提交 30589121 编写于 作者: S songjianet 提交者: devosend

[Style][UI] Format code. (#10314)

(cherry picked from commit 8584aad4)
上级 79b7e830
......@@ -614,8 +614,10 @@ export default {
please_select_source_datasource_id: 'Please select source datasource id',
please_enter_source_table_name: 'Please select source table name',
please_enter_filter_expression: 'Please enter filter expression',
please_enter_column_only_single_column_is_supported: 'Please select column, only single column is supported',
please_enter_threshold_number_is_needed: 'Please enter threshold number is needed',
'Please select column, only single column is supported',
'Please enter threshold number is needed',
please_enter_comparison_title: 'please select comparison title'
......@@ -48,8 +48,7 @@ export default {
threads_connections: '当前连接数',
threads_running_connections: '数据库当前活跃连接数',
db_no_data_result_title: 'DB节点不存在',
db_no_data_result_desc: '目前没有任何DB节点,请先创建DB节点,再访问该页面'
statistics: {
command_number_of_waiting_for_running: '待执行的命令数',
......@@ -591,6 +591,63 @@ export default {
zeppelin_note_id_tips: '请输入zeppelin note id',
zeppelin_paragraph_id: 'zeppelin_paragraph_id',
zeppelin_paragraph_id_tips: '请输入zeppelin paragraph id',
zeppelin_parameters: 'parameters',
zeppelin_parameters_tips: '请输入zeppelin dynamic form参数',
jupyter_conda_env_name: 'condaEnvName',
jupyter_conda_env_name_tips: '请输入papermill所在的conda环境名',
jupyter_input_note_path: 'inputNotePath',
jupyter_input_note_path_tips: '请输入jupyter note的输入路径',
jupyter_output_note_path: 'outputNotePath',
jupyter_output_note_path_tips: '请输入jupyter note的输出路径',
jupyter_parameters: 'parameters',
jupyter_parameters_tips: '请输入jupyter parameterization参数',
jupyter_kernel: 'kernel',
jupyter_kernel_tips: '请输入jupyter kernel名',
jupyter_engine: 'engine',
jupyter_engine_tips: '请输入引擎名称',
jupyter_execution_timeout: 'executionTimeout',
jupyter_execution_timeout_tips: '请输入jupyter note cell的执行最长时间',
jupyter_start_timeout: 'startTimeout',
jupyter_start_timeout_tips: '请输入jupyter kernel的启动最长时间',
jupyter_others: 'others',
jupyter_others_tips: '请输入papermill的其他参数',
mlflow_algorithm: '算法',
mlflow_algorithm_tips: 'svm',
mlflow_params: '参数',
mlflow_params_tips: ' ',
mlflow_searchParams: '参数搜索空间',
mlflow_searchParams_tips: ' ',
mlflow_isSearchParams: '是否搜索参数',
mlflow_dataPath: '数据路径',
' 文件/文件夹的绝对路径, 若文件需以.csv结尾, 文件夹需包含train.csv和test.csv ',
mlflow_dataPath_error_tips: ' 数据路径不能为空 ',
mlflow_experimentName: '实验名称',
mlflow_experimentName_tips: 'experiment_001',
mlflow_registerModel: '注册模型',
mlflow_modelName: '注册的模型名称',
mlflow_modelName_tips: 'model_001',
mlflow_mlflowTrackingUri: 'mlflow server tracking uri',
mlflow_mlflowTrackingUri_tips: '',
mlflow_mlflowTrackingUri_error_tips: ' mlflow server tracking uri 不能为空',
mlflow_jobType: '任务类型',
mlflow_automlTool: 'AutoML工具',
mlflow_taskType: 'MLflow 任务类型',
mlflow_deployType: '部署类型',
mlflow_deployModelKey: '部署的模型uri',
mlflow_deployPort: '监听端口',
mlflowProjectRepository: '运行仓库',
mlflowProjectRepository_tips: '可以为github仓库或worker上的路径',
mlflowProjectVersion: '项目版本',
mlflowProjectVersion_tips: '项目git版本',
openmldb_zk_address: 'zookeeper地址',
openmldb_zk_address_tips: '请输入zookeeper地址',
openmldb_zk_path: 'zookeeper路径',
openmldb_zk_path_tips: '请输入zookeeper路径',
openmldb_execute_mode: '执行模式',
openmldb_execute_mode_tips: '请选择执行模式',
openmldb_execute_mode_offline: '离线',
openmldb_execute_mode_online: '在线',
send_email: '发送邮件',
log_display: '日志显示',
rows_of_result: '行查询结果',
......@@ -55,9 +55,7 @@ export function useHttp(model: { [field: string]: any }): IJsonItem[] {
if (!value) {
return new Error(t('project.node.http_url_tips'))
if (
value.search(new RegExp(/http[s]{0,1}:\/\/\S*/, 'i'))
) {
if (value.search(new RegExp(/http[s]{0,1}:\/\/\S*/, 'i'))) {
return new Error(t('project.node.http_url_validator'))
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
import { useCustomParams } from '.'
