arg.add() alpha_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_activation_max_limit_str alpha_arg.f = max_value else: type_arg.s = six.b(ActivationType.RELU.name) else: self.convert_eltwise(node) def convert_eltwise(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.Eltwise.name type_arg = op.arg.add() type_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_element_type_str type_arg.i = self.eltwise_type[node.op_type].value if node.op_type == OnnxOpType.Sqrt.name: value_arg = op.arg.add() value_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_scalar_input_str value_arg.f = 0.5 elif node.op_type == OnnxOpType.Reciprocal.name: value_arg = op.arg.add() value_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_scalar_input_str value_arg.f = -1 elif node.op_type == OnnxOpType.Scale.name and 'scale' in node.attrs: value = node.attrs['scale'] value_arg = op.arg.add() value_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_scalar_input_str value_arg.f = value elif node.op_type == OnnxOpType.Clip.name: if 'min' in node.attrs: min_value = node.attrs['min'] else: min_value = np.finfo(np.float32).min if 'max' in node.attrs: max_value = node.attrs['max'] else: max_value = np.finfo(np.float32).max coeff_arg = op.arg.add() coeff_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_coeff_str coeff_arg.floats.extend([min_value, max_value]) elif len(node.inputs) == 2: if node.inputs[1] in self._consts and \ node.inputs[0] not in self._consts: const_name = node.inputs[1] const_tensor = self._consts[const_name] if len(const_tensor.dims) == 0: value_arg = op.arg.add() value_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_scalar_input_str if const_tensor.data_type == mace_pb2.DT_INT32: value_arg.f = float(const_tensor.int32_data[0]) elif const_tensor.data_type == mace_pb2.DT_FLOAT: value_arg.f = const_tensor.float_data[0] else: mace_check(False, "Does not support param's data type %s" % const_tensor.data_type) value_index_arg = op.arg.add() value_index_arg.name = \ MaceKeyword.mace_scalar_input_index_str value_index_arg.i = 1 del op.input[1] elif node.inputs[0] in self._consts and \ node.inputs[1] not in self._consts: const_name = node.inputs[0] const_tensor = self._consts[const_name] if len(const_tensor.dims) == 0: value_arg = op.arg.add() value_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_scalar_input_str if const_tensor.data_type == mace_pb2.DT_INT32: value_arg.f = float(const_tensor.int32_data[0]) elif const_tensor.data_type == mace_pb2.DT_FLOAT: value_arg.f = const_tensor.float_data[0] else: mace_check(False, "Does not support param's data type %s" % const_tensor.data_type) value_index_arg = op.arg.add() value_index_arg.name = \ MaceKeyword.mace_scalar_input_index_str value_index_arg.i = 0 del op.input[0] @staticmethod def copy_node_attr(op, node, attr_name, dtype=AttributeType.INT, default=None): if attr_name in node.attrs or default is not None: if attr_name in node.attrs: value = node.attrs[attr_name] else: value = default new_arg = op.arg.add() new_arg.name = attr_name if dtype == AttributeType.INT: new_arg.i = int(value) elif dtype == AttributeType.FLOAT: new_arg.f = float(value) elif dtype == AttributeType.INTS: new_arg.ints.extend(value) elif dtype == AttributeType.FLOATS: new_arg.floats.extend(value) return value else: return default def convert_extract_pooling(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.ExtractPooling.name self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'include_variance', AttributeType.INT) self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'num_log_count', AttributeType.INT) self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'variance_floor', AttributeType.FLOAT) self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'counts', AttributeType.FLOATS) self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'forward_indexes', AttributeType.INTS) def convert_flatten(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.Reshape.name axis_arg = op.arg.add() axis_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_axis_str axis_arg.i = 1 if 'axis' in node.attrs: axis_arg.i = node.attrs['axis'] axis_arg.i = 4 + axis_arg.i if axis_arg.i < 0 else axis_arg.i end_axis_arg = op.arg.add() end_axis_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_end_axis_str end_axis_arg.i = -1 def convert_kaldi_batchnorm(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.KaldiBatchNorm.name dim = self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'dim', AttributeType.INT, -1) block_dim = self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'block_dim', AttributeType.INT, -1) epsilon = self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'epsilon', AttributeType.FLOAT, 1e-3) target_rms = self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'target_rms', AttributeType.FLOAT, 1.0) test_mode = self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'test_mode', AttributeType.INT, 