提交 197e7e1d 编写于 作者: Huan (李卓桓)'s avatar Huan (李卓桓)

#40 fix examples

上级 aee4448a
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Please wait... I'm trying to login in...
const bot = new Wechaty({ profile: Config.DEFAULT_PROFILE })
const bot = Wechaty.instance({ profile: Config.DEFAULT_PROFILE })
.on('login' , user => log.info('Bot', `${user.name()} logined`))
......@@ -84,3 +84,4 @@ require('fs').appendFile('message.log', data + '\n\n############################
if (err) { log.error('LogToFile: %s', err) }
typeof logToFile;
......@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@
* https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty
const {
import {
, Message
, Config
, log
} = require('../')
} from '../'
const welcome = `
=============== Powered by Wechaty ===============
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Please wait... I'm trying to login in...
const bot = new Wechaty({ profile: Config.DEFAULT_PROFILE })
const bot = Wechaty.instance({ profile: Config.DEFAULT_PROFILE })
.on('login' , user => log.info('Bot', `${user.name()} logined`))
......@@ -6,8 +6,11 @@
* https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty
const Wechaty = require('..')
const bot = new Wechaty({ profile: 'example-bot.wechaty.json' })
import {
, Wechaty
} from '../'
const bot = Wechaty.instance({ profile: 'example-bot.wechaty.json' })
.on('scan', ({url, code}) => {
......@@ -16,7 +19,7 @@ bot
.on('message', m => {
console.log(`RECV: ${m}`)
if (m.type() === Wechaty.Message.Type.IMAGE) {
if (m.type() === Message.TYPE['IMAGE']) {
console.log('IMAGE url: ' + m.get('url'))
const filename = m.id + '.jpg'
console.log('IMAGE local filename: ' + filename)
......@@ -6,15 +6,15 @@
* https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty
const Wechaty = require('..')
const bot = new Wechaty(/* no profile here because roger bot is too noisy */)
import { Wechaty } from '../'
const bot = Wechaty.instance(/* no profile here because roger bot is too noisy */)
.on('scan', ({url, code}) => {
console.log(`Use Wechat to Scan QR Code in url to login: ${code}\n${url}`)
.on('message', m => {
(!bot.self(m)) && reply('roger') // 1. reply others' msg
(!bot.self(m)) && m.say('roger') // 1. reply others' msg
.then(() => console.log(`RECV: ${m}, REPLY: "roger"`)) // 2. log message
.catch(e => console.error(e)) // 3. catch exception
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ bot
log.info('Bot', `${user.name()} logined`)
log.info('Bot', `setting to manageDingRoom() after 3 seconds ... `)
setTimeout(_ => manageDingRoom(), 3000)
setTimeout(manageDingRoom.bind(this), 3000)
......@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ function manageDingRoom() {
* Event: Join
room.on('join', (invitee, inviter) =>
room.on('join', (invitee: Contact|Contact[], inviter: Contact) =>
checkRoomJoin.call(this, room, invitee, inviter)
......@@ -257,7 +257,10 @@ function manageDingRoom() {
function checkRoomJoin(room: Room, invitee: Contact|Contact[], inviter: Contact) {
function checkRoomJoin(room: Room, invitee: Contact , inviter: Contact)
function checkRoomJoin(room: Room, invitee: Contact[] , inviter: Contact)
function checkRoomJoin(room: Room, invitee: Contact|Contact[] , inviter: Contact) {
log.info('Bot', 'checkRoomJoin(%s, %s, %s)'
, room.topic()
, Array.isArray(invitee)
......@@ -10,16 +10,17 @@
* Wechaty - https://github.com/zixia/wechaty
const log = require('npmlog')
const co = require('co')
const Tuling123 = require('tuling123-client')
const EventEmitter2 = require('eventemitter2')
const {
, Config
} = require
import { EventEmitter } from 'events'
import {
, Room
, Wechaty
, log
} from '../'
//log.level = 'verbose'
// log.level = 'silly'
......@@ -32,9 +33,7 @@ const {
const TULING123_API_KEY = '18f25157e0446df58ade098479f74b21'
const brain = new Tuling123(TULING123_API_KEY)
const bot = new Wechaty({
profile: Config.DEFAULT_PROFILE
const bot = Wechaty.instance({ profile: Config.DEFAULT_PROFILE })
Welcome to Tuling Wechaty Bot.
