import io import os import os.path import sys import runpy import subprocess import re import sysconfig import platform import skbuild from skbuild import cmaker def main(): os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) CI_BUILD = os.environ.get("CI_BUILD", "False") is_CI_build = True if CI_BUILD == "1" else False cmake_source_dir = "opencv" minimum_supported_numpy = "1.13.3" build_contrib = get_build_env_var_by_name("contrib") build_headless = get_build_env_var_by_name("headless") build_java = "ON" if get_build_env_var_by_name("java") else "OFF" install_requires = [ 'numpy>=1.13.3; python_version<"3.7"', 'numpy>=1.14.5; python_version>="3.7"', 'numpy>=1.17.3; python_version>="3.8"', 'numpy>=1.19.3; python_version>="3.9"', 'numpy>=1.21.2; python_version>="3.10"', 'numpy>=1.19.3; python_version>="3.6" and platform_system=="Linux" and platform_machine=="aarch64"', 'numpy>=1.21.2; python_version>="3.6" and platform_system=="Darwin" and platform_machine=="arm64"', ] python_version = cmaker.CMaker.get_python_version() python_lib_path = cmaker.CMaker.get_python_library(python_version).replace( "\\", "/" ) python_include_dir = cmaker.CMaker.get_python_include_dir(python_version).replace( "\\", "/" ) if os.path.exists(".git"): import pip._internal.vcs.git as git g = git.Git() # NOTE: pip API's are internal, this has to be refactored g.run_command(["submodule", "sync"]) g.run_command( ["submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive", cmake_source_dir] ) if build_contrib: g.run_command( ["submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive", "opencv_contrib"] ) package_version, build_contrib, build_headless = get_and_set_info( build_contrib, build_headless, is_CI_build ) # is64 = sys.maxsize > 2 ** 32 package_name = "opencv-python" if build_contrib and not build_headless: package_name = "opencv-contrib-python" if build_contrib and build_headless: package_name = "opencv-contrib-python-headless" if build_headless and not build_contrib: package_name = "opencv-python-headless" long_description ="", encoding="utf-8").read() packages = ["cv2", ""] package_data = { "cv2": ["*%s" % sysconfig.get_config_vars().get("SO"), ""] + (["*.dll"] if == "nt" else []) + ["LICENSE.txt", "LICENSE-3RD-PARTY.txt"], "": ["*.xml"], } # Files from CMake output to copy to package. # Path regexes with forward slashes relative to CMake install dir. rearrange_cmake_output_data = { "cv2": ( [r"bin/opencv_videoio_ffmpeg\d{3}%s\.dll" % ("_64" if is64 else "")] if == "nt" else [] ) + # In Windows, in python/X.Y//; in Linux, in just python/X.Y/. # Naming conventions vary so widely between versions and OSes # had to give up on checking them. [ r"python/cv2/python-%s/cv2.*" % (sys.version_info[0]) ] + [ r"python/cv2/" ] + [ r"python/cv2/.*config.*.py" ], "": [ # OPENCV_OTHER_INSTALL_PATH ("etc" if == "nt" else "share/opencv4") + r"/haarcascades/.*\.xml" ], "cv2.gapi": [ "python/cv2" + r"/gapi/.*\.py" ], "cv2.mat_wrapper": [ "python/cv2" + r"/mat_wrapper/.*\.py" ], "cv2.misc": [ "python/cv2" + r"/misc/.*\.py" ], "cv2.utils": [ "python/cv2" + r"/utils/.*\.py" ], } # Files in sourcetree outside package dir that should be copied to package. # Raw paths relative to sourcetree root. files_outside_package_dir = {"cv2": ["LICENSE.txt", "LICENSE-3RD-PARTY.txt"]} ci_cmake_generator = ( ["-G", "Visual Studio 14" + (" Win64" if is64 else "")] if == "nt" else ["-G", "Unix Makefiles"] ) cmake_args = ( (ci_cmake_generator if is_CI_build else []) + [ # skbuild inserts PYTHON_* vars. That doesn't satisfy opencv build scripts in case of Py3 "-DPYTHON3_EXECUTABLE=%s" % sys.executable, "-DPYTHON3_INCLUDE_DIR=%s" % python_include_dir, "-DPYTHON3_LIBRARY=%s" % python_lib_path, "-DBUILD_opencv_python3=ON", "-DBUILD_opencv_python2=OFF", # Disable the Java build by default as it is not needed "-DBUILD_opencv_java=%s" % build_java, # Relative dir to install the built module to in the build tree. # The default is generated from sysconfig, we'd rather have a constant for simplicity "-DOPENCV_PYTHON3_INSTALL_PATH=python", # Otherwise, opencv scripts would want to install `.pyd' right into site-packages, # and skbuild bails out on seeing that "-DINSTALL_CREATE_DISTRIB=ON", # See opencv/CMakeLists.txt for options and defaults "-DBUILD_opencv_apps=OFF", "-DBUILD_opencv_freetype=OFF", "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF", "-DBUILD_TESTS=OFF", "-DBUILD_PERF_TESTS=OFF", "-DBUILD_DOCS=OFF", "-DPYTHON3_LIMITED_API=ON", "-DBUILD_OPENEXR=ON", ] + ( # CMake flags for windows/arm64 build ["-DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=ARM64", # Emulated cmake requires following flags to correctly detect # target architecture for windows/arm64 build "-DOPENCV_WORKAROUND_CMAKE_20989=ON", "-DCMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR=ARM64"] if