package hudson.model; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream; import hudson.CloseProofOutputStream; import hudson.EnvVars; import hudson.ExtensionPoint; import hudson.FeedAdapter; import hudson.FilePath; import hudson.Util; import static hudson.Util.combine; import hudson.XmlFile; import; import; import hudson.matrix.MatrixBuild; import hudson.matrix.MatrixRun; import hudson.model.listeners.RunListener; import; import hudson.tasks.BuildStep; import hudson.tasks.LogRotator; import hudson.tasks.test.AbstractTestResultAction; import hudson.util.IOException2; import hudson.util.XStream2; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse; import org.kohsuke.stapler.QueryParameter; import org.kohsuke.stapler.export.Exported; import org.kohsuke.stapler.export.ExportedBean; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * A particular execution of {@link Job}. * *

* Custom {@link Run} type is always used in conjunction with * a custom {@link Job} type, so there's no separate registration * mechanism for custom {@link Run} types. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi * @see RunListener */ @ExportedBean public abstract class Run ,RunT extends Run> extends Actionable implements ExtensionPoint, Comparable { protected transient final JobT project; /** * Build number. * *

* In earlier versions < 1.24, this number is not unique nor continuous, * but going forward, it will, and this really replaces the build id. */ public /*final*/ int number; /** * Previous build. Can be null. * These two fields are maintained and updated by {@link RunMap}. */ protected volatile transient RunT previousBuild; /** * Next build. Can be null. */ protected volatile transient RunT nextBuild; /** * When the build is scheduled. */ protected transient final Calendar timestamp; /** * The build result. * This value may change while the state is in {@link State#BUILDING}. */ protected volatile Result result; /** * Human-readable description. Can be null. */ protected volatile String description; /** * The current build state. */ protected volatile transient State state; private static enum State { /** * Build is created/queued but we haven't started building it. */ NOT_STARTED, /** * Build is in progress. */ BUILDING, /** * Build is completed now, and the status is determined, * but log files are still being updated. */ POST_PRODUCTION, /** * Build is completed now, and log file is closed. */ COMPLETED } /** * Number of milli-seconds it took to run this build. */ protected long duration; /** * Keeps this log entries. */ private boolean keepLog; protected static final SimpleDateFormat ID_FORMATTER = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss"); /** * Creates a new {@link Run}. */ protected Run(JobT job) throws IOException { this(job, new GregorianCalendar()); this.number = project.assignBuildNumber(); } /** * Constructor for creating a {@link Run} object in * an arbitrary state. */ protected Run(JobT job, Calendar timestamp) { this.project = job; this.timestamp = timestamp; this.state = State.NOT_STARTED; } /** * Loads a run from a log file. */ protected Run(JobT project, File buildDir) throws IOException { this(project, new GregorianCalendar()); try { this.timestamp.setTime(ID_FORMATTER.parse(buildDir.getName())); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new IOException2("Invalid directory name "+buildDir,e); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IOException2("Invalid directory name "+buildDir,e); } this.state = State.COMPLETED; this.result = Result.FAILURE; // defensive measure. value should be overwritten by unmarshal, but just in case the saved data is inconsistent getDataFile().unmarshal(this); // load the rest of the data } /** * Ordering based on build numbers. */ public int compareTo(RunT that) { return this.number - that.number; } /** * Returns the build result. * *

* When a build is {@link #isBuilding() in progress}, this method * may return null or a temporary intermediate result. */ @Exported public Result getResult() { return result; } public void setResult(Result r) { // state can change only when we are building assert state==State.BUILDING; StackTraceElement caller = findCaller(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(),"setResult"); // result can only get worse if(result==null) { result = r; LOGGER.fine(toString()+" : result is set to "+r+" by "+caller); } else { if(r.isWorseThan(result)) { LOGGER.fine(toString()+" : result is set to "+r+" by "+caller); result = r; } } } /** * Gets the subset of {@link #getActions()} that consists of {@link BuildBadgeAction}s. */ public List getBadgeActions() { List r = null; for (Action a : getActions()) { if(a instanceof BuildBadgeAction) { if(r==null) r = new ArrayList(); r.add((BuildBadgeAction)a); } } if(isKeepLog()) { if(r==null) r = new ArrayList(); r.add(new KeepLogBuildBadge()); } if(r==null) return Collections.emptyList(); else return r; } private StackTraceElement findCaller(StackTraceElement[] stackTrace, String callee) { for(int i=0; i getArtifacts() { List r = new ArrayList(); addArtifacts(getArtifactsDir(),"",r); return r; } /** * Returns true if this run has any artifacts. * *

