var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __spreadValues = (a, b) => { for (var prop in b || (b = {})) if (, prop)) __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]); if (__getOwnPropSymbols) for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(b)) { if (, prop)) __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]); } return a; }; import { EventEmitter, UniSocket, EJSON } from "../../hj-core/js_sdk"; function deepCopy(d) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(d)); } const uuid = { id: 1, next() { return (; } }; const DDPConnectionState = { CLOSED: 0, CONNECTING: 1, CONNECTED: 2, READY: 3, FAIL: 4, CLOSING: 5, RECONNECTING: 6 }; const DDPConnectionEvent = { STATE_CHANGE: "state-change" }; const supportedDdpVersions = ["1", "pre2", "pre1"]; class DDPConnection extends EventEmitter { constructor(opts) { super(); this.supportedDdpVersions = supportedDdpVersions; this.state = DDPConnectionState.CLOSED; this.messages = []; this.checkTick = null; this.tlsOpts = (opts == null ? void 0 : opts.tlsOpts) || {}; this.autoReconnect = "autoReconnect" in opts ? !!(opts == null ? void 0 : opts.autoReconnect) : true; this.autoReconnectTimer = (opts == null ? void 0 : opts.autoReconnectTimer) || 1e4; this.url = opts == null ? void 0 : opts.url; this.socketConstructor = opts.socketConstructor || UniSocket; this.ddpVersion = (opts == null ? void 0 : opts.ddpVersion) || "1"; this._callbacks = {}; this._updatedCallbacks = {}; this._pendingMethods = {}; this.on("connected", () => { this._clearReconnectTimeout(); this.changeState(DDPConnectionState.READY); this.checkMessage(); }); this.on("failed", (error) => { this.changeState(DDPConnectionState.FAIL, error); }); if ("autoConnect" in opts ? opts.autoConnect : true) { this.connect(); } } get isSocketBusy() { return this.state === DDPConnectionState.CLOSING || this.state === DDPConnectionState.CONNECTING || this .state === DDPConnectionState.RECONNECTING; } changeState(state, data) { this.state = state; this.emit(DDPConnectionEvent.STATE_CHANGE, { state, data }); } connect(url, protos, data) { if (this.state !== DDPConnectionState.CLOSED && this.state !== DDPConnectionState.RECONNECTING) { return; } this.changeState(DDPConnectionState.CONNECTING); this.url = this.parseUrl(url || this.url); this.socket = new this.socketConstructor(this.url + "/websocket", protos, data); this._prepareHandlers(); } parseUrl(url = "") { if (url.endsWith("/")) url = url.slice(0, -1); if (url.endsWith("/websocket")) url = url.slice(0, -10); return url; } _prepareHandlers() { const socket = this.socket; socket.onopen = () => { this.changeState(DDPConnectionState.CONNECTED); this.send({ msg: "connect", version: this.ddpVersion, support: this.supportedDdpVersions }, true); }; socket.onerror = (error) => { if (this.state === DDPConnectionState.CONNECTING) { this.emit("failed", error.message); this.changeState(DDPConnectionState.FAIL); } this.emit("socket-error", error); }; socket.onclose = (ev) => { this.changeState(DDPConnectionState.CLOSED, ev); if (this.state === DDPConnectionState.CONNECTED) { this.emit("socket-close", ev == null ? void 0 : ev.code, ev == null ? void 0 : ev.reason); this._endPendingMethodCalls(); } this.reconnect(); }; socket.onmessage = (event) => { this.ddpMessageHandler(; this.emit("message",; }; } close() { this.changeState(DDPConnectionState.CLOSING); this.socket.close(); } call(name, params, callback, updatedCallback, options = {}) { var id = this._getNextId(); let timer; if (options.timeout) timer = setTimeout(() => { this.revokeCallBack(id, 'TIMEOUT') }, options.timeout); if (typeof callback === "function") { this._pendingMethods[id] = true; this._callbacks[id] = (...args) => { delete this._callbacks[id] delete this._pendingMethods[id]; if (callback) { callback.apply(this, args); } timer && clearTimeout(timer) }; } if (typeof updatedCallback === "function") { this._pendingMethods[id] = true; const callback = this._updatedCallbacks[id] this._updatedCallbacks[id] = (...args) => { delete this._pendingMethods[id]; delete this._updatedCallbacks[id] if (callback) { callback.apply(this, args); } timer && clearTimeout(timer) }; } this.send({ msg: "method", id, method: name, params }); } callWithRandomSeed(method, params, randomSeed, callback, updatedCallback) { var id = this._getNextId(); if (callback) { this._callbacks[id] = callback; } if (updatedCallback) { this._updatedCallbacks[id] = updatedCallback; } this.send({ msg: "method", id, method, randomSeed, params }); } subscribe(name, params, callback) { const id =; const data = { msg: "sub", id, name, params }; if (typeof callback === "function") this._callbacks[id] = (err) => { callback(err, !err ? { id, name, params, stop: () => this.unsubscribe(id) } : undefined); }; this.send(data); return id; } unsubscribe(id) { this.send({ msg: "unsub", id }); } _clearReconnectTimeout() { if (this.reconnectTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.reconnectTimeout); this.reconnectTimeout = null; } } reconnect() { if (!this.autoReconnect || this.isSocketBusy) return; this._clearReconnectTimeout(); this.reconnectTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.connect(); }, this.autoReconnectTimer); this.changeState(DDPConnectionState.RECONNECTING); } send(data, force = false) { if (force) { if (this.state === DDPConnectionState.CONNECTED) this.socket.send(EJSON.stringify(data)); else this.messages.unshift(data); return; } if ( { const oldIndex = this.messages.findIndex((el) => { return el.method && el.method === data.method && JSON.stringify(el.params) === JSON .stringify(data.params); }); if (oldIndex > -1) { const oo = this.messages.splice(oldIndex, 1)[0]; this.revokeCallBack(, "忽略了相同参数的相同方法调用"); } } this.messages.push(data); this.checkMessage(); } checkMessage() { if (this.state !