--- title: "start" description: > Starts a local Kubernetes cluster --- ## minikube start Starts a local Kubernetes cluster ### Synopsis Starts a local Kubernetes cluster ``` minikube start [flags] ``` ### Options ``` --addons minikube addons list Enable addons. see minikube addons list for a list of valid addon names. --apiserver-ips ipSlice A set of apiserver IP Addresses which are used in the generated certificate for kubernetes. This can be used if you want to make the apiserver available from outside the machine (default []) --apiserver-name string The authoritative apiserver hostname for apiserver certificates and connectivity. This can be used if you want to make the apiserver available from outside the machine (default "minikubeCA") --apiserver-names stringArray A set of apiserver names which are used in the generated certificate for kubernetes. This can be used if you want to make the apiserver available from outside the machine --apiserver-port int The apiserver listening port (default 8443) --auto-update-drivers If set, automatically updates drivers to the latest version. Defaults to true. (default true) --base-image string The base image to use for docker/podman drivers. Intended for local development. (default "gcr.io/k8s-minikube/kicbase:v0.0.10@sha256:f58e0c4662bac8a9b5dda7984b185bad8502ade5d9fa364bf2755d636ab51438") --cache-images If true, cache docker images for the current bootstrapper and load them into the machine. Always false with --driver=none. (default true) --cni string CNI plug-in to use. Valid options: auto, bridge, calico, flannel, kindnet, or path to a CNI manifest (default: auto) --container-runtime string The container runtime to be used (docker, crio, containerd). (default "docker") --cpus int Number of CPUs allocated to Kubernetes. (default 2) --cri-socket string The cri socket path to be used. --delete-on-failure If set, delete the current cluster if start fails and try again. Defaults to false. --disable-driver-mounts Disables the filesystem mounts provided by the hypervisors --disk-size string Disk size allocated to the minikube VM (format: [], where unit = b, k, m or g). (default "20000mb") --dns-domain string The cluster dns domain name used in the Kubernetes cluster (default "cluster.local") --dns-proxy Enable proxy for NAT DNS requests (virtualbox driver only) --docker-env stringArray Environment variables to pass to the Docker daemon. (format: key=value) --docker-opt stringArray Specify arbitrary flags to pass to the Docker daemon. (format: key=value) --download-only If true, only download and cache files for later use - don't install or start anything. --driver string Used to specify the driver to run Kubernetes in. The list of available drivers depends on operating system. --dry-run dry-run mode. Validates configuration, but does not mutate system state --embed-certs if true, will embed the certs in kubeconfig. --enable-default-cni DEPRECATED: Replaced by --cni=bridge --extra-config ExtraOption A set of key=value pairs that describe configuration that may be passed to different components. The key should be '.' separated, and the first part before the dot is the component to apply the configuration to. Valid components are: kubelet, kubeadm, apiserver, controller-manager, etcd, proxy, scheduler Valid kubeadm parameters: ignore-preflight-errors, dry-run, kubeconfig, kubeconfig-dir, node-name, cri-socket, experimental-upload-certs, certificate-key, rootfs, skip-phases, pod-network-cidr --feature-gates string A set of key=value pairs that describe feature gates for alpha/experimental features. --force Force minikube to perform possibly dangerous operations --force-systemd If set, force the container runtime to use sytemd as cgroup manager. Currently available for docker and crio. Defaults to false. -h, --help help for start --host-dns-resolver Enable host resolver for NAT DNS requests (virtualbox driver only) (default true) --host-only-cidr string The CIDR to be used for the minikube VM (virtualbox driver only) (default "") --host-only-nic-type string NIC Type used for host only network. One of Am79C970A, Am79C973, 82540EM, 82543GC, 82545EM, or virtio (virtualbox driver only) (default "virtio") --hyperkit-vpnkit-sock string Location of the VPNKit socket used for networking. If empty, disables Hyperkit VPNKitSock, if 'auto' uses Docker for Mac VPNKit connection, otherwise uses the specified VSock (hyperkit driver only) --hyperkit-vsock-ports strings List of guest VSock ports that should be exposed as sockets on the host (hyperkit driver only) --hyperv-external-adapter string External Adapter on which external switch will be created if no external switch is found. (hyperv driver only) --hyperv-use-external-switch Whether to use external switch