# Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function import copy import logging import traceback from .transformer import MappedDataset, BatchedDataset from .post_map import build_post_map from .parallel_map import ParallelMappedDataset from .operators import BaseOperator, registered_ops __all__ = ['build_mapper', 'map', 'batch', 'batch_map'] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def build_mapper(ops, context=None): """ Build a mapper for operators in 'ops' Args: ops (list of operator.BaseOperator or list of op dict): configs for oprators, eg: [{'name': 'DecodeImage', 'params': {'to_rgb': True}}, {xxx}] context (dict): a context object for mapper Returns: a mapper function which accept one argument 'sample' and return the processed result """ new_ops = [] for _dict in ops: new_dict = {} for i, j in _dict.items(): new_dict[i.lower()] = j new_ops.append(new_dict) ops = new_ops op_funcs = [] op_repr = [] for op in ops: if type(op) is dict and 'op' in op: op_func = getattr(BaseOperator, op['op']) params = copy.deepcopy(op) del params['op'] o = op_func(**params) elif not isinstance(op, BaseOperator): op_func = getattr(BaseOperator, op['name']) params = {} if 'params' not in op else op['params'] o = op_func(**params) else: assert isinstance(op, BaseOperator), \ "invalid operator when build ops" o = op op_funcs.append(o) op_repr.append('{{}}'.format(str(o))) op_repr = '[{}]'.format(','.join(op_repr)) def _mapper(sample): ctx = {} if context is None else copy.deepcopy(context) for f in op_funcs: try: out = f(sample, ctx) sample = out except Exception as e: stack_info = traceback.format_exc() logger.warn("fail to map op [{}] with error: {} and stack:\n{}".format(f, e, str(stack_info))) raise e return out _mapper.ops = op_repr return _mapper def map(ds, mapper, worker_args=None): """ Apply 'mapper' to 'ds' Args: ds (instance of Dataset): dataset to be mapped mapper (function): action to be executed for every data sample worker_args (dict): configs for concurrent mapper Returns: a mapped dataset """ if worker_args is not None: return ParallelMappedDataset(ds, mapper, worker_args) else: return MappedDataset(ds, mapper) def batch(ds, batchsize, drop_last=False): """ Batch data samples to batches Args: batchsize (int): number of samples for a batch drop_last (bool): drop last few samples if not enough for a batch Returns: a batched dataset """ return BatchedDataset(ds, batchsize, drop_last=drop_last) def batch_map(ds, config): """ Post process the batches. Args: ds (instance of Dataset): dataset to be mapped mapper (function): action to be executed for every batch Returns: a batched dataset which is processed """ mapper = build_post_map(**config) return MappedDataset(ds, mapper) for nm in registered_ops: op = getattr(BaseOperator, nm) locals()[nm] = op __all__ += registered_ops