platform.machine() == "ARM64" and sys.platform == "win32" # If it is not defined 'linker flags: /machine:X86' on Windows x64 else ["-DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=x64"] if is64 and sys.platform == "win32" else [] ) + ( ["-DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=" + os.path.abspath("opencv_contrib/modules")] if build_contrib else [] ) ) if build_headless: # it seems that cocoa cannot be disabled so on macOS the package is not truly headless cmake_args.append("-DWITH_WIN32UI=OFF") cmake_args.append("-DWITH_QT=OFF") cmake_args.append("-DWITH_GTK=OFF") if is_CI_build: cmake_args.append( "-DWITH_MSMF=OFF" ) # see: if sys.platform.startswith("linux") and not is64 and "bdist_wheel" in sys.argv: subprocess.check_call("patch -p0 < patches/patchOpenEXR", shell=True) # OS-specific components during CI builds if is_CI_build: if ( not build_headless and "bdist_wheel" in sys.argv and sys.platform.startswith("linux") ): cmake_args.append("-DWITH_QT=5") subprocess.check_call("patch -p1 < patches/patchQtPlugins", shell=True) if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): rearrange_cmake_output_data["cv2.qt.plugins.platforms"] = [ (r"lib/qt/plugins/platforms/libqxcb\.so") ] # add fonts for Qt5 fonts = [] for file in os.listdir("/usr/share/fonts/dejavu"): if file.endswith(".ttf"): fonts.append( (r"lib/qt/fonts/dejavu/%s\.ttf" % file.split(".")[0]) ) rearrange_cmake_output_data["cv2.qt.fonts"] = fonts if sys.platform == "darwin": rearrange_cmake_output_data["cv2.qt.plugins.platforms"] = [ (r"lib/qt/plugins/platforms/libqcocoa\.dylib") ] if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): cmake_args.append("-DWITH_V4L=ON") cmake_args.append("-DWITH_LAPACK=ON") cmake_args.append("-DENABLE_PRECOMPILED_HEADERS=OFF") # if "CMAKE_ARGS" in os.environ: import shlex cmake_args.extend(shlex.split(os.environ["CMAKE_ARGS"])) del shlex # works via side effect RearrangeCMakeOutput( rearrange_cmake_output_data, files_outside_package_dir, package_data.keys() ) skbuild.setup( name=package_name, version=package_version, url="", license="MIT", description="Wrapper package for OpenCV python bindings.", long_description=long_description, long_description_content_type="text/markdown", packages=packages, package_data=package_data, maintainer="Olli-Pekka Heinisuo", ext_modules=EmptyListWithLength(), install_requires=install_requires, python_requires=">=3.6", classifiers=[ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable", "Environment :: Console", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "Intended Audience :: Education", "Intended Audience :: Information Technology", "Intended Audience :: Science/Research", "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", "Operating System :: MacOS", "Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows", "Operating System :: POSIX", "Operating System :: Unix", "Programming Language :: Python", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10", "Programming Language :: C++", "Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython", "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering", "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition", "Topic :: Software Development", ], cmake_args=cmake_args, cmake_source_dir=cmake_source_dir, ) class RearrangeCMakeOutput(object): """ Patch SKBuild logic to only take files related to the Python package and construct a file hierarchy that SKBuild expects (see below) """ _setuptools_wrap = None # Have to wrap a function reference, or it's converted # into an instance method on attr assignment import argparse wraps = argparse.Namespace(_classify_installed_files=None) del argparse package_paths_re = None packages = None files_outside_package = None def __init__(self, package_paths_re, files_outside_package, packages): cls = self.__class__ assert not cls.wraps._classify_installed_files, "Singleton object" import skbuild.setuptools_wrap cls._setuptools_wrap = skbuild.setuptools_wrap cls.wraps._classify_installed_files = ( cls._setuptools_wrap._classify_installed_files ) cls._setuptools_wrap._classify_installed_files = ( self._classify_installed_files_override ) cls.package_paths_re = package_paths_re cls.files_outside_package = files_outside_package cls.packages = packages def __del__(self): cls = self.__class__ cls._setuptools_wrap._classify_installed_files = ( cls.wraps._classify_installed_files ) cls.wraps._classify_installed_files = None cls._setuptools_wrap = None def _classify_installed_files_override( self, install_paths, package_data, package_prefixes, py_modules, new_py_modules, scripts, new_scripts, data_files, cmake_source_dir, cmake_install_reldir, ): """ From all CMake output, we're only interested in a few files and must place them into CMake install dir according to Python conventions for SKBuild to find them: package\ file subpackage\ etc. """ cls = self.