// Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "paddle/fluid/framework/new_executor/interpreter/interpreter_util.h" #include #include "paddle/fluid/distributed/auto_parallel/dist_attr.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/nan_inf_utils.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/executor_gc_helper.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/new_executor/interpreter/data_transfer.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/new_executor/interpreter/execution_config.h" #include "paddle/fluid/memory/stats.h" #include "paddle/fluid/operators/controlflow/conditional_block_op_helper.h" #include "paddle/fluid/operators/controlflow/recurrent_op_helper.h" #include "paddle/fluid/operators/controlflow/while_op_helper.h" #include "paddle/fluid/operators/ops_extra_info.h" #include "paddle/phi/core/distributed/comm_context_manager.h" #include "paddle/phi/core/kernel_context.h" #include "paddle/phi/core/kernel_factory.h" #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_MKLDNN #include "paddle/fluid/platform/mkldnn_helper.h" #endif PADDLE_DEFINE_EXPORTED_bool( new_executor_log_memory_stats, false, "Log memory stats after each op runs, just used for debug."); DECLARE_bool(use_mkldnn); DECLARE_bool(check_nan_inf); namespace paddle { namespace framework { namespace interpreter { using VariableIdMap = std::map>; // These Op needs set output dtype when register phi kernel, but they didn't static std::set OpsNeedSetOutputDtypeWhenRegisterPhiKernel = { "abs", "adam", "adamw", "any_raw", "arg_sort", "clip_by_norm", "eig_grad", "eigh", "ftt_c2r", "ftt_r2c", "graph_sample_neighbors", "group_norm", "lamb", "layer_norm", "layer_norm_grad", "less_equal", "less_than", "merged_adam", "momentum", "multiclass_nms3", "multinomial", "nanmedian", "rnn", "search_sort", "sync_batch_norm_grad", "unique", "unique_consecutive_flattened_tensor", "unique_raw"}; // These Ops can use InferMeta to infer the output dtype static std::set OpsWithAvailablePhiInferMeta = { "abs", "adam", "adamw", "layer_norm", "layer_norm_grad", "merged_adam"}; // Cannot static analysis these Ops' output dtype or backend because their // kernels have not moved to PHI yet. static std::set OpsWithFluidKernelNeedMoveToPhi = { "fused_batch_norm_act", "fused_batch_norm_act_grad"}; // NOTE(Ruibiao): SingleStreamGuard make some multi-strem op (i.e., // c_allreduce_sum) run in single stream. It is dedicated to BuildOpFuncList // which run kernel without stream synchronization. class SingleStreamGuard { public: explicit SingleStreamGuard(std::shared_ptr& op) : op_(op) { if (op_->Type() == "c_allreduce_sum" && op_->Attr("use_calc_stream") == false) { VLOG(6) << "Set c_allredce_sum's attr use_calc_stream to true"; op_->SetAttr("use_calc_stream", true); is_changed = true; } } ~SingleStreamGuard() { if (!is_changed) { return; } if (op_->Type() == "c_allreduce_sum") { op_->SetAttr("use_calc_stream", false); VLOG(6) << "Set c_allredce_sum's attr use_calc_stream to false"; } } DISABLE_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SingleStreamGuard); private: bool is_changed{false}; std::shared_ptr op_; }; const std::vector ConstructWorkQueueOptions( size_t host_num_threads, size_t device_num_threads, EventsWaiter* waiter) { std::vector group_options; // for execute host Kernel group_options.emplace_back(/*name*/ "HostTasks", /*num_threads*/ host_num_threads, /*allow_spinning*/ true, /*always_spinning*/ false, /*track_task*/ false, /*detached*/ true, /*events_waiter*/ waiter); // for launch device Kernel group_options.emplace_back(/*name*/ "DeviceKernelLaunch", /*num_threads*/ device_num_threads, /*allow_spinning*/ true, /*always_spinning*/ false, /*track_task*/ false, /*detached*/ true, /*events_waiter*/ waiter); return group_options; } AsyncWorkQueue::AsyncWorkQueue(size_t host_num_threads, size_t device_num_threads, EventsWaiter* waiter) : host_num_thread_(host_num_threads) { queue_group_ = CreateWorkQueueGroup( ConstructWorkQueueOptions(host_num_threads, device_num_threads, waiter)); } void AsyncWorkQueue::AddTask(const OpFuncType& op_func_type, std::function fn) { // queue_idx=0 : kCpuSync or kGpuSync // queue_idx=1 : kGPUAsync queue_group_->AddTask(op_func_type == OpFuncType::kGpuAsync, std::move(fn)); } bool BlockCanBeStaticBuilt(const framework::BlockDesc& block) { // has_fluid_kernel = (kernelCode >> 3) & 1 // has_structed_kernel = (kernelCode >> 2) & 1 // need_move_to_phi = (kernelCode >> 1) & 1 // need_set_dtype = KernelCode & 1 using KernelCode = int8_t; std::set> invalid_ops; for (auto& op : block.AllOps()) { auto op_type = op->Type(); bool has_fluid_kernel = OperatorWithKernel::AllOpKernels().count(op_type); bool has_structured_kernel = phi::KernelFactory::Instance().HasStructuredKernel(op_type); bool need_move_to_phi = (has_fluid_kernel || has_structured_kernel) && OpsWithFluidKernelNeedMoveToPhi.count(op_type); bool need_set_dtype = !has_fluid_kernel && !has_structured_kernel && OpsNeedSetOutputDtypeWhenRegisterPhiKernel.count(op_type) && !OpsWithAvailablePhiInferMeta.count(op_type); KernelCode kernel_code = (has_fluid_kernel << 3) + (has_structured_kernel << 2) + (need_move_to_phi << 1) + need_set_dtype; if (need_move_to_phi || need_set_dtype) { invalid_ops.insert(std::make_pair(op_type, kernel_code)); } } if (!invalid_ops.empty()) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "The following OPs are unable to static build:\n"; for (auto& item : invalid_ops) { ss << item.first << " [has_fluid_kernel = " << (item.second >> 3 & 1) << ", has_structed_kerenl = " << (item.second >> 2 & 1) << ", need_move_to_phi = " << (item.second >> 1 & 1) << ", need_set_dtype = " << (item.second & 1) << "]\n"; } VLOG(0) << ss.str(); } return invalid_ops.empty(); } bool IsCommunicationOp(const std::string& op_name) { const std::set special_comm_op_set = { "send", "recv", "send_v2", "recv_v2", }; const std::string communication_op_prefix = "c_"; if (op_name.find(communication_op_prefix) != std::string::npos || special_comm_op_set.count(op_name)) { return true; } return false; } bool IsCommunicationOp(const Instruction& instr) { return IsCommunicationOp(instr.OpBase()->Type()); } bool IsCpuOp(const Instruction& instr) { return platform::is_cpu_place(instr.DeviceContext().GetPlace()); } bool IsGradOp(const std::string& op_name) { return paddle::string::ends_with(op_name, "_grad"); } bool IsSupportedHeterPlace(const phi::Place& place) { return platform::is_gpu_place(place) || platform::is_npu_place(place) || platform::is_xpu_place(place) || platform::is_ipu_place(place) || platform::is_custom_place(place); } bool IsMemcpyD2H(const Instruction& instr) { return instr.OpBase()->Type() == kMemcpyD2H; } bool IsMemcpyH2D(const Instruction& instr) { return instr.OpBase()->Type() == kMemcpyH2D; } bool IsMemcpyOp(const Instruction& instr) { return IsMemcpyD2H(instr) || IsMemcpyH2D(instr); } void AddFetch(const std::vector& fetch_names, framework::BlockDesc* block) { auto* fetch_holder = block->Var(kFetchVarName); fetch_holder->SetType(proto::VarType::FETCH_LIST); fetch_holder->SetPersistable(true); int i = 0; for (auto& fetch_name : fetch_names) { // append fetch op auto* op = block->AppendOp(); op->SetType("fetch_v2"); op->SetInput("X", {fetch_name}); op->SetOutput("Out", {kFetchVarName}); op->SetAttr("col", {static_cast(i)}); op->CheckAttrs(); i++; } } bool var_can_be_deleted(const std::string& name, const BlockDesc& block) { auto* var_desc = block.FindVar(name); if (var_desc == nullptr || var_desc->Persistable()) { return false; } auto type = var_desc->Proto()->type().type(); return type == proto::VarType::LOD_TENSOR || type == proto::VarType::SELECTED_ROWS || type == proto::VarType::LOD_TENSOR_ARRAY; } std::unordered_map> GetUnusedVars(const BlockDesc& block, const std::vector>& ops) { std::unordered_map var_op_idx_map; for (size_t i = 0; i < ops.size(); ++i) { const auto& op = ops[i]; OpInOutInfo info; for (auto& name_pair : op->Inputs()) { for (auto& name : name_pair.second) { if (!var_can_be_deleted(name, block)) { continue; } // var can be gc-ed if (!info.IsBuilt()) { info.Build(op.get()); } if (info.IsInArgBufferNeeded(name)) { // Update the last living op of variable to current op var_op_idx_map[name] = i; } else { VLOG(10) << "Skip reference count computing of variable " << name_pair.first << "(" << name << ") in Operator " << op->Type(); } } } for (auto& name_pair : op->Outputs()) { for (auto& name : name_pair.second) { if (var_can_be_deleted(name, block)) { // Update the last living op of variable to current op var_op_idx_map[name] = i; } } } } std::unordered_map> result; for (auto& name_op_idx_pair : var_op_idx_map) { auto& name = name_op_idx_pair.first; size_t op_idx = name_op_idx_pair.second; auto op = ops[op_idx].get(); result[op].emplace_back(name); VLOG(4) << op->Type() << " " << name; } VLOG(4) << "gc map size:" << result.size(); return result; } OpFuncType