# demo for cpp_infer.py mode: trt_fp32 # trt_fp32, trt_fp16, trt_int8, fluid arch: RCNN # YOLO, SSD, RCNN, RetinaNet min_subgraph_size: 40 # need 3 for YOLO arch use_python_inference: False # whether to use python inference # visualize the predicted image metric: COCO # COCO, VOC draw_threshold: 0.5 Preprocess: - type: Resize target_size: 640 max_size: 640 - type: Normalize mean: - 0.485 - 0.456 - 0.406 std: - 0.229 - 0.224 - 0.225 is_scale: True - type: Permute to_bgr: False - type: PadStride stride: 0 # set 32 on FPN and 128 on RetinaNet