import type { IJsonItem } from '../types'
export function useJupyter(model: { [field: string]: any }): IJsonItem[] {
const { t } = useI18n()
return [
type: 'input',
field: 'condaEnvName',
name: t('project.node.jupyter_conda_env_name'),
props: {
placeholder: t('project.node.jupyter_conda_env_name_tips')
validate: {
trigger: ['input', 'blur'],
required: true,
validator(validate: any, value: string) {
if (!value) {
return new Error(t('project.node.jupyter_conda_env_name_tips'))
type: 'input',
field: 'inputNotePath',
name: t('project.node.jupyter_input_note_path'),
props: {
placeholder: t('project.node.jupyter_input_note_path_tips')
validate: {
trigger: ['input', 'blur'],
required: true,
validator(validate: any, value: string) {
if (!value) {
return new Error(t('project.node.jupyter_input_note_path_tips'))
type: 'input',
field: 'outputNotePath',
name: t('project.node.jupyter_output_note_path'),
props: {
placeholder: t('project.node.jupyter_output_note_path_tips')
validate: {
trigger: ['input', 'blur'],
required: true,
validator(validate: any, value: string) {
if (!value) {
return new Error(t('project.node.jupyter_output_note_path_tips'))
type: 'input',
field: 'parameters',
name: t('project.node.jupyter_parameters'),
props: {
placeholder: t('project.node.jupyter_parameters_tips')
// validate: {
// trigger: ['input', 'blur'],
// required: false,
// validator(validate: any, value: string) {
// if (!value) {
// return new Error(t('project.node.jupyter_parameters_tips'))
// }
// }
// }
type: 'input',
field: 'kernel',
name: t('project.node.jupyter_kernel'),
props: {
placeholder: t('project.node.jupyter_kernel_tips')
// validate: {
// trigger: ['input', 'blur'],
// required: false,
// validator(validate: any, value: string) {
// if (!value) {
// return new Error(t('project.node.jupyter_kernel_tips'))
// }
// }
// }
type: 'input',
field: 'engine',
name: t('project.node.jupyter_engine'),
props: {
placeholder: t('project.node.jupyter_engine_tips')
// validate: {
// trigger: ['input', 'blur'],
// required: false,
// validator(validate: any, value: string) {
// if (!value) {
// return new Error(t('project.node.jupyter_engine_tips'))
// }
// }
// }
type: 'input',
field: 'executionTimeout',
name: t('project.node.jupyter_execution_timeout'),
props: {
placeholder: t('project.node.jupyter_execution_timeout_tips')
// validate: {
// trigger: ['input', 'blur'],
// required: false,
// validator(validate: any, value: string) {
// if (!value) {
// return new Error(t('project.node.jupyter_execution_timeout_tips'))
// }
// }
// }
type: 'input',
field: 'startTimeout',
name: t('project.node.jupyter_start_timeout'),
props: {
placeholder: t('project.node.zeppelin_note_id_tips')
// validate: {
// trigger: ['input', 'blur'],
// required: false,
// validator(validate: any, value: string) {
// if (!value) {
// return new Error(t('project.node.jupyter_start_timeout_tips'))
// }
// }
// }
type: 'input',
field: 'others',
name: t('project.node.jupyter_others'),
props: {
placeholder: t('project.node.jupyter_others_tips')
// validate: {
// trigger: ['input', 'blur'],
// required: false,
// validator(validate: any, value: string) {
// if (!value) {
// return new Error(t('project.node.jupyter_others_tips'))
// }
// }
// }
...useCustomParams({ model, field: 'localParams', isSimple: false })
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
import { useCustomParams, useResources } from '.'
import type { IJsonItem } from '../types'
export function useOpenmldb(model: { [field: string]: any }): IJsonItem[] {
const { t } = useI18n()
const options = [
label: t('project.node.openmldb_execute_mode_offline'),
value: 'offline'
label: t('project.node.openmldb_execute_mode_online'),
value: 'online'
return [
type: 'input',
field: 'zk',
name: t('project.node.openmldb_zk_address'),
props: {
placeholder: t('project.node.openmldb_zk_address_tips')
validate: {
trigger: ['input', 'blur'],
required: true,
validator(validate: any, value: string) {
if (!value) {
return new Error(t('project.node.openmldb_zk_address_tips'))
type: 'input',
field: 'zkPath',
name: t('project.node.openmldb_zk_path'),
props: {
placeholder: t('project.node.openmldb_zk_path_tips')
validate: {
trigger: ['input', 'blur'],
required: true,
validator(validate: any, value: string) {
if (!value) {
return new Error(t('project.node.openmldb_zk_path_tips'))
type: 'radio',
field: 'executeMode',
name: t('project.node.openmldb_execute_mode'),
options: options
type: 'editor',
field: 'sql',
name: t('project.node.sql_statement'),
validate: {
trigger: ['input', 'trigger'],
required: true,
message: t('project.node.sql_empty_tips')
...useCustomParams({ model, field: 'localParams', isSimple: false })
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ const FormModal = defineComponent({
style={{width: '100%'}}
style={{ width: '100%' }}
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