# Inference Model UT There are several model tests currently: - test_ernie_text_cls.cc - test_LeViT.cc - test_ppyolo_mbv3.cc - test_ppyolov2_r50vd.cc - test_resnet50.cc - test_resnet50_quant.cc - test_yolov3.cc To build and execute tests on Linux, simply run ``` ./run.sh $PADDLE_ROOT $TURN_ON_MKL $TEST_GPU_CPU $DATA_DIR ``` To build on windows, run command with busybox ``` busybox bash ./run.sh $PADDLE_ROOT $TURN_ON_MKL $TEST_GPU_CPU $DATA_DIR ``` - After run command, it will build and execute tests and download to ${DATA_DIR} automatically. - `$PADDLE_ROOT`: paddle library path - `$TURN_ON_MKL`: use MKL or Openblas - `$TEST_GPU_CPU`: test both GPU/CPU mode or only CPU mode - `$DATA_DIR`: download data path now only support 4 kinds of tests which controled by `--gtest_filter` argument, test suite name should be same as following. - `TEST(gpu_tester_*, test_name)` - `TEST(cpu_tester_*, test_name)` - `TEST(mkldnn_tester_*, test_name)` - `TEST(tensorrt_tester_*, test_name)` skpied test suite name. - `TEST(DISABLED_gpu_tester_*, test_name)` - `TEST(DISABLED_cpu_tester_*, test_name)` - `TEST(DISABLED_mkldnn_tester_*, test_name)` - `TEST(DISABLED_tensorrt_tester_*, test_name)`