import requests import sys import random import re import sys import os def get_headers(): uas = [ "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Baiduspider/2.0; +", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Baiduspider-render/2.0; +", "Baiduspider-image+(+", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.81 YisouSpider/5.0 Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot-Image/1.0; +", "Sogou web spider/4.0(+", "Sogou News Spider/4.0(+", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0);", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +", "Sosospider+(+", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp China;" ] ua = random.choice(uas) headers = { "user-agent": ua, "referer": "" } return headers # 数据提取函数 def format_text(text): # element = etree.HTML(text) # print(text) # all_li = element.cssselect("li.swiper-slide") # print(all_li) try: div_pattern = re.compile('charList:(\[.*?),mod3Index') match = div_html = title_pattern = re.compile('title:"(.*?)"') cover1_pattern = re.compile('cover1:"(.*?)"') cover2_pattern = re.compile('cover2:"(.*?)"') icon_pattern = re.compile('icon:"(.*?)"') # 该正则表达式比较复杂,需要重点理解 cv_pattern = re.compile( 'cv:\[\{name:[\"]?(?P.*?)[\"]?\,audio:\[(?P.*?)\]\}\,\{name:[\"]?(?P.*?)[\"]?\,audio:\[(?P.*?)\]\}\]\}') titles = title_pattern.findall(div_html) cover1s = cover1_pattern.findall(div_html) cover2s = cover2_pattern.findall(div_html) icons = icon_pattern.findall(div_html) cvs = cv_pattern.findall(div_html) print(cvs) # print(titles,cover1s,cover2s,icons,cvs) for index in range(0, len(titles)): my_dict = { "title": titles[index], "cover1": cover1s[index], "cover2": cover2s[index], "icon": icons[index], "cn_name": cvs[index][0], # 中文配音名称 "jp_name": cvs[index][2], # 日文配音名称 "cn_audios": cvs[index][1].split(","), "jp_audios": cvs[index][3].split(","), } save(my_dict) except Exception as e: print("格式化数据异常",e) # print("https:\\u002F\\\\u002Fcontentweb\\u002F20210508\\u002F2021050818254152089.png".encode('utf-8').decode("unicode-escape")) # print(len(titles),len(cover1s),len(cover2s)) # 创建文件夹 def save(my_dict): is_exists = os.path.exists("./download") # 判断结果 if not is_exists: os.mkdir("./download") # 提取数据 title = my_dict["title"] cover1 = my_dict["cover1"] cover2 = my_dict["cover2"] icon = my_dict["icon"] cn_name = my_dict["cn_name"] jp_name = my_dict["jp_name"] cn_audios = my_dict["cn_audios"] jp_audios = my_dict["jp_audios"] # 创建目录 if not os.path.exists(f"./download/{title}"): os.mkdir(f"./download/{title}") # 保存封面图1 save_img(cover1, title, "cover1") # 保存封面图2 save_img(cover2, title, "cover2") # 保存大头贴 save_img(icon, title, "icon") save_audio(title, cn_name, cn_audios) save_audio(title, jp_name, jp_audios) def save_img(url, title, img_name): # 去除 \u 字符 url = url.encode('utf-8').decode("unicode-escape") try: res = requests.get(url, headers=get_headers(), timeout=5) with open(f'./download/{title}/{img_name}.png', "wb") as f: f.write(res.content) except Exception as e: print(e) def save_audio(title, cn_name, cn_audios): try: for index in range(0, len(cn_audios)): # 去除 \u 字符 url = cn_audios[index].encode('utf-8').decode("unicode-escape") # 去除 url 左右双引号 url = url.strip('"') res = requests.get(url, headers=get_headers(), timeout=5) with open(f'./download/{title}/{cn_name}_{index}.mp3', "wb") as f: f.write(res.content) except Exception as e: print(e) def run(url): try: res = requests.get(url, headers=get_headers(), timeout=5) format_text(res.text) except Exception as e: print(url) print("请求数据发生异常", e) if __name__ == "__main__": argvs = sys.argv # 获取传递进来的参数 category = argvs[1] # category = 'liyue' url = "{}?char=0".format(category) print(url) run(url)