# Design Doc: Computations as a Graph A primary goal of the refactorization of PaddlePaddle is a more flexible representation of deep learning computation, in particular, a graph of operators and variables, instead of sequences of layers as before. This document explains that the construction of a graph as three steps: - construct the forward part - construct the backward part - construct the optimization part ## The Construction of a Graph Let us take the problem of image classification as a simple example. The application program that trains the model looks like: ```python x = layer.data("images") l = layer.data("label") y = layer.fc(x) cost = layer.mse(y, l) optimize(cost) train(cost, reader=mnist.train()) ``` ### Forward Part The first four lines of above program build the forward part of the graph. ![](images/graph_construction_example_forward_only.png) In particular, the first line `x = layer.data("images")` creates variable x and a Feed operator that copies a column from the minibatch to x. `y = layer.fc(x)` creates not only the FC operator and output variable y, but also two parameters, W and b, and the initialization operators. Initialization operators are kind of "run-once" operators -- the `Run` method increments a class data member counter so to run at most once. By doing so, a parameter wouldn't be initialized repeatedly, say, in every minibatch. In this example, all operators are created as `OpDesc` protobuf messages, and all variables are `VarDesc`. These protobuf messages are saved in a `BlockDesc` protobuf message. ### Backward Part The fifth line `optimize(cost)` calls two functions, `ConstructBackwardGraph` and `ConstructOptimizationGraph`. `ConstructBackwardGraph` traverses the forward graph in the `BlockDesc` protobuf message and builds the backward part. ![](images/graph_construction_example_forward_backward.png) According to the chain rule of gradient computation, `ConstructBackwardGraph` would 1. create a gradient operator G for each operator F, 1. make all inputs, outputs, and outputs' gradient of F as inputs of G, 1. create gradients for all inputs of F, except for those who don't have gradients, like x and l, and 1. make all these gradients as outputs of G. ### Optimization Part For each parameter, like W and b created by `layer.fc`, marked as double circles in above graphs, `ConstructOptimizationGraph` creates an optimization operator to apply its gradient. Here results in the complete graph: ![](images/graph_construction_example_all.png) ## Block and Graph The word block and graph are interchangable in the desgin of PaddlePaddle. A [Block[(https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/pull/3708) is a metaphore of the code and local variables in a pair of curly braces in programming languages, where operators are like statements or instructions. A graph of operators and variables is a representation of the block. A Block keeps operators in an array `BlockDesc::ops` ```protobuf message BlockDesc { repeated OpDesc ops = 1; repeated VarDesc vars = 2; } ``` in the order that there appear in user programs, like the Python program at the beginning of this article. We can imagine that in `ops`, we have some forward operators, followed by some gradient operators, and then some optimization operators.