0) mace_check(block_dim > 0 and dim % block_dim == 0 and epsilon > 0 and target_rms > 0, "attributes invalid.") if test_mode > 0: mace_check(len(node.inputs) == 3, "Kaldi's BatchNorm should have 3 inputs.") stats_mean = np.array(self._consts[node.inputs[1]].float_data) stats_var = np.array(self._consts[node.inputs[2]].float_data) offset_value = -1.0 * stats_mean scale_value = stats_var scale_value[scale_value < 0] = 0 scale_value = np.power(scale_value + epsilon, -0.5) * target_rms offset_value = offset_value * scale_value scale_name = node.name + '_scale' offset_name = node.name + '_offset' self.add_tensor(scale_name, scale_value.shape, mace_pb2.DT_FLOAT, scale_value) self.add_tensor(offset_name, offset_value.shape, mace_pb2.DT_FLOAT, offset_value) del op.input[1:] op.input.extend([scale_name, offset_name]) del op.output[1:] del op.output_shape[1:] def convert_fused_batchnorm(self, node): if self._isKaldi: self.convert_kaldi_batchnorm(node) return op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.BatchNorm.name if "epsilon" in node.attrs: epsilon_value = node.attrs["epsilon"] else: epsilon_value = 1e-5 mace_check(len(node.inputs) == 5, "batch norm should have 5 inputs.") gamma_value = np.array(self._consts[node.inputs[1]].float_data) beta_value = np.array(self._consts[node.inputs[2]].float_data) mean_value = np.array(self._consts[node.inputs[3]].float_data) var_value = np.array(self._consts[node.inputs[4]].float_data) scale_name = node.name + 'scale' offset_name = node.name + 'offset' scale_value = ((1.0 / np.sqrt( var_value + epsilon_value)) * gamma_value) offset_value = (-mean_value * scale_value) + beta_value self.add_tensor(scale_name, scale_value.shape, mace_pb2.DT_FLOAT, scale_value) self.add_tensor(offset_name, offset_value.shape, mace_pb2.DT_FLOAT, offset_value) del op.input[1:] op.input.extend([scale_name, offset_name]) del op.output[1:] del op.output_shape[1:] def convert_gather(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.Gather.name if 'axis' in node.attrs: value = node.attrs['axis'] else: value = 0 axis_arg = op.arg.add() axis_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_axis_str axis_arg.i = value def convert_gemm(self, node): if self._isKaldi: self.convert_affine(node) return mace_check(len(node.inputs) >= 2, "Gemm should have at least two inputs.") if 'alpha' in node.attrs: alpha = node.attrs['alpha'] if alpha != 1.0 and node.inputs[1] in self._consts: weights = self._consts[node.inputs[1]] for idx in six.moves.range(self.get_tensor_len(weights)): weights.float_data[idx] *= alpha if 'beta' in node.attrs: beta = node.attrs['beta'] if beta != 1.0 and len(node.inputs) == 3 and\ node.inputs[2] in self._consts: bias = self._consts[node.inputs[2]] for idx in six.moves.range(self.get_tensor_len(bias)): bias.float_data[idx] *= beta trans_a = node.attrs['transA'] if 'transA' in node.attrs else 0 trans_b = node.attrs['transB'] if 'transB' in node.attrs else 0 is_fc = False if trans_a == 0 and trans_b == 1 and\ node.inputs[0] in self._graph_shapes_dict and\ node.inputs[1] in self._graph_shapes_dict and \ node.inputs[1] in self._consts: shape_a = self._graph_shapes_dict[node.inputs[0]] shape_b = self._graph_shapes_dict[node.inputs[1]] if len(shape_a) == 4 and len(shape_b) == 2: tensor_b = self._consts[node.inputs[1]] tensor_data = np.array(tensor_b.float_data).reshape( shape_b[0], shape_b[1], 1, 1) tensor_b.float_data[:] = tensor_data.flat tensor_b.dims[:] = tensor_data.shape is_fc = True elif len(shape_a) == 4 and\ len(shape_b) == 4 and list(shape_b[2:]) == [1, 1]: is_fc = True if is_fc: op = self.convert_general_op(node, with_shape=False) op.type = MaceOp.FullyConnected.name for output in node.outputs: output_shape = op.output_shape.add() shape_info = self._graph_shapes_dict[output] mace_check(len(shape_info) in [2, 4], "gemm output shape should be 2 or 4 dims.") if len(shape_info) == 4: mace_check(list(shape_info[2:]) == [1, 1], "gemm's output shape should be [*, * , 1, 1]") else: shape_info = [shape_info[0], shape_info[1], 1, 1] output_shape.dims.extend(shape_info) else: op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.MatMul.name trans_a_arg = op.arg.add() trans_a_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_transpose_a_str trans_a_arg.i = trans_a trans_b_arg = op.arg.add() trans_b_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_transpose_b_str trans_b_arg.i = trans_b def convert_identity(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.Identity.name def convert_ifdefined(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) if 'offset' in node.attrs: offset = node.attrs['offset'] else: offset = 0 mace_check(offset <= 0, "IfDefined's offset should be <= 0.") if offset == 0: op.type = MaceOp.Identity.name else: op.type = MaceOp.IfDefined.name