AnalyseOpFuncType(const OpFuncNode& op_func_node, const platform::Place& place) { if (platform::is_cpu_place(place)) { return OpFuncType::kCpuSync; } PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(IsSupportedHeterPlace(place), true, phi::errors::Fatal("Unsupported current place %s", place)); // Some GPU OPs do not launch CUDA Kernel, but spend a lot of time on CPU // computing. They execute serially in device thread and block CUDA kernel // launching in other GPU OPs. To improve performance, set them as kGpuSync // and so that they would be dispatched to host thread. std::shared_ptr op = op_func_node.operator_base_; if (op->Type() == kCoalesceTensor && op->Attr("set_constant") == false && op->Attr("copy_data") == false) { return OpFuncType::kGpuSync; } // for memcpy explicitly called by user if (platform::is_gpu_place(place) && op->Type() == interpreter::kMemcpyD2H) { return OpFuncType::kGpuSync; } if (op->Type() == "shape") { return OpFuncType::kGpuSync; } return OpFuncType::kGpuAsync; } void CreateAllOps(const framework::BlockDesc& block, std::vector>* ops) { for (auto& op : block.AllOps()) { auto op_type = op->Type(); VLOG(8) << "CreateOp from : " << op_type; auto& info = OpInfoMap::Instance().Get(op_type); const VariableNameMap& inputs_names = op->Inputs(); const VariableNameMap& outputs_names = op->Outputs(); AttributeMap op_attr_map = op->GetAttrMap(); AttributeMap op_runtime_attr_map = op->GetRuntimeAttrMap(); if (info.Checker() != nullptr) { info.Checker()->Check(&op_attr_map); } const auto& extra_attr_checkers = operators::ExtraInfoUtils::Instance().GetExtraAttrsChecker(op_type); for (const auto& checker : extra_attr_checkers) { checker(&op_runtime_attr_map, false); } auto op_base = info.Creator()(op_type, inputs_names, outputs_names, op_attr_map); op_base->SetRuntimeAttributeMap(op_runtime_attr_map); #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_MKLDNN if (FLAGS_use_mkldnn) { if (op->HasAttr("use_mkldnn")) { VLOG(4) << "Set use_mkldnn=True for " << op_base->Type(); op_base->SetAttr("use_mkldnn", true); } } #endif ops->emplace_back(std::unique_ptr(op_base)); } } std::tuple BuildVariableMap( const VariableNameMap& var_name_map, VariableScope* var_scope, Scope* local_scope, bool find_var_recursively = false, bool allow_var_not_in_scope = false) { VariableValueMap name2var; VariableIdMap name2id; for (auto& item : var_name_map) { std::vector vars; std::vector ids; vars.reserve(item.second.size()); for (auto& var_name : item.second) { auto* var = local_scope->FindVar(var_name); if (!var_scope->HasVar(var_name)) { if (find_var_recursively && var) { VLOG(3) << "Add " << var_name << " to var_scope"; var_scope->AddVar(var_name, nullptr); } else if (allow_var_not_in_scope) { VLOG(4) << var_name << " don't exist in variable scope, skip it!"; continue; } } auto var_id = var_scope->VarId(var_name); vars.push_back(var); ids.push_back(var_id); } name2var[item.first] = std::move(vars); name2id[item.first] = std::move(ids); } return std::make_tuple(name2var, name2id); } void ApplyDeviceGuard(const OperatorBase* op_base, const platform::Place& place, OpKernelType* expected_kernel_key) { bool need_change_place = (op_base->HasAttr("op_device") && (op_base->Attr("op_device").length() > 0)); if (need_change_place) { auto& op_device = op_base->Attr("op_device"); if (op_device == "cpu" || platform::is_cpu_place(place)) { VLOG(3) << "Switch into CPUPlace by device_guard."; expected_kernel_key->place_ = platform::CPUPlace(); } else if (op_device.find("gpu") != std::string::npos && platform::is_gpu_place(place)) { // when the Op that does not have GPUKernel is assigned to GPU, the // CPUKernel will be executed and a warning will be given at the same // time. if (op_base->SupportGPU()) { expected_kernel_key->place_ = place; } else { expected_kernel_key->place_ = platform::CPUPlace(); LOG_FIRST_N(WARNING, 1) << "Op(" << op_base->Type() << ") has no CUDA implementation. It will be assigned to CPUPlace."; } VLOG(3) << "Switch into " << expected_kernel_key->place_ << " by device_guard."; } else if (op_device.find("npu") != std::string::npos && platform::is_npu_place(place)) { // when the Op that does not have NPUKernel is assigned to NPU, the // CPUKernel will be executed and a warning will be given at the same // time. if (op_base->SupportNPU()) { expected_kernel_key->place_ = place; } else { expected_kernel_key->place_ = platform::CPUPlace(); LOG_FIRST_N(WARNING, 