import numpy as np from torch.nn import functional as F import torch as t from torch import nn from model.utils.bbox_tools import generate_anchor_base from model.utils.creator_tool import ProposalCreator class RegionProposalNetwork(nn.Module): """Region Proposal Network introduced in Faster R-CNN. This is Region Proposal Network introduced in Faster R-CNN [#]_. This takes features extracted from images and propose class agnostic bounding boxes around "objects". .. [#] Shaoqing Ren, Kaiming He, Ross Girshick, Jian Sun. \ Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with \ Region Proposal Networks. NIPS 2015. Args: in_channels (int): The channel size of input. mid_channels (int): The channel size of the intermediate tensor. ratios (list of floats): This is ratios of width to height of the anchors. anchor_scales (list of numbers): This is areas of anchors. Those areas will be the product of the square of an element in :obj:`anchor_scales` and the original area of the reference window. feat_stride (int): Stride size after extracting features from an image. initialW (callable): Initial weight value. If :obj:`None` then this function uses Gaussian distribution scaled by 0.1 to initialize weight. May also be a callable that takes an array and edits its values. proposal_creator_params (dict): Key valued paramters for :class:`model.utils.creator_tools.ProposalCreator`. .. seealso:: :class:`~model.utils.creator_tools.ProposalCreator` """ def __init__( self, in_channels=512, mid_channels=512, ratios=[0.5, 1, 2], anchor_scales=[8, 16, 32], feat_stride=16, proposal_creator_params=dict(), ): super(RegionProposalNetwork, self).__init__() self.anchor_base = generate_anchor_base( anchor_scales=anchor_scales, ratios=ratios) self.feat_stride = feat_stride self.proposal_layer = ProposalCreator(self, **proposal_creator_params) n_anchor = self.anchor_base.shape[0] self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, mid_channels, 3, 1, 1) self.score = nn.Conv2d(mid_channels, n_anchor * 2, 1, 1, 0) self.loc = nn.Conv2d(mid_channels, n_anchor * 4, 1, 1, 0) normal_init(self.conv1, 0, 0.01) normal_init(self.score, 0, 0.01) normal_init(self.loc, 0, 0.01) def forward(self, x, img_size, scale=1.): """Forward Region Proposal Network. Here are notations. * :math:`N` is batch size. * :math:`C` channel size of the input. * :math:`H` and :math:`W` are height and witdh of the input feature. * :math:`A` is number of anchors assigned to each pixel. Args: x (~torch.autograd.Variable): The Features extracted from images. Its shape is :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. img_size (tuple of ints): A tuple :obj:`height, width`, which contains image size after scaling. scale (float): The amount of scaling done to the input images after reading them from files. Returns: (~torch.autograd.Variable, ~torch.autograd.Variable, array, array, array): This is a tuple of five following values. * **rpn_locs**: Predicted bounding box offsets and scales for \ anchors. Its shape is :math:`(N, H W A, 4)`. * **rpn_scores**: Predicted foreground scores for \ anchors. Its shape is :math:`(N, H W A, 2)`. * **rois**: A bounding box array containing coordinates of \ proposal boxes. This is a concatenation of bounding box \ arrays from multiple images in the batch. \ Its shape is :math:`(R', 4)`. Given :math:`R_i` predicted \ bounding boxes from the :math:`i` th image, \ :math:`R' = \\sum _{i=1} ^ N R_i`. * **roi_indices**: An array containing indices of images to \ which RoIs correspond to. Its shape is :math:`(R',)`. * **anchor**: Coordinates of enumerated shifted anchors. \ Its shape is :math:`(H W A, 4)`. """ n, _, hh, ww = x.shape anchor = _enumerate_shifted_anchor( np.array(self.anchor_base), self.feat_stride, hh, ww) n_anchor = anchor.shape[0] // (hh * ww) h = F.relu(self.conv1(x)) rpn_locs = self.loc(h) # UNNOTE: check whether need contiguous # A: Yes rpn_locs = rpn_locs.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous().view(n, -1, 4) rpn_scores = self.score(h) rpn_scores = rpn_scores.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous() rpn_softmax_scores = F.softmax(rpn_scores, dim=3) rpn_fg_scores = \ rpn_softmax_scores.view(n, hh, ww, n_anchor, 2)[:, :, :, :, 1].contiguous() rpn_fg_scores = rpn_fg_scores.view(n, -1) rpn_scores = rpn_scores.view(n, -1, 2) rois = list() roi_indices = list() for i in range(n): roi = self.proposal_layer( rpn_locs[i].cpu().data.numpy(), rpn_fg_scores[i].cpu().data.numpy(), anchor, img_size, scale=scale) batch_index = i * np.ones((len(roi),), dtype=np.int32) rois.append(roi) roi_indices.append(batch_index) rois = np.concatenate(rois, axis=0) roi_indices = np.concatenate(roi_indices, axis=0) return rpn_locs, rpn_scores, rois, roi_indices, anchor def _enumerate_shifted_anchor(anchor_base, feat_stride, height, width): # Enumerate all shifted anchors: # # add A anchors (1, A, 4) to # cell K shifts (K, 1, 4) to get # shift anchors (K, A, 4) # reshape to (K*A, 4) shifted anchors # return (K*A, 4) # !TODO: add support for torch.CudaTensor # xp = cuda.get_array_module(anchor_base) # it seems that it can't be boosed using GPU import numpy as xp shift_y = xp.arange(0, height * feat_stride, feat_stride) shift_x = xp.arange(0, width * feat_stride, feat_stride) shift_x, shift_y = xp.meshgrid(shift_x, shift_y) shift = xp.stack((shift_y.ravel(), shift_x.ravel(), shift_y.ravel(), shift_x.ravel()), axis=1) A = anchor_base.shape[0] K = shift.shape[0] anchor = anchor_base.reshape((1, A, 4)) + \ shift.reshape((1, K, 4)).transpose((1, 0, 2)) anchor = anchor.reshape((K * A, 4)).astype(np.float32) return anchor def _enumerate_shifted_anchor_torch(anchor_base, feat_stride, height, width): # Enumerate all shifted anchors: # # add A anchors (1, A, 4) to # cell K shifts (K, 1, 4) to get # shift anchors (K, A, 4) # reshape to (K*A, 4) shifted anchors # return (K*A, 4) # !TODO: add support for torch.CudaTensor # xp = cuda.get_array_module(anchor_base) import torch as t shift_y = t.arange(0, height * feat_stride, feat_stride) shift_x = t.arange(0, width * feat_stride, feat_stride) shift_x, shift_y = xp.meshgrid(shift_x, shift_y) shift = xp.stack((shift_y.ravel(), shift_x.ravel(), shift_y.ravel(), shift_x.ravel()), axis=1) A = anchor_base.shape[0] K = shift.shape[0] anchor = anchor_base.reshape((1, A, 4)) + \ shift.reshape((1, K, 4)).transpose((1, 0, 2)) anchor = anchor.reshape((K * A, 4)).astype(np.float32) return anchor def normal_init(m, mean, stddev, truncated=False): """ weight initalizer: truncated normal and random normal. """ # x is a parameter if truncated: # not a perfect approximation else:, stddev)