--- layout: pattern title: Singleton folder: singleton permalink: /patterns/singleton/ categories: Creational tags: - Java - Gang Of Four - Difficulty-Beginner --- **Intent:** Ensure a class only has one instance, and provide a global point of access to it. ![alt text](./etc/singleton_1.png "Singleton") **Applicability:** Use the Singleton pattern when * there must be exactly one instance of a class, and it must be accessible to clients from a well-known access point * when the sole instance should be extensible by subclassing, and clients should be able to use an extended instance without modifying their code **Typical Use Case:** * the logging class * managing a connection to a database * file manager **Real world examples:** * [java.lang.Runtime#getRuntime()](http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/Runtime.html#getRuntime%28%29) **Credits** * [Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software](http://www.amazon.com/Design-Patterns-Elements-Reusable-Object-Oriented/dp/0201633612)