......@@ -52,12 +51,13 @@ bot
.on('scan', ({url, code}) => {
console.log(`Scan QR Code in url to login: ${code}\n${url}`)
.on('message', m => {
.on('message', async m => {
if (bot.self(m)) return
co(function* () {
const msg = yield m.ready()
const room = Wechaty.Room.load(m.get('room'))
// co(function* () {
try {
const msg = await m.ready()
const room = Room.load(m.get('room'))
if (room && /Wechaty/i.test(room.get('name'))) {
log.info('Bot', 'talk: %s' , msg)
......@@ -65,8 +65,10 @@ bot
} else {
log.info('Bot', 'recv: %s' , msg)
.catch(e => log.error('Bot', 'on message rejected: %s' , e))
// }).catch(e => {
} catch (e) {
log.error('Bot', 'on message rejected: %s' , e)
......@@ -76,16 +78,20 @@ bot.init()
class Talker extends EventEmitter2 {
constructor(thinker) {
class Talker extends EventEmitter {
private obj: {
text: any
time: any
private timer: number
constructor(private thinker) {
this.thinker = thinker
this.obj = {
text: []
, time: []
this.timer = null
save(text) {
......@@ -101,7 +107,7 @@ class Talker extends EventEmitter2 {
return text
updateTimer(delayTime) {
updateTimer(delayTime?) {
delayTime = delayTime || this.delayTime()
log.verbose('Talker', 'updateTimer(%s)', delayTime)
......@@ -13,14 +13,20 @@
import Config from './config'
import Contact from './contact'
import Message from './message'
// import Room from './room'
import Room from './room'
import Wechaty from './wechaty'
import log from './brolog-env'
type EventScope = {
type WechatyEventScope = {
say: (content: string, replyTo?: Contact|Contact[]) => void
type WechatyEventType = 'error' | 'heartbeat'
| 'login' | 'logout'
| 'message' | 'scan' | 'friend'
| 'room-join' | 'room-leave' | 'room-topic'
const EVENT_CONFIG = {
error: wrapFilehelper
, friend: wrapContact
......@@ -34,12 +40,12 @@ const EVENT_CONFIG = {
, scan: null // NULL
class WechatyEvent {
class EventScope {
public static list() {
return Object.keys(EVENT_CONFIG)
public static wrap(event, callback) {
public static wrap(this: Wechaty|Room, event: WechatyEventType, callback: Function) {
log.verbose('WechatyEvent', 'wrap(%s, %s)', event, typeof callback)
// if (!(this instanceof Wechaty)) {
......@@ -98,7 +104,7 @@ function wrapContact(callback) {
const contact = argList[0]
const eventScope = <EventScope>{}
const eventScope = <WechatyEventScope>{}
eventScope.say = (content) => {
const msg = new Message()
......@@ -114,23 +120,22 @@ function wrapContact(callback) {
function wrapRoom(callback) {
log.verbose('WechatyEvent', 'wrapRoom()')
return (...argList) => {
log.silly('WechatyEvent', 'wrapRoom() callback')
let room, contact
return (room: Room, ...argList) => {
log.silly('WechatyEvent', 'wrapRoom(%s, %s, %s, %s) callback', room.topic(), argList[0], argList[1], argList[2])
let contact
for (let arg of argList) {
if (!room && isRoom(arg)) {
room = arg
} else if (!contact && isContact(arg)) {
if (!contact && isContact(arg)) {
contact = arg
if (!room || !contact) {
if (!room || !isRoom(room) || !contact) {
throw new Error('room or contact not found')
const eventScope = <EventScope>{}
eventScope.say = (content, replyTo = null) => {
const eventScope = <WechatyEventScope>{}
eventScope.say = (content: string, replyTo?: Contact) => {
if (!replyTo) {
replyTo = contact
} else if (!isContact(replyTo)) {
......@@ -139,7 +144,7 @@ function wrapRoom(callback) {
return room.say(content, replyTo)
return callback.apply(eventScope, argList)
return callback.apply(eventScope, [room, ...argList])
......@@ -162,7 +167,7 @@ function wrapMessage(callback) {
// const receiver = msg.to()
const room = msg.room()
const eventScope = <EventScope>{}
const eventScope = <WechatyEventScope>{}
eventScope.say = (content, replyTo) => {
log.silly('WechatyEvent', 'wrapMessage() say("%s", "%s")', content, replyTo)
......@@ -187,7 +192,7 @@ function wrapFilehelper(callback) {
return (...argList) => {
log.silly('WechatyEvent', 'wrapFilehelper() callback')
const eventScope = <EventScope>{}
const eventScope = <WechatyEventScope>{}
eventScope.say = (content) => {
log.silly('WechatyEvent', 'wrapFilehelper() say(%s)', content)
const msg = new Message()
