import os import secrets from PIL import Image from flask import url_for, current_app from flask_mail import Message from flaskblog import mail def save_picture(form_picture): random_hex = secrets.token_hex(8) _, f_ext = os.path.splitext(form_picture.filename) picture_fn = random_hex + f_ext picture_path = os.path.join(current_app.root_path, 'static/profile_pics', picture_fn) output_size = (125, 125) i = i.thumbnail(output_size) return picture_fn def send_reset_email(user): token = user.get_reset_token() msg = Message('Password Reset Request', sender='', recipients=[]) msg.body = f'''To reset your password, visit the following link: {url_for('users.reset_token', token=token, _external=True)} If you did not make this request then simply ignore this email and no changes will be made. ''' mail.send(msg)