load("@rules_cc//cc:defs.bzl", "cc_binary") load("//third_party/qt5:qt.bzl", "qt_cc_library") package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) cc_binary( name = "cyber_visualizer", copts = [ "-Iexternal/qt", ], includes = [ ".", ], linkopts = [ "-pthread", ], deps = [ ":visualizer_lib", "//third_party:console_bridge", "//third_party:glvnd", "@fastrtps", "@qt//:qt_core", "@qt//:qt_gui", "@qt//:qt_opengl", "@qt//:qt_widgets", ], ) # TODO(all): Extract the large library to thin pieces. # name, src, hdr, uis = [], res = [], normal_hdrs = [], deps = None qt_cc_library( name = "visualizer_lib", src = glob( ["*.cc"], ), copts = [ "-Imodules/drivers/proto", "-Iexternal/qt", "-fPIC", ], hdr = glob([ "*.h", ]), includes = [ ".", ], linkstatic = 1, res = glob([ "*.qrc", ]), uis = glob([ "uis/*.ui", ]), deps = [ "//cyber", "//modules/drivers/proto:pointcloud_cc_proto", "//modules/drivers/proto:radar_cc_proto", "//modules/drivers/proto:sensor_image_cc_proto", "@qt//:qt_core", "@qt//:qt_gui", "@qt//:qt_opengl", "@qt//:qt_widgets", ], ) # TODO(all): Disable linter temporarily as the generated ui files should be # excluded from check. But we should also check the .h and .cc files, if they # are extracted to their own cc_libraries. See the TODO above. # cpplint()