# Alert The Alert application reads data from [TDEngine](https://www.taosdata.com/), calculating according to predefined rules to generate alerts, and pushes alerts to downstream applications like [AlertManager](https://github.com/prometheus/alertmanager). ## Install ### From Binary Precompiled binaries is available at [taosdata website](https://www.taosdata.com/en/getting-started/), please download and unpack it by below shell command. ``` $ tar -xzf tdengine-alert-$version-$OS-$ARCH.tar.gz ``` If you have no TDengine server or client installed, please execute below command to install the required driver library: ``` $ ./install_driver.sh ``` ### From Source Code Two prerequisites are required to install from source. 1. TDEngine server or client must be installed. 2. Latest [Go](https://golang.org) language must be installed. When these two prerequisites are ready, please follow steps below to build the application: ``` $ mkdir taosdata $ cd taosdata $ git clone https://github.com/taosdata/tdengine.git $ cd tdengine/alert/cmd/alert $ go build ``` If `go build` fails because some of the dependency packages cannot be downloaded, please follow steps in [goproxy.io](https://goproxy.io) to configure `GOPROXY` and try `go build` again. ## Configure The configuration file format of Alert application is standard `json`, below is its default content, please revise according to actual scenario. ```json { "port": 8100, "database": "file:alert.db", "tdengine": "root:taosdata@/tcp(", "log": { "level": "production", "path": "alert.log" }, "receivers": { "alertManager": "", "console": true } } ``` The use of each configuration item is: * **port**: This is the `http` service port which enables other application to manage rules by `restful API`. * **database**: rules are stored in a `sqlite` database, this is the path of the database file (if the file does not exist, the alert application creates it automatically). * **tdengine**: connection string of `TDEngine` server, note the database name should be put in the `sql` field of a rule in most cases, thus it should NOT be included in the string. * **log > level**: log level, could be `production` or `debug`. * **log > path**: log output file path. * **receivers > alertManager**: the alert application pushes alerts to `AlertManager` at this URL. * **receivers > console**: print out alerts to console (stdout) or not. When the configruation file is ready, the alert application can be started with below command (`alert.cfg` is the path of the configuration file): ``` $ ./alert -cfg alert.cfg ``` ## Prepare an alert rule From technical aspect, an alert could be defined as: query and filter recent data from `TDEngine`, and calculating out a boolean value from these data according to a formula, and trigger an alert if the boolean value last for a certain duration. This is a rule example in `json` format: ```json { "name": "rule1", "sql": "select sum(col1) as sumCol1 from test.meters where ts > now - 1h group by areaid", "expr": "sumCol1 > 10", "for": "10m", "period": "1m", "labels": { "ruleName": "rule1" }, "annotations": { "summary": "sum of rule {{$labels.ruleName}} of area {{$values.areaid}} is {{$values.sumCol1}}" } } ``` The fields of the rule is explained below: * **name**: the name of the rule, must be unique. * **sql**: this is the `sql` statement used to query data from `TDEngine`, columns of the query result are used in later processing, so please give the column an alias if aggregation functions are used. * **expr**: an expression whose result is a boolean value, arithmatic and logical calculations can be included in the expression, and builtin functions (see below) are also supported. Alerts are only triggered when the expression evaluates to `true`. * **for**: this item is a duration which default value is zero second. when `expr` evaluates to `true` and last at least this duration, an alert is triggered. * **period**: the interval for the alert application to check the rule, default is 1 minute. * **labels**: a label list, labels are used to generate alert information. note if the `sql` statement includes a `group by` clause, the `group by` columns are inserted into this list automatically. * **annotations**: the template of alert information which is in [go template](https://golang.org/pkg/text/template) syntax, labels can be referenced by `$labels.