1) << "Op(" << op_base->Type() << ") has no NPU implementation. It will be assigned to CPUPlace."; } VLOG(3) << "Switch into " << expected_kernel_key->place_ << " by device_guard."; } else if (op_device.find("xpu") != std::string::npos && platform::is_xpu_place(place)) { // when the Op that does not have XPUKernel is assigned to XPU, the // CPUKernel will be executed and a warning will be given at the same // time. if (op_base->SupportXPU()) { expected_kernel_key->place_ = place; } else { expected_kernel_key->place_ = platform::CPUPlace(); LOG_FIRST_N(WARNING, 1) << "Op(" << op_base->Type() << ") has no XPU implementation. It will be assigned to CPUPlace."; } VLOG(3) << "Switch into " << expected_kernel_key->place_ << " by device_guard."; } else { PADDLE_THROW( platform::errors::Fatal("Unsupported current place %s", op_device)); } } } void HandleOperatorBase(const platform::Place& place, const VariableScope* var_scope, std::shared_ptr op_base, OpFuncNode* op_func_node, Scope* local_scope) { platform::DeviceContextPool& pool = platform::DeviceContextPool::Instance(); auto* dev_ctx = pool.Get(place); // input, output is prepared. set the other attributes. op_func_node->operator_base_ = op_base; op_func_node->type_ = AnalyseOpFuncType(*op_func_node, place); op_func_node->kernel_func_ = nullptr; op_base->Run(*local_scope, place); // Run without data transformer. op_func_node->dev_ctx_ = dev_ctx; } void BuildOpFuncList(const platform::Place& place, const framework::BlockDesc& block, const std::set& skip_gc_vars, std::vector* vec_func_list, VariableScope* var_scope, const ExecutionConfig& execution_config, bool use_local_scope, bool static_build) { Scope* local_scope = use_local_scope ? var_scope->GetMutableLocalScope() : var_scope->GetMutableScope(); std::vector> ops_unique; // its elements will be moved to vec_func_list // Step 1: create all ops for current block. CreateAllOps(block, &ops_unique); VLOG(4) << "Static build: " << static_build; if (!execution_config.used_for_jit) { // If gc is enabled and block size > 1 const ProgramDesc& main_program = *block.Program(); operators::PrepareSafeEagerDeletionOnConditionalOpAndConditionalGradOp( main_program, block.ID(), ops_unique); operators::PrepareSafeEagerDeletionOnWhileOpAndWhileGradOp( main_program, block.ID(), ops_unique); operators::PrepareSafeEagerDeletionOnRecurrentOpAndRecurrentGradOp( main_program, block.ID(), ops_unique); } #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_MKLDNN platform::RegisterModelLayout(ops_unique, place); #endif // its elements will be moved to vec_func_list std::vector> ops; for (auto& op_unique : ops_unique) { ops.emplace_back(std::move(op_unique)); } auto unused_var_map = GetUnusedVars(block, ops); bool flag_log_is_printed = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < ops.size(); ++i) { auto op = ops[i].get(); const std::string& op_type = op->Type(); VLOG(6) << "Build OpFuncNode from : " << op_type; // Print new executor log if grad op is used. // It's only for test and will be removed later. if (!flag_log_is_printed && op_type.find("_grad") != std::string::npos) { LOG_FIRST_N(INFO, 1) << "Standalone Executor is Used."; flag_log_is_printed = true; } // Hot fix for variables used in dataloader, like // 'lod_tensor_blocking_queue_0'. These variables may be created in scope, // and it is not existed as variable in program. const std::set ops_with_var_not_in_program = { "create_py_reader"}; const std::set ops_with_var_not_in_scope = { "conditional_block", "conditional_block_grad", "recurrent_grad", "rnn_memory_helper", "rnn_memory_helper_grad", "while", "while_grad"}; bool allow_var_not_in_program = ops_with_var_not_in_program.count(op_type); bool allow_var_not_in_scope = ops_with_var_not_in_scope.count(op_type); // ops in the control flow block may not find its inputs or outputs // in VariableScope of the sub-block, so we need search it in parent scope. framework::VariableNameMap& input_name_map = op->Inputs(); VariableValueMap ins_map; VariableIdMap ins_name2id; std::tie(ins_map, ins_name2id) = BuildVariableMap( input_name_map, var_scope, local_scope, execution_config.used_for_control_flow_op || allow_var_not_in_program, allow_var_not_in_scope); framework::VariableNameMap& output_name_map = op->Outputs(); VariableValueMap outs_map; VariableIdMap outs_name2id; std::tie(outs_map, outs_name2id) = BuildVariableMap(output_name_map, var_scope, local_scope, execution_config.used_for_control_flow_op, allow_var_not_in_scope); // step 