* The strange method name is so that we can access it from EL. */ public boolean getHasArtifacts() { return !getArtifacts().isEmpty(); } private void addArtifacts( File dir, String path, List r ) { String[] children = dir.list(); if(children==null) return; for (String child : children) { if(r.size()>CUTOFF) return; File sub = new File(dir, child); if (sub.isDirectory()) { addArtifacts(sub, path + child + '/', r); } else { r.add(new Artifact(path + child)); } } } private static final int CUTOFF = 17; // 0, 1,... 16, and then "too many" /** * A build artifact. */ public class Artifact { /** * Relative path name from {@link Run#getArtifactsDir()} */ private final String relativePath; private Artifact(String relativePath) { this.relativePath = relativePath; } /** * Gets the artifact file. */ public File getFile() { return new File(getArtifactsDir(),relativePath); } /** * Returns just the file name portion, without the path. */ public String getFileName() { return getFile().getName(); } public String toString() { return relativePath; } } /** * Returns the log file. */ public File getLogFile() { return new File(getRootDir(),"log"); } protected SearchIndexBuilder makeSearchIndex() { return super.makeSearchIndex() .add("console") .add("changes"); } public Api getApi(final StaplerRequest req) { return new Api(this); } public void checkPermission(Permission p) { // for now, don't maintain ACL per run, and do it at project level getParent().checkPermission(p); } /** * Deletes this build and its entire log * * @throws IOException * if we fail to delete. */ public synchronized void delete() throws IOException { File rootDir = getRootDir(); File tmp = new File(rootDir.getParentFile(),'.'+rootDir.getName()); if(!rootDir.renameTo(tmp)) throw new IOException(rootDir+" is in use"); Util.deleteRecursive(tmp); removeRunFromParent(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // seems this is too clever for Java's type system? private void removeRunFromParent() { getParent().removeRun((RunT)this); } protected static interface Runner { /** * Performs the main build and returns the status code. * * @throws Exception * exception will be recorded and the build will be considered a failure. */ Result run( BuildListener listener ) throws Exception, RunnerAbortedException; /** * Performs the post-build action. *

* This method is called after the status of the build is determined. * This is a good opportunity to do notifications based on the result * of the build. When this method is called, the build is not really * finalized yet, and the build is still considered in progress --- for example, * even if the build is successful, this build still won't be picked up * by {@link Job#getLastSuccessfulBuild()}. */ void post( BuildListener listener ) throws Exception; /** * Performs final clean up action. *

* This method is called after {@link #post(BuildListener)}, * after the build result is fully finalized. This is the point * where the build is already considered completed. *

