/** * * wechaty: Wechat for Bot. and for human who talk to bot/robot * * Licenst: ISC * https://github.com/zixia/wechaty * */ import { Config, log, } from './config' import { AppMsgType, Message, MsgType, } from './message' import { UtilLib } from './util-lib' import { PuppetWeb } from './puppet-web/puppet-web' import { Bridge } from './puppet-web/bridge' export class MediaMessage extends Message { private bridge: Bridge constructor(rawObj) { super(rawObj) // FIXME: decoupling needed this.bridge = (Config.puppetInstance() as PuppetWeb) .bridge } public async ready(): Promise { log.silly('MediaMessage', 'ready()') try { await super.ready() let url: string|null = null switch (this.type()) { case MsgType.EMOTICON: url = await this.bridge.getMsgEmoticon(this.id) break case MsgType.IMAGE: url = await this.bridge.getMsgImg(this.id) break case MsgType.VIDEO: case MsgType.MICROVIDEO: url = await this.bridge.getMsgVideo(this.id) break case MsgType.VOICE: url = await this.bridge.getMsgVoice(this.id) break case MsgType.APP: if (!this.rawObj) { throw new Error('no rawObj') } switch (this.typeApp()) { case AppMsgType.ATTACH: if (!this.rawObj.MMAppMsgDownloadUrl) { throw new Error('no MMAppMsgDownloadUrl') } // had set in Message // url = this.rawObj.MMAppMsgDownloadUrl break case AppMsgType.URL: if (!this.rawObj.Url) { throw new Error('no Url') } // had set in Message // url = this.rawObj.Url break default: const e = new Error('ready() unsupported typeApp(): ' + this.typeApp()) log.warn('MediaMessage', e.message) throw e } break case MsgType.TEXT: if (this.typeSub() === MsgType.LOCATION) { url = await this.bridge.getMsgPublicLinkImg(this.id) } break default: throw new Error('not support message type for MediaMessage') } if (!url) { if (!this.obj.url) { throw new Error('no obj.url') } url = this.obj.url } this.obj.url = url } catch (e) { log.warn('MediaMessage', 'ready() exception: %s', e.message) throw e } } private ext(): string { switch (this.type()) { case MsgType.EMOTICON: return 'gif' case MsgType.IMAGE: return 'jpg' case MsgType.VIDEO: case MsgType.MICROVIDEO: return 'mp4' case MsgType.VOICE: return 'mp3' case MsgType.APP: switch (this.typeApp()) { case AppMsgType.URL: return 'url' // XXX } break case MsgType.TEXT: if (this.typeSub() === MsgType.LOCATION) { return 'jpg' } break } throw new Error('not support type: ' + this.type()) } public filename(): string { if (!this.rawObj) { throw new Error('no rawObj') } let filename = this.rawObj.FileName || this.rawObj.MediaId || this.rawObj.MsgId const re = /\.[a-z0-9]{1,7}$/i if (!re.test(filename)) { const ext = this.rawObj.MMAppMsgFileExt || this.ext() filename += '.' + ext } return filename } // private getMsgImg(id: string): Promise { // return this.bridge.getMsgImg(id) // .catch(e => { // log.warn('MediaMessage', 'getMsgImg(%d) exception: %s', id, e.message) // throw e // }) // } public async readyStream(): Promise { try { await this.ready() // FIXME: decoupling needed const cookies = await (Config.puppetInstance() as PuppetWeb).browser.readCookie() if (!this.obj.url) { throw new Error('no url') } return UtilLib.urlStream(this.obj.url, cookies) } catch (e) { log.warn('MediaMessage', 'stream() exception: %s', e.stack) throw e } } }