/* * Copyright 2018 Xiaomi, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package database import ( "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "time" "github.com/XiaoMi/soar/ast" "github.com/XiaoMi/soar/common" "github.com/ziutek/mymysql/mysql" // mymysql driver _ "github.com/ziutek/mymysql/native" "vitess.io/vitess/go/vt/sqlparser" ) // Connector 数据库连接基本对象 type Connector struct { Addr string User string Pass string Database string Charset string } // QueryResult 数据库查询返回值 type QueryResult struct { Rows []mysql.Row Result mysql.Result Error error Warning []mysql.Row QueryCost float64 } // NewConnection 创建新连接 func (db *Connector) NewConnection() mysql.Conn { return mysql.New("tcp", "", db.Addr, db.User, db.Pass, db.Database) } // Query 执行SQL func (db *Connector) Query(sql string, params ...interface{}) (*QueryResult, error) { // 测试环境如果检查是关闭的,则SQL不会被执行 if common.Config.TestDSN.Disable { return nil, errors.New("TestDsn Disable") } // 数据库安全性检查:如果 Connector 的 IP 端口与 TEST 环境不一致,则启用SQL白名单 // 不在白名单中的SQL不允许执行 // 执行环境与test环境不相同 if db.Addr != common.Config.TestDSN.Addr && db.dangerousQuery(sql) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("query execution deny: execute SQL with DSN(%s/%s) '%s'", db.Addr, db.Database, fmt.Sprintf(sql, params...)) } common.Log.Debug("Execute SQL with DSN(%s/%s) : %s", db.Addr, db.Database, fmt.Sprintf(sql, params...)) conn := db.NewConnection() // 设置SQL连接超时时间 conn.SetTimeout(time.Duration(common.Config.ConnTimeOut) * time.Second) defer conn.Close() err := conn.Connect() if err != nil { return nil, err } // 添加SQL执行超时限制 ch := make(chan QueryResult, 1) go func() { res := QueryResult{} res.Rows, res.Result, res.Error = conn.Query(sql, params...) if common.Config.ShowWarnings { warning, _, err := conn.Query("SHOW WARNINGS") if err == nil { res.Warning = warning } } // SHOW WARNINGS 并不会影响 last_query_cost if common.Config.ShowLastQueryCost { cost, _, err := conn.Query("SHOW SESSION STATUS LIKE 'last_query_cost'") if err == nil { if len(cost) > 0 { res.QueryCost = cost[0].Float(1) } } } ch <- res }() select { case res := <-ch: return &res, res.Error case <-time.After(time.Duration(common.Config.QueryTimeOut) * time.Second): return nil, errors.New("query execution timeout") } } // Version 获取MySQL数据库版本 func (db *Connector) Version() (int, error) { // 从数据库中获取版本信息 res, err := db.Query("select @@version") if err != nil { common.Log.Warn("(db *Connector) Version() Error: %v", err) return -1, err } // 从MySQL版本中获取版本号 var reg *regexp.Regexp var v int reg, err = regexp.Compile(`[^0-9]+`) if err != nil { // 如果获取不到version信息,则以最新版本为准 v = 999 return v, err } version := reg.ReplaceAllString(res.Rows[0].Str(0), "")[:3] v, err = strconv.Atoi(version) if err != nil { // 如果获取不到version信息,则以最新版本为准 v = 999 } return v, err } // Source execute sql from file func (db *Connector) Source(file string) ([]*QueryResult, error) { var sqlCounter int // SQL 计数器 var result []*QueryResult fd, err := os.Open(file) defer func() { err = fd.Close() if err != nil { common.Log.Error("(db *Connector) Source(%s) fd.Close failed: %s", file, err.Error()) } }() if err != nil { common.Log.Warning("(db *Connector) Source(%s) os.Open failed: %s", file, err.Error()) return nil, err } data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(fd) if err != nil { common.Log.Critical("ioutil.ReadAll Error: %s", err.Error()) return nil, err } sql := strings.TrimSpace(string(data)) buf := strings.TrimSpace(sql) for ; ; sqlCounter++ { if buf == "" { break } // 查询请求切分 sql, bufBytes := ast.SplitStatement([]byte(buf), []byte(common.Config.Delimiter)) buf = string(bufBytes) sql = strings.TrimSpace(sql) common.Log.Debug("Source Query SQL: %s", sql) res, e := db.Query(sql) if e != nil { common.Log.Error("(db *Connector) Source Filename: %s, SQLCounter.: %d", file, sqlCounter) return result, e } result = append(result, res) } return result, nil } // SingleIntValue 获取某个int型变量的值 func (db *Connector) SingleIntValue(option string) (int, error) { // 从数据库中获取信息 res, err := db.Query("select @@%s", option) if err != nil { common.Log.Warn("(db *Connector) SingleIntValue() Error: %v", err) return -1, err } return res.Rows[0].Int(0), err } // ColumnCardinality 粒度计算 func (db *Connector) ColumnCardinality(tb, col string) float64 { // 获取该表上的已有的索引 // show table status 获取总行数(近似) tbStatus, err := db.ShowTableStatus(tb) if err != nil { common.Log.Warn("(db *Connector) ColumnCardinality() ShowTableStatus Error: %v", err) return 0 } // 如果是视图或表中无数据,rowTotal 都为0 // 视图不需要加索引,无数据相当于散粒度为1 if len(tbStatus.Rows) == 0 { common.Log.Debug("(db *Connector) ColumnCardinality() No table status: %s", tb) return 1 } rowTotal := tbStatus.Rows[0].Rows if rowTotal == 0 { if common.Config.Sampling { common.Log.Debug("ColumnCardinality, %s rowTotal == 0", tb) } return 1 } // rowTotal > xxx 时保护数据库,不对该值计算散粒度,xxx可以在配置中设置 if rowTotal > common.Config.MaxTotalRows { return 0.5 } // 计算该列散粒度 res, err := db.Query("select count(distinct `%s`) from `%s`.`%s`", col, db.Database, tb) if err != nil { common.Log.Warn("(db *Connector) ColumnCardinality() Query Error: %v", err) return 0 } colNum := res.Rows[0].Float(0) // 散粒度区间:[0,1] return colNum / float64(rowTotal) } // IsView 判断表是否是视图 func (db *Connector) IsView(tbName string) bool { tbStatus, err := db.ShowTableStatus(tbName) if err != nil { common.Log.Error("(db *Connector) IsView Error: %v:", err) return false } if len(tbStatus.Rows) > 0 { if tbStatus.Rows[0].Comment == "VIEW" { return true } } return false } // RemoveSQLComments 去除SQL中的注释 func RemoveSQLComments(sql []byte) []byte { cmtReg := regexp.MustCompile(`("(""|[^"])*")|('(''|[^'])*')|(--[^\n\r]*)|(#.*)|(/\*([^*]|[\r\n]|(\*+([^*/]|[\r\n])))*\*+/)`) return cmtReg.ReplaceAllFunc(sql, func(s []byte) []byte { if (s[0] == '"' && s[len(s)-1] == '"') || (s[0] == '\'' && s[len(s)-1] == '\'') || (string(s[:3]) == "/*!") { return s } return []byte("") }) } // 为了防止在 Online 环境进行误操作,通过 dangerousQuery 来判断能否在 Online 执行 func (db *Connector) dangerousQuery(query string) bool { queries, err := sqlparser.SplitStatementToPieces(strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(query))) if err != nil { return true } for _, sql := range queries { dangerous := true whiteList := []string{ "select", "show", "explain", "describe", } for _, prefix := range whiteList { if strings.HasPrefix(sql, prefix) { dangerous = false break } } if dangerous { return true } } return false }