# Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import division from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import sys import os import argparse import json import logging import logging from functools import partial import six if six.PY2: from pathlib2 import Path else: from pathlib import Path import paddle.fluid.dygraph as D import paddle.fluid as F import paddle.fluid.layers as L from ernie.file_utils import _fetch_from_remote, add_docstring log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _build_linear(n_in, n_out, name, init, act=None): return D.Linear(n_in, n_out, param_attr=F.ParamAttr(name='%s.w_0' % name if name is not None else None, initializer=init), bias_attr='%s.b_0' % name if name is not None else None, act=act) def _build_ln(n_in, name): return D.LayerNorm(normalized_shape=n_in, param_attr=F.ParamAttr(name='%s_layer_norm_scale' % name if name is not None else None, initializer=F.initializer.Constant(1.)), bias_attr=F.ParamAttr(name='%s_layer_norm_bias' % name if name is not None else None, initializer=F.initializer.Constant(1.)), ) def append_name(name, postfix): if name is None: return None elif name == '': return postfix else: return '%s_%s' % (name, postfix) class AttentionLayer(D.Layer): def __init__(self, cfg, name=None): super(AttentionLayer, self).__init__() initializer = F.initializer.TruncatedNormal(scale=cfg['initializer_range']) d_model = cfg['hidden_size'] n_head = cfg['num_attention_heads'] assert d_model % n_head == 0 d_model_q = cfg.get('query_hidden_size_per_head', d_model // n_head) * n_head d_model_v = cfg.get('value_hidden_size_per_head', d_model // n_head) * n_head self.n_head = n_head self.d_key = d_model_q // n_head self.q = _build_linear(d_model, d_model_q, append_name(name, 'query_fc'), initializer) self.k = _build_linear(d_model, d_model_q, append_name(name, 'key_fc'), initializer) self.v = _build_linear(d_model, d_model_v, append_name(name, 'value_fc'), initializer) self.o = _build_linear(d_model_v, d_model, append_name(name, 'output_fc'), initializer) self.dropout = lambda i: L.dropout(i, dropout_prob=cfg['attention_probs_dropout_prob'], dropout_implementation="upscale_in_train",) if self.training else i def forward(self, queries, keys, values, attn_bias, past_cache): assert len(queries.shape) == len(keys.shape) == len(values.shape) == 3 #bsz, q_len, q_dim = queries.shape #bsz, k_len, k_dim = keys.shape #bsz, v_len, v_dim = values.shape #assert k_len == v_len q = self.q(queries) k = self.k(keys) v = self.v(values) cache = (k, v) if past_cache is not None: cached_k, cached_v = past_cache k = L.concat([cached_k, k], 1) v = L.concat([cached_v, v], 1) q = L.transpose(L.reshape(q, [0, 0, self.n_head, q.shape[-1] // self.n_head]), [0, 2, 1, 3]) #[batch, head, seq, dim] k = L.transpose(L.reshape(k, [0, 0, self.n_head, k.shape[-1] // self.n_head]), [0, 2, 1, 3]) #[batch, head, seq, dim] v = L.transpose(L.reshape(v, [0, 0, self.n_head, v.shape[-1] // self.n_head]), [0, 2, 1, 3]) #[batch, head, seq, dim] q = L.scale(q, scale=self.d_key ** -0.5) score = L.matmul(q, k, transpose_y=True) if attn_bias is not None: score += attn_bias score = L.softmax(score, use_cudnn=True) score = self.dropout(score) out = L.matmul(score, v) out = L.transpose(out, [0, 2, 1, 3]) out = L.reshape(out, [0, 0, out.shape[2] * out.shape[3]]) out = self.o(out) return out, cache class PositionwiseFeedForwardLayer(D.Layer): def __init__(self, cfg, name=None): super(PositionwiseFeedForwardLayer, self).