* Among other things, this is often a necessary pre-condition * before invoking other builds that depend on this build. */ void cleanUp(BuildListener listener) throws Exception; } /** * Used in {@link Runner#run} to indicates that a fatal error in a build * is reported to {@link BuildListener} and the build should be simply aborted * without further recording a stack trace. */ public static final class RunnerAbortedException extends RuntimeException {} protected final void run(Runner job) { if(result!=null) return; // already built. BuildListener listener=null; PrintStream log = null; onStartBuilding(); try { // to set the state to COMPLETE in the end, even if the thread dies abnormally. // otherwise the queue state becomes inconsistent long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { try { log = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(getLogFile())); listener = new StreamBuildListener(new CloseProofOutputStream(log)); listener.started(); setResult(;" main build action completed: "+result); } catch (ThreadDeath t) { throw t; } catch( RunnerAbortedException e ) { result = Result.FAILURE; } catch( InterruptedException e) { // aborted result = Result.ABORTED; listener.getLogger().println(Messages.Run_BuildAborted()); LOGGER.log(Level.INFO,toString()+" aborted",e); } catch( Throwable e ) { handleFatalBuildProblem(listener,e); result = Result.FAILURE; } // even if the main build fails fatally, try to run post build processing; } catch (ThreadDeath t) { throw t; } catch( Throwable e ) { handleFatalBuildProblem(listener,e); result = Result.FAILURE; } finally { long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); duration = end-start; // advance the state. // the significance of doing this is that Hudson // will now see this build as completed. // things like triggering other builds requires this as pre-condition. // see issue #980. state = State.POST_PRODUCTION; try { job.cleanUp(listener); } catch (Exception e) { handleFatalBuildProblem(listener,e); // too late to update the result now } RunListener.fireCompleted(this,listener); if(listener!=null) listener.finished(result); if(log!=null) log.close(); try { save(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } try { getParent().logRotate(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } finally { onEndBuilding(); } } /** * Handles a fatal build problem (exception) that occurred during the build. */ private void handleFatalBuildProblem(BuildListener listener, Throwable e) { if(listener!=null) { if(e instanceof IOException) Util.displayIOException((IOException)e,listener); Writer w = listener.fatalError(e.getMessage()); if(w!=null) { try { e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(w)); w.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { // ignore } } } } /** * Called when a job started building. */ protected void onStartBuilding() { state = State.BUILDING; } /** * Called when a job finished building normally or abnormally. */ protected void onEndBuilding() { state = State.COMPLETED; if(result==null) { // shouldn't happen, but be defensive until we figure out why result = Result.FAILURE; LOGGER.warning(toString()+": No build result is set, so marking as failure. This shouldn't happen"); } } /** * Save the settings to a file. */ public synchronized void save() throws IOException { getDataFile().write(this); } private XmlFile getDataFile() { return new XmlFile(XSTREAM,new File(getRootDir(),"build.xml")); } /** * Gets the log of the build as a string. * * @deprecated Use {@link #getLog(int)} instead as it avoids loading * the whole log into memory unnecessarily. */ @Deprecated public String getLog() throws IOException { return Util.loadFile(getLogFile()); } /** * Gets the log of the build as a list of strings (one per log line). * The number of lines returned is constrained by the maxLines parameter. * * @param maxLines The maximum number of log lines to return. If the log * is bigger than this, only the most recent lines are returned. * @return A list of log lines. Will have no more than maxLines elements. * @throws IOException If there is a problem reading the log file. */ public List getLog(int maxLines) throws IOException { int lineCount = 0; List logLines = new LinkedList(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(getLogFile())); for (String line = reader.readLine(); line != null; line = reader.readLine()) { logLines.add(line); ++lineCount; // If we have too many lines, remove the oldest line. This way we // never have to hold the full contents of a huge log file in memory. // Adding to and removing from the ends of a linked list are cheap // operations. if (lineCount > maxLines) logLines.remove(0); } // If the log has been truncated, include that information. // Use set (replaces the first element) rather than add so that // the list doesn't grow beyond the specified maximum number of lines. if (lineCount > maxLines) logLines.set(0, "[...truncated " + (lineCount - (maxLines - 1)) + " lines...]"); return logLines; } public void doBuildStatus( StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp ) throws IOException { // see Hudson.doNocacheImages. this is a work around for a bug in Firefox rsp.sendRedirect2(req.getContextPath()+"/nocacheImages/48x48/"+getBuildStatusUrl()); } public String getBuildStatusUrl() { return getIconColor().getImage(); } public static class Summary { /** * Is this build worse or better, compared to the previous build? */ public boolean isWorse; public String message; public Summary(boolean worse, String message) { this.isWorse = worse; this.message = message; } } /** * Gets an object that computes the single line summary of this build. */ public Summary getBuildStatusSummary() { Run prev = getPreviousBuild(); if(getResult()==Result.SUCCESS) { if(prev==null || prev.getResult()== Result.SUCCESS) return new Summary(false,"stable"); else return new Summary(false,"back to normal"); } if(getResult()==Result.FAILURE) { RunT since = getPreviousNotFailedBuild(); if(since==null) return new Summary(false,"broken for a long time"); if(since==prev) return new Summary(true,"broken since this build"); return new Summary(false,"broken since "+since.getDisplayName()); } if(getResult()==Result.ABORTED) return new Summary(false,"aborted"); if(getResult()==Result.UNSTABLE) { if(((Run)this) instanceof Build) { AbstractTestResultAction trN = ((Build)(Run)this).getTestResultAction(); AbstractTestResultAction trP = prev==null ? null : ((Build) prev).getTestResultAction(); if(trP==null) { if(trN!=null && trN.getFailCount()>0) return new Summary(false,combine(trN.getFailCount(),"test failure")); else // ??? return new Summary(false,"unstable"); } if(trP.getFailCount()==0) return new Summary(true,combine(trP.getFailCount(),"test")+" started to fail"); if(trP.getFailCount() < trN.getFailCount()) return new Summary(true,combine(trN.getFailCount()-trP.getFailCount(),"more test") +" are failing ("+trN.getFailCount()+" total)"); if(trP.getFailCount() > trN.getFailCount()) return new Summary(false,combine(trP.getFailCount()-trN.getFailCount(),"less test") +" are failing ("+trN.getFailCount()+" total)"); return new Summary(false,combine(trN.getFailCount(),"test")+" are still failing"); } } return new Summary(false,"?"); } /** * Serves the artifacts. */ public void doArtifact( StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp ) throws IOException, ServletException, InterruptedException { new DirectoryBrowserSupport(this,project.getDisplayName()+' '+getDisplayName()) .serveFile(req, rsp, new FilePath(getArtifactsDir()), "package.gif", true); } /** * Returns the build number in the body. */ public void doBuildNumber( StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp ) throws IOException { rsp.setContentType("text/plain"); rsp.setCharacterEncoding("US-ASCII"); rsp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); rsp.getWriter().print(number); } /** * Returns the build time stamp in the body. */ public void doBuildTimestamp( StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp, @QueryParameter("format") String format) throws IOException { rsp.setContentType("text/plain"); rsp.setCharacterEncoding("US-ASCII"); rsp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); DateFormat df = format==null ? DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT,DateFormat.SHORT, Locale.ENGLISH) : new SimpleDateFormat(format,req.getLocale()); rsp.getWriter().print(df.format(getTimestamp().getTime())); } /** * Handles incremental log output. */ public void doProgressiveLog( StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException { new LargeText(getLogFile(),!isLogUpdated()).doProgressText(req,rsp); } public void doToggleLogKeep( StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp ) throws IOException, ServletException { checkPermission(UPDATE); keepLog = !keepLog; save(); rsp.forwardToPreviousPage(req); } /** * Marks this build to keep the log. */ public void keepLog() throws IOException { keepLog = true; save(); } /** * Deletes the build when the button is pressed. */ public void doDoDelete( StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp ) throws IOException, ServletException { checkPermission(DELETE); // We should not simply delete the build if it has been explicitly // marked to be preserved, or if the build should not be deleted // due to dependencies! String why = getWhyKeepLog(); if (why!=null) { sendError(Messages.Run_UnableToDelete(toString(),why),req,rsp); return; } delete(); rsp.sendRedirect2(req.getContextPath()+'/' + getParent().getUrl()); } public void setDescription(String description) throws IOException { checkPermission(UPDATE); this.description = description; save(); } /** * Accepts the new description. */ public synchronized void doSubmitDescription( StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp ) throws IOException, ServletException { req.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); setDescription(req.getParameter("description")); rsp.sendRedirect("."); // go to the top page } /** * Returns the map that contains environmental variables for this build. *

