**tkintertools** ================ > 许可证: [LICENSE](./LICENSE) Update/最近更新 -------------- > Version: > Date: 2023/02/09 ### Features/新增 - [X] Class `Canvas` adds parameter `keep` to extend function 类`Canvas`新增参数`keep`以扩展功能 ### Fixed/修复 - [X] Fixed the problem of inaccurate Python version requirements. The minimum module operation requirement should be Python 3.11 修复了 Python 版本要求不准确的问题,模块最低运行要求应为 Python3.11 > 更多信息见更新日志: [CHANGELOG](./CHANGELOG.md) Description/模块描述 ------------------- The `tkintertools` module is an auxiliary module of the `tkinter` module `tkintertools`模块是`tkinter`模块的辅助模块 ### Provides/提供功能 * Transparent, rounded and customized widgets 透明、圆角化和可自定义的控件 * Automatic widget of picture size and widget size 自动控制图片大小和控件大小 * Scalable png pictures and playable gif pictures 可缩放的png图片和可播放的gif图片 * Regular mobile widgets and canvas interfaces 按一定规律移动控件和画布界面 * Gradient colors and contrast colors 渐变色和对比色 * Text with controllable length and alignment 长度和对齐方式可控的文本 * Convenient, inheritable singleton pattern class 便捷的、可供继承的单例模式类 * Display clear window and its contents 显示清晰的窗口及其内容 ### Contents/模块内容 * Container Widget/容器控件: `Tk`, `Toplevel`, `Canvas` * Virtual Canvas Widget/虚拟画布控件: `CanvasLabel`, `CanvasButton`, `CanvasEntry`, `CanvasText`, `ProcessBar` * Tool Class/工具类: `PhotoImage`, `Singleton` * Tool Function/工具函数: `move`, `text`, `color` ### Attentions/特别注意 * `tkinertools.py` is the latest version, and its version number is not necessarily the same as the tutorial (generally newer than the tutorial) `tkintertools.py` 是目前的最新版本,其版本号不一定与教程一致(一般比教程的要新) * In the `Release Version` folder is the source code of the `tkinertools` module with a large version number in the past `Release Version` 文件夹里面的是过去的大版本号的 `tkintertools` 模块的源代码 * `Compatible Version` folder contains the latest compatible version, which is compatible with python 3.7 `Compatible Version`文件夹里面是当前最新版本的兼容版本,可兼容python3.7版本 > 兼容版本: [Compatible Version](./Compatible%20Version/) 过去版本: [Release Version](./Release%20Version/) ### More/更多 * GitCode: https://gitcode.net/weixin_62651706/tkintertools * GitHub: https://github.com/Xiaokang2022/tkintertools * Gitee(Mirror/镜像): https://gitee.com/xiaokang-2022/tkintertools * Column/专栏: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_62651706/category_11600888.html * Tutorials/教程: https://xiaokang2022.blog.csdn.net/article/details/127374661 * Author/作者: https://xiaokang2022.blog.csdn.net * Contact/联系我: <2951256653@qq.com>