MWF.xApplication.IMV2.LP = { "title": "Chat", "modifyMember": "Members", "noMessage": "No Message!", "createConversation": "Create a chat session", "createSingle": "Single Chat", "createGroup": "Group Chat", "sendSuccess": "Message sent successfully!", "minutesBefore":" Minutes Before", "hoursBefore":" Hours Before", "yesterday": "Yesterday", "beforeYesterday": "Before Yesterday ", "daysBefore": " Days Before", "monthAgo": "One Month Ago", "towMonthAgo": "Tow Month Ago", "threeMonthAgo": "Three Month Ago", "selectPerson": "Person", "ok": "OK", "close": "Close", "alert": "Tips", "setting": "Setting", "chooseConversation":"Select Conversation", "chooseConversationExistConversation":"Currently there is an associated chat conversation:", "chooseConversationCreateNew":"Create a new chat", "choosePerson":"Select personnel", "choosePersonCreate":"Create chat", "chooseBusinessWorkTitle":"Associated work", "open": "open", "noTitle": "Untitled", "modifyGroupName": "Modify Name", "groupName": "Name", "clearAllMsg": "Clear chat history", "msgMenuItemRevokeMemberMsg": "Revoke member message", "msgMenuItemRevokeMsg": "Revoke", "msgLoadNoMoreData": "No more data!", "msgNoBusinessId": "No business ID!", "msgNoBusinessPerson": "No business related personnel found, unable to create chat!", "msgNotSupport": "Temporarily not supported!", "msgNeedChoosePerson": "Please select at least one person!", "settingsClearMsg": "Enable Clearing msg: ", "settingsRevokeMsg": "Enable Revoke msg: ", "enterMessage": "Enter message content", "send": "Send", "sendKeyTips": "Ctrl + Enter Line feed", "file": "[File]", "messageXadminNotSupport": "The xadmin cannot use chat, please switch to normal user login!", "messageClearAllMsgAlert": "Are you sure you want to clear the chat records? After clearing, everyone in the current session will not see these chat records?" };