--- layout: pattern title: Async Method Invocation folder: async-method-invocation permalink: /patterns/async-method-invocation/ categories: Concurrency tags: - Reactive --- ## 含义 异步方法是一种调用线程在等待任务结果时候不会被阻塞的模式。该模式提供了对多个任务的并行处理,并通过回调或等待,在所有任务完成后在提供结果读取。 ## 解释 真实世界案例 > 发射太空火箭是一项令人兴奋的事业。在任务指挥部下达发射命令后, 经过一些未确定的时间,火箭要么成功发射,要么重演挑战者悲剧。 简而言之 > 异步方法调用开始任务处理并,在任务结果准备好之前立即返回。任务处理的结果会在稍后再返回给调用者。 维基百科的解释 > 在多线程计算机编程中,异步方法调用(AMI),也被称为异步方法调用或异步模式。这是一种设计模式,在这种模式下,调用点在等待被调用代码完成时不会被阻塞。相反,当返回点到达时,调用线程会得到通知。轮询结果是一种不受欢迎的选择。 **编程示例** 在这个例子中,我们正在发射太空火箭和部署月球车。 该应用演示了异步方法调用模式。该模式的关键部分是 `AsyncResult`,它是一个异步计算值的中间容器,`AsyncCallback` 可以在任务完成时提供执行行动作,`AsyncExecutor` 负责管理异步任务的执行。 ```java public interface AsyncResult { boolean isCompleted(); T getValue() throws ExecutionException; void await() throws InterruptedException; } ``` ```java public interface AsyncCallback { void onComplete(T value, Optional ex); } ``` ```java public interface AsyncExecutor { AsyncResult startProcess(Callable task); AsyncResult startProcess(Callable task, AsyncCallback callback); T endProcess(AsyncResult asyncResult) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException; } ``` `ThreadAsyncExecutor` 是 `AsyncExecutor` 的一个实现。接下来将着重说明它的一些关键部分。 ```java public class ThreadAsyncExecutor implements AsyncExecutor { @Override public AsyncResult startProcess(Callable task) { return startProcess(task, null); } @Override public AsyncResult startProcess(Callable task, AsyncCallback callback) { var result = new CompletableResult<>(callback); new Thread( () -> { try { result.setValue(task.call()); } catch (Exception ex) { result.setException(ex); } }, "executor-" + idx.incrementAndGet()) .start(); return result; } @Override public T endProcess(AsyncResult asyncResult) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException { if (!asyncResult.isCompleted()) { asyncResult.await(); } return asyncResult.getValue(); } } ``` 然后我们准备发射一些火箭,看看所有东西是如何一起运作的。 ```java public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // construct a new executor that will run async tasks var executor = new ThreadAsyncExecutor(); // start few async tasks with varying processing times, two last with callback handlers final var asyncResult1 = executor.startProcess(lazyval(10, 500)); final var asyncResult2 = executor.startProcess(lazyval("test", 300)); final var asyncResult3 = executor.startProcess(lazyval(50L, 700)); final var asyncResult4 = executor.startProcess(lazyval(20, 400), callback("Deploying lunar rover")); final var asyncResult5 = executor.startProcess(lazyval("callback", 600), callback("Deploying lunar rover")); // emulate processing in the current thread while async tasks are running in their own threads Thread.sleep(350); // Oh boy, we are working hard here log("Mission command is sipping coffee"); // wait for completion of the tasks final var result1 = executor.endProcess(asyncResult1); final var result2 = executor.endProcess(asyncResult2); final var result3 = executor.endProcess(asyncResult3); asyncResult4.await(); asyncResult5.await(); // log the results of the tasks, callbacks log immediately when complete log("Space rocket <" + result1 + "> launch complete"); log("Space rocket <" + result2 + "> launch complete"); log("Space rocket <" + result3 + "> launch complete"); } ``` 以下是控制台输出。 ```java 21:47:08.227 [executor-2] INFO com.iluwatar.async.method.invocation.App - Space rocket launched successfully 21:47:08.269 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.async.method.invocation.App - Mission command is sipping coffee 21:47:08.318 [executor-4] INFO com.iluwatar.async.method.invocation.App - Space rocket <20> launched successfully 21:47:08.335 [executor-4] INFO com.iluwatar.async.method.invocation.App - Deploying lunar rover <20> 21:47:08.414 [executor-1] INFO com.iluwatar.async.method.invocation.App - Space rocket <10> launched successfully 21:47:08.519 [executor-5] INFO com.iluwatar.async.method.invocation.App - Space rocket launched successfully 21:47:08.519 [executor-5] INFO com.iluwatar.async.method.invocation.App - Deploying lunar rover 21:47:08.616 [executor-3] INFO com.iluwatar.async.method.invocation.App - Space rocket <50> launched successfully 21:47:08.617 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.async.method.invocation.App - Space rocket <10> launch complete 21:47:08.617 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.async.method.invocation.App - Space rocket launch complete 21:47:08.618 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.async.method.invocation.App - Space rocket <50> launch complete ``` ## 类图 ![alt text](../../async-method-invocation/etc/async-method-invocation.png "Async Method Invocation") ## 适用场景 在以下场景可以使用异步调用模式 * 你有多有可以并行执行的独立任务 * 你需要提高一组串行任务的性能 * 你的处理能力有限、或者有长期运行的任务,调用者不应该等待任务所有任务运行结束 ## 现实示例 * [FutureTask](http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/FutureTask.html) * [CompletableFuture](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture.html) * [ExecutorService](http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/ExecutorService.html) * [Task-based Asynchronous Pattern](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh873175.aspx)