* Used by {@link BuildStep}s that invoke external processes. *

* On Windows systems, environment variables are case-preserving but * comparison/query is case insensitive (IOW, you can set 'Path' to something * and you get the same value by doing '%PATH%'.) So to implement this semantics * the map returned from here is a {@link TreeMap} with a special comparator. * */ public Map getEnvVars() { EnvVars env = new EnvVars(); env.put("BUILD_NUMBER",String.valueOf(number)); env.put("BUILD_ID",getId()); env.put("BUILD_TAG","hudson-"+getParent().getName()+"-"+number); env.put("JOB_NAME",getParent().getFullName()); Thread t = Thread.currentThread(); if (t instanceof Executor) { Executor e = (Executor) t; env.put("EXECUTOR_NUMBER",String.valueOf(e.getNumber())); } return env; } private static final XStream XSTREAM = new XStream2(); static { XSTREAM.alias("build",FreeStyleBuild.class); XSTREAM.alias("matrix-build",MatrixBuild.class); XSTREAM.alias("matrix-run",MatrixRun.class); XSTREAM.registerConverter(Result.conv); } private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Run.class.getName()); /** * Sort by date. Newer ones first. */ public static final Comparator ORDER_BY_DATE = new Comparator() { public int compare(Run lhs, Run rhs) { long lt = lhs.getTimestamp().getTimeInMillis(); long rt = rhs.getTimestamp().getTimeInMillis(); if(lt>rt) return -1; if(lt FEED_ADAPTER = new FeedAdapter() { public String getEntryTitle(Run entry) { return entry+" ("+entry.getResult()+")"; } public String getEntryUrl(Run entry) { return entry.getUrl(); } // produces a tag URL as per RFC 4151, required by Atom 1.0 public String getEntryID(Run entry) { return "tag:" + "," + entry.getTimestamp().get(Calendar.YEAR) + ":" + entry.getParent().getName()+':'+entry.getId(); } public String getEntryDescription(Run entry) { // TODO: this could provide some useful details return null; } public Calendar getEntryTimestamp(Run entry) { return entry.getTimestamp(); } }; /** * {@link BuildBadgeAction} that shows the logs are being kept. */ public final class KeepLogBuildBadge implements BuildBadgeAction { public String getIconFileName() { return null; } public String getDisplayName() { return null; } public String getUrlName() { return null; } public String getWhyKeepLog() { return Run.this.getWhyKeepLog(); } } public static final PermissionGroup PERMISSIONS = new PermissionGroup(Run.class,Messages._Run_Permissions_Title()); public static final Permission DELETE = new Permission(PERMISSIONS,"Delete", Permission.DELETE); public static final Permission UPDATE = new Permission(PERMISSIONS,"Update", Permission.UPDATE); }