import { fetchEventSource } from '@microsoft/fetch-event-source'; import axios from 'axios'; import Prompt from './prompt.js' let apiKey = process.env.INSCODE_API_KEY; const apiUrl = ''; class InsCodeAI { constructor(config) { this.config = config this.abortController = null this.callback = null this.temperature = parseFloat(config?.temperature??0.7) this.loadToken() } loadToken () { axios.get('/token.json', { headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json' } }).then(res => { debugger const token = res?.data??'' if (token) { apiKey = token'get token from env ' + apiKey) } }) } createCompletion (prompt, history, context, callback) { const config = this.config const abortController = new AbortController(); const signal = abortController.signal; this.abortController = abortController this.callback = callback const mode = config?.mode??'chat' const token = config?.token??'empty' const url = apiUrl const stop = config?.stop??'[DONE]' const max_tokens = config?.api_max_token??512 const model = config?.model??'vicuna-13b-all-v1.1' const temperature = this.temperature??0.1 const top_p = config?.top_p??1.0 const prefix = config?.prompt_prefix??'' let stop_key = config?.stop_key??null if (stop_key !== null && stop_key !== '') { stop_key = stop_key.split(';;') } const data = { // model: model, max_tokens: parseInt(max_tokens), temperature: parseFloat(temperature), top_p: parseFloat(top_p), stream: true, stop: stop_key, apikey: apiKey, bizParam: { support: "ai" }, prefix: prefix } if (mode === 'chat') { data.messages = JSON.stringify(Prompt.getPromptByChatMode(config, context, history)) } else { data.prompt = Prompt.getPromptByTemplate(config, context, prompt) } // const prefix = config?.prompt_prefix??'' const fetcher = fetchEventSource(url, { method: 'POST', credentials: 'include', withCredentials: true, signal: signal, headers: { 'accept': 'text/event-stream', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify(data), onmessage(msg) { // if the server emits an error message, throw an exception // so it gets handled by the onerror callback below: if (msg && msg?.data) { const aiResult = decodeURIComponent(msg?.data??'') // if (aiResult === stop) { if (callback?.onclose) { callback?.onclose() } // abortController.abort(); return } else { // // 和上面重复触发,只留一个 // if (jsonData.choices[0].finish_reason === 'stop') { // if (callback?.onclose) { // callback?.onclose() // } // return // } // let message = msg?.data??'' // if (mode === 'chat') { // message = jsonData?.choices[0]?.message?.content // if (typeof message === 'undefined') { // message = jsonData?.choices[0]?.delta?.content // } // if (typeof message === 'undefined') { // message = '' // } // } else { // message = jsonData?.choices[0]?.text // } callback?.onmessage(aiResult, false) } } // if (msg.event === 'FatalError') { // throw new FatalError(; // } }, onclose() { if (callback?.onclose) { callback?.onclose() } // if the server closes the connection unexpectedly, retry: }, onerror(err) { if (callback?.onerror) { callback?.onerror(err) } } }); } close () { if (this.abortController) { this.abortController.abort() if (this.callback && this.callback?.onclose) { this.callback.onclose() } } } } export default InsCodeAI