/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making TencentOS * available. * * Copyright (C) 2019 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. * If you have downloaded a copy of the TencentOS binary from Tencent, please * note that the TencentOS binary is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License. * * If you have downloaded a copy of the TencentOS source code from Tencent, * please note that TencentOS source code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause * License, except for the third-party components listed below which are * subject to different license terms. Your integration of TencentOS into your * own projects may require compliance with the BSD 3-Clause License, as well * as the other licenses applicable to the third-party components included * within TencentOS. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef _TOS_COMPLETION_H_ #define _TOS_COMPLETION_H_ #if TOS_CFG_COMPLETION_EN > 0u typedef uint16_t completion_done_t; typedef struct k_completion_st { #if TOS_CFG_OBJECT_VERIFY_EN > 0u knl_obj_t knl_obj; #endif pend_obj_t pend_obj; completion_done_t done; } k_completion_t; /** * @brief Create a completion. * create a completion. * * @attention None * * @param[in] completion pointer to the handler of the completion. * * @return errcode * @retval #K_ERR_NONE return successfully. */ __API__ k_err_t tos_completion_create(k_completion_t *completion); /** * @brief Destroy a completion. * destroy a completion. * * @attention None * * @param[in] completion pointer to the handler of the completion. * * @return errcode * @retval #K_ERR_OBJ_INVALID completion is not a valid pointer to completion * @retval #K_ERR_NONE return successfully. */ __API__ k_err_t tos_completion_destroy(k_completion_t *completion); /** * @brief Pend a completion. * pend a completion. * * @attention None * * @param[in] completion pointer to the handler of the completion. * @param[in] timeout how much time(in k_tick_t) we would like to wait. * * @return errcode * @retval #K_ERR_PEND_NOWAIT we get nothing, and we don't wanna wait. * @retval #K_ERR_PEND_SCHED_LOCKED we can wait, but scheduler is locked. * @retval #K_ERR_PEND_TIMEOUT the time we wait is up, we get nothing. * @retval #K_ERR_PEND_DESTROY the completion we are pending is destroyed. * @retval #K_ERR_NONE return successfully. */ __API__ k_err_t tos_completion_pend_timed(k_completion_t *completion, k_tick_t timeout); /** * @brief Pend a completion. * pend a completion. * * @attention None * * @param[in] completion pointer to the handler of the completion. * @param[in] timeout how much time(in k_tick_t) we would like to wait. * * @return errcode * @retval #K_ERR_PEND_SCHED_LOCKED we can wait, but scheduler is locked. * @retval #K_ERR_PEND_DESTROY the completion we are pending is destroyed. * @retval #K_ERR_NONE return successfully. */ __API__ k_err_t tos_completion_pend(k_completion_t *completion); /** * @brief Post a completion. * post a completion and wakeup one pending task. * * @attention when tos_completion_post return successfully, only one task who are waitting for the completion will be woken up. * * @param[in] completion pointer to the handler of the completion. * * @return errcode * @retval #K_ERR_COMPLETION_OVERFLOW we are nesting post a completion too much. * @retval #K_ERR_NONE return successfully. */ __API__ k_err_t tos_completion_post(k_completion_t *completion); /** * @brief Post a completion. * post a completion and wakeup all the pending task. * * @attention when tos_completion_post_all return successfully, all of the tasks who are waitting for the completion will be woken up. * * @param[in] completion pointer to the handler of the completion. * * @return errcode * @retval #K_ERR_COMPLETION_OVERFLOW we are nesting post a completion too much. * @retval #K_ERR_NONE return successfully. */ __API__ k_err_t tos_completion_post_all(k_completion_t *completion); /** * @brief Reset a completion. * reset a completion to un-done. * * @attention None. * * @param[in] completion pointer to the handler of the completion. * * @return errcode * @retval #K_ERR_NONE return successfully. */ __API__ k_err_t tos_completion_reset(k_completion_t *completion); /** * @brief Test whether a completion is done. * test whether a completion is done. * * @attention None * * @param[in] completion pointer to the handler of the completion. * * @return whether a completion is done * @retval K_TRUE the completion is done. * @retval K_FALSE the completion is not done. */ __API__ int tos_completion_is_done(k_completion_t *completion); #endif #endif