......@@ -202,4 +207,4 @@ function wrapFilehelper(callback) {
// module.exports = WechatyEvent.default = WechatyEvent
export default WechatyEvent
export default EventScope
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
const retryPromise = require('retry-promise').default
import Contact from '../contact'
// import Message from '../message'
import Message from '../message'
import log from '../brolog-env'
import FriendRequest from './friend-request'
......@@ -53,12 +53,14 @@ const regexConfig = {
, roomTopic: /^"?(.+?)"? changed the group name to "(.+)"$/
function fireFriendRequest(m) {
async function fireFriendRequest(m) {
const info = m.rawObj.RecommendInfo
log.verbose('PuppetWebFirer', 'fireFriendRequest(%s)', info)
const request = new FriendRequest()
await request.contact.ready()
this.emit('friend', request.contact, request)
......@@ -74,7 +76,7 @@ function checkFriendConfirm(content) {
function fireFriendConfirm(m) {
async function fireFriendConfirm(m) {
const content = m.content()
log.silly('PuppetWebFirer', 'fireFriendConfirm(%s)', content)
......@@ -85,6 +87,7 @@ function fireFriendConfirm(m) {
const contact = Contact.load(m.get('from'))
await contact.ready()
this.emit('friend', contact)
......@@ -98,15 +101,16 @@ function fireFriendConfirm(m) {
* "李卓桓.PreAngel" invited "Bruce LEE" to the group chat
* "凌" invited "庆次、小桔妹" to the group chat
function checkRoomJoin(content): [string|string[], string] | boolean {
function checkRoomJoin(content: string): [string[], string] {
log.verbose('PuppetWebFirer', 'checkRoomJoin()')
const re = regexConfig.roomJoin
const found = content.match(re)
if (!found) {
return false
throw new Error('checkRoomJoin() not found')
const [, inviter, inviteeStr] = found
// "凌" invited "庆次、小桔妹" to the group chat
......@@ -115,19 +119,25 @@ function checkRoomJoin(content): [string|string[], string] | boolean {
return [inviteeList, inviter] // put invitee at first place
async function fireRoomJoin(m): Promise<void> {
async function fireRoomJoin(m: Message): Promise<void> {
log.verbose('PuppetWebFirer', 'fireRoomJoin()')
const room = m.room()
const content = m.content()
let result = checkRoomJoin(content)
if (!result) {
let inviteeList: string[], inviter: string
try {
[inviteeList, inviter] = checkRoomJoin(content)
} catch (e) { // not a room join message
const [inviteeList, inviter] = <[string[], string]>result
log.silly('PuppetWebFirer', 'fireRoomJoin() inviteeList: %s, inviter: %s'
, inviteeList.join(',')
, inviter
let inviterContact, inviteeContactList = []
let inviterContact: Contact
let inviteeContactList: Contact[] = []
// co.call(this, function* () {
try {
......@@ -147,18 +157,17 @@ async function fireRoomJoin(m): Promise<void> {
return room.refresh()
.then(_ => {
log.silly('PuppetWebFirer', 'inviteeList: %s, inviter: %s'
, inviteeList.join(',')
, inviter
let iDone, allDone = true
for (let i in inviteeList) {
iDone = inviteeContactList[i] instanceof Contact
if (!iDone) {
inviteeContactList[i] = room.member(inviteeList[i])
|| (allDone = false)
let c = room.member(inviteeList[i])
if (c) {
inviteeContactList[i] = c
} else {
allDone = false
......@@ -168,20 +177,20 @@ async function fireRoomJoin(m): Promise<void> {
if (allDone && inviterContact) {
log.silly('PuppetWebFirer', 'fireRoomJoin() resolve() inviteeContactList: %s, inviterContact: %s'
, inviteeContactList.join(',')
, inviterContact
, inviteeContactList.map((c: Contact) => c.name()).join(',')
, inviterContact.name()
return Promise.resolve()
} else {
log.silly('PuppetWebFirer', 'fireRoomJoin() reject() inviteeContactList: %s, inviterContact: %s'
, inviteeContactList.join(',')
, inviterContact
, inviteeContactList.map((c: Contact) => c.name()).join(',')
, inviterContact.name()
return Promise.reject('not found(yet)')
.catch(e => {
log.error('PuppetWebFirer', 'fireRoomJoin9() retryPromise() room.refresh() rejected: %s', e.stack)
log.error('PuppetWebFirer', 'fireRoomJoin() retryPromise() room.refresh() rejected: %s', e.stack)
throw e
......@@ -198,6 +207,7 @@ async function fireRoomJoin(m): Promise<void> {
await Promise.all(inviteeContactList.map(c => c.ready()))
await inviterContact.ready()
