# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import yaml import argparse import gen_utils class API: prefix_tensor_name = 'dense_' def __init__(self, api_item_yaml): self.api = api_item_yaml['api'] # args: # inputs: # names : [], list of input names # input_info : {input_name : type} # attrs: # names : [], list of attribute names # attr_info : { attr_name : (type, default_values)} self.args = gen_utils.parse_args(self.api, api_item_yaml['args']) self.out_type_list, _ = gen_utils.parse_output(self.api, api_item_yaml['output']) self.return_type = self.out_type_list[0] if len( self.out_type_list) == 1 else "std::tuple<" + ",".join( self.out_type_list) + ">" self.is_base_api = True if 'invoke' in api_item_yaml: self.is_base_api = False self.invoke = api_item_yaml['invoke'] else: self.kernel = api_item_yaml['kernel'] if 'backend' not in self.kernel or len(self.kernel['backend']) == 0: self.kernel['backend'] = None if 'layout' not in self.kernel or len(self.kernel['layout']) == 0: self.kernel['layout'] = None if 'data_type' not in self.kernel or len(self.kernel[ 'data_type']) == 0: self.kernel['data_type'] = None if 'param' not in self.kernel: self.kernel['param'] = None self.infer_meta = api_item_yaml['infer_meta'] if 'param' not in self.infer_meta: self.infer_meta['param'] = None def gene_api_declaration(self): return f""" PADDLE_API {self.return_type} {self.api}({self.args['args_declare']}); """ def gene_output(self, output_type_list): kernel_output = "" output_create = "" if len(output_type_list) == 1: kernel_output = 'dense_out' output_create = f""" {self.return_type} out; auto dense_out = SetKernelOutput(out_meta, kernel_backend, &out);""" elif len(output_type_list) > 1: output_create = f""" {self.return_type} out;""" for i in range(len(output_type_list)): kernel_output = kernel_output + f'dense_out_{i}, ' output_create = output_create + f""" auto dense_out_{i} = SetKernelOutput(std::get<{i}>(out_meta), kernel_backend, &std::get<{i}>(out));""" kernel_output = kernel_output[:-2] else: raise ValueError( "{} : Output error: the output should not be empty.".format( self.api)) return kernel_output, output_create def gene_api_code(self): if self.is_base_api: input_tensors, kernel_args, kernel_signature = gen_utils.get_kernel_args( self.args['inputs'], self.args['attrs'], self.out_type_list, self.kernel['param']) outputs_args, output_create = self.gene_output(self.out_type_list) return f""" PADDLE_API {self.return_type} {self.api}({self.args["args_define"]}) {{ {gen_utils.gene_kernel_select(self.api, self.args['inputs']['names'], self.args['attrs'], self.kernel)} auto* dev_ctx = GetDeviceContextByBackend(kernel_backend); {input_tensors} {gen_utils.gene_infer_meta(self.args['inputs']['names'], self.args['attrs']['names'], self.infer_meta)} {output_create} using kernel_signature = {kernel_signature}; auto* kernel_fn = kernel.GetVariadicKernelFn(); (*kernel_fn)({kernel_args}, {outputs_args}); return out; }} """ else: return f""" PADDLE_API {self.return_type} {self.api}({self.args["args_define"]}) {{ return {self.invoke}; }} """ def header_include(): return """ #include #include "paddle/pten/api/include/tensor.h" #include "paddle/pten/common/scalar.h" #include "paddle/pten/common/scalar_array.h" """ def source_include(header_file_path): return f""" #include "{header_file_path}" #include #include "glog/logging.h" #include "paddle/pten/api/lib/api_registry.h" #include "paddle/pten/api/lib/api_utils.h" #include "paddle/pten/api/lib/kernel_dispatch.h" #include "paddle/pten/api/lib/utils/storage.h" #include "paddle/pten/core/kernel_registry.h" #include "paddle/pten/infermeta/binary.h" #include "paddle/pten/infermeta/multiary.h" #include "paddle/pten/infermeta/nullary.h" #include "paddle/pten/infermeta/unary.h" #include "paddle/pten/kernels/declarations.h" """ def api_register(): return """ PT_REGISTER_API(Math); """ def api_namespace(): return (""" namespace paddle { namespace experimental { """, """ } // namespace experimental } // namespace paddle """) def generate_api(api_yaml_path, header_file_path, source_file_path): with open(api_yaml_path, 'r') as f: apis = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) header_file = open(header_file_path, 'w') source_file = open(source_file_path, 'w') namespace = api_namespace() header_file.write("#pragma once\n") header_file.write(header_include()) header_file.write(namespace[0]) include_header_file = "paddle/pten/api/include/api.h" source_file.write(source_include(include_header_file)) source_file.write(namespace[0]) for api in apis: api_code = API(api) print(api_code.gene_api_declaration()) header_file.write(api_code.gene_api_declaration()) source_file.write(api_code.gene_api_code()) header_file.write(namespace[1]) source_file.write(namespace[1]) source_file.write(api_register()) header_file.close() source_file.close() def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Generate PaddlePaddle C++ API files') parser.add_argument( '--api_yaml_path', help='path to api yaml file', default='python/paddle/utils/code_gen/api.yaml') parser.add_argument( '--api_header_path', help='output of generated api header code file', default='paddle/pten/api/include/api.h') parser.add_argument( '--api_source_path', help='output of generated api source code file', default='paddle/pten/api/lib/api.cc') options = parser.parse_args() api_yaml_path = options.api_yaml_path header_file_path = options.api_header_path source_file_path = options.api_source_path generate_api(api_yaml_path, header_file_path, source_file_path) if __name__ == '__main__': main()