package com.x.processplatform.core.entity.content; import static com.x.base.core.entity.StorageType.processPlatform; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.Basic; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.EnumType; import javax.persistence.Enumerated; import javax.persistence.FetchType; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.Inheritance; import javax.persistence.InheritanceType; import javax.persistence.Lob; import javax.persistence.OrderColumn; import javax.persistence.Table; import javax.persistence.UniqueConstraint; import org.apache.commons.lang3.BooleanUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.openjpa.persistence.PersistentCollection; import org.apache.openjpa.persistence.jdbc.ContainerTable; import org.apache.openjpa.persistence.jdbc.ElementColumn; import org.apache.openjpa.persistence.jdbc.ElementIndex; import org.apache.openjpa.persistence.jdbc.Index; import com.x.base.core.entity.AbstractPersistenceProperties; import com.x.base.core.entity.JpaObject; import com.x.base.core.entity.Storage; import com.x.base.core.entity.StorageObject; import com.x.base.core.entity.annotation.CheckPersist; import com.x.base.core.entity.annotation.ContainerEntity; import com.x.base.core.project.annotation.FieldDescribe; import; import com.x.processplatform.core.entity.PersistenceProperties; import com.x.processplatform.core.entity.element.ActivityType; @ContainerEntity(dumpSize = 1000, type = ContainerEntity.Type.content, reference = ContainerEntity.Reference.strong) @Entity @Table(name = PersistenceProperties.Content.Attachment.table, uniqueConstraints = { @UniqueConstraint(name = PersistenceProperties.Content.Attachment.table + JpaObject.IndexNameMiddle + JpaObject.DefaultUniqueConstraintSuffix, columnNames = { JpaObject.IDCOLUMN, JpaObject.CREATETIMECOLUMN, JpaObject.UPDATETIMECOLUMN, JpaObject.SEQUENCECOLUMN }) }) @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS) @Storage(type = processPlatform) public class Attachment extends StorageObject { private static final long serialVersionUID = -6564254194819206271L; private static final String TABLE = PersistenceProperties.Content.Attachment.table; public String getId() { return id; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } @FieldDescribe("数据库主键,自动生成.") @Id @Column(length = length_id, name = ColumnNamePrefix + id_FIELDNAME) private String id = createId(); /* 以上为 JpaObject 默认字段 */ public void onPersist() throws Exception { this.extension = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(this.extension); = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(; } public Attachment() { } public Attachment(Work work, String person, String site) { this.setCompleted(false); this.setWork(work.getId()); this.setPerson(person); this.setLastUpdatePerson(person); this.setSite(site); /** 用于判断目录的值 */ this.setWorkCreateTime(work.getCreateTime() != null ? work.getCreateTime() : new Date()); this.setApplication(work.getApplication()); this.setProcess(work.getProcess()); this.setJob(work.getJob()); this.setActivity(work.getActivity()); this.setActivityName(work.getActivityName()); this.setActivityToken(work.getActivityToken()); this.setActivityType(work.getActivityType()); } /** 更新运行方法 */ @Override public String path() throws Exception { if (null == this.workCreateTime) { throw new Exception("workCreateTime can not be null."); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(job)) { throw new Exception("job can not be empty."); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(id)) { throw new Exception("id can not be empty."); } String str = DateTools.format(workCreateTime, DateTools.formatCompact_yyyyMMdd); if (BooleanUtils.isTrue(this.getDeepPath())) { str += PATHSEPARATOR; str += StringUtils.substring(this.job, 0, 2); str += PATHSEPARATOR; str += StringUtils.substring(this.job, 2, 4); } str += PATHSEPARATOR; str += this.job; str += PATHSEPARATOR; str +=; str += StringUtils.isEmpty(this.extension) ? "" : ("." + this.extension); return str; } @Override public String getStorage() { return storage; } @Override public void setStorage(String storage) { = storage; } @Override public Long getLength() { return length; } @Override public void setLength(Long length) { this.length = length; } @Override public String getName() { return name; } @Override public void setName(String name) { = name; } @Override public String getExtension() { return extension; } @Override public void setExtension(String extension) { this.extension = extension; } @Override public Date getLastUpdateTime() { return lastUpdateTime; } @Override public void setLastUpdateTime(Date lastUpdateTime) { this.lastUpdateTime = lastUpdateTime; } @Override public Boolean getDeepPath() { return BooleanUtils.isTrue(this.deepPath); } @Override public void setDeepPath(Boolean deepPath) { this.deepPath = deepPath; } public static final String name_FIELDNAME = "name"; @FieldDescribe("文件名称,带扩展名的文件名.") @Column(length = AbstractPersistenceProperties.processPlatform_name_length, name = ColumnNamePrefix + name_FIELDNAME) @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + name_FIELDNAME) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = false, fileNameString = true) private String name; public static final String extension_FIELDNAME = "extension"; @FieldDescribe("扩展名。") @Column(length = JpaObject.length_16B, name = ColumnNamePrefix + extension_FIELDNAME) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = true, fileNameString = true) private String extension; public static final String storage_FIELDNAME = "storage"; @FieldDescribe("关联的存储名称.") @Column(length = JpaObject.length_64B, name = ColumnNamePrefix + storage_FIELDNAME) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = false, simplyString = true) @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + storage_FIELDNAME) private String storage; public static final String length_FIELDNAME = "length"; @FieldDescribe("文件大小.") @Column(name = ColumnNamePrefix + length_FIELDNAME) @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + length_FIELDNAME) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = false) private Long length; public static final String workCreateTime_FIELDNAME = "workCreateTime"; @FieldDescribe("关联的Work创建时间,用于分类目录。") @Column(name = ColumnNamePrefix + workCreateTime_FIELDNAME) @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + workCreateTime_FIELDNAME) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = false) private Date workCreateTime; public static final String application_FIELDNAME = "application"; @FieldDescribe("应用ID.") @Column(length = JpaObject.length_id, name = ColumnNamePrefix + application_FIELDNAME) @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + application_FIELDNAME) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = false) private String application; public static final String process_FIELDNAME = "process"; @FieldDescribe("流程ID.") @Column(length = JpaObject.length_id, name = ColumnNamePrefix + process_FIELDNAME) @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + process_FIELDNAME) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = false) private String process; public static final String job_FIELDNAME = "job"; @FieldDescribe("任务.") @Column(length = JpaObject.length_id, name = ColumnNamePrefix + job_FIELDNAME) @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + job_FIELDNAME) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = false) private String job; public static final String person_FIELDNAME = "person"; @FieldDescribe("文件所有者") @Column(length = AbstractPersistenceProperties.organization_name_length, name = ColumnNamePrefix + person_FIELDNAME) @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + person_FIELDNAME) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = false) private String person; public static final String lastUpdateTime_FIELDNAME = "lastUpdateTime"; @FieldDescribe("最后更新时间") @Column(name = ColumnNamePrefix + lastUpdateTime_FIELDNAME) @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + lastUpdateTime_FIELDNAME) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = false) private Date lastUpdateTime; public static final String lastUpdatePerson_FIELDNAME = "lastUpdatePerson"; @FieldDescribe("最后更新人员") @Column(length = AbstractPersistenceProperties.organization_name_length, name = ColumnNamePrefix + lastUpdatePerson_FIELDNAME) @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + lastUpdatePerson_FIELDNAME) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = false) private String lastUpdatePerson; public static final String activity_FIELDNAME = "activity"; @FieldDescribe("活动ID.") @Column(length = JpaObject.length_id, name = ColumnNamePrefix + activity_FIELDNAME) @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + activity_FIELDNAME) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = false) private String activity; public static final String activityName_FIELDNAME = "activityName"; @FieldDescribe("活动名称.") @Column(length = AbstractPersistenceProperties.processPlatform_name_length, name = ColumnNamePrefix + activityName_FIELDNAME) @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + activityName_FIELDNAME) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = true) private String activityName; public static final String activityType_FIELDNAME = "activityType"; @FieldDescribe("活动类型.") @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) @Column(length = ActivityType.length, name = ColumnNamePrefix + activityType_FIELDNAME) @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + activityType_FIELDNAME) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = true) private ActivityType activityType; public static final String activityToken_FIELDNAME = "activityToken"; @FieldDescribe("活动Token.") @Column(length = JpaObject.length_id, name = ColumnNamePrefix + activityToken_FIELDNAME) @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + activityToken_FIELDNAME) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = true) private String activityToken; public static final String completed_FIELDNAME = "completed"; @FieldDescribe("整个job是否已经完成.") @Column(name = ColumnNamePrefix + completed_FIELDNAME) @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + completed_FIELDNAME) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = false) private Boolean completed; public static final String workCompleted_FIELDNAME = "workCompleted"; @FieldDescribe("工作ID.") @Column(length = JpaObject.length_id, name = ColumnNamePrefix + workCompleted_FIELDNAME) @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + workCompleted_FIELDNAME) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = true) private String workCompleted; public static final String work_FIELDNAME = "work"; @FieldDescribe("已完成工作ID.") @Column(length = JpaObject.length_id, name = ColumnNamePrefix + work_FIELDNAME) @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + work_FIELDNAME) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = true) private String work; public static final String site_FIELDNAME = "site"; @FieldDescribe("附件框分类.") @Column(length = JpaObject.length_64B, name = ColumnNamePrefix + site_FIELDNAME) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = true) private String site; public static final String type_FIELDNAME = "type"; @FieldDescribe("根据流文件判断的文件类型.") @Column(length = JpaObject.length_255B, name = ColumnNamePrefix + type_FIELDNAME) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = true) private String type; public static final String text_FIELDNAME = "text"; @FieldDescribe("文本.") @Lob @Basic(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @Column(length = JpaObject.length_100M, name = ColumnNamePrefix + text_FIELDNAME) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = true) private String text; public static final String readIdentityList_FIELDNAME = "readIdentityList"; @FieldDescribe("可以访问的身份.") @PersistentCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @ContainerTable(name = TABLE + ContainerTableNameMiddle + readIdentityList_FIELDNAME, joinIndex = @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + readIdentityList_FIELDNAME + JoinIndexNameSuffix)) @OrderColumn(name = ORDERCOLUMNCOLUMN) @ElementColumn(length = length_255B, name = ColumnNamePrefix + readIdentityList_FIELDNAME) @ElementIndex(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + readIdentityList_FIELDNAME + ElementIndexNameSuffix) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = true) private List readIdentityList; public static final String readUnitList_FIELDNAME = "readUnitList"; @FieldDescribe("可以访问的组织.") @PersistentCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @ContainerTable(name = TABLE + ContainerTableNameMiddle + readUnitList_FIELDNAME, joinIndex = @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + readUnitList_FIELDNAME + JoinIndexNameSuffix)) @OrderColumn(name = ORDERCOLUMNCOLUMN) @ElementColumn(length = length_255B, name = ColumnNamePrefix + readUnitList_FIELDNAME) @ElementIndex(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + readUnitList_FIELDNAME + ElementIndexNameSuffix) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = true) private List readUnitList; public static final String editIdentityList_FIELDNAME = "editIdentityList"; @FieldDescribe("可以修改的用户.") @PersistentCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @ContainerTable(name = TABLE + ContainerTableNameMiddle + editIdentityList_FIELDNAME, joinIndex = @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + editIdentityList_FIELDNAME + JoinIndexNameSuffix)) @OrderColumn(name = ORDERCOLUMNCOLUMN) @ElementColumn(length = length_255B, name = ColumnNamePrefix + editIdentityList_FIELDNAME) @ElementIndex(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + editIdentityList_FIELDNAME + ElementIndexNameSuffix) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = true) private List editIdentityList; public static final String editUnitList_FIELDNAME = "editUnitList"; @FieldDescribe("可以修改的组织.") @PersistentCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @ContainerTable(name = TABLE + ContainerTableNameMiddle + editUnitList_FIELDNAME, joinIndex = @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + editUnitList_FIELDNAME + JoinIndexNameSuffix)) @OrderColumn(name = ORDERCOLUMNCOLUMN) @ElementColumn(length = length_255B, name = ColumnNamePrefix + editUnitList_FIELDNAME) @ElementIndex(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + editUnitList_FIELDNAME + ElementIndexNameSuffix) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = true) private List editUnitList; public static final String controllerIdentityList_FIELDNAME = "controllerIdentityList"; @FieldDescribe("可以管理的用户.") @PersistentCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @ContainerTable(name = TABLE + ContainerTableNameMiddle + controllerIdentityList_FIELDNAME, joinIndex = @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + controllerIdentityList_FIELDNAME + JoinIndexNameSuffix)) @OrderColumn(name = ORDERCOLUMNCOLUMN) @ElementColumn(length = length_255B, name = ColumnNamePrefix + controllerIdentityList_FIELDNAME) @ElementIndex(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + controllerIdentityList_FIELDNAME + ElementIndexNameSuffix) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = true) private List controllerIdentityList; public static final String controllerUnitList_FIELDNAME = "controllerUnitList"; @FieldDescribe("可以管理的组织.") @PersistentCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @ContainerTable(name = TABLE + ContainerTableNameMiddle + controllerUnitList_FIELDNAME, joinIndex = @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + controllerUnitList_FIELDNAME + JoinIndexNameSuffix)) @OrderColumn(name = ORDERCOLUMNCOLUMN) @ElementColumn(length = length_255B, name = ColumnNamePrefix + controllerUnitList_FIELDNAME) @ElementIndex(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + controllerUnitList_FIELDNAME + ElementIndexNameSuffix) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = true) private List controllerUnitList; public static final String deepPath_FIELDNAME = "deepPath"; @FieldDescribe("是否使用更深的路径.") @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = true) @Column(name = ColumnNamePrefix + deepPath_FIELDNAME) @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + deepPath_FIELDNAME) private Boolean deepPath; public static final String orderNumber_FIELDNAME = "orderNumber"; @FieldDescribe("排序号,升序排列,为空在最后") @Column(name = ColumnNamePrefix + orderNumber_FIELDNAME) @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + orderNumber_FIELDNAME) private Integer orderNumber; public static final String divisionList_FIELDNAME = "divisionList"; @FieldDescribe("分组.") @PersistentCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @ContainerTable(name = TABLE + ContainerTableNameMiddle + divisionList_FIELDNAME, joinIndex = @Index(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + divisionList_FIELDNAME + JoinIndexNameSuffix)) @OrderColumn(name = ORDERCOLUMNCOLUMN) @ElementColumn(length = length_255B, name = ColumnNamePrefix + divisionList_FIELDNAME) @ElementIndex(name = TABLE + IndexNameMiddle + divisionList_FIELDNAME + ElementIndexNameSuffix) @CheckPersist(allowEmpty = true) private List divisionList; public String getJob() { return job; } public void setJob(String job) { this.job = job; } public Integer getOrderNumber() { return orderNumber; } public void setOrderNumber(Integer orderNumber) { this.orderNumber = orderNumber; } public String getApplication() { return application; } public void setApplication(String application) { this.application = application; } public String getProcess() { return process; } public void setProcess(String process) { this.process = process; } public String getPerson() { return person; } public void setPerson(String person) { this.person = person; } public Date getWorkCreateTime() { return workCreateTime; } public void setWorkCreateTime(Date workCreateTime) { this.workCreateTime = workCreateTime; } public String getLastUpdatePerson() { return lastUpdatePerson; } public void setLastUpdatePerson(String lastUpdatePerson) { this.lastUpdatePerson = lastUpdatePerson; } public String getActivity() { return activity; } public void setActivity(String activity) { this.activity = activity; } public String getActivityName() { return activityName; } public void setActivityName(String activityName) { this.activityName = activityName; } public String getActivityToken() { return activityToken; } public void setActivityToken(String activityToken) { this.activityToken = activityToken; } public String getSite() { return site; } public void setSite(String site) { = site; } public ActivityType getActivityType() { return activityType; } public void setActivityType(ActivityType activityType) { this.activityType = activityType; } public Boolean getCompleted() { return completed; } public void setCompleted(Boolean completed) { this.completed = completed; } public String getWorkCompleted() { return workCompleted; } public void setWorkCompleted(String workCompleted) { this.workCompleted = workCompleted; } public String getWork() { return work; } public void setWork(String work) { = work; } public String getType() { return type; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } public String getText() { return text; } public void setText(String text) { this.text = text; } public List getReadIdentityList() { return readIdentityList; } public void setReadIdentityList(List readIdentityList) { this.readIdentityList = readIdentityList; } public List getReadUnitList() { return readUnitList; } public void setReadUnitList(List readUnitList) { this.readUnitList = readUnitList; } public List getEditIdentityList() { return editIdentityList; } public void setEditIdentityList(List editIdentityList) { this.editIdentityList = editIdentityList; } public List getEditUnitList() { return editUnitList; } public void setEditUnitList(List editUnitList) { this.editUnitList = editUnitList; } public List getControllerIdentityList() { return controllerIdentityList; } public void setControllerIdentityList(List controllerIdentityList) { this.controllerIdentityList = controllerIdentityList; } public List getControllerUnitList() { return controllerUnitList; } public void setControllerUnitList(List controllerUnitList) { this.controllerUnitList = controllerUnitList; } public List getDivisionList() { return divisionList; } public void setDivisionList(List divisionList) { this.divisionList = divisionList; } }