1: build OpFuncNode OpFuncNode op_func_node; op_func_node.operator_base_ = ops[i]; op_func_node.input_index = ins_name2id; op_func_node.output_index = outs_name2id; const OperatorDistAttr* dist_attr = block.Op(i)->DistAttr(); if (dist_attr) { if (dist_attr->execution_stream() != distributed::auto_parallel::kDefault) { op_func_node.execution_stream_ = dist_attr->execution_stream(); } op_func_node.stream_priority_ = dist_attr->stream_priority(); op_func_node.scheduling_priority_ = dist_attr->scheduling_priority(); } else { if (interpreter::IsCommunicationOp(op_type)) { // NOTE(Ruibiao): Dispatching computation before communication improves // multi-stream overlap when the time cost of communication less than // that of the calculation (e.g., ResNet50_bs128_pure_fp16 N4C32 // training). op_func_node.scheduling_priority_ = 1; } } VLOG(6) << op_type << " : [execution_stream, stream_priority, scheduling_priority] = [" << op_func_node.execution_stream_ << ", " << op_func_node.stream_priority_ << ", " << op_func_node.scheduling_priority_ << "]"; SingleStreamGuard single_stream_guard(ops[i]); VLOG(4) << "Start run " << place << " " << op->DebugStringEx(local_scope); #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_ASCEND_CL // NOTE(wangxi): nan/inf cannot be detected on NPU by checking the variable // values, but only through special `float_status` to checks whether // the operation is overflow. More about `float_status`, see: // https://gitee.com/ascend/modelzoo/issues/I3NF8V?from=project-issue if (FLAGS_check_nan_inf) { framework::details::NPUAllocAndClearFloatStatus(*op, *local_scope, place); } #endif try { if (dynamic_cast(op) == nullptr) { VLOG(4) << "HandleOperatorBase"; // op is not a operatorwithkernel, so direcly run OperatorBase::Run() HandleOperatorBase( place, var_scope, ops[i], &op_func_node, local_scope); vec_func_list->emplace_back(op_func_node); } else { VLOG(4) << "OP is not null"; auto op_with_kernel = const_cast( static_cast(op)); VLOG(4) << "get op_with_kernel"; // construct RuntimeContext and analysis KernelType RuntimeContext runtime_context({}, {}); runtime_context.inputs.swap(ins_map); runtime_context.outputs.swap(outs_map); VLOG(4) << "get RuntimeContext"; Scope scope, *runtime_scope = &scope; // NOTE(Ruibiao): We do not encourage directly using scope in OP kernel. // But some OPs do have such behavior (e.g., cinn_launch OP). Here // special treatment for them. if (op_with_kernel->Type() == "cinn_launch" || op_with_kernel->Type() == "cinn_instruction_run") { VLOG(6) << "OP(" << op_with_kernel->Type() << ") use scope in kernel, " "so pass a real scope to " "ExecutionContext"; runtime_scope = local_scope; } auto& pool = platform::DeviceContextPool::Instance(); auto* dev_ctx = pool.Get(place); SetDeviceCommContext(op, dev_ctx); auto exec_ctx = ExecutionContext( *op_with_kernel, *runtime_scope, *dev_ctx, runtime_context); auto expected_kernel_key = framework::TransPhiKernelKeyToOpKernelType( op_with_kernel->GetExpectedKernelType(exec_ctx)); #if defined(PADDLE_WITH_CUDA) || defined(PADDLE_WITH_HIP) if (op_with_kernel->CanCUDNNBeUsed(exec_ctx, expected_kernel_key.data_type_)) { expected_kernel_key.library_type_ = framework::LibraryType::kCUDNN; } #endif VLOG(4) << "expected_kernel_key : " << expected_kernel_key; // change device by the device_guard() ApplyDeviceGuard(op, place, &expected_kernel_key); if (platform::places_are_same_class(exec_ctx.GetPlace(), expected_kernel_key.place_)) { expected_kernel_key.place_ = exec_ctx.GetPlace(); } // step 2. select op kernel auto run_phi_kernel = false; if (phi::KernelFactory::Instance().HasCompatiblePhiKernel( op_with_kernel->Type())) { auto phi_kernel_key = op_with_kernel->ChoosePhiKernel(exec_ctx); auto phi_kernel_name = op_with_kernel->PhiKernelSignature()->name; bool in_custom_back_list = false; #ifdef PADDLE_WITH_CUSTOM_DEVICE in_custom_back_list = phi::backends::custom_device::is_in_custom_black_list( phi_kernel_name); #endif if (op_with_kernel->PhiKernel()->IsValid() && !in_custom_back_list) { run_phi_kernel = true; } else { if ((!op_with_kernel->SupportsKernelType(expected_kernel_key, exec_ctx)) || in_custom_back_list) { std::string info = in_custom_back_list ? "fluid in black list " : "fluid missing "; VLOG(3) << info << phi_kernel_key << " kernel: " << phi_kernel_name; auto phi_cpu_kernel_key = FallBackToCpu(phi_kernel_key, *op_with_kernel); op_with_kernel->ResetPhiKernel( new phi::Kernel(phi::KernelFactory::Instance().SelectKernel( phi_kernel_name, phi_cpu_kernel_key))); if (op_with_kernel->PhiKernel()->IsValid()) { VLOG(6) << "Static graph mode PrepareImpl - kernel name: " << phi_kernel_name << " | kernel key: " << phi_cpu_kernel_key << " | kernel: " << *(op_with_kernel->PhiKernel()); op_with_kernel->ResetKernelType(new OpKernelType( TransPhiKernelKeyToOpKernelType(phi_cpu_kernel_key))); run_phi_kernel = true; } } } } VLOG(4) << "if run phi kernel? : " << run_phi_kernel; if (!run_phi_kernel) { op_with_kernel->ChooseKernel(exec_ctx); op_func_node.kernel_func_ = *op_with_kernel->kernel_func(); } else { op_func_node.phi_kernel_ = op_with_kernel->PhiKernel(); } auto kernel_type = *(op_with_kernel->kernel_type()); if (kernel_type.place_ != dev_ctx->GetPlace()) { dev_ctx = pool.Get(kernel_type.place_); } op_func_node.dev_ctx_ = dev_ctx; op_func_node.type_ = AnalyseOpFuncType(op_func_node, kernel_type.place_); VLOG(3) << op_with_kernel->Type() << " : finally selected kernel_key: " << kernel_type; // step 3. data transform VariableValueMap& ins_map_temp = runtime_context.inputs; VariableValueMap& outs_map_temp = runtime_context.outputs; ApplyDataTransform(kernel_type, place, &ins_map_temp, &outs_map_temp, var_scope, &op_func_node, vec_func_list, use_local_scope, static_build); VLOG(4) << "apply data transform done. "; // step 4. infershape, see OperatorWithKernel::RunImpl in operator.cc // for why. if (!(op->HasAttr(kAllKernelsMustComputeRuntimeShape) && op->Attr(kAllKernelsMustComputeRuntimeShape))) { VLOG(4) << "infer shape"; RuntimeInferShapeContext infer_shape_ctx(*op, runtime_context); // TODO(Aurelius84): In case of control flow ops, they are NOT // inheritted from OperatorWithKernel. op_with_kernel->Info().infer_shape_(&infer_shape_ctx); } // step 5. run kernel if (run_phi_kernel && op_func_node.phi_kernel_->GetKernelRegisteredType() == phi::KernelRegisteredType::FUNCTION) { VLOG(6) << op_type << " run function kernel"; if (static_build) { FakeInitializeOutputsForFunctionKernel( *(op_func_node.phi_kernel_), *(op_with_kernel->PhiKernelSignature()), runtime_context, *dev_ctx); } else { phi::KernelContext phi_kernel_context; op_with_kernel->BuildPhiKernelContext( runtime_context, dev_ctx, &phi_kernel_context); (*op_func_node.phi_kernel_)(&phi_kernel_context); } } else if (run_phi_kernel && op_func_node.phi_kernel_->GetKernelRegisteredType() == phi::KernelRegisteredType::STRUCTURE) { VLOG(6) << op_type << " run structure kernel"; ExecutionContext execution_context( *op_with_kernel, *runtime_scope, *dev_ctx, runtime_context); if (static_build) { FakeInitializeOutputsForStructureKernel(kernel_type, &execution_context); } else { (*op_func_node.phi_kernel_)(&execution_context); } } else { VLOG(6) << op_type << " run fluid kernel"; // the place of exec_ctx maybe has changed. ExecutionContext execution_context( *op_with_kernel, *runtime_scope, *dev_ctx, runtime_context); if (static_build) { FakeInitializeOutputsForStructureKernel(kernel_type, &execution_context); } else { op_func_node.kernel_func_(execution_context); } } // for debug nan/inf if (FLAGS_check_nan_inf) { VLOG(4) << "Check nan/inf"; framework::details::CheckOpHasNanOrInf(*op, *runtime_scope, place); } vec_func_list->emplace_back(op_func_node); if (!op_func_node.inplace_back_map.empty()) { auto& m = op_func_node.inplace_back_map; // NOTE(zhiqiu): same logic as TransferInplaceVarsBack() in // operator.cc for (auto& p : m) { auto* transformed_tensor = GetMutableLoDTensorOrSelectedRowsValueFromVar( local_scope->FindVar(var_scope->GetNameById(p.first))); auto* original_tensor = GetMutableLoDTensorOrSelectedRowsValueFromVar( local_scope->FindVar(var_scope->GetNameById(p.second))); original_tensor->ShareDataWith(*transformed_tensor); VLOG(4) << "Transfer inplace variable back form " << var_scope->GetNameById(p.first) << " to " << var_scope->GetNameById(p.second); } } // post-process grad_op.outputs if need cast complex grad into real // grad. // NOTE(Aurelius84): insert a transfer_dtype_op inplacely to cast it. if (IsGradOp(op_type) && framework::IsComplexType(kernel_type.data_type_)) { interpreter::HandleComplexGradToRealGrad(op_func_node, place, output_name_map, &runtime_context.outputs, var_scope, vec_func_list, local_scope, static_build); } } } catch (platform::EnforceNotMet& ex) { framework::InsertCallStackInfo(op_type, op->Attrs(), &ex); throw std::move(ex); } catch (platform::EOFException&) { std::rethrow_exception(std::current_exception()); } catch (std::exception& ex) { LOG(WARNING) << op_type << " raises an exception " << platform::demangle(typeid(ex).name()) << ", " << ex.what(); std::rethrow_exception(std::current_exception()); } catch (...) { LOG(WARNING) << op_type << " raises an unknown exception"; std::rethrow_exception(std::current_exception()); } VLOG(4) << "End run " << place << " " << op_func_node.operator_base_->DebugStringEx(local_scope); // gc--------------------------------------------- auto iter = unused_var_map.find(op); if (iter == unused_var_map.end()) { interpreter::LogDeviceMemoryStats(place); continue; } auto& delete_vars = iter->second; std::deque>* garbages = new std::deque>(); for (auto& var_name : delete_vars) { auto* var = local_scope->FindVar(var_name); if (var == nullptr || skip_gc_vars.find(var_name) != skip_gc_vars.end()) { continue; } VLOG(6) << "Erase variable " << var_name; if (var->IsType()) { garbages->emplace_back( var->GetMutable()->MoveMemoryHolder()); } } delete garbages; // free mem interpreter::LogDeviceMemoryStats(place); } } void BuildVariableScope(const framework::BlockDesc& block, const ExecutionConfig& execution_config, VariableScope* var_scope) { VLOG(3) << "Creating Variables"; auto inner_scope = var_scope->GetMutableScope(); // NOTE(zhiqiu): if create_local_scope_ is true, the persistable is // created in var_scope.scope_ , and other scope is created in local scope. Scope* local_scope = execution_config.create_local_scope ? var_scope->GetMutableLocalScope() : var_scope->GetMutableScope(); for (auto& var_desc : block.AllVars()) { auto var_name = var_desc->Name(); // TODO(xiongkun): user may create a variable with name that exists before. // under such circumstances, we should raise a error. Currently we can't // get the var_desc of startup_program, so leave it later. if (var_name == framework::kEmptyVarName) { continue; } if (var_desc->Persistable() || execution_config.force_root_scope_vars.count(var_name)) { // In principle, we should put all trainable parameters in global scope, // which means the root of the scope tree. Some cases like quantization // will look up these parameters in global scope. const Scope* ancestor_scope = inner_scope; while (ancestor_scope->parent()) { ancestor_scope = ancestor_scope->parent(); } auto* ptr = const_cast(ancestor_scope)->Var(var_name); // NOTE(zhiqiu): if var exists in scope and the type is right, // InitializeVariable will not create a new variable. InitializeVariable(ptr, var_desc->GetType()); VLOG(3) << "Create Variable " << var_name << " global, which pointer is " << ptr << " type is " << static_cast(var_desc->GetType()); } else { auto* ptr = local_scope->Var(var_name); InitializeVariable(ptr, var_desc->GetType()); VLOG(3) << "Create Variable " << var_name << " locally, which pointer is " << ptr << " type is " << static_cast(var_desc->GetType()); } var_scope->AddVar(var_name, var_desc); } } phi::TensorBase* GetTensorFormVar(framework::Variable* var) { if (var) { if (var->template IsType()) { return var->template GetMutable(); } else if (var->template IsType()) { return var->template GetMutable(); } else if (var->template IsType()) { return var->template GetMutable(); } else if (var->template IsType()) { return var->template GetMutable(); } else if (var->template IsType()) { return var->template GetMutable(); } else if (var->template IsType()) { return var->template GetMutable(); } else if (!var->IsInitialized()) { // The following is for RAW type of var return var->template GetMutable(); } else { PADDLE_THROW(platform::errors::Unimplemented( "Unsupported `%s` type when get tensor.", framework::ToTypeName(var->Type()))); } } else { VLOG(4) << "Var is nullptr"; return nullptr; } } void FakeInitializeTensor(const platform::DeviceContext& dev_ctx, const phi::DataType& dtype, const phi::Place& place, phi::TensorBase* tensor) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_NOT_NULL( tensor, phi::errors::InvalidArgument( "The tensor to fake intialize should not be null.")); if (place == phi::CPUPlace()) { dev_ctx.HostAlloc(tensor, dtype, /*requested_size=*/0, /*fake_alloc=*/true); } else { PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( place, dev_ctx.GetPlace(), phi::errors::Unavailable("The place %s for fack alloc is not equal to " "the place %s of DeviceContext.", place, dev_ctx.GetPlace())); dev_ctx.Alloc(tensor, dtype, /*requested_size=*/0, /*pinned=*/false, /*fake_alloc=*/true); } } void FakeInitializeOutputsForFunctionKernel( const phi::Kernel& phi_kernel, const phi::KernelSignature& kernel_sig, const RuntimeContext& ctx, const platform::DeviceContext& dev_ctx) { std::string op_name = std::string(kernel_sig.name); if (OpsNeedSetOutputDtypeWhenRegisterPhiKernel.count(op_name)) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_GT( OpsWithAvailablePhiInferMeta.count(op_name), 0, phi::errors::Unavailable( "Cannot static build for op %s because it did not set output dtype " "in phi kernel register. Please set its output dtype and remove it " "from OpsNeedSetOutputDtypeWhenRegisterPhiKernel set, or add it to " " OpsWithAvailablePhiInferMeta set if its InferMeta is available.", op_name)); } auto output_names = kernel_sig.output_names; auto output_defs = phi_kernel.args_def().output_defs(); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(output_names.size(), output_defs.size(), platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "The size of outputs_args names (%d) must be equal to " "the size of kernel output_defs (%d).", output_names.size(), output_defs.size())); size_t start_idx = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < output_names.size(); ++i) { auto it = ctx.outputs.find(output_names[i]); // Deal with the case that some outputs are not found or be NULL when run // the kernel. For example : the outputs of matmul_grad are dx and dy, // sometimes dx or dy may be NULL. if (it == ctx.outputs.end() || it->second.empty()) { VLOG(4) << "Output " << output_names[i] << " not found"; ++start_idx; continue; } auto& outs_vector = it->second; for (size_t offset = 0; offset < outs_vector.size(); ++offset) { phi::TensorBase* out_tensor = GetTensorFormVar(outs_vector[offset]); if (out_tensor && !out_tensor->initialized()) { phi::TensorArgDef& tensor_arg_def = output_defs[start_idx + offset]; phi::DataType dtype = tensor_arg_def.dtype; phi::Place place = tensor_arg_def.backend == phi::Backend::CUSTOM ? dev_ctx.GetPlace() : phi::TransToPhiPlace(tensor_arg_def.backend); if (dtype == DataType::UNDEFINED || OpsNeedSetOutputDtypeWhenRegisterPhiKernel.count( std::string(kernel_sig.name))) { VLOG(4) << "Get dtype result from InferMeta"; dtype = out_tensor->dtype(); // dtype from InferMeta } VLOG(4) << output_names[i] << " fake alloc with type " << dtype << " on place " << place << " " << out_tensor; FakeInitializeTensor(dev_ctx, dtype, place, out_tensor); } } start_idx += outs_vector.size(); } } void FakeInitializeOutputsForStructureKernel( const framework::OpKernelType& op_kernel_type, ExecutionContext* execution_context) { const std::string& op_type = execution_context->Type(); if (op_type == "fetch_v2") { return; } const VariableNameMap& outputs = execution_context->GetOp().Outputs(); for (auto& item : outputs) { const std::string& parameter_name = item.first; auto multi_output_var = execution_context->MultiOutputVar(parameter_name); for (Variable* var : multi_output_var) { phi::TensorBase* out_tensor = GetTensorFormVar(var); if (out_tensor && !out_tensor->initialized()) { phi::DataType dtype = phi::TransToPhiDataType(op_kernel_type.data_type_); phi::Place place = execution_context->GetPlace(); VLOG(4) << parameter_name << " fake alloc with type " << dtype << " on place " << place << " " << out_tensor; FakeInitializeTensor( execution_context->device_context(), dtype, place, out_tensor); } } } } void LogDeviceMemoryStats(const platform::Place& place) { if (FLAGS_new_executor_log_memory_stats && platform::is_gpu_place(place)) { VLOG(0) << "memory_allocated: " << static_cast(memory::DeviceMemoryStatCurrentValue( "Allocated", place.device)) / 1024 / 1024 << " MB"; VLOG(0) << "max_memory_allocated: " << static_cast(memory::DeviceMemoryStatPeakValue( "Allocated", place.device)) / 1024 / 1024 << " MB"; } } void SetDeviceCommContext(framework::OperatorBase* operator_base, platform::DeviceContext* dev_ctx) { if (operator_base->HasAttr("ring_id")) { int ring_id = operator_base->Attr("ring_id"); const auto& comm_context_manager = phi::distributed::CommContextManager::GetInstance(); if (comm_context_manager.Has(ring_id)) { auto comm_context = comm_context_manager.Get(ring_id); if (!dev_ctx->GetCommContext()) { dev_ctx->SetCommContext(comm_context); } } else { VLOG(3) << "op: " << operator_base->Type() << ", ring_id: " << ring_id << ", get comm_context failed!"; } } } } // namespace interpreter } // namespace framework } // namespace paddle