over Default Switch if virtual switch not explicitly specified. (hyperv driver only) --hyperv-virtual-switch string The hyperv virtual switch name. Defaults to first found. (hyperv driver only) --image-mirror-country string Country code of the image mirror to be used. Leave empty to use the global one. For Chinese mainland users, set it to cn. --image-repository string Alternative image repository to pull docker images from. This can be used when you have limited access to gcr.io. Set it to "auto" to let minikube decide one for you. For Chinese mainland users, you may use local gcr.io mirrors such as registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/google_containers --insecure-registry strings Insecure Docker registries to pass to the Docker daemon. The default service CIDR range will automatically be added. --install-addons If set, install addons. Defaults to true. (default true) --interactive Allow user prompts for more information (default true) --iso-url strings Locations to fetch the minikube ISO from. (default [https://storage.googleapis.com/minikube/iso/minikube-v1.11.0.iso,https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/releases/download/v1.11.0/minikube-v1.11.0.iso,https://kubernetes.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/minikube/iso/minikube-v1.11.0.iso]) --keep-context This will keep the existing kubectl context and will create a minikube context. --kubernetes-version string The Kubernetes version that the minikube VM will use (ex: v1.2.3, 'stable' for v1.18.3, 'latest' for v1.18.4-rc.0). Defaults to 'stable'. --kvm-gpu Enable experimental NVIDIA GPU support in minikube --kvm-hidden Hide the hypervisor signature from the guest in minikube (kvm2 driver only) --kvm-network string The KVM network name. (kvm2 driver only) (default "default") --kvm-qemu-uri string The KVM QEMU connection URI. (kvm2 driver only) (default "qemu:///system") --memory string Amount of RAM to allocate to Kubernetes (format: [], where unit = b, k, m or g). --mount This will start the mount daemon and automatically mount files into minikube. --mount-string string The argument to pass the minikube mount command on start. --nat-nic-type string NIC Type used for host only network. One of Am79C970A, Am79C973, 82540EM, 82543GC, 82545EM, or virtio (virtualbox driver only) (default "virtio") --native-ssh Use native Golang SSH client (default true). Set to 'false' to use the command line 'ssh' command when accessing the docker machine. Useful for the machine drivers when they will not start with 'Waiting for SSH'. (default true) --network-plugin string Kubelet network plug-in to use (default: auto) --nfs-share strings Local folders to share with Guest via NFS mounts (hyperkit driver only) --nfs-shares-root string Where to root the NFS Shares, defaults to /nfsshares (hyperkit driver only) (default "/nfsshares") --no-vtx-check Disable checking for the availability of hardware virtualization before the vm is started (virtualbox driver only) -n, --nodes int The number of nodes to spin up. Defaults to 1. (default 1) --preload If set, download tarball of preloaded images if available to improve start time. Defaults to true. (default true) --registry-mirror strings Registry mirrors to pass to the Docker daemon --service-cluster-ip-range string The CIDR to be used for service cluster IPs. (default "") --uuid string Provide VM UUID to restore MAC address (hyperkit driver only) --vm Filter to use only VM Drivers --vm-driver driver DEPRECATED, use driver instead. --wait strings comma separated list of Kubernetes components to verify and wait for after starting a cluster. defaults to "apiserver,system_pods", available options: "apiserver,system_pods,default_sa,apps_running,node_ready" . other acceptable values are 'all' or 'none', 'true' and 'false' (default [apiserver,system_pods]) --wait-timeout duration max time to wait per Kubernetes core services to be healthy. (default 6m0s) ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ``` --alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files -b, --bootstrapper string The name of the cluster bootstrapper that will set up the Kubernetes cluster. (default "kubeadm") --log_backtrace_at traceLocation when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0) --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory --logtostderr log to standard error instead of files -p, --profile string The name of the minikube VM being used. This can be set to allow having multiple instances of minikube independently. (default "minikube") --stderrthreshold severity logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 2) -v, --v Level log level for V logs --vmodule moduleSpec comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging ```