from datetime import datetime from PIL import Image import numpy as np import io from torchvision import transforms as trans import torch from insight_face.model import l2_norm import pdb import cv2 def separate_bn_paras(modules): if not isinstance(modules, list): modules = [*modules.modules()] paras_only_bn = [] paras_wo_bn = [] for layer in modules: if 'model' in str(layer.__class__): continue if 'container' in str(layer.__class__): continue else: if 'batchnorm' in str(layer.__class__): paras_only_bn.extend([*layer.parameters()]) else: paras_wo_bn.extend([*layer.parameters()]) return paras_only_bn, paras_wo_bn def prepare_facebank(path_images,facebank_path, model, mtcnn, device , tta = True): # test_transform_ = trans.Compose([ trans.ToTensor(), trans.Normalize([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) ]) # model.eval() embeddings = [] names = ['Unknown'] idx = 0 for path in path_images.iterdir(): if path.is_file(): continue else: idx += 1 print() embs = [] for file in path.iterdir(): if not file.is_file(): continue else: try: img = print(" {}) {}".format(idx+1,file)) except: continue if img.size != (112, 112): try: img = mtcnn.align(img) except: continue with torch.no_grad(): if tta: mirror = trans.functional.hflip(img) emb = model(test_transform_(img).to(device).unsqueeze(0)) emb_mirror = model(test_transform_(mirror).to(device).unsqueeze(0)) embs.append(l2_norm(emb + emb_mirror)) else: embs.append(model(test_transform_(img).to(device).unsqueeze(0))) if len(embs) == 0: continue embedding =,keepdim=True) embeddings.append(embedding) names.append( embeddings = names = np.array(names), facebank_path+'/facebank.pth') + '/names', names) return embeddings, names def load_facebank(facebank_path): embeddings = torch.load(facebank_path + '/facebank.pth') names = np.load(facebank_path + '/names.npy') return embeddings, names def de_preprocess(tensor): return tensor*0.5 + 0.5 hflip = trans.Compose([ de_preprocess, trans.ToPILImage(), trans.functional.hflip, trans.ToTensor(), trans.Normalize([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) ]) def hflip_batch(imgs_tensor): hfliped_imgs = torch.empty_like(imgs_tensor) for i, img_ten in enumerate(imgs_tensor): hfliped_imgs[i] = hflip(img_ten) return hfliped_imgs def draw_box_name(bbox,name,frame): frame = cv2.rectangle(frame,(bbox[0],bbox[1]),(bbox[2],bbox[3]),(0,0,255),6) frame = cv2.putText(frame, name, (bbox[0],bbox[1]), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2, (0,255,0), 3, cv2.LINE_AA) return frame def infer(model, device, faces, target_embs, threshold = 1.2 ,tta=False): ''' faces : list of PIL Image target_embs : [n, 512] computed embeddings of faces in facebank names : recorded names of faces in facebank tta : test time augmentation (hfilp, that's all) ''' test_transform = trans.Compose([ trans.ToTensor(), trans.Normalize([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) ]) # embs = [] for img in faces: if tta: mirror = trans.functional.hflip(img) emb = model(test_transform(img).to(device).unsqueeze(0)) emb_mirror = model(test_transform(mirror).to(device).unsqueeze(0)) embs.append(l2_norm(emb + emb_mirror)) else: with torch.no_grad(): embs.append(model(test_transform(img).to(device).unsqueeze(0))) source_embs = diff = source_embs.unsqueeze(-1) - target_embs.transpose(1,0).unsqueeze(0) dist = torch.sum(torch.pow(diff, 2), dim=1) minimum, min_idx = torch.min(dist, dim=1) min_idx[minimum > threshold] = -1 # if no match, set idx to -1 return min_idx, minimum