== DDPConnectionState.READY || this.messages.length === 0) return; clearTimeout(this.checkTick); this.socket.send(JSON.stringify(this.messages.shift())); this.checkTick = setTimeout(() => { this.checkMessage(); }, 0); } ddpMessageHandler(data) { data = EJSON.parse(data); const type = data == null ? void 0 : data.msg; this.emit('ddp-message', data) switch (type) { case "failed": { if (this.supportedDdpVersions.indexOf(data.version) !== -1) { this.ddpVersion = data.version; this.connect(); } else { this.autoReconnect = false; this.emit("failed", "Cannot negotiate DDP version"); } break; } case "connected": { this.session = data.session; this.emit("connected"); break; } case "result": { this.revokeCallBack(, data.error, data.result); break; } case "updated": { Array.from(data.methods).forEach((method) => { var cb = this._updatedCallbacks[method]; if (cb) { cb(); delete this._updatedCallbacks[method]; } }); break; } case "nosub": { this.revokeCallBack(, data.error); break; } case "ready": { Array.from(data.subs).forEach((id) => { this.revokeCallBack(id); }); break; } case "ping": { this.send(, "id") ? { msg: "pong", id: } : { msg: "pong" }); } } } _getNextId() { return; } _endPendingMethodCalls() { var ids = Object.keys(this._pendingMethods); this._pendingMethods = {}; ids.forEach((id) => { if (this._callbacks[id]) { this._callbacks[id]('DISCONNECTED'); delete this._callbacks[id]; } if (this._updatedCallbacks[id]) { this._updatedCallbacks[id](); delete this._updatedCallbacks[id]; } }); } revokeCallBack(id, ...args) { const cb = this._callbacks[id]; typeof cb === "function" && cb(...args); delete this._callbacks[id]; } } var IDDPConnectionState; (function(IDDPConnectionState2) { IDDPConnectionState2[IDDPConnectionState2["CLOSED"] = 0] = "CLOSED"; IDDPConnectionState2[IDDPConnectionState2["CONNECTING"] = 1] = "CONNECTING"; IDDPConnectionState2[IDDPConnectionState2["CONNECTED"] = 2] = "CONNECTED"; IDDPConnectionState2[IDDPConnectionState2["READY"] = 3] = "READY"; IDDPConnectionState2[IDDPConnectionState2["FAIL"] = 4] = "FAIL"; IDDPConnectionState2[IDDPConnectionState2["CLOSING"] = 5] = "CLOSING"; IDDPConnectionState2[IDDPConnectionState2["RECONNECTING"] = 6] = "RECONNECTING"; })(IDDPConnectionState || (IDDPConnectionState = {})); class Client { constructor({ url = "ws://localhost:3000/websocket" }) { this.plugins = {}; if (Client.clients.has(url)) return Client.clients.get(url); Client.clients.set(url, this); this.connection = new DDPConnection({ url }); this.on = this.connection.on.bind(this.connection) this.isReady = () => new Promise(resolve => { if (this.connection.state === DDPConnectionState.CONNECTED) { return resolve() } const cb = ({ state }) => { if (state === DDPConnectionState.CONNECTED) {, cb) resolve() } } this.connection.on(DDPConnectionEvent.STATE_CHANGE, cb) }) this.isClose = () => new Promise(resolve => { if (this.connection.state !== DDPConnectionState.CONNECTED) { return resolve() } const cb = ({ state }) => { if (state !== DDPConnectionState.CONNECTED) {, cb) resolve() } } this.connection.on(DDPConnectionEvent.STATE_CHANGE, cb) }) const onReadys = new Set() const onCloses = new Set() this.onReady = cb => { if (typeof cb !== "function") return console.warn(`must be function onReady`) if (this.connection.state === DDPConnectionState.CONNECTED) cb() onReadys.add(cb) return () => onReadys.delete(cb) } this.onClose = cb => { if (typeof cb !== "function") return console.warn(`must be function onClose`) if (this.connection.state !== DDPConnectionState.CONNECTED) cb() onCloses.add(cb) return () => onCloses.delete(cb) } let connected = false; this.connection.on(DDPConnectionEvent.STATE_CHANGE, ({ state }) => { const newState = state === DDPConnectionState.CONNECTED; if (newState === connected) return; connected = newState; (connected ? onReadys : onCloses).forEach(el => el()); }) } call(name, ...args) { const callArgs = args.filter((el) => typeof el !== "function"); const callback = args.filter((el) => typeof el === "function"); return, callArgs, callback[0], callback[1]); } callAsync(name, ...args) { return new Promise((res, rej) => {, callArgs, (err, data) => err ? rej(err) : res(data)); }) } subscribe(name, ...args) { const callArgs = args.filter((el) => typeof el !== "function"); const callback = args.filter((el) => typeof el === "function"); return this.connection.subscribe(name, callArgs, callback[0]); } unsubscribe(id) { this.connection.unsubscribe(id); } destroy() { this.connection.close(); } }; Client.clients = new Map(); const buildedClients = new Map(); function connect(opt) { if (!opt) opt = "ws://localhost:3000/websocket"; const userOpt = typeof opt === "string" ? { url: opt } : opt; if (buildedClients.has(userOpt.url)) return buildedClients.get(userOpt.url); return Object.freeze(new Client(__spreadValues({ socketConstructor: UniSocket }, userOpt))); } export { IDDPConnectionState, connect };