import os import sys import traceback import cv2 import numpy as np try: from cores import Options,core from util import util from util import image_processing as impro from models import loadmodel except Exception as e: print(e) input('Please press any key to exit.\n') sys.exit(0) # python --gpu_id 0 --model_path ./pretrained_models/mosaic/clean_face_HD.pth opt = Options() opt.parser.add_argument('--port',type=int,default=4000, help='') opt = opt.getparse(True) netM = loadmodel.bisenet(opt,'mosaic') netG = loadmodel.pix2pix(opt) from flask import Flask, request import base64 import shutil app = Flask(__name__) @app.route("/handle", methods=["POST"]) def handle(): result = {} # to opencv img try: imgRec = request.form['img'] imgByte = base64.b64decode(imgRec) img_np_arr = np.frombuffer(imgByte, np.uint8) img = cv2.imdecode(img_np_arr, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) except Exception as e: result['img'] = imgRec result['info'] = 'readfailed' return result # run model try: if max(img.shape)>1080: img = impro.resize(img,720,interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) img = core.cleanmosaic_img_server(opt,img,netG,netM) except Exception as e: result['img'] = imgRec result['info'] = 'procfailed' return result # return imgbytes = cv2.imencode('.jpg', img)[1] imgString = base64.b64encode(imgbytes).decode('utf-8') result['img'] = imgString result['info'] = 'ok' return result"", port= opt.port, debug=opt.debug)