__init__() initializer = F.initializer.TruncatedNormal(scale=cfg['initializer_range']) d_model = cfg['hidden_size'] d_ffn = cfg.get('intermediate_size', 4 * d_model) assert cfg['hidden_act'] in ['relu', 'gelu'] self.i = _build_linear(d_model, d_ffn, append_name(name, 'fc_0'), initializer, act=cfg['hidden_act']) self.o = _build_linear(d_ffn, d_model, append_name(name, 'fc_1'), initializer) prob = cfg.get('intermediate_dropout_prob', 0.) self.dropout = lambda i: L.dropout(i, dropout_prob=prob, dropout_implementation="upscale_in_train",) if self.training else i def forward(self, inputs): hidden = self.i(inputs) hidden = self.dropout(hidden) out = self.o(hidden) return out class ErnieBlock(D.Layer): def __init__(self, cfg, name=None): super(ErnieBlock, self).__init__() d_model = cfg['hidden_size'] initializer = F.initializer.TruncatedNormal(scale=cfg['initializer_range']) self.attn = AttentionLayer(cfg, name = append_name(name, 'multi_head_att')) self.ln1 = _build_ln(d_model, name = append_name(name, 'post_att')) self.ffn = PositionwiseFeedForwardLayer(cfg, name = append_name(name, 'ffn')) self.ln2 = _build_ln(d_model, name = append_name(name, 'post_ffn')) prob = cfg.get('intermediate_dropout_prob', cfg['hidden_dropout_prob']) self.dropout = lambda i: L.dropout(i, dropout_prob=prob, dropout_implementation="upscale_in_train",) if self.training else i def forward(self, inputs, attn_bias=None, past_cache=None): attn_out, cache = self.attn(inputs, inputs, inputs, attn_bias, past_cache=past_cache) #self attn attn_out = self.dropout(attn_out) hidden = attn_out + inputs hidden = self.ln1(hidden) # dropout/ add/ norm ffn_out = self.ffn(hidden) ffn_out = self.dropout(ffn_out) hidden = ffn_out + hidden hidden = self.ln2(hidden) return hidden, cache class ErnieEncoderStack(D.Layer): def __init__(self, cfg, name=None): super(ErnieEncoderStack, self).__init__() n_layers = cfg['num_hidden_layers'] self.block = D.LayerList([ErnieBlock(cfg, append_name(name, 'layer_%d' % i)) for i in range(n_layers)]) def forward(self, inputs, attn_bias=None, past_cache=None): if past_cache is not None: assert isinstance(past_cache, tuple), 'unknown type of `past_cache`, expect tuple or list. got %s' % repr(type(past_cache)) past_cache = list(zip(*past_cache)) else: past_cache = [None] * len(self.block) cache_list_k, cache_list_v, hidden_list = [], [], [inputs] for b, p in zip(self.block, past_cache): inputs, cache = b(inputs, attn_bias=attn_bias, past_cache=p) cache_k, cache_v = cache cache_list_k.append(cache_k) cache_list_v.append(cache_v) hidden_list.append(inputs) return inputs, hidden_list, (cache_list_k, cache_list_v) class PretrainedModel(object): bce = 'https://ernie-github.cdn.bcebos.com/' resource_map = { 'ernie-1.0': bce + 'model-ernie1.0.1.tar.gz', 'ernie-2.0-en': bce + 'model-ernie2.0-en.1.tar.gz', 'ernie-2.0-large-en': bce + 'model-ernie2.0-large-en.1.tar.gz', 'ernie-tiny': bce + 'model-ernie_tiny.1.tar.gz', } @classmethod def from_pretrained(cls, pretrain_dir_or_url, force_download=False, **kwargs): if not Path(pretrain_dir_or_url).exists() and pretrain_dir_or_url in cls.resource_map: url = cls.resource_map[pretrain_dir_or_url] log.info('get pretrain dir from %s' % url) pretrain_dir = _fetch_from_remote(url, force_download) else: log.info('pretrain dir %s not in %s, read from local' % (pretrain_dir_or_url, repr(cls.resource_map))) pretrain_dir = pretrain_dir_or_url if not pretrain_dir.exists(): raise ValueError('pretrain dir not found: %s' % pretrain_dir) param_path = pretrain_dir /'params' state_dict_path = pretrain_dir / 'saved_weights' config_path = pretrain_dir / 'ernie_config.json' if not config_path.exists(): raise ValueError('config path not found: %s' % config_path) name_prefix=kwargs.pop('name', None) cfg_dict = dict(json.loads(config_path.open().read()), **kwargs) model = cls(cfg_dict, name=name_prefix) log.info('loading pretrained model from %s' % pretrain_dir) #if os.path.exists(param_path): # raise NotImplementedError() # log.debug('load pretrained weight from program state') # F.io.load_program_state(param_path) #buggy in dygraph.gurad, push paddle to fix if state_dict_path.with_suffix('.pdparams').exists(): m, _ = D.load_dygraph(state_dict_path.as_posix()) for k, v in model.state_dict().items(): if k not in m: log.warn('param:%s not set in pretrained model, skip' % k) m[k] = v # FIXME: no need to do this in the future model.set_dict(m) else: raise ValueError('weight file not found in pretrain dir: %s' % pretrain_dir) return model class ErnieModel(D.Layer, PretrainedModel): def __init__(self, cfg, name=None): """ Fundamental pretrained Ernie model """ log.debug('init ErnieModel with config: %s' % repr(cfg)) D.Layer.__init__(self) d_model = cfg['hidden_size'] d_emb = cfg.get('emb_size', cfg['hidden_size']) d_vocab = cfg['vocab_size'] d_pos = cfg['max_position_embeddings'] d_sent = cfg.get("sent_type_vocab_size") or cfg['type_vocab_size'] self.n_head = cfg['num_attention_heads'] self.return_additional_info = cfg.get('return_additional_info', False) initializer = F.initializer.TruncatedNormal(scale=cfg['initializer_range']) self.ln = _build_ln(d_model, name=append_name(name, 'pre_encoder')) self.word_emb = D.Embedding([d_vocab, d_emb], param_attr=F.ParamAttr(name=append_name(name, 'word_embedding'), initializer=initializer)) self.pos_emb = D.Embedding([d_pos, d_emb], param_attr=F.ParamAttr(name=append_name(name, 'pos_embedding'), initializer=initializer)) self.sent_emb = D.Embedding([d_sent, d_emb], param_attr=F.ParamAttr(name=append_name(name, 'sent_embedding'), initializer=initializer)) prob = cfg['hidden_dropout_prob'] self.dropout = lambda i: L.dropout(i, dropout_prob=prob, dropout_implementation="upscale_in_train",) if self.training else i self.encoder_stack = ErnieEncoderStack(cfg, append_name(name, 'encoder')) if cfg.get('has_pooler', True): self.pooler = _build_linear(cfg['hidden_size'], cfg['hidden_size'], append_name(name, 'pooled_fc'), initializer, act='tanh') else: self.pooler = None self.train() def eval(self): if F.in_dygraph_mode(): super(ErnieModel, self).eval() self.training = False for l in self.sublayers(): l.training = False def train(self): if F.in_dygraph_mode(): super(ErnieModel, self).train() self.training = True for l in self.sublayers(): l.training = True def forward(self, src_ids, sent_ids=None, pos_ids=None, input_mask=None, attn_bias=None, past_cache=None, use_causal_mask=False): """ Args: src_ids (`Variable` of shape `[batch_size, seq_len]`): Indices of input sequence tokens in the vocabulary. sent_ids (optional, `Variable` of shape `[batch_size, seq_len]`): aka token_type_ids, Segment token indices to indicate first and second portions of the inputs. if None, assume all tokens come from `segment_a` pos_ids(optional, `Variable` of shape `[batch_size, seq_len]`): Indices of positions of each input sequence tokens in the position embeddings. input_mask(optional `Variable` of shape `[batch_size, seq_len]`): Mask