self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'forward_indexes', AttributeType.INTS) self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'cache_forward_indexes', AttributeType.INTS) def convert_imagescaler(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.BatchNorm.name scale = node.attrs['scale'] bias_value = np.array(node.attrs['bias']) scale_value = scale * np.ones_like(bias_value) scale_name = node.name + "_scale" bias_name = node.name + "_bias" self.add_tensor(scale_name, scale_value.shape, mace_pb2.DT_FLOAT, scale_value) self.add_tensor(bias_name, bias_value.shape, mace_pb2.DT_FLOAT, bias_value) op.input.extend([scale_name, bias_name]) def convert_lstm(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.LSTMCell.name def convert_lstm_nonlinear(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.LstmNonlinear.name def convert_matmul(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.MatMul.name def convert_nop(self, node): pass def convert_normalize(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.BatchNorm.name def convert_pad(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.Pad.name if 'mode' in node.attrs: mode = node.attrs['mode'] padding_type_arg = op.arg.add() padding_type_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_padding_type_str if mode == 'reflect': padding_type_arg.i = PadType.REFLECT elif mode == 'edge': padding_type_arg.i = PadType.SYMMETRIC else: padding_type_arg.i = PadType.CONSTANT if 'pads' in node.attrs: paddings_arg = op.arg.add() paddings_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_paddings_str paddings_value = node.attrs['pads'] paddings_arg.ints.extend(paddings_value) if 'value' in node.attrs: constant_value_arg = op.arg.add() constant_value_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_constant_value_str constant_value_arg.f = node.attrs['value'] def convert_pad_context(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.PadContext.name if 'left_context' in node.attrs: left_context_arg = op.arg.add() left_context_arg.name = 'left_context' left_context_arg.i = node.attrs['left_context'] if 'right_context' in node.attrs: right_context_arg = op.arg.add() right_context_arg.name = 'right_context' right_context_arg.i = node.attrs['right_context'] def convert_pnorm(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.PNorm.name if 'output_dim' in node.attrs: output_dim_arg = op.arg.add() output_dim_arg.name = 'output_dim' output_dim_arg.i = node.attrs['output_dim'] if 'p' in node.attrs: p_value = node.attrs['p'] mace_check((p_value >= 0) and (p_value <= 2), "PNorm only supports p = 0, 1, 2") p_arg = op.arg.add() p_arg.name = 'p' p_arg.i = p_value def convert_pooling(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.Pooling.name self.add_stride_pad_kernel_arg(node.attrs, op) pooling_type_arg = op.arg.add() pooling_type_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_pooling_type_str pooling_type_arg.i = self.pooling_type_mode[node.op_type].value round_mode_arg = op.arg.add() round_mode_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_round_mode_str round_mode_arg.i = RoundMode.FLOOR.value def convert_reduce(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.Reduce.name reduce_type_arg = op.arg.add() reduce_type_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_reduce_type_str reduce_type_arg.i = self.reduce_type[node.op_type].value if node.op_type in [OnnxOpType.GlobalAveragePool.name, OnnxOpType.GlobalMaxPool.name]: reduce_dims = [2, 3] keep_dims = 1 else: if 'axes' in node.attrs: reduce_dims = node.attrs['axes'] else: reduce_dims = [] if 'keepdims' in node.attrs: keep_dims = node.attrs['keepdims'] else: keep_dims = 1 axis_arg = op.arg.add() axis_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_axis_str axis_arg.ints.extend(reduce_dims) keep_dims_arg = op.arg.add() keep_dims_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_keepdims_str keep_dims_arg.i = keep_dims def convert_replaceindex(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.ReplaceIndex.name self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'forward_indexes', AttributeType.INTS) def convert_reshape(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.Reshape.name def convert_shape(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.Shape.name op.output_type.extend([mace_pb2.DT_INT32]) def convert_slice(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.Slice.name mace_check('starts' in node.attrs, "Attribute starts required!") mace_check('ends' in node.attrs, "Attribute ends required!") starts = node.attrs['starts'] starts_arg = op.arg.add() starts_arg.name = 'starts' starts_arg.ints.extend(starts) ends = node.attrs['ends'] ends_arg = op.arg.add() ends_arg.name = 'ends' ends_arg.ints.extend(ends) if 'axes' in node.attrs: axes = node.attrs['axes'] axes_arg = op.arg.add() axes_arg.name = 'axes' axes_arg.ints.extend(axes) def convert_softmax(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.Softmax.name if node.op_type == OnnxOpType.LogSoftmax.name: use_log_arg = op.arg.add() use_log_arg.name = 'use_log' use_log_arg.i = 1 def convert_lpnormalization(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.LpNorm.name axis_arg = op.arg.add() axis_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_axis_str axis_arg.i = node.attrs.get('axis', -1) p_arg = op.arg.add() p_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_p_str p_arg.i = node.attrs.get('p', 2) def convert_splice(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.Splice.name if 'context' in node.attrs: context = node.attrs['context'] else: context = [0] context_arg = op.arg.add() context_arg.name = 'context' context_arg.ints.extend(context) if 'const_component_dim' in node.attrs: const_dim = node.attrs['const_component_dim'] const_dim_arg = op.arg.add() const_dim_arg.name = 'const_component_dim' const_dim_arg.i = const_dim self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'forward_const_indexes', AttributeType.INTS) self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'subsample_factor', AttributeType.INT, default=1) self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'forward_indexes', AttributeType.INTS) def convert_split(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.Split.name if 'axis' in node.attrs: value = node.attrs['axis'] else: value = 0 axis_arg = op.arg.add() axis_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_axis_str axis_arg.i = value def convert_squeeze(self, node): axis_value = node.attrs['axes'] if node.inputs[0] in self._consts: tensor = self._consts[node.inputs[0]] shape = tensor.dims new_shape = self.squeeze_shape(shape, axis_value) del tensor.dims[:] tensor.dims.extend(new_shape) self.remove_node(node) else: op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.Squeeze.name axis_arg = op.arg.add() axis_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_axis_str if 'axes' in node.attrs: axis_value = node.attrs['axes'] else: axis_value = [] axis_arg.ints.extend(axis_value) def convert_unsqueeze(self, node): mace_check('axes' in node.attrs, "Unsqueeze op should have 'axes' attribute.") axis_value = node.attrs['axes'] if node.inputs[0] in self._consts: tensor = self._consts[node.inputs[0]] shape = tensor.dims new_shape = self.unsqueeze_shape(shape, axis_value) del tensor.dims[:] tensor.dims.extend(new_shape) self.remove_node(node) else: op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.Unsqueeze.name axis_arg = op.arg.add() axis_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_axis_str axis_arg.ints.extend(axis_value) def convert_subsample(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.Subsample.name self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'forward_indexes', AttributeType.INTS) def convert_sum_group(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.SumGroup.name def convert_target_rms_norm(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.TargetRMSNorm.name self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'target_rms', AttributeType.FLOAT) self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'add_log_stddev', AttributeType.INT, default=0) self.copy_node_attr(op, node, 'block_dim', AttributeType.INT, default=0) def convert_transpose(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) op.type = MaceOp.Transpose.name if 'perm' in node.attrs: perm = node.attrs['perm'] ordered_perm = np.sort(perm) if np.array_equal(perm, ordered_perm): op.type = MaceOp.Identity.name del op.input[1:] else: dims_arg = op.arg.add() dims_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_dims_str dims_arg.ints.extend(perm) def convert_timeoffset(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) mace_check('offset' in node.attrs, 'Offset attribute required in Offset Node.') offset = node.attrs['offset'] if offset == 0: op.type = MaceOp.Identity.name else: op.type = MaceOp.TimeOffset.name chunk_size = node.attrs['chunk_size'] chunk_size_arg = op.arg.add() chunk_size_arg.name = 'chunk_size' chunk_size_arg.i = chunk_size offset_arg = op.arg.add() offset_arg.name = 'offset' offset_arg.i = offset def convert_upsample(self, node): op = self.convert_general_op(node) del op.input[1:] # cut all unnecessary inputs (onnx>=1.5) output_size = self._graph_shapes_dict[op.output[0]] output_size = np.array(output_size[-2:]).astype(np.int32) if node.attrs['mode'] == 'nearest': op.type = MaceOp.ResizeNearestNeighbor.name size_tensor_name = op.name + ":size" self.add_tensor(size_tensor_name, output_size.shape, mace_pb2.DT_INT32, output_size) op.input.append(size_tensor_name) else: op.type = MaceOp.ResizeBilinear.name size_arg = op.arg.add() size_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_resize_size_str size_arg.ints.extend(output_size.tolist()) align_corners_arg = op.arg.add() align_corners_arg.name = MaceKeyword.mace_align_corners_str align_corners_arg.i = node.attrs.get('align_corners', 0)