__class__ # 'relpath'/'reldir' = relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR/cmake_install_dir # 'path'/'dir' = relative to sourcetree root cmake_install_dir = os.path.join( cls._setuptools_wrap.CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR(), cmake_install_reldir ) install_relpaths = [ os.path.relpath(p, cmake_install_dir) for p in install_paths ] fslash_install_relpaths = [ p.replace(os.path.sep, "/") for p in install_relpaths ] relpaths_zip = list(zip(fslash_install_relpaths, install_relpaths)) del install_relpaths, fslash_install_relpaths final_install_relpaths = [] print("Copying files from CMake output") # lines for a proper work using pylint and an autocomplete in IDE with open(os.path.join(cmake_install_dir, "python", "cv2", ""), 'r') as opencv_init: opencv_init_lines = opencv_init.readlines() extra_imports = ('\nfrom .cv2 import *\nfrom .cv2 import _registerMatType\nfrom . import mat_wrapper\nfrom . import gapi' '\nfrom . import misc\nfrom . import utils\nfrom . import data\nfrom . import version\n') free_line_after_imports = 6 opencv_init_lines.insert(free_line_after_imports, extra_imports) opencv_init_data = "" for line in opencv_init_lines: opencv_init_replacement = line.replace('importlib.import_module("cv2")', 'importlib.import_module("cv2.cv2")') opencv_init_data = opencv_init_data + opencv_init_replacement with open(os.path.join(cmake_install_dir, "python", "cv2", ""), 'w') as opencv_final_init: opencv_final_init.write(opencv_init_data) # add lines from the old file to the config file with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'scripts', ''), 'r') as custom_init: custom_init_data = with open('%spython/cv2/' % (cmake_install_dir, sys.version_info[0]), 'w') as opencv_init_config: opencv_init_config.write(custom_init_data) for package_name, relpaths_re in cls.package_paths_re.items(): package_dest_reldir = package_name.replace(".", os.path.sep) for relpath_re in relpaths_re: found = False r = re.compile(relpath_re + "$") for fslash_relpath, relpath in relpaths_zip: m = r.match(fslash_relpath) if not m: continue found = True new_install_relpath = os.path.join( package_dest_reldir, os.path.basename(relpath) ) cls._setuptools_wrap._copy_file( os.path.join(cmake_install_dir, relpath), os.path.join(cmake_install_dir, new_install_relpath), hide_listing=False, ) final_install_relpaths.append(new_install_relpath) del m, fslash_relpath, new_install_relpath else: # gapi can be missed if ADE was not downloaded (network issue) if not found and "gapi" not in relpath_re: raise Exception("Not found: '%s'" % relpath_re) del r, found del relpaths_zip print("Copying files from non-default sourcetree locations") for package_name, paths in cls.files_outside_package.items(): package_dest_reldir = package_name.replace(".", os.path.sep) for path in paths: new_install_relpath = os.path.join( package_dest_reldir, # Don't yet have a need to copy # to subdirectories of package dir os.path.basename(path), ) cls._setuptools_wrap._copy_file( path, os.path.join(cmake_install_dir, new_install_relpath), hide_listing=False, ) final_install_relpaths.append(new_install_relpath) final_install_paths = [ os.path.join(cmake_install_dir, p) for p in final_install_relpaths ] return (cls.wraps._classify_installed_files)( final_install_paths, package_data, package_prefixes, py_modules, new_py_modules, scripts, new_scripts, data_files, # To get around a check that prepends source dir to paths and breaks package detection code. cmake_source_dir="", _cmake_install_dir=cmake_install_reldir, ) def get_and_set_info(contrib, headless, ci_build): # cv2/ should be generated by running version = {} here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) version_file = os.path.join(here, "cv2", "") # generate a fresh always when Git repository exists # (in sdists the file already exists) if os.path.exists(".git"): old_args = sys.argv.copy() sys.argv = ["", str(contrib), str(headless), str(ci_build)] runpy.run_path("", run_name="__main__") sys.argv = old_args with open(version_file) as fp: exec(, version) return version["opencv_version"], version["contrib"], version["headless"] def get_build_env_var_by_name(flag_name): flag_set = False try: flag_set = bool(int(os.getenv("ENABLE_" + flag_name.upper(), None))) except Exception: pass if not flag_set: try: flag_set = bool(int(open(flag_name + ".enabled").read(1))) except Exception: pass return flag_set # This creates a list which is empty but returns a length of 1. # Should make the wheel a binary distribution and platlib compliant. class EmptyListWithLength(list): def __len__(self): return 1 if __name__ == "__main__": main()