to avoid performing attention on the padding token indices of the encoder input. attn_bias(optional, `Variable` of shape `[batch_size, seq_len, seq_len] or False`): 3D version of `input_mask`, if set, overrides `input_mask`; if set not False, will not apply attention mask past_cache(optional, tuple of two lists: cached key and cached value, each is a list of `Variable`s of shape `[batch_size, seq_len, hidden_size]`): cached key/value tensor that will be concated to generated key/value when performing self attention. if set, `attn_bias` should not be None. Returns: pooled (`Variable` of shape `[batch_size, hidden_size]`): output logits of pooler classifier encoded(`Variable` of shape `[batch_size, seq_len, hidden_size]`): output logits of transformer stack info (Dictionary): addtional middle level info, inclues: all hidden stats, k/v caches. """ #d_batch, d_seqlen = src_ids.shape assert len(src_ids.shape) == 2, 'expect src_ids.shape = [batch, sequecen], got %s' % (repr(src_ids.shape)) assert attn_bias is not None if past_cache else True, 'if `past_cache` is specified; attn_bias should not be None' d_batch = L.shape(src_ids)[0] d_seqlen = L.shape(src_ids)[1] if pos_ids is None: pos_ids = L.reshape(L.range(0, d_seqlen, 1, dtype='int32'), [1, -1]) pos_ids = L.cast(pos_ids, 'int64') if attn_bias is None: if input_mask is None: input_mask = L.cast(src_ids != 0, 'float32') assert len(input_mask.shape) == 2 input_mask = L.unsqueeze(input_mask, axes=[-1]) attn_bias = L.matmul(input_mask, input_mask, transpose_y=True) if use_causal_mask: sequence = L.reshape(L.range(0, d_seqlen, 1, dtype='float32') + 1., [1, 1, -1, 1]) causal_mask = L.cast((L.matmul(sequence, 1. / sequence, transpose_y=True) >= 1.) , 'float32') attn_bias *= causal_mask else: assert len(attn_bias.shape) == 3, 'expect attn_bias tobe rank 3, got %r' % attn_bias.shape attn_bias = (1. - attn_bias) * -10000.0 attn_bias = L.unsqueeze(attn_bias, [1]) attn_bias = L.expand(attn_bias, [1, self.n_head, 1, 1]) # avoid broadcast =_= attn_bias.stop_gradient = True if sent_ids is None: sent_ids = L.zeros_like(src_ids) src_embedded = self.word_emb(src_ids) pos_embedded = self.pos_emb(pos_ids) sent_embedded = self.sent_emb(sent_ids) embedded = src_embedded + pos_embedded + sent_embedded embedded = self.dropout(self.ln(embedded)) encoded, hidden_list, cache_list = self.encoder_stack(embedded, attn_bias, past_cache=past_cache) if self.pooler is not None: pooled = self.pooler(encoded[:, 0, :]) else: pooled = None additional_info = { 'hiddens': hidden_list, 'caches': cache_list, } if self.return_additional_info: return pooled, encoded, additional_info else: return pooled, encoded class ErnieModelForSequenceClassification(ErnieModel): """ Ernie Model for text classfication or pointwise ranking tasks """ def __init__(self, cfg, name=None): super(ErnieModelForSequenceClassification, self).__init__(cfg, name=name) initializer = F.initializer.TruncatedNormal(scale=cfg['initializer_range']) self.classifier = _build_linear(cfg['hidden_size'], cfg['num_labels'], append_name(name, 'cls'), initializer) prob = cfg.get('classifier_dropout_prob', cfg['hidden_dropout_prob']) self.dropout = lambda i: L.dropout(i, dropout_prob=prob, dropout_implementation="upscale_in_train",) if self.training else i @add_docstring(ErnieModel.forward.__doc__) def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Args: labels (optional, `Variable` of shape [batch_size]): ground truth label id for each sentence Returns: loss (`Variable` of shape []): Cross entropy loss mean over batch if labels not set, returns None logits (`Variable` of shape [batch_size, hidden_size]): output logits of classifier """ labels = kwargs.pop('labels', None) pooled, encoded = super(ErnieModelForSequenceClassification, self).forward(*args, **kwargs) hidden = self.dropout(pooled) logits = self.classifier(hidden) if labels is not None: if len(labels.shape) == 1: labels = L.reshape(labels, [-1, 1]) loss = L.softmax_with_cross_entropy(logits, labels) loss = L.reduce_mean(loss) else: loss = None return loss, logits class ErnieModelForTokenClassification(ErnieModel): """ Ernie Model for Named entity tasks(NER) """ def __init__(self, cfg, name=None): super(ErnieModelForTokenClassification, self).__init__(cfg, name=name) initializer = F.initializer.TruncatedNormal(scale=cfg['initializer_range']) self.classifier = _build_linear(cfg['hidden_size'], cfg['num_labels'], append_name(name, 'cls'), initializer) prob = cfg.get('classifier_dropout_prob', cfg['hidden_dropout_prob']) self.dropout = lambda i: L.dropout(i, dropout_prob=prob, dropout_implementation="upscale_in_train",) if self.training else i @add_docstring(ErnieModel.forward.__doc__) def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Args: labels (optional, `Variable` of shape [batch_size, seq_len]): ground truth label id for each token Returns: loss (`Variable` of shape []): Cross entropy loss mean over batch and time, ignore positions where label == -100 if labels not set, returns None logits (`Variable` of shape [batch_size, seq_len, hidden_size]): output logits of classifier loss_weights (`Variable` of shape [batch_size, seq_len]): weigths of loss for each tokens. ignore_index (int): when label == `ignore_index`, this token will not contribute to loss """ ignore_index = kwargs.pop('ignore_index', -100) labels = kwargs.pop('labels', None) loss_weights = kwargs.pop('loss_weights', None) pooled, encoded = super(ErnieModelForTokenClassification, self).forward(*args, **kwargs) hidden = self.dropout(encoded) # maybe not? logits = self.classifier(hidden) if labels is not None: if len(labels.shape) == 2: labels = L.unsqueeze(labels, axes=[-1]) loss = L.softmax_with_cross_entropy(logits, labels, ignore_index=ignore_index) if loss_weights is not None: loss = L.squeeze(loss, [-1]) * loss_weights loss = L.reduce_mean(loss) else: loss = None return loss, logits class ErnieModelForQuestionAnswering(ErnieModel): """ Ernie model for reading comprehension tasks (SQuAD) """ def __init__(self, cfg, name=None): super(ErnieModelForQuestionAnswering, self).__init__(cfg, name=name) initializer = F.initializer.TruncatedNormal(scale=cfg['initializer_range']) self.classifier = _build_linear(cfg['hidden_size'], 2, append_name(name, 'cls_mrc'), initializer) prob = cfg.get('classifier_dropout_prob', cfg['hidden_dropout_prob']) self.dropout = lambda i: L.dropout(i, dropout_prob=prob, dropout_implementation="upscale_in_train",) if self.training else i @add_docstring(ErnieModel.forward.__doc__) def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Args: start_pos (optional, `Variable` of shape [batch_size]): token index of start of answer span in `context` end_pos (optional, `Variable` of shape [batch_size]): token index of end of answer span in `context` Returns: loss (`Variable` of shape []): Cross entropy loss mean over batch and time, ignore positions where label == -100 if labels not set, returns None start_logits (`Variable` of shape [batch_size, hidden_size]): output logits of start position, use argmax(start_logit) to get start index end_logits (`Variable` of shape [batch_size, hidden_size]): output logits of end position, use argmax(end_logit) to get end index """ start_pos = kwargs.pop('start_pos', None) end_pos = kwargs.pop('end_pos', None) pooled, encoded = super(ErnieModelForQuestionAnswering, self).forward(*args, **kwargs) encoded = self.dropout(encoded) encoded = self.classifier(encoded) start_logit, end_logits = L.unstack(encoded, axis=-1) if start_pos is not None and end_pos is not None: if len(start_pos.shape) == 1: start_pos = L.unsqueeze(start_pos, axes=[-1]) if len(end_pos.shape) == 1: end_pos = L.unsqueeze(end_pos, axes=[-1]) start_loss = L.softmax_with_cross_entropy(start_logit, start_pos) end_loss = L.softmax_with_cross_entropy(end_logits, end_pos) loss = (L.reduce_mean(start_loss) + L.reduce_mean(end_loss)) / 2. else: loss = None return loss, start_logit, end_logits class NSPHead(D.Layer): def __init__(self, cfg, name=None): super(NSPHead, self).__init__() initializer = F.initializer.TruncatedNormal(scale=cfg['initializer_range']) self.nsp = _build_linear(cfg['hidden_size'], 2, append_name(name, 'nsp_fc'), initializer) def forward(self, inputs, labels): """ Args: start_pos (optional, `Variable` of shape [batch_size]): token index of start of answer span in `context` end_pos (optional, `Variable` of shape [batch_size]): token index of end of answer span in `context` Returns: loss (`Variable` of shape []): Cross entropy loss mean over batch and time, ignore positions where label == -100 if labels not set, returns None start_logits (`Variable` of shape [batch_size, hidden_size]): output logits of start position end_logits (`Variable` of shape [batch_size, hidden_size]): output logits of end position """ logits = self.nsp(inputs) loss = L.softmax_with_cross_entropy(logits, labels) loss = L.reduce_mean(loss) return loss class ErnieModelForPretraining(ErnieModel): """ Ernie Model for Masked Languate Model pretrain """ def __init__(self, cfg, name=None): super(ErnieModelForPretraining, self).__init__(cfg, name=name) initializer = F.initializer.TruncatedNormal(scale=cfg['initializer_range']) d_model = cfg['hidden_size'] d_vocab = cfg['vocab_size'] self.pooler_heads = D.LayerList([NSPHead(cfg, name=name)]) self.mlm = _build_linear(d_model, d_model, append_name(name, 'mask_lm_trans_fc'), initializer, act=cfg['hidden_act']) self.mlm_ln = _build_ln(d_model, name = append_name(name, 'mask_lm_trans')) self.mlm_bias = L.create_parameter( dtype='float32', shape=[d_vocab], attr=F.ParamAttr( name=append_name(name, 'mask_lm_out_fc.b_0'), initializer=F.initializer.Constant(value=0.0) ), is_bias=True, ) @add_docstring(ErnieModel.forward.__doc__) def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Args: nsp_labels (optional, `Variable` of shape [batch_size]): labels for `next sentence prediction` tasks mlm_pos (optional, `Variable` of shape [n_mask, 2]): index of mask_id in `src_ids`, can be obtained from `fluid.layers.where(src_ids==mask_id)` labels (optional, `Variable` of shape [n_mask]): labels for `mask language model` tasks, the original token indices in masked position in `src_ids` Returns: loss (`Variable` of shape []): total_loss of `next sentence prediction` and `masked language model` mlm_loss (`Variable` of shape []): loss for `masked language model` task nsp_loss (`Variable` of shape []): loss for `next sentence prediction` task """ mlm_labels = kwargs.pop('labels') mlm_pos = kwargs.pop('mlm_pos') nsp_labels = kwargs.pop('nsp_labels') pooled, encoded = super(ErnieModelForPretraining, self).forward(*args, **kwargs) if len(mlm_labels.shape) == 1: mlm_labels = L.reshape(mlm_labels, [-1, 1]) if len(nsp_labels.shape) == 1: nsp_labels = L.reshape(nsp_labels, [-1, 1]) nsp_loss = self.pooler_heads[0](pooled, nsp_labels) encoded_2d = L.gather_nd(encoded, mlm_pos) encoded_2d = self.mlm(encoded_2d) encoded_2d = self.mlm_ln(encoded_2d) logits_2d = L.matmul(encoded_2d, self.word_emb.weight, transpose_y=True) + self.mlm_bias mlm_loss = L.reduce_mean(L.softmax_with_cross_entropy(logits_2d, mlm_labels)) total_loss = mlm_loss + nsp_loss return total_loss, mlm_loss, nsp_loss class ErnieModelForGeneration(ErnieModel): """ Ernie Model for sequence to sequence generation. """ resource_map = { 'ernie-gen-base-en': ErnieModel.bce + 'model-ernie-gen-base-en.1.tar.gz', 'ernie-gen-large-en': ErnieModel.bce + 'model-ernie-gen-large-en.1.tar.gz', 'ernie-gen-large-430g-en': ErnieModel.bce + 'model-ernie-gen-large-430g-en.1.tar.gz', 'ernie-1.0': ErnieModel.bce + 'model-ernie1.0.1.tar.gz', } def __init__(self, cfg, name=None): cfg['return_additional_info'] = True cfg['has_pooler'] = False super(ErnieModelForGeneration, self).__init__(cfg, name=name) initializer = F.initializer.TruncatedNormal(scale=cfg['initializer_range']) d_model = cfg['hidden_size'] d_vocab = cfg['vocab_size'] self.mlm = _build_linear(d_model, d_model, append_name(name, 'mask_lm_trans_fc'), initializer, act=cfg['hidden_act']) self.mlm_ln = _build_ln(d_model, name = append_name(name, 'mask_lm_trans')) self.mlm_bias = L.create_parameter( dtype='float32', shape=[d_vocab], attr=F.ParamAttr( name=append_name(name, 'mask_lm_out_fc.b_0'), initializer=F.initializer.Constant(value=0.0) ), is_bias=True, ) @add_docstring(ErnieModel.forward.__doc__) def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Args tgt_labels(`Variable` of shape [batch_size, seqlen] or [batch, seqlen, vocab_size]): ground trouth target sequence id (hard label) or distribution (soft label) tgt_pos(`Variable` of shape [n_targets, 2]): index of tgt_labels in `src_ids`, can be obtained from `fluid.layers.where(src_ids==mask_id)` encoder_only(Bool): if set, will not return loss, logits_2d Returns: loss(`Variable` of shape []): cross entropy loss mean over every target label. if `encode_only`, returns None. logits(`Variable` of shape [n_targets, vocab_size]): logits for every targets. if `encode_only`, returns None. info(Dictionary): see `ErnieModel` """ tgt_labels = kwargs.pop('tgt_labels', None) tgt_pos = kwargs.pop('tgt_pos', None) encode_only = kwargs.pop('encode_only', False) _, encoded, info = ErnieModel.forward(self, *args, **kwargs) if encode_only: return None, None, info elif tgt_labels is None or tgt_pos is None: encoded = self.mlm(encoded) encoded = self.mlm_ln(encoded) logits = L.matmul(encoded, self.word_emb.weight, transpose_y=True) + self.mlm_bias output_ids = L.argmax(logits, -1) return output_ids, logits, info else: encoded_2d = L.gather_nd(encoded, tgt_pos) encoded_2d = self.mlm(encoded_2d) encoded_2d = self.mlm_ln(encoded_2d) logits_2d = L.matmul(encoded_2d, self.word_emb.weight, transpose_y=True) + self.mlm_bias if len(tgt_labels.shape) == 1: tgt_labels = L.reshape(tgt_labels, [-1, 1]) loss = L.reduce_mean( L.softmax_with_cross_entropy(logits_2d, tgt_labels, soft_label=(tgt_labels.shape[-1] != 1)) ) return loss, logits_2d, info