using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using DG.Tweening; public class Sequences : MonoBehaviour { public Transform target; void Start() { // FIRST OF ALL, note this! // Sequences contain and animate other tweens, // but they DON'T need to be one after each other: // you can overlap them how you want :) // Let's create a Sequence which will first rotate AND move the target's Y at the same time, // then when the move + rotation is finished it will scale it. // Also, during all the tween, we will make sure that the target also moves on the X axis. // Create new Sequence object Sequence mySequence = DOTween.Sequence(); // Add a 1 second move tween only on the Y axis mySequence.Append(target.DOMoveY(2, 1)); // Add a 1 second rotation tween, using Join so it will start when the previous one starts mySequence.Join(target.DORotate(new Vector3(0, 135, 0), 1)); // Add a 1 second scale Y tween, using Append so it will start after the previously added tweens end mySequence.Append(target.DOScaleY(0.2f, 1)); // Add an X axis relative move tween that will start from the beginning of the Sequence // and last for the whole Sequence duration mySequence.Insert(0, target.DOMoveX(4, mySequence.Duration()).SetRelative()); // Oh, and let's also make the whole Sequence loop backward and forward 4 times mySequence.SetLoops(4, LoopType.Yoyo); } }