await room.ready()
if (inviteeContactList.length === 1) {
this.emit('room-join', room , inviteeContactList[0], inviterContact)
......@@ -215,12 +225,12 @@ async function fireRoomJoin(m): Promise<void> {
function checkRoomLeave(content) {
function checkRoomLeave(content: string): string {
const re = regexConfig.roomLeave
const found = content.match(re)
if (!found) {
return false
return null
const [, leaver] = found
return leaver
......@@ -283,32 +293,32 @@ async function fireRoomLeave(m) {
.then(_ => {
await leaverContact.ready()
await room.ready()
this.emit('room-leave', room, leaverContact)
room.emit('leave' , leaverContact)
await room.refresh()
function checkRoomTopic(content): [string, string] | boolean {
function checkRoomTopic(content): [string, string] {
const re = regexConfig.roomTopic
const found = content.match(re)
if (!found) {
return false
throw new Error('checkRoomTopic() not found')
const [, changer, topic] = found
return [topic, changer]
async function fireRoomTopic(m) {
const result = checkRoomTopic(m.content())
if (!result) {
let topic, changer
try {
[topic, changer] = checkRoomTopic(m.content())
} catch (e) { // not found
const [topic, changer] = <[string, string]>result
const room = m.room()
const oldTopic = room.topic()
......@@ -327,6 +337,7 @@ async function fireRoomTopic(m) {
// co.call(this, function* () {
try {
await changerContact.ready()
await room.ready()
this.emit('room-topic', room, topic, oldTopic, changerContact)
room.emit('topic' , topic, oldTopic, changerContact)
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import Config from './config'
import Contact from './contact'
import Message from './message'
import UtilLib from './util-lib'
import WechatyEvent from './wechaty-event'
import EventScope from './event-scope'
import log from './brolog-env'
......@@ -109,17 +109,19 @@ class Room extends EventEmitter {
public on(event: string, listener: Function) {
public on( event: 'join' | 'leave' | 'topic'
, listener: Function
) {
log.verbose('Room', 'on(%s, %s)', event, typeof listener)
* every room event must can be mapped to a global event.
* such as: `join` to `room-join`
const wrapCallback = WechatyEvent.wrap.call(this, 'room-' + event, listener)
const callbackWithScope = EventScope.wrap.call(this, 'room-' + event, listener)
// bind(this1, this2): the second this is for simulate the global room-* event
super.on(event, wrapCallback.bind(this, this))
super.on(event, callbackWithScope.bind(this, this))
return this
......@@ -297,7 +299,10 @@ class Room extends EventEmitter {
public member(name): Contact {
* NickName / DisplayName / RemarkName of member
public member(name: string): Contact {
log.verbose('Room', 'member(%s)', name)
if (!this.obj || !this.obj.memberList) {
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import Message from './message'
import Puppet from './puppet'
import PuppetWeb from './puppet-web/index'
import UtilLib from './util-lib'
import WechatyEvent from './wechaty-event'
import EventScope from './event-scope'
import log from './brolog-env'
......@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ class Wechaty extends EventEmitter {
public on(event: string, listener: Function) {
log.verbose('Wechaty', 'on(%s, %s)', event, typeof listener)
const wrapListener = WechatyEvent.wrap.call(this, event, listener)
const wrapListener = EventScope.wrap.call(this, event, listener)
super.on(event, wrapListener)
return this
......@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ class Wechaty extends EventEmitter {
throw new Error('Puppet unsupport(yet): ' + this.setting.type)
WechatyEvent.list().map(e => {
EventScope.list().map(e => {
// https://strongloop.com/strongblog/an-introduction-to-javascript-es6-arrow-functions/
// We’ve lost () around the argument list when there’s just one argument (rest arguments are an exception, eg (...args) => ...)
puppet.on(e, (...args) => {
......@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
, "include": [
// , "bin/*.ts"
, "example/room-bot.ts"
, "bin/*.ts"
, "example/